Jun 05 2007, 12:58 PM
Direct your questions regarding the PDGA BOD Elections here.
To answer just a few:
NO - Bill Jefferson does not represent my district.
Yes - Mike Kernan is a friend of mine (today).
I have changed my screen name to Steve Timm.
thank you in advance for your interest.
steve timm
the sUit guy
New Orleans
Jun 05 2007, 01:15 PM
Do you really think we should ax you before you are even voted in? :eek:
Jun 05 2007, 01:39 PM
steve heres the scores from league night last thurday
shark 64
rattooth 70
deano 68
roofer dave 78
birdseed mike 88
johnathan 75
joel 63
[censored] 61
richard brown 73
dixie 70
jet 70
karl 79
swiler 72
woody 96
[censored] told me to post it here he said its as relevant as the rest of the pdga BS
Jun 05 2007, 01:42 PM
[posted twice, would remove one but can't - so taking out the text]
Jun 05 2007, 01:47 PM
(a) What was your screen name?
(b) Who said this? ( "'I think we're lost without our women, quite frankly.'"
Jun 05 2007, 01:58 PM
(a) What was your screen name?
(b) Who said this? ( "'I think we're lost without our women, quite frankly.'"
a. former screen name NO Half Fast Pull
borrowed from Pete Fountain's Half Fast Marching Club
b. "'I think we're lost without our women, quite frankly.'"
Terry, I said it, what was I thinking?
steve timm
the sUit guy
Jun 05 2007, 02:50 PM
Steve, I see you've been a hard working disc golf volunteer. And you have experience on nonprofit boards, so you know how hard you have to work - sometimes at things other people don't even understand are work - to fill that kind of role.
Can you share with us an instance, either in disc golf or on other boards, where you faced a collaborative challenge with other volunteers, how it was resolved, and what you learned from it?
Jun 05 2007, 04:59 PM
well, speaking personally, Mr. Timm needed my collaboration once upon a time so he shamelessly bribed me with a San Marino Roc ... he has since learned he could use the same tactic to get me to do just about anything ... disc golf related.
and, yes, I know that's not what you meant.
Jun 05 2007, 06:36 PM
It worked! :D
Jun 06 2007, 04:47 AM
Simple existence here in New Orleans is collaborative challenge.
Following Katrina, our course was closed for 8 months. We redesigned a "playable" 18 holes around the FEMA vegetable waste (code for trees, branches and storm debris) dumping ground. I helped run our 06 league that included many new people in town rebuilding our city.
Strange as it may sound, FEMA actually came through and restored the park as promised. The few trees on our course were even more sparse after the storm. The park told us we could have 5 trees one evening - those trees were planted the next day. They kept giving us trees and we ended up planting over 80 trees.
This may not seem like much of an accomplishment but it made us feel proud that we could take control of something and make a difference.
Our first tourney after the storm, the 07 Pot of Gold, seemed doomed from the start. Our park has strict insurance requirements and our TD was unable to "negotiate" coverage through the PDGA. The thread on the Southern Nationals was titled "TD of Pot of Gold Resigns" (by no means am I directing anyone to this offensive material). With encouragement from some friends, I contacted an insurance agent and got the coverage needed by our park with my personal check. Then sponsorships came in from all over our S N community. Clubs, individuals and companies sponsored our tourney with help from a top notch marketing package from that "disquegolfer" dude. (silly san marino junkie)
We even got some assistance from the British open TD.
We were also a qualifier for the MSDGC.
We made it happen.... with lots of help.
My local board volunteer work has taught me much. With the destruction of our economy, we have been fortunate to have the outside support of our national agency to get us through the last 2 years. Over $15,000,000 has flowed through our organization to keep vital institutions afloat. I served on a committee that reviewed the budgets of 18 different agencies and made recommendations regarding funding said agencies.
Our community is more cohesive and united than ever before.
Our biggest challenge is to become self sustaining in the future.
mercy that was too long
steve timm
the sUit guy
Jun 07 2007, 04:52 PM
steve someone told me they heard that you are actually a made-up personality by mike and that if you are elected to the bod he will have two votes.
i checked and dont see any record of the 2 of you playing atthe same pdga tournament.
Jun 07 2007, 04:57 PM
he would only end up with one vote, because we do not allow voting by proxy anymore after it was abused too many times. must be present to vote.
Jun 08 2007, 10:08 AM
6Pack Paddy-wack give tha dog a bone:
Should I report this as a personal attack on my existence?
Yes we (Kernan and I) both played in the 06 Psyco-Fish Bayou Bogey.
Mike played advanced that day, no comment.
Check the article in D G Mag (Feb/Mch07) about our course.
Nice article by Kacy quality Taranto mentions both of us.
Thanks for clearing up the proxy question.
steve timm
the sUit guy
Jun 08 2007, 12:08 PM
For those unfamiliar with him, Steve Timm is a consummate gentleman, an unflagging volunteer and an astute businessman ... and he is most definitely NOT a Mike Kernan construct.
Jun 11 2007, 10:57 AM
Sandalman (Pat Brenner) asked the following question to the "other" candidates. I will just consider it an oversight and not take it personally.
"Todd, Roger, Peter, Mikey
incoming BoD members need to get up to speed on a wide variety of issues, activities and expectations.
what kinds of information and materials would you like to see as part of a "BoD Intro Kit"?
pat "
Steve Timm reply
The intro kit should include a detailed schedule of meetings, conference calls and "Must Attend" gatherings.
The best of intentions are worthless without regular attendance and participation.
The financials need to be introduced and background information provided to allow incoming board members the chance to get up to speed on the flow of money.
Policy changes due to take effect in the upcoming year need to be detailed along with supporting information.
A detailed organizational chart would be helpful for newcomers to understand the division of labor among the staff, consultants and board.
excellent question
thanks for your interest
steve timm
the sUit guy
Jun 11 2007, 11:29 AM
ooops, sorry... i guess thats why i am the oversight director :eek:... threads are multiplying so fast :)
incoming BoD members need to get up to speed on a wide variety of issues, activities and expectations.
what kinds of information and materials would you like to see as part of a "BoD Intro Kit"?
Jun 19 2007, 12:37 PM
The following is a question from Mikey Kernan:
"David Gentry is the PDGA Tour Manager. In 2006 the PDGA paid for him to fly all the way to Japan to learn first-hand about International PDGA competition. Yet recently he claimed in an e-mail to candidate Mike Kernan #14304 that he is "not up to the specifics on International events".
This was in response to a question Mike asked in regard to the PDGA charging different fees for events overseas versus events in the USA, such as $0 per player for non-members in Europe versus $5 per player for non-members in the USA. (I'm not sure if that is a fact, but could be true)
So, Board of Directors Candidate, do you feel that David Gentry is properly doing his job as PDGA Tour Manager? Don't you agree that the PDGA Tour Manager should know what the PDGA charges for overseas sanctioning? Finally, does this indicate that all the PDGA's finances are improperly centered in one person, the PDGA Executive Director?
Thank you for tackling this thorny issue."
Jun 19 2007, 12:48 PM
PDGA tour manager, Dave Gentry followed proper office protocol in politely advising Mr. Kernan to contact the International Committee chairman, as that committee has been charged with the management of the International program. It should be noted that Mr. Kernan's reply to Dave contained profanity, false accusations, an insult and a threat. Dave used his better judgement and showed great restraint in not responding to this unwarranted attack and he has my full support in this regard.
Brian Graham
PDGA Executive Director
Jun 19 2007, 04:14 PM
Brian G
Not sure why you responded to this question directed to all the candidates.
MY response to the question is YES the Director of the PDGA tour should have a working knowledge of the structure of the international tour. I would not go so far as to say the the Exec Director is the center of the PDGA financials but it IS interesting that Brian Graham responded to this question directly.
steve timm
the sUit guy
Let's muddy the water more.
Here is the threatening, insulting, profane and falsely accusatory reply from Kernan.
> I'll give you a chance to cover your @#$%& on this.
> You mean to tell me you flew all the way to the Japan
> Open last year, and you are in charge of the PDGA
> Tour, and yet you don't have a clue what the PDGA
> charges overseas events for sanctioning?
>[edited due to personal attack]. I
> can understand that you're under a lot of pressure to
> lie to me; however, that is going to come back to
> haunt you should i be elected to the BoD. Don't think
> that you are irreplaceable.
> Thanks---your decision,
> Mike Kernan
> PDGA BoD Candidate
Jun 19 2007, 05:06 PM
Threatening? Check.
Insulting? Check.
Profane? Check.
Falsely Accusatory? Pass. Don't know enough about the subject matter to judge.
Jun 19 2007, 05:21 PM
Falsely Accusatory: Check "you're under a lot of pressure to lie to me;"
Jun 19 2007, 05:24 PM
I'm getting sick of these "Mikey as Maverick/Rebel" threads. Being belligerent for belligerent's sake is simply in bad taste. Really bad taste. More substance and less attitude please.
Jun 19 2007, 05:46 PM
Brian G
Not sure why you responded to this question directed to all the candidates.
MY response to the question is YES the Director of the PDGA tour should have a working knowledge of the structure of the international tour. I would not go so far as to say the the Exec Director is the center of the PDGA financials but it IS interesting that Brian Graham responded to this question directly.
steve timm
the sUit guy
I purposely did not respond directly to the question because the question was not directed to me. As a service to the candidates, I chose to provide them with the information they would need to properly answer the question. The assignment of duties is something that I would not think a candidate would be aware of. The most important information for them to know before answering the question is that International events are managed by the International Committee and not the Tour Manager.
Brian Graham
PDGA Executive Director
Jun 19 2007, 05:51 PM
As usual, you have responded in a professional manner.
Keep the needs of the members in mind and success will follow.
thank you
steve timm
the sUit guy