May 21 2007, 04:27 PM
In case you have not heard we are having a get together tomorrow night at Crow Creek Tavern for Phillip Paul. We need you to donate all the money or discs that you can in order for us to raise money for Philip Paul's burial. If you can only afford to give $2 then please bring it out or atleast show some support by showing up. There will be a silent auction, live music and good times. The patio is reserved for us so even people under the age of 18 can attend.
Please put disc golf off for one day and show up to crow creek. If you have other plans cancel them, we really need your help!!
Online Flyer Cick Here (http://tulsadiscsports.org/phillippaulbenefit.html) We need your help!
May 21 2007, 04:45 PM
what time is the auction ?
thanks MC for the heads up
we will see you and hopefully EVERYONE there
May 21 2007, 04:45 PM
oops i see the time now
May 21 2007, 05:10 PM
I posted 7pm at first but it's actually 8pm.
Like Jay said, EVERYONE should show up for this. Even if you can't give any $$$$ maybe you can donate a disc or anything else for the silent auction.
Show up people, it's the right thing to do...just imagine if it were you in Steve & Cindy's shoes, nuff said get your Disc Golfin butts out there and have a good time :D
Remember you don't have to be 21 to attend ;)
May 21 2007, 05:30 PM
What time will we need to have the DISCS for the silent auction there?
May 21 2007, 05:37 PM
I was wondering the same thing. I would say have them there by 8pm, the auction should go for about an hour and a half.
May 21 2007, 06:18 PM
And tell all your friends to come out also, the more the merrier...we need to make tomorrow night as successfull as possible, we can only do that if people show up.
Be respectful and please do something, it's times like these where we need our friends and family most...do the right thing ;)
May 22 2007, 01:08 PM
I hope we have a good turnout tonight for Steve and Cindy. It would be a shame if you go play disc golf and not support this cause.
Like I said yesterday, even if you only have $2 to donate please bring it on out along with any items you would like to donate for the silent auction.
I think we should have the silent auction up for no longer than an hour MAYBE an hour and a half, that way we are not out at the bar too late.
I hope to see all your smiling faces at The Crow Creek Tavern tonight!
May 22 2007, 01:47 PM
How does a silent auction work? :confused:
May 22 2007, 01:56 PM
First off, you're not allowed to speak, so that will present it's own problems for you. :o
Items are usually layed out for view with a sheet of paper below them. You write down your bid and if the next person bid is higher they write theirs down below yours with the higher $ amount.
Kind of like a CTP flag. ;)
May 22 2007, 02:40 PM
Bring your ROCS for the silent auction.
Wise bring your checkbook, cuz I'm bringing a 2005 SB Roc as well as an INNcolor Disc
May 22 2007, 02:50 PM
I think 2Butt is playing soccer mom tonight and will not be there. Sounds like he perfers balls over Rocs anyway. :o
May 23 2007, 09:48 AM
So how did it go last night?
Anyone score some special items?
What was the most expensive item sold?
May 23 2007, 10:49 AM
2007 roc $140
jose and furdog got the funds raised for that disc with furdog taking it home i think k mac brought that one
he also brought a worlds doubles disc 2001
i took it home there it was furdog again pumping up the bids
i also got a first run ram very nice
any way i would like to thank crow creek and woody for getting this going as well as all that came and supported this event
like furdog said in closing last night we are not just a bunch of drinkers and smokers wondering around in the park throwing disc
we a a group that cares for one another and it was good to0 see us come together in this time of need
last night my wife and myself was proud to be a part of such a wonderful group
o and we had a great time and i can only hope that we was able to provide some comfort to cindy and steve
May 23 2007, 10:51 AM
Which Roc was it?
Was it like this one, except white?
May 23 2007, 11:30 AM
The Highlight Items were:
The 2007 brought $140
The 2005 SB brought $75
CE Valkyrie $60
The DGA portable brought $150
I feel I got the steal of the night $32.23 for a Star Stamped 1st Run Spider
I would estimate that the silent auction brought close to $1000...Furdog, Slack, Jose, and Jerry Stacey were the big contributers I think
May 23 2007, 11:42 AM
That is great news.
I have a few more that I'll let go for $100. :D:D:D
May 23 2007, 11:51 AM
That is great news.
I have a few more that I'll let go for $100. :D:D:D
NO KIDDING!!! They had all the money on the wrong ROC but it all goes to a good cause so i wasn't going to say anything ;)
$215 for the 2 of them is FRIGGIN OUTSTANDING!!!!!
May 23 2007, 12:12 PM
Last night just shows that we do care. It was never about the Roc's. I was all about donating some maney and why not get a little somthing on the side anyway. There is always the "thrill of the hunt" in those auctions. Kudos to Furdog - when I told him $130 was my last bid on the Roc he did not come in and bid $130.01 he went up the to $140. It is all for Steve and Cindy - I could never imagine having to deal with the grief they are going through. I hope they know if there is anything else I/we can do I/we will do it. It was nice to see so many people come out and support the event with their time, money and hearts.
May 23 2007, 12:20 PM
Wished I could have been there. Even if just to cause bidding wars. :D
May 23 2007, 12:38 PM
the bidding wars was cool i had a great time just adding a buck to see furdog add a 5 bucks
and i really got a great deal on some things i would have gladdly given more
"It is all for Steve and Cindy - I could never imagine having to deal with the grief they are going through. I hope they know if there is anything else I/we can do I/we will do it. It was nice to see so many people come out and support the event with their time, money and hearts. "
well said jose
May 23 2007, 01:50 PM
Last night proved how many disc golfers have a heart and truly care about one another. Thank you to everyone who donated and gave us a hand getting the auction set-up. When I left the bar and saw all that money in the box for Steve and Cindy my heart felt really warm. It's times like these when you know who your true friends are. Thank you to everyone who showed up and gave their support emotionally and financially.
I was kind of disappointed that more of the "regulars" did not show up :confused: but it was a successful night anyway.
May 23 2007, 03:11 PM
Wow��What a tough crowd of bidders. First there was Chris Hicks who guarded over his bid on the CE Valk all night. Then you had Slack who just stood around and dropped a dollar over my bids all night long for the 2001 doubles disc. Then there was Kevin who stood by and told me that no matter what I bid on, Twoputt was going to call in at the last minute and outbid me. :( .. Jose opened the bid of the 2007 Roc at $100 and would hover around to take the pen out of my hand as soon as I outbid him on the Roc. That was a battle.
I had the red 2005 Roc at $55 for a long time but (just like Ebay) lost it in the final minutes. That�s ok though because I wasn�t sure if Twoputt had donated that and knowing my luck, if I had won it he would have probably produced a picture of it sticking out his butt. :p..... I liked the stamp on the 07 Roc better and because it was in plastic and un-opened I felt safe that it was butt-proof and had never seen the darkside of Twoputt. :cool:
I also scored a 07� British Open disc of which Marie later accused me of only bidding on it because there was a set of boobs on it.
There was a nice stack of discs of all the different years that Jose had ran the DHC that the father/son team of Treat would tag-team on using dirty tactics like standing in front of the discs where no one could look at them or hiding all the pens so nobody could bid on them.
After a while and a few drinks it didn�t really matter that I was bidding more than the value of the item. It became me against them. It was like a poker game and everyone�s just sitting around to see who�s going to go �all in�. I felt like�.�HOW DARE THAT GUY OUT BID ME!!!�. It all was for a good cause and on top of that I knew that if I won something I would get to go up to the stage and if I got a hold of the mic, people would have listen to everything I had to say. Sure enough, Woody stepped off stage for a minute and I grabbed my chance. I just wanted all the none dg�ers there to know that we dg�ers are a tight family and we love and take care of our own through thick and thin. Sorry. I didn�t notice that I was rambling until Woody put me in a head lock and wrestled the mic out of my hand. :confused: :D
Thank you Crow Creek and to everyone that showed up to donate and be with Cindy and Steve during this difficult time. :cool: