Jun 13 2007, 05:10 PM
as mentioned in the Summit minutes ( , we are looking at updating the PDGA Mission Statement and related documents.

creating effective mission and/or vision statements is incredibly difficult. the best results occur when the entire organization is involved in the process. it would be great to get as much input from as broad a base as possible. please feel free to offer up any thoughts and input you might have.

there are bazillions of links that talk about typical structure and content of mission and vision statements. here are a few:

wikipedia Mission Statement (
wikipedia Vision Statement ( tements)
quick mba site ( site (

if we do this right (and i believe we will), updating our current statement will be challenging, though-provoking, and fun. and it could turn out to be one of the single most important activities we take on as an organization.

here's to great input!

Lyle O Ross
Jun 13 2007, 05:22 PM
This is a good idea, if we go beyond:

"promoting disc golf so that it becomes a major sport."

It seems it is time to rethink strategy. Pat Gs model seemed very good at the time but a lot has happened since that model was presented.