Jun 08 2007, 03:43 PM
So what are your concerns, issues or thoughts with the PDGA. As a candidate I am more interested in what you think, I know what I know and don't know the rest. I confess that I don't have all the answers right now but I will do my best to address and solve the HARD issues, that's what I have done in the business world for 25 years...... in the Utility (nuclear plant), Manufacturing (recycling/mill/corrugated) and Automotive industries (buses).

Who am I .......

A father raising 6 kids with my wife Kelly....
Kids ages 22, 19, 12, 9, 2, and 2 months.

I am an accountant/economist, who sings in a rock band
I am a Pro Master, who plays like an AM
I am a business man, who loves to have fun

Enough about me......
so what's on the memberships mind....
or why aren't you a card carrying member?

Jun 08 2007, 03:47 PM
One issue that comes up from your comments has to do with those who are NOT card-carrying members. Currently there is no spot on this message board for non-members to post a question. Do you think that should be changed - that there should be a thread where non-members can ask questions (moderated, of course)? Or is that a benefit of membership that we shouldn't give away freely?

Jun 08 2007, 03:48 PM
or why aren't you a card carrying member?

Note: nonmembers can't post...

Jun 08 2007, 03:54 PM
My comment about card carrying was for anyone about to walk away from the PDGA......

I believe any disc golfer should be able to post in a nonmember portion of this board (as long as they are respectful to the others on it). We allow non-members to post on the KDGA forum so if you aren't current contact me here.....
Maybe the new Board can win you back over as a member in 2008.....
Thanks ROG

Jun 08 2007, 04:06 PM
I AM a card-carrying member - that's the only way I am able to post here...

Jun 08 2007, 05:25 PM
Hi Roger,
Thanks for making yourself available, and thanks for volunteering your time and showing the desire to be a part of the PDGA on a larger scale.

Having looked at your resume, and at your playing history, I have a question or two.

Being that you don't seem to travel much, what do you see as your strong points in evaluating proposals that affect competitive standards? Be they financial commitments from the PDGA to various events or programs, or the organization of divisional play and standards. What experience do you bring from outside DG that can be applied to these sorts of discussions and decisions?

Having the willingness to participate in the process is paramount, and by your profession I have no doubt you have skills that can be utilized. But few volunteer without some vision of how they can have an impact. Tell us a little about yours!

Jun 08 2007, 06:21 PM
Being that you don't seem to travel much,



How many kids you got? Having three keeps my traveling down quite a bit. Double that number, and it is something that he gets to play in tournaments much at all!

Jun 08 2007, 06:31 PM
I believe the PDGA board members should discuss all changes with members from NT pro to Recreation levels especially on competitive standards. This makes competition standards very tricky, what is good for a NT pro may not be good for an AM or local pro.

Finances are critical and sponsorships are the key to making this thing go long term, not dues. We need to get business behind us and that takes a board who can speak their language and sale the value of supporting our growing sport.

Competition levels need balanced, let's face it only the 1000 rated players are real Pros, the rest of us are AAA or AA semi-pros trying to get to the big leagues.

Negotiations and finding common ground are important in any organization, my experience working with labor unions taught me that early in my career.

Over the years I have learned that trying to please everyone is impossible. As an organization we need to decide what our charter is and develop a business plan, then execute that plan. If it is the right plan people will follow, if not we weren't listening.

As a regional controller I travel alot for business, DG is my hobby.

Jun 08 2007, 06:48 PM
Competition levels need balanced, let's face it only the 1000 rated players are real Pros, the rest of us are AAA or AA semi-pros trying to get to the big leagues.

Do you truly think that we have more than a handful of "pros" now, which a lot of people on this board have defined as someone who makes their living from being a disc golf competitor? It seems to me that the 1000 rated player is not even a AAA or A, just a semi-pro at best.

I am not pointing this out as a knock on you, I am just trying to get a handle on your thoughts on the current competitive structure, and give you a chance to clarify your statement, if you so wish.

Thank you for your past volunteer work, and your willingness to serve all the membership by offering yourself as a candidate for the BOD!

Jun 10 2007, 01:31 PM
I am trying to be generous to our current state, I would not disagree with your statements, just pointing out there are hundreds of members who go by pro, when only the 1000 rated players are even capable of competing against the touring pros like Ken & Barry.

Jun 11 2007, 07:36 AM
Being that you don't seem to travel much,



How many kids you got? Having three keeps my traveling down quite a bit. Double that number, and it is something that he gets to play in tournaments much at all!

This was not a knock on Roger - merely an observation. 2-3 tournaments a year strictly locallly - may not give a person much exposure to how folks operate around the country - or to what problems exist. So my question remains unanswered. Roger, please share some of your priorities.

Jun 11 2007, 10:14 AM

incoming BoD members need to get up to speed on a wide variety of issues, activities and expectations.

what kinds of information and materials would you like to see as part of a "BoD Intro Kit"?



Jun 11 2007, 11:04 AM
My Priorities include

1. Attracting sponsorships by large corporations.
My business background and TD experience will help our organization in this area.

2. Providing financial disclosures to the membership.
As the Treasurer of Air Capitol Disc Golf Club I published financials for review by the Board and to any member who wanted to see the financial results.

3. Retain existing members and attract new members.
We need to listen to membership concerns and provide explanations of our actions. We need to recruit more & more ambassadors to bring our sport to the masses. The recent Conan show was excellent we should build on that exposure.

4. Clarify and Stablize the Rules of Play.
Disc Golf is the key word golf or disc? Most golf rules have been developed with years of play behind them, why do we want to reinvent the wheel? Our rules should focus on the obvious differences in the 2 sports Disc vs Ball, marking a lie vs playing it as it lies etc.

5. Establishing an amatuer and semi pro sport with appropriate divisions.
I am not sure if the membership is ready to change the divisions at this point but when the time is right we should move quickly to respond to the memberships needs.

6. Establishing a viable professional sport see #1 above.

7. Published budgets, goals and objectives. These should outline the activities that we are working toward and should be a good gauge as to how the BOD performed during a given period.

Jun 11 2007, 11:05 AM
New BOD's should receive meeting minutes, financials, position descriptions, budgets, goals etc. just like a new Board member of a fortune 500 company.

Jun 19 2007, 12:38 PM
The following is a question from Mikey Kernan:

"David Gentry is the PDGA Tour Manager. In 2006 the PDGA paid for him to fly all the way to Japan to learn first-hand about International PDGA competition. Yet recently he claimed in an e-mail to candidate Mike Kernan #14304 that he is "not up to the specifics on International events".

This was in response to a question Mike asked in regard to the PDGA charging different fees for events overseas versus events in the USA, such as $0 per player for non-members in Europe versus $5 per player for non-members in the USA. (I'm not sure if that is a fact, but could be true)

So, Board of Directors Candidate, do you feel that David Gentry is properly doing his job as PDGA Tour Manager? Don't you agree that the PDGA Tour Manager should know what the PDGA charges for overseas sanctioning? Finally, does this indicate that all the PDGA's finances are improperly centered in one person, the PDGA Executive Director?

Thank you for tackling this thorny issue."


Jun 19 2007, 12:47 PM
PDGA tour manager, Dave Gentry followed proper office protocol in politely advising Mr. Kernan to contact the International Committee chairman, as that committee has been charged with the management of the International program. It should be noted that Mr. Kernan's reply to Dave contained profanity, false accusations, an insult and a threat. Dave used his better judgement and showed great restraint in not responding to this unwarranted attack and he has my full support in this regard.

Brian Graham
PDGA Executive Director