Jun 06 2007, 05:49 PM
Hot Late Breaking News!!! The 2007 Shasta Shoot Out is open to Shasta Series non-members..... What does that mean? It means a ton-o-fun for someone looking to play a world class ski park disc golf course at Mt. Shasta Ski Park. Hole 2 is 1045' away with a 900' drop and is reachable with one throw! This was formerly the Full Sail Shasta Shootout, but has become the final event in the Shasta Series due to scheduling and time restraints...This is a Non-Sanctioned Event for the time being....

If you are interested you need to contact the TD ASAP as the spots are already filling up, we are at about 80% full,

Here are the Basics:

Date: June 16th and 17th, 2007

Where: Mt. Shasta Board and Ski Park, Mt. Shasta CA

Entry Fee = $50
(includes ski lift ticket)
$30 goes to facility/lift fees, $20 goes to payouts
(note: normal series fee is $20)

Divisions: (note: this is a handicap event, TD will assign HC to non-series players based on skill as best as possible at the TD's discretion)

Pro Men
Pro Masters Men 40 yrs and older
Pro Women

Adv. Men
Adv. Master Men, 40 yrs and older, handicap 8.0 or more
Adv. Women
Am (Int. Men), handicap 10.0 or more

2 rounds of singles on Saturday 16th (players meeting at 8:30am)
Note: you cannot be late, as this is a shotgun start and you have to catch a vehicle ride up to your hole assignment or ride the ski lift....

1 round of pick your partner handicap doubles on sunday 17th ($500 added payout )
you add your HC's and divide by 2
example:(9 + 11)/2 = 10 adjusted (note: exact format may be subject to change)

Saturday night team disc horse shoe tournament
teams usually based on doubles teams


We will have the use of the lodge (no overnights), and the bar should be open during the day.
You can arrive as early as Friday the 15th Camping is in the parking lot area only and is free, and the locker room
bathrooms will be open all weekend
I believe there will be a BBQ on Saturday but have not confirmed that with the TD.... but please contact the TD if you have specific questions etc...


JD Lee (Tournament Director)
230 Siskiyou, Weed Ca 96094
530-938-2829 [email protected]

Mark (Contact) 530-828-6475 [email protected]

The TD must have the entry fee mailed to him ASAP or other arrangements made to garauntee you a spot as this event will fill fast now that the word is out...... contact soon!!!

For the shasta series flyer please visit www.discgolfstats.com (http://www.discgolfstats.com) this site has a link for series tounament info, and a series forum which will have important updates on event availability....