May 29 2007, 04:28 PM
Back by popular demand Baskets & Greens 3.0 is a GO!

This will be a doubles event so start looking for a partner. As always you will play 1 round of disc golf and 1 round of ball golf, all in one day.

Rumor has it Big Dave is looking to break out the clubs for this one, he might even grab Jim Glover as his partner!! :D

Details coming soon...

My partner this year is Natalie Gulbis!


May 29 2007, 04:32 PM
He should grab Kristen Glover instead. :D

May 29 2007, 04:42 PM

Meet Kristen - website (http://www.horsestyle.com/hrs/trans/homePage1Rpt.asp?MemberID=101&CategoryRefID=1&Page Number=1&PageBuilder=False)

Her website does not say anything about golf :( :( :( :( :( :(

May 29 2007, 04:48 PM
One thing I need to mention is this will be a mandatory pre-registration event. You do not have to pre-pay but you need to pre-register. Reason being I need to know how many tee time slots i need to reserve at the golf course.

Right now I am leaning towards a Mohawk/Mohawk event.

I'll keep you posted...should have an on-line flyer up soon for you guys.

May 29 2007, 05:07 PM
MC I'm in.
also I'm looking for a partner!

May 29 2007, 05:07 PM
i am down for this
and as far as jim glover goes
you know he will not be playing disc golf
but it would be cool

May 29 2007, 05:08 PM
oops never mind my youngest brother is getting married on the 24 of june
ahhh dangit

May 29 2007, 05:10 PM
I'm looking for a partner!

Can you (ball) golf? :D

May 29 2007, 05:13 PM
I'm looking for a partner!

Can you (ball) golf? :D

Sure.It's been like 7 or 8 years,but I can,I also can drive a cart real good drunk!!!

May 29 2007, 05:14 PM
MC I'm in.
also I'm looking for a partner!


Yo Keldog...you know Dave Wise has a set of clubs at home, he probably needs to wake them up from hibernation though :D

May 29 2007, 05:16 PM
I have a couple of sets. :D



May 29 2007, 05:16 PM
Old School what was the results after after the first 18?

It had to be a TON better, I really can only remember 2 holes that worse than a bogey.

I'm ready for a rematch

May 29 2007, 05:19 PM
Old School what was the results after after the first 18?

It had to be a TON better, I really can only remember 2 holes that worse than a bogey.

I'm ready for a rematch

Man I don't think I ever added em' up...the scorecard is still in my car so I'll check it out.

May 29 2007, 05:19 PM
For this outing we should go here. :D

May 29 2007, 05:20 PM
Man it will be great getting back to a course that offers a ........


BEER cart! :D

May 29 2007, 05:22 PM
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YES!

May 29 2007, 05:22 PM
Hey MC, these would make a great players pack. :Dhttp://www.coolest-gadgets.com/wp-images/golfbottle.jpg

May 29 2007, 05:25 PM
MAN!if the carts girls look like that I'm bringing COOKIES!

May 29 2007, 05:47 PM
sweet his wedding is the 23rd
i am down
i will be looking to win this one

May 29 2007, 06:04 PM
I don't have clubs, but I'd love to play. I'm on the market for a partner!

And call me crazy, but I don't know the typical format for Baskets and Greens. Is it best shot?

May 29 2007, 06:19 PM
Yo Mel.

It's best shot for both ball and disc.

May 29 2007, 08:08 PM
I,m in any takers?

May 29 2007, 09:16 PM
Any one looking for a partner im a decent golfer and a decent disc golfer

May 29 2007, 10:00 PM
I'm in and I can't play ball golf very good at all, I don't even have clubs. Hey Jerry, I'll be your partner.

May 29 2007, 10:10 PM
sold big nich lets kick some arse

May 30 2007, 03:00 AM
I'm in!

Anyone looking for a partner? I have played ball golf 1 time and it was scary, but hey sound's fun so im in!

May 30 2007, 02:08 PM
Tim and Joseph you guys should team up.

May 30 2007, 02:16 PM
Not getting married till 07/01/07 and i have 2.5 sets of clubs and tons! of balls, some are even white with dimples :D

May 30 2007, 02:28 PM
Not getting married till 07/01/07 and i have 2.5 sets of clubs and tons! of balls, some are even white with dimples :D

So what's your handicap, Martin?

Barber Shop
May 30 2007, 05:01 PM
how much does this event usually cost...without the side bets

May 30 2007, 05:10 PM
My guess would be
Event: $80 per team
Beer: $80 per team
Balls: $80 per team

May 30 2007, 05:37 PM
how much does this event usually cost...without the side bets

B&G 1.0 - Lit'l Links (par 3) and Haikey Creek. Entry Fee: $20 per player.

B&G 2.0 - Page Belcher (Stone Creek Course). Entry Fee: $40 per player

B&G 3.0 - ??????? & ??????? - Entry Fee: I want to keep it under $30 but it all depends on green fee & cart cost. If we play a par 5 course you can count on the entry fee being $40. If we play on a par 3 course we should be able to keep it at $20.

This seems like the perfect time for a poll doesn't it? :D

May 30 2007, 05:48 PM
Mohawk Mowhawk makes sense.

May 30 2007, 06:22 PM
Mohawk Mowhawk makes sense.

I agree MowHawk needs to be mowed :p

May 30 2007, 06:25 PM
Get out there with your push mower then. I will weed eat behind you. ;)

May 30 2007, 06:34 PM
Good idea...I'll start on Red hole 13 :oyou can take care of the foot high grass on Red #11 with your weed eater :o

May 30 2007, 06:45 PM
I say DEFINITELY a par 5 ball golf course. We all KNOW we can play disc. Let's show our skills in ball golf!

May 30 2007, 07:26 PM
I say DEFINITELY a par 5 ball golf course. We all KNOW we can play disc. Let's show our skills in ball golf!

and i have a good weed eater

Jun 01 2007, 03:57 PM
Mohawk will probably be the place we play ball golf. I'm leaning towards the Pecan Valley course.

On-line flyer should be up by next week.

Jun 01 2007, 04:49 PM
Holy Cow the CUBS are a disgrace...Barrett and Zambrano got in a **** fight in the dugout today after the Z man sucked it up once again today

what an embarrassment

Jun 01 2007, 05:17 PM
Wow, I'm gonna have to youtube that one later.

Meanwhile, my Reds are the worst team in the NL.

Jun 01 2007, 05:24 PM
No worries dude...The CUBS are coming fast towards you guys.

I guess we can put Barrett in the "likes to fight guy" category but the Z-man's needs to get his [censored] kicked, I wish i could have been a fly on the wall of the clubhouse cuz Pinella was pissssssssssed

Jun 01 2007, 05:31 PM
I've been getting a few calls regarding B&G 3.0, I anticipate a kick butt day of DG and BG (weather permitting).

So far I have the following teams pre-registered:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

BTW Dave Wise is currently accepting applications to be his partner (laughing out loud) :D

I can only block off a certain number of tee times on a weekend at Pecan so I am going to have to put a limit on the number of teams this year. Right now I'm thinking 16 teams will be the max. At B&G 2.0 we had around 12 teams.

FYI: You will know what time you tee off at the ball golf course before the tournament even starts. DG will be in the morning and BG will be in the afternoon. There is a grill at the BG course so you can eat lunch there if you want.

Jun 01 2007, 05:34 PM
FYI: Once you pre-register you are committing to the entry fee of $40 ($80 per team).

Send me a private message or call me if you would like to pre-register. Mobile: 629-9370.

Jun 01 2007, 05:49 PM
I will for sure be playing. My partner's name is Mick (not a disc golfer ;))

Jun 01 2007, 05:54 PM
I will for sure be playing. My partner's name is Mick (not a disc golfer ;))

Right on, Mel I'm glad your playing. What is Micks last name?

Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick ???

Jun 01 2007, 06:07 PM
Underwood. Sorry bout that.

Jun 01 2007, 06:08 PM
Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Jun 02 2007, 09:08 PM
Holy Cow the CUBS are a disgrace...Barrett and Zambrano got in a **** fight in the dugout today after the Z man sucked it up once again today

what an embarrassment

disGrace and embarrassment
well kev
you have finally come around to seeing what those beloved cubbies are all about
i am proud of you buddy

Jun 02 2007, 10:21 PM
Holy Cow the CUBS are a disgrace...Barrett and Zambrano got in a **** fight in the dugout today after the Z man sucked it up once again today

what an embarrassment

disGrace and embarrassment
well kev
you have finally come around to seeing what those beloved cubbies are all about
i am proud of you buddy

Wonder if a name change is in the works???? :o Barry is always available Kev :D

Jun 03 2007, 10:27 AM
hey cam could you beleeeeeeive it
what kev said
but you know he wil never convert to the giants i think he will have to go withthe devil rays or some team like that

who is down for some par 3 ball golf today?
slack and le will be out there around 10
give me a call 851 4587

Jun 03 2007, 09:13 PM

We're back on the track, just a slight 5 game derailment. We're still the favorites to win it ALL :D;) :p :cool::o

All it took was a little LOU dirt, cap kick~a~thon :D

We're about to be going on a 23 game winning streak!


Jun 03 2007, 11:18 PM
MC sign up Bravo and me

Jun 04 2007, 01:00 PM
Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

This event should have no problem filling up.

I'll send the flyer to Mr. Ward today, should be up sometime this week.

Jun 04 2007, 01:02 PM
I heard that Coda and Shana may be interested in playing! Also, Ashley wants to play if she can find a partner. Jerry may take that opportunity!

Jun 04 2007, 01:05 PM
I heard that Coda and Shana may be interested in playing! Also, Ashley wants to play if she can find a partner. Jerry may take that opportunity!

I think Jerry WILL take that opportunity :o A mixed doubles division would be pretty cool.

Jun 04 2007, 01:13 PM
A mixed doubles division would be pretty cool.

ABSOLUTELY! I hope we have enough chica's that wanna play! I'm working on it! I think Mr Twisted and Danielle should come play!

Jun 04 2007, 02:04 PM
I'm still in the free agent pool if anyone needs a partner.

I don't really have much of a disc golf game.. ball golf has its similarities.

Jun 04 2007, 04:14 PM
What is your handicap, Winz?

Jun 04 2007, 04:17 PM
I have no idea.. I haven't played a legit round in about a year.

I sure can hit it pretty far.. may not be straight though. :D

Jun 04 2007, 04:47 PM
anyone need a partner
joe blackwell AKA willie nelson is looking for a partner

Jun 04 2007, 05:02 PM
Hey Slack. Do you have to show your bush to everyone on your avatar? :o ....You should at least shave that into a landingstrip or a flying "V". /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jun 04 2007, 05:11 PM
anyone need a partner
joe blackwell AKA willie nelson is looking for a partner

A few posts up Greg Winsworth (WINZ) mentioned he needs a partner.

Jun 04 2007, 05:51 PM
In other news I heard the sopranos episode was pretty good last night. the last episode is next week.

Jun 04 2007, 05:56 PM
Baskets & Greens 3.0 - Doubles

When: June 24th 2007

Where: Mohawk Park � Disc Golf will be played at Course BlackHawk
Ball Golf will be played at the Pecan Valley Course

What is it? Baskets and Greens is a tournament that combines the two sports of Disc Golf and Ball Golf. This is a pick-your-partner doubles event. We will be utilizing the best shot format for both ball and disc golf rounds. The lowest total between the disc and ball golf rounds wins the tournament.

Cost per team: $80* ($40 per player)

*Entry Fee includes: Green Fee at Pecan Valley including cart ($30). The remaining $10 will be put towards the tournament payout and refreshments.

Check in: 930am � BlackHawk

Pre-registration is mandatory � Limit 20 teams

How to pre-register: In order to pre-register please contact me at 918-629-9370 or email at [email protected] You DO NOT have to pre-pay in order to pre-register, but please be aware that when you pre-register you are COMMITING to showing up on June 24th at 9:30am on Sunday morning. If for some reason you cannot make it PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know because there could very well be a wait list for this tournament.

FYI: Rental clubs are available in the Mohawk Pro Shop at Pecan Valley.

Jun 04 2007, 05:59 PM
Any chance they will mow Blackhawk before then?

Jun 04 2007, 06:02 PM
Any chance they will mow Blackhawk before then?

There is no chance it will get mowed :o

No really it should be mowed by then, but you never know. Last I heard the city had not given approval yet. Hopefully "approval" will be given very soon. That way we can play BlackHawk, but if all else fails we will play RedHawk.

Jun 04 2007, 10:41 PM
Wagle mowed that entire beyotch by himself today.

Thanks dude. ;)

Jun 04 2007, 11:24 PM
Hey Slack. Do you have to show your bush to everyone on your avatar? :o ....You should at least shave that into a landingstrip or a flying "V". /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

just be careful on the aproach to the landingstrip
that is glass fragile stuff o and the cuts ouch :cool:

Jun 05 2007, 02:07 PM
Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

Jun 05 2007, 03:05 PM
Mike, you should have another tourney called "Baskets and Biatches" 2 rounds of golf and several rounds at nite trips :D

Jun 05 2007, 05:26 PM
That is by far the best idea EVER.. :D:D:D

Jun 05 2007, 05:32 PM
Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

Joe Blackwell/Mike Sanderson

John Nobles/Mike Nobles

Jun 05 2007, 05:59 PM
Mike, you should have another tourney called "Baskets and Biatches" 2 rounds of golf and several rounds at nite trips :D

It's been done before. Patton and Carpenter did that very thing at Green Country Doubles.

Jun 06 2007, 12:54 AM
Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

Joe Blackwell/Mike Sanderson

John Nobles/Mike Nobles

Scotty Wilkerson/Coda Hatfield

Jun 06 2007, 08:50 AM
MC I saw your boy Hoff last night on "America's got talent" Still sporting the 1/2 unbuttoned shirt :D

Jun 06 2007, 10:08 AM
sold big nich lets kick some arse

So it's a done deal...this is gonna be a blast!

Barber Shop
Jun 06 2007, 12:20 PM
add abraham barbour and matt brown to that list MC

Jun 06 2007, 12:21 PM
So, I guess there's gonna be no mixed division. Looks like Jerry hooked up with Big Nic and Coda hooked up with Scotty. Ashley is still interested in playing if someone else wants to pick her up. Not sure about Shana though.

Jun 06 2007, 12:38 PM
Ashley and Shana can be the drink girls.....they could make more money in tips from the dudes than playing.

If they can't find partners, we could have the girls be the mandatory driver on a certain hole and then the guys would have to play from their drives.

Just throwing it against the wall, maybe it will stick maybe it won't

Jun 06 2007, 02:17 PM
Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

Joe Blackwell/Mike Sanderson

John Nobles/Mike Nobles

Scotty Wilkerson/Coda Hatfield

Dave Wise/Kelly Watson

Jerry Stacey/Dave Nicholson

Abraham Barbour/Matt Brown

Jun 06 2007, 02:20 PM
So, I guess there's gonna be no mixed division. Looks like Jerry hooked up with Big Nic and Coda hooked up with Scotty. Ashley is still interested in playing if someone else wants to pick her up. Not sure about Shana though.

If we have another mixed team sign up we can still launch a mixed division.

Jun 06 2007, 05:10 PM
On-line Flyer is up.

B&G 3.0 - online flyer click here (http://tulsadiscsports.org/basketsandgreens3flyer.html)

Jun 06 2007, 05:14 PM
your the man MC
i am looking forward to the chance to play a little ball golf with this group should be cool

Jun 06 2007, 05:24 PM
I'm looking forward to it as well...should be a fun weekend with B&G and McClure Classic going on.

Jun 06 2007, 07:59 PM
Wagle mowed that entire beyotch by himself today.

Thanks dude. ;)

BUMP!! Definately THANKS DUDE!!!

Jun 06 2007, 10:18 PM
Heck yeah, nice job c-dub!!!!!!!!

Jun 07 2007, 09:15 AM
You the man C-Dub!

Anyone gonna go swing some lightning rods tonight? /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jun 07 2007, 09:38 AM
Weather permitting I am there...may have Wagle and Big Dave talked into it. but weather seems to be putting a wrinkle in it. :(

Jun 07 2007, 03:25 PM
I would love to see Big Dave tee it up...remember to keep that head down big fella.

Jun 08 2007, 03:02 AM
MC add team: Fellanto/Regier

Jun 08 2007, 02:09 PM
I'm pretty sure you can add Ashely (Hoster, I think) and Greg Winzworth as well!

Jun 08 2007, 02:18 PM
Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

Joe Blackwell/Mike Sanderson

John Nobles/Mike Nobles

Scotty Wilkerson/Coda Hatfield

Dave Wise/Kelly Watson

Jerry Stacey/Dave Nicholson

Abraham Barbour/Matt Brown

Sal Fellanto/Jake Regeir

Ashley Hoster/Greg Winsworth

Mike Middleton/Jeff Bowler

Bill Pennington/?????????

Jun 08 2007, 02:25 PM
Looks like a good field starting to build up. There may be a special guest appearance from a former DG'er.

Jun 08 2007, 02:30 PM
15 teams! Only 5 more get in! Who will it be?!?!

Jun 08 2007, 02:31 PM
Only 3 spots left now.

Can you say wait list? :D

Jun 08 2007, 02:36 PM
Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

Joe Blackwell/Mike Sanderson

John Nobles/Mike Nobles

Scotty Wilkerson/Coda Hatfield

Dave Wise/Kelly Watson

Jerry Stacey/Dave Nicholson

Abraham Barbour/Matt Brown

Sal Fellanto/Jake Regeir

Ashley Hoster/Greg Winsworth

Mike Middleton/Jeff Bowler

Bill Pennington/?????????

Ray Walker/Shane Headrick

Jun 08 2007, 02:37 PM
2 spots left!!

Pre-regs are rolling in today!!

Jun 08 2007, 02:41 PM
Awesome! I wish we could get one more mixed team though :(

Jun 08 2007, 02:42 PM
Didn't you say JoeRo and Danielle where thinking about playing?

Those last 2 spots might not last very long.

Jun 08 2007, 02:43 PM
On another note Devan's should be done with his 1st round soon at DGLO. Al Shack is leading with a -7.

Jun 08 2007, 02:45 PM
I didn't hear that. I just thought it sounded like a good idea. Someone should get ahold of em.

Jun 08 2007, 03:39 PM
I talked to both of them last weekend so they do know it's going on. Joe is doing the payout for Swygerts 1-day tournament at McClure, so he will be in town.

Jun 08 2007, 04:01 PM
there is possible par 3 action this evening..any takers?

Jun 08 2007, 04:12 PM
I think i'm going to the lake tonight...not sure yet.

Jun 08 2007, 04:14 PM
Just talked to Joe. They can't make it due to prior obligations. Looks like two teams in the mixed division.

Jun 08 2007, 04:16 PM
Looks like the dude is 3 off the lead...nice job doosh!!!

Jun 08 2007, 04:25 PM
PAR 3 tonight...I may be down, but it will have to be after 6

Jun 08 2007, 04:30 PM
Roger that i'll be in touch. Gonna see what my doubles partner is up too.

Jun 08 2007, 05:52 PM
wow diggie is shooting good
that would be awesome for him to step up and do well this weekend
but knowing him he will remember who he is and have that round to remember
hope not
i know he does not read the board but good luck

Jun 09 2007, 09:47 AM
2 spots left!!

Pre-regs are rolling in today!!

Quick, sombody get ahold of Rod Carp and the General.

Jun 09 2007, 10:11 AM
Quick, sombody get ahold of Rod Carp and the General. ]Pre-regs are rolling in today!!
he did mention that he was going ot play when i saw the general in norman

Jun 09 2007, 10:13 AM
by the way thong le and myself will be going to the par three today any takers
i think thong has been going out to the range and is ready to put some $ on the line

Jun 09 2007, 12:38 PM
Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

Joe Blackwell/Mike Sanderson

Scotty Wilkerson/Coda Hatfield

Dave Wise/Kelly Watson

Jerry Stacey/Dave Nicholson

Abraham Barbour/Matt Brown

Sal Fellanto/Jake Regeir

Ashley Hoster/Greg Winsworth

Mike Middleton/Jeff Bowler

Bill Pennington/Curt Harris

Ray Walker/Shane Headrick

Chris Huthinson/Billy Lund

Rodney Carpenter/James Patton

Jun 09 2007, 12:39 PM
One spot left.

Jun 10 2007, 02:30 AM
It's FULL!!

Below are the twenty teams who pre-registered first. I have A wait list ready to go for whoever is interested. I would not be surprised if a team or two dropped out between now and then.

Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

Joe Blackwell/Mike Sanderson

Scotty Wilkerson/Coda Hatfield

Dave Wise/Kelly Watson

Jerry Stacey/Dave Nicholson

Abraham Barbour/Matt Brown

Sal Fellanto/Jake Regeir

Ashley Hoster/Greg Winsworth

Mike Middleton/Jeff Bowler

Bill Pennington/Curt Harris

Ray Walker/Shane Headrick

Chris Huthinson/Billy Lund

Rodney Carpenter/James Patton

Johnny Thompson/Sammy Nielson

Jun 10 2007, 02:32 AM
FYI: I should have tee times posted around June 18th.

Jun 10 2007, 11:08 AM
Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

Joe Blackwell/Mike Sanderson

Scotty Wilkerson/Coda Hatfield

Dave Wise/Kelly Watson

Jerry Stacey/Dave Nicholson

Abraham Barbour/Matt Brown

Sal Fellanto/Jake Regeir

Ashley Hoster/Greg Winsworth

Mike Middleton/Jeff Bowler

Bill Pennington/Curt Harris

Ray Walker/Shane Headrick

Chris Huthinson/Billy Lund

Rodney Carpenter/James Patton

Johnny Thompson/Sammy Nielson

i guess now all that is left to do is come up with some odd on this thing
the team conners and paul may be the team to beat
but ole wise and watson may have something to say about that

Big Easy
Jun 10 2007, 07:14 PM
I talked to Bill Pennington yesterday @ Dovillio.
He said curt harris shot 68 just this week.
Good luck guys if that is true.

Jun 10 2007, 08:47 PM
curt harris shot 68 just this week.


Jun 10 2007, 09:07 PM
You better watch out for Silent Ray Walker as well

Jun 11 2007, 01:05 PM
Ball Golf round: I am taking card requests for the ball golf round. Some teams have already made their requests known. Let me know who you want to play with and I'll let you know if that team is free or not.

Jun 11 2007, 03:35 PM
One team just dropped out so I have an open spot for whoever is interested.

Jun 11 2007, 04:05 PM
I got a disc or two to donate for LONG DRIVE on the golf course....

never mind no need giving myself a couple of discs


Swygert I need to borrow your King Cobra ;)

Jun 11 2007, 04:16 PM
how about longest shot made ?
because there is probably no chanc ofme getting longest drive
i do not even have a driver
who needs it
it is all about the short game

Jun 11 2007, 04:21 PM
I'm thinking longest putt, longest drive and a ctp.

Jun 11 2007, 06:14 PM
my money is on Rodney & James

Jun 11 2007, 06:55 PM
I would really like to play with Ashley and Greg. We don't care, though, if you have a separate division for us mixed teams. If there were more than two it might be worth it, but with only two it's not really necessary. We'll just donate!

Jun 12 2007, 12:41 PM
It's up to you guys but you are more than welcome to compete in a two-team mixed division. Just let me know.

Jun 12 2007, 12:58 PM
crutch & billy could play mixed, we just have to decide which one is the bich.

Jun 12 2007, 01:10 PM

Jun 12 2007, 02:33 PM
2 spots have opened up...anybody interested contact me 629-9370.

Registered Teams:

Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

Jay Slack/Thong Le

Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

Joe Blackwell/Mike Sanderson

Scotty Wilkerson/Coda Hatfield

Dave Wise/Kelly Watson

Jerry Stacey/Dave Nicholson

Abraham Barbour/Matt Brown

Sal Fellanto/Jake Regeir

Ashley Hoster/Greg Winsworth

Bill Pennington/Curt Harris

Ray Walker/Shane Headrick

Chris Huthinson/Billy Lund

Johnny Thompson/Sammy Nielson

Jun 12 2007, 03:23 PM
i like that spelling

so looks like some favorites are out there
now let put together some odds

i am going to go a head and say c dub and bva are
30 to 1 to win
20 to 1 top 3
5 to 1 top 10

Jun 13 2007, 02:25 PM
If you want a for sure bet you can throw your money down on the McCoy/Conners duo...those guys plan on SMOKING the competition!!!

Jun 13 2007, 02:27 PM
Looks like were back to one spot left.

Registered Teams:

1. Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

2. Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

3. Jay Slack/Thong Le

4. Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

5. Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

6. Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

7. Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

8. Joe Blackwell/Mike Sanderson

9. Scotty Wilkerson/Coda Hatfield

10. Dave Wise/Kelly Watson

11. Jerry Stacey/Dave Nicholson

12. Abraham Barbour/Matt Brown

13. Sal Fellanto/Jake Regeir

14. Ashley Hoster/Greg Winsworth

15. Bill Pennington/Curt Harris

16. Ray Walker/Shane Headrick

17. Chris Huthinson/Billy Lund

18. Johnny Thompson/Sammy Nielson

19. Tom Townsend/Hunter Mahan


Barber Shop
Jun 13 2007, 02:32 PM
I hope McCoy and Conners are not to disappointed when team barbour and brown take first by 10 strokes

Jun 13 2007, 02:47 PM
I hope McCoy and Conners are not to disappointed when team barbour and brown take first by 10 strokes

****!! By 10 strokes?

What is your handicapp Abraham?

Jun 13 2007, 02:59 PM
I Played Haikey with MC the other day and I am excited that he is my partner in Disc Golf, cuz he has the hottest putter this side of the equator right now.

Jun 13 2007, 03:01 PM
That's right you suckas...u better check yo selves!

Jun 13 2007, 03:29 PM
Whoa there MC!

Watch that language, I may have to report that. :o:D

Barber Shop
Jun 13 2007, 05:33 PM
lets just say you guys better be under par at pecan to even have a chance :D

Jun 13 2007, 06:16 PM
lets just say you guys better be under par at pecan to even have a chance :D

Sounds like we have a ringer in the house!

Jun 13 2007, 07:54 PM
ikinda like ttose odds slack

Jun 14 2007, 12:37 PM
i thought you might like a little off making on this thing
but to be honest c dub is the only person i have seen hit the ball
so that is why i jumped on making your team the DFL team to beat :cool:

Jun 14 2007, 02:40 PM
I haven't pick-up a club in 9 years. The last time I was at a ball golf course they kick me out for racing the carts and having a crash. :confused:and no King wasn't with me. :p

Jun 14 2007, 02:44 PM
If I were you I would just use a baseball bat to drive the ball. It will also come in handy for clubbing your partner over the head when he yells out "dollar". :o

Jun 14 2007, 02:46 PM
now you tell me,I could of been doing that for the last 5 years!!!

Jun 14 2007, 03:13 PM
Registered Teams:

1. Mike Conners/Kevin McCoy

2. Keith Conners/Jeff Paul

3. Jay Slack/Thong Le

4. Aaron Swygert/Jarod Hinshaw

5. Mel Stacye/Mick Underwood

6. Chris Wagle/Brad House of Israel

7. Steve Naegle/Brian Dolezal

8. Joe Blackwell/Mike Sanderson

9. Scotty Wilkerson/Coda Hatfield

10. Dave Wise/Kelly Watson

11. Jerry Stacey/Dave Nicholson

12. Abraham Barbour/Matt Brown

13. Sal Fellanto/Jake Regeir

14. Ashley Hoster/Greg Winsworth

15. Bill Pennington/Curt Harris

16. Ray Walker/Shane Headrick

17. Chris Huthinson/Billy Lund

18. Johnny Thompson/Sammy Nielson

19. Tom Townsend/Hunter Mahan

20. Mark Vasicek/Danny Stacey



Jun 14 2007, 03:20 PM
now you tell me,I could of been doing that for the last 5 years!!!

Judging from who your partner is, he might respond better to one of these Billy Lund specials..... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif


Jun 14 2007, 03:48 PM
For those of you who have never played Pecan Valley here is a quick description:

The 18-hole "Pecan Valley" course at the Mohawk Park Golf Club facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma features 5,820 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 68. The course rating is 70 and it has a slope rating of 120 on Bermuda grass. Designed by Perry Maxwell, ASGCA, the Pecan Valley golf course opened in 1920.

I have not played Pecan in years but here is what I remember about it. The front nine is geared more towards beginner players. I remember a few par 4's on the front where you can drive the green. I think one par 4 was around 290 yards. But the back nine has more of a traditional style layout with significant water hazards.

I think the team with the most power off the tee will have the best chance of winning. I can already smell the EAGLES!!!

Jun 14 2007, 04:00 PM
I have played at least 40 rounds of golf at Pecan, we used to have our golf league with Worldcom out there....I put up a few rounds of 9 in the 30's.....but the team to beat is probably Danny and Mark...Vas used to work at Mohawk and I bet he has played more rounds there than all of us put together.

Jun 14 2007, 04:20 PM
weather is looking weary tonight.....

Jun 14 2007, 04:34 PM
It's not Thirsy Thursday is it?

Jun 14 2007, 04:36 PM
Check this out: KMOD Fairway to Heaven par 3 golf tournament (http://kmod.com/pages/fairway.html)

Jun 14 2007, 05:17 PM
lets round up a team what do you think big fella?

Jun 14 2007, 05:18 PM
Wise you wanna sponsor us?

Jun 14 2007, 05:27 PM
i'm in

Jun 14 2007, 07:14 PM
lets round up a team what do you think big fella?

I would love to play in it. Every hole has a hole-in-one prize up for grabs. I heard on the radio you can win the black KMOD van with an ace on hole 1.

I might need to spend that $62.50 somewhere else, maybe Alma (?).

Jun 14 2007, 07:30 PM
Okay I need some feedback from some of you peeps that are participating in b&g 3.

A poll will be posted shortly.

Jun 15 2007, 09:07 AM
Its now the next day and I'm still sitting here waiting. :mad:

Jun 15 2007, 01:37 PM
Nevermind I made an executive decision.

We are now playing the Woodbine Course because Pecan Valley is a no go on the 24th. The payout will be effected a little because the green fees are more. But the course is better and longer than Pecan. This tournament has never been about payout anyway.

Jun 15 2007, 02:48 PM
Sweet I kill woodbine!

Jun 15 2007, 03:18 PM
Tee Times are set and are in the books.

Jake Regeir
Sal Fellanto
Keith Conners
Jeff Paul

Tom Townsend
Greg Houston
Thong Le
Jay Slack

Jarod Hinshaw
Aaron Swygert
Kevin McCoy
Mike Conners

Dave Wise
Kelly Watson
Coda Hatfield
Scotty Wilkerson

Ray Walker
Shane Headrick
Bill Penington
Curt Harris

Steve Naegle
Brian Dolezal
Mark Vasicek
Danny Stacey

Mel Stacye
Mick Underwood
Ashley Hoster
Greg Winsworth

Jerry Stacey
Dave Nicholson
Brad House of Israel
Chris Wagle

Joe Blackwell
Mike Sanderson
Johhny Thompson
Sammy Nielson

Abraham Barbour
Matt Brown
Billy Lund
Chris Hutchinson

Jun 15 2007, 04:20 PM
The green fees at Woodbine are $34 per person. That leaves $6 per person going into the payout.

With 20 teams here is how I see it.

40 players x $40 = $1600

40 green fees @ $34 = $1360

$1600 - $1360 = $240 for the payout.

With 20 teams I see paying out 5 teams.

1st - $100
2nd - $60
3rd - $40
4th - $20
5th - $10

In past events I paid out in 2 separate flights. Basically splitting the field in half and paying out both flights equally. This time around it's going to be a traditional payout which means you need to finish in the top third to make the cash.

As always I am open to suggestions.

Jun 15 2007, 05:36 PM
You might wanna double check on the Coda/Scottie team. I'm pretty sure Coda is planning to play KCWO instead. :confused:

Jun 15 2007, 11:19 PM
Looks there will be some FUN cards on that list. I'm jealous. :D

Jun 15 2007, 11:46 PM
Will Ashley and I get to play from the women's tees? Or will we get some sort of handicap or something? Just wondering...

Jun 16 2007, 01:43 AM
You might wanna double check on the Coda/Scottie team. I'm pretty sure Coda is planning to play KCWO instead. :confused:

Talked to him today about it. He got his dates confused. General Patton said he would take Coda's place.

Jun 18 2007, 12:19 PM
Sorry Kev looks like the king cobra driver you wanted to use will be unavailable...Swygert is backing out :( maybe he will let Hinshaw use his clubs or something you never know.

Anybody know Scotty's telephone number?

Jun 18 2007, 12:27 PM
Sorry Scotty, would have liked to play.

Jun 18 2007, 12:35 PM
Yo Hatfield i'm going to put on another one later this year, i'll keep you posted.

Jun 18 2007, 01:24 PM
Like in events past I'm thinking about paying out in 2 flights.

Jun 18 2007, 01:26 PM
sounds like a great idea

Jun 18 2007, 01:40 PM
Also, keep in mind collared shirts are required at the ball golf course. If your partner does not get on the board let them know about it, please.

Jun 18 2007, 01:45 PM
i dont know all the nonsense dress codes ,but i believe years ago i was turned away because myshirt sleeves wernt hemmed and my shorts were cutoffs also. do you have a dress code you can post?

Jun 18 2007, 02:13 PM
Tee Times are set and are in the books. Mark Conners is now Jarod Hinshaws partner. Scott is looking for a new one. James and Rodney are in. One spot is open, let me know if you are interested.

Jake Regeir
Sal Fellanto
Keith Conners
Jeff Paul

Tom Townsend
Greg Houston
Thong Le
Jay Slack

Jarod Hinshaw
Mark Conners
Kevin McCoy
Mike Conners

Dave Wise
Kelly Watson
Scotty Wilkerson

Ray Walker
Shane Headrick
Bill Penington
Curt Harris

Steve Naegle
Brian Dolezal
Mark Vasicek
Danny Stacey

Mel Stacye
Mick Underwood
Ashley Hoster
Greg Winsworth

Jerry Stacey
Dave Nicholson
Brad House of Israel
Chris Wagle

Joe Blackwell
Mike Sanderson
Johhny Thompson
Sammy Nielson

Abraham Barbour
Matt Brown
Billy Lund
Chris Hutchinson

Rodney Carpenter
James Patton

Jun 18 2007, 02:15 PM
i dont know all the nonsense dress codes ,but i believe years ago i was turned away because myshirt sleeves wernt hemmed and my shorts were cutoffs also. do you have a dress code you can post?

You bet, here ya go:

No cutoffs or denim allowed, collared shirt is required and soft spikes only.

Jun 18 2007, 04:57 PM
is there a most fun award? there looks to be some tomfoolery to be had.

Jun 18 2007, 05:13 PM
is there a most fun award? there looks to be some tomfoolery to be had.

One year we gave away a 30 pack of Milwaukees Best :D it was kind of a must fun award.

Jun 19 2007, 04:24 PM
MC, I called scotty about a partner, havent heard back..... maybee he is smart not to take on the zoocster, if he wants I will play..

Jun 19 2007, 04:29 PM
Also, keep in mind collared shirts are required at the ball golf course. If your partner does not get on the board let them know about it, please.

That is funny, they have a code at Mohawk?Never heard it before or is it for our tourny only?

Jun 19 2007, 05:01 PM
never mind he has a partner already. :(

Jun 19 2007, 05:03 PM
Oh, I forgot, you dont have to wear a collared shirt, just a shirt... I just talked to the golf supervisor

Jun 19 2007, 05:35 PM
Really? Their website said collared shirts are required :confused: oh well I'll have a backup if necessary.

Jun 20 2007, 12:50 PM
I'm headed out to Woodbine...i have a 1230 tee time, probably looking at cart paths only but I don't care I just want to play.

Jun 20 2007, 01:28 PM
I'm playing White Hawk Firday at 11:00.

Better yet, the golf, beer and food are free. :D

Jun 21 2007, 03:26 PM
Jake Regeir
Sal Fellanto
Keith Conners
Jeff Paul

Tom Townsend
Greg Houston
Thong Le
Jay Slack

Jarod Hinshaw
Mark Conners
Kevin McCoy
Mike Conners

Dave Wise
Kelly Watson
Johhny Thompson
Sammy Nielson

Ray Walker
Shane Headrick
Bill Penington
Curt Harris

Steve Naegle
Brian Dolezal
Mark Vasicek
Sam Harelson

Mel Stacye
Mick Underwood
Ashley Hoster
Greg Winsworth

Jerry Stacey
Dave Nicholson
Chris Wagle
Scotty Wilkerson

Joe Blackwell
Mike Sanderson
Brad House of Israel
Chris Cervantes

Abraham Barbour
Matt Brown
Billy Lund
Chris Hutchinson

Davey Adams
James Patton
Devan Owens
Tom Landers

Jun 21 2007, 03:29 PM
I'm playing White Hawk Firday at 11:00.

Better yet, the golf, beer and food are free. :D

can i come?

Jun 21 2007, 04:07 PM
Only if your offering to wash my

or polish my

Jun 21 2007, 04:27 PM
That last statement might mean PROBATION 2 for you buddy. ;)

Jun 21 2007, 04:31 PM
How do you figure? Thats a dirty golf ball and a dirty putter.

They're both just dirty items that need cleaned, like your mind. :o

I looked for a rusty putter but any pics of you would get me to Probation 3. :o

Jun 21 2007, 06:19 PM
Got the privilege to caddy for a tourney at Southern hills today...THANKS Slack for the hook-ups...WOW what a course...grueling especially when your carrying 2 bags at once.... ;)

Did get to witness an ACE...dude won a car

Jun 22 2007, 08:53 AM
I've always considered you to be a double bagger. :D

Jun 22 2007, 09:53 AM
Did get to witness an ACE...dude won a car
and 10 grand

it was the athletic director at the oru
mike carter really nice guy

Jun 22 2007, 11:25 AM
Zooc has a team interested in playing so I have room for one more team, let me know if anyone is interested.

Jake Regeir
Sal Fellanto
Keith Conners
Jeff Paul

Tom Townsend
Greg Houston
Thong Le
Jay Slack

Jarod Hinshaw
Mark Conners
Kevin McCoy
Mike Conners

Dave Wise
Kelly Watson
Johhny Thompson
Sammy Nielson

Ray Walker
Shane Headrick
Bill Penington
Curt Harris

Steve Naegle
Brian Dolezal
Mark Vasicek
Sam Harelson

Mel Stacye
Mick Underwood
Ashley Hoster
Greg Winsworth

Jerry Stacey
Dave Nicholson
Chris Wagle
Scotty Wilkerson

Joe Blackwell
Mike Sanderson
Brad House of Israel
Chris Cervantes

Abraham Barbour
Matt Brown
Billy Lund
Chris Hutchinson

Davey Adams
James Patton
Devan Owens
Tom Landers

Jun 22 2007, 12:14 PM
Did get to witness an ACE...dude won a car
and 10 grand

it was the athletic director at the oru
mike carter really nice guy

friggin sweet ace...187yd par 3 with the pin in the front and a bunker was guarding the pin

Jun 24 2007, 10:52 PM

Jun 24 2007, 11:16 PM
Kevin and MC won!

MC, I had soooo much fun today! Thanks so much for introducing me to ball golf! This was only my second time ever playing the game, and let me tell ya, it was a blast! I'm ready for whatever comes next...Baskets and Greens or Baskets and Bowling! Great job today!

Jun 24 2007, 11:45 PM
Thanks for the kind words, Mel.

It was a HOT HOT HOT day today. We lost one guy from our ball golf group to heat exhaustion today, he is okay now just needed to relax in the A/C. It was a great time of fellowship, fun and sweat. Thank you everyone for coming out.

Below are the cash winners. I'm exhausted, you can expect the rest of the scores tomorrow.

Conners/McCoy -8 $100
Vasicek/Harrelson -6 $60
Pennington/Harris -5 $30

Landers/Owens $40
Wise/Watson $20

Jun 25 2007, 12:24 AM

Jun 25 2007, 09:39 AM
Thanks MC, we had a blast and it looks like we got a portion of our entry back. :D

If you plan another event, just pencil us in for it. ;)

Jun 25 2007, 10:36 AM
boy o boy that was fun. until the first swing.and through the 123rd swing. it was fun watching the others on our card hit though,they could really play well. my display of lack of skill was impressive at best. now i remember why i quit playing ball golf. but also remember even though i 'm not good at it the time is still a great time. thanks for a great day of entertainment.

Jun 25 2007, 10:42 AM
shot of the DAY on our card
the little hole you drive over water,J.T. skipped off the water and was just short of the green???
Sammy hitting the golf cart was a good one too!

Jun 25 2007, 01:04 PM

ahhhhh just wanted to look at the scorecard again :D

One of our best shots of the day is when MC shanked his tee shot on 17 and put the ball up Slacks shorts :D

Barber Shop
Jun 25 2007, 01:59 PM
yeah i like that 5, 3, 5 at the end.

Jun 25 2007, 03:48 PM
shot of the DAY on our card
the little hole you drive over water,J.T. skipped off the water and was just short of the green???
Sammy hitting the golf cart was a good one too!

what kel dog you did not like thong hitting the ball on the green you were putting on
i thought wise would take a leek on the ball or at least throw it back

Jun 25 2007, 03:52 PM

ahhhhh just wanted to look at the scorecard again :D

One of our best shots of the day is when MC shanked his tee shot on 17 and put the ball up Slacks shorts :D

man if i knew you guys had such a good round going i would have hit it back at you
i mean about half way back to you

Jun 25 2007, 03:58 PM

what happened to that sweet glass putter and ball? ;)

Jun 25 2007, 04:07 PM
it must not have worked
but my putts actually was not the problem
it was the lack of the distance on the drives
but tommy towns ended up with it for the 93 he and mark posted
and he made the best shot on our card

Jun 25 2007, 04:24 PM
Me and Kev could have literally shot a low 60 number, we had birdie putts all day long. If we stay away from the 4 bogies we had it would have been a 67. And we did not birdie even one par 5 (?) in fact we struggled for par on them.

Bean and Patton had the only eagle of the day on hole 11 so that's pretty cool.

After it was all said and if you forget about the one person beetcing about the flighted payout :mad:it seemed that everyone had a great time and had fun with the event.

Jeff Paul is working on a spreadsheet for the final scores, should get them online today sometime. And I'll post a picture of the leaderboard I made, definetly one of my best to date.

I'll run another B&G later this year when the leaves fall off the trees, I'm thinking South Lakes and Chandler Park.

Jun 25 2007, 04:57 PM

what happened to that sweet glass putter and ball? ;)

I think that went to Mr. Watson for the longest drive. :D

As in how far it took to get to the tournament. :D:o:D

Jun 25 2007, 05:01 PM
1 Mike Conners / McCoy 47 71 118 $ 100.00
2 Vasicek / Harrelson 46 74 120 $ 60.00
3 Pennington / Harris 47 74 121 $ 30.00
4 Walker / Headrick 48 77 125
5 Bean / Patton 52 74 126
6 Keith Conners / Paul 54 73 127
7T Thompson / Nielson 43 90 133
7T Zooc / Welsh 50 83 133
9 Scotty / Wagle 49 85 134
10T Naegle / Dolezal 52 85 137
10T Barbour / Brown 63 74 137
12 Fellanto / Regier 51 87 138
13 Owens / Landers 47 94 141 $ 40.00
14 Wise / Watson 50 93 143 $ 20.00
15 Hinshaw / Mark Conners 56 89 145
16 Blackwell / Sanderson 57 89 146
17 Townsend / Houston 54 93 147
18 Nicholson / Stacye 50 99 149
19 Slack / Le 59 96 155
20 Brad HOI / Cervantes 60 123 183
21 Lund / Hutchison 51 DNF DNF

1 Stacye Underwood 62 78 140 $ 20.00
2 Hoster Winz 51 120 171 $ 4.00

Jun 25 2007, 05:46 PM
I'll run another B&G later this year when the leaves fall off the trees, I'm thinking South Lakes and Chandler Park.

i am in and those are my kind of courses

Jun 25 2007, 06:41 PM
Definitely count me in for your next event! Kinda sucks that Mick and I chose to play in the Mixed division cuz we woulda collected half our entry fee back in payout!!! :(

Jun 26 2007, 11:12 PM
Thanks MC, we had a blast and it looks like we got a portion of our entry back. :D

If you plan another event, just pencil us in for it. ;)

It did Rock, M.C. and all helpers.... Hey Two putt, you got kicked by me and my partner, and still cashed?? :confused: :DTeach me the way Wise one /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif, and not the yellow book.