Jul 16 2007, 03:54 PM

Online Regs should be up very soon....

It's gonna be a <font color="red"> HOT</font> one<font color="red"> !!!</font> :)

Jul 16 2007, 04:21 PM
Now thats what I'm talking about! :D

Jul 16 2007, 04:57 PM
... shuh-zzzammmm ... :cool:

Jul 20 2007, 06:35 PM
<font color="red">Custom stamp Ontario Glo Rocs </font> have been added to the players packs for the <font color="red"> First 50 Registered Players </font>

We also have <font color="red"> CFR's For Sale </font>

Same <font color="red"> "hellishly wicked" </font> stamp as last year :cool:

<font color="red"> Star Tee Rex X - </font> Black Disc/ <font color="red"> Red Stamp </font> and <font color="black">Champion <font color="yellow"> Glo </font> Orc </font> / <font color="red">Red Stamp </font>

all primo weight, awesome to collect, awesome to throw...and best of all...all the proceeds go to the tournament :)

to pre-order, e-mail me at emckee{at}wafda.org or PM

$16 ea., quanities are limited

I will do my best to get a "mock-up photo" to post on here soon

Jul 22 2007, 09:51 AM
Great job Evan!!

Jul 22 2007, 07:46 PM
Now thats what I'm talking about! :D

400 miles, but you never know. I have not stopped looking at this one ;)

Jul 25 2007, 01:37 PM
TitleDisc (http://www.titledisc.com/Events/Hell_On_the_Border_2007.php) is up :)

Jul 25 2007, 02:59 PM
TitleDisc (http://www.titledisc.com/Events/Hell_On_the_Border_2007.php) is up :)

... IN , muh friend ... thankyaverymuch ! ... :cool:

Jul 25 2007, 04:21 PM
TitleDisc (http://www.titledisc.com/Events/Hell_On_the_Border_2007.php) is up :)

... IN , muh friend ... thankyaverymuch ! ... :cool:

No... Thank You :cool:

Jul 25 2007, 05:52 PM
We also have <font color="red"> CFR's For Sale </font>

<font color="red"> Star Tee Rex X - </font> Black Disc/ <font color="red"> Red Stamp </font> and <font color="black">Champion <font color="yellow"> Glo </font> Orc </font> / <font color="red">Red Stamp </font>

awesome to collect, awesome to throw...and best of all...all the proceeds go to the tournament :)

to pre-order, e-mail me at emckee{at}wafda.org or PM

$16 ea., quanities are limited


Innova is doing their best to provide primo weight and the Black disc, if they don't have enough for all Black Tee Rex X's there could be some red ones with black or even white with red or black

the Champion Glo Orcs will of course be a whiteish glo color

only 25 of each mold are available and at least 6 of each are already pre-ordered

they should be in my hands late next week :cool:

Jul 25 2007, 06:00 PM
Got mine. They're going fast fellas, better get em while you can. I wouldn't count on thinking you can get one when you arrive. :o

Jul 30 2007, 10:39 AM
... hey there Doc (aka Real World Champion) : Shawn tells me that Ben Geren is "resting in Shades Of Green" ...
... you geared up ? ...
... :D

Jul 30 2007, 05:31 PM
Hello All!

I know I haven't been posting for a long time, but Hell on the Border demands a response. I will be in Albequerque (prolly misspelled) that weekend but I wanted to encourage everyone who can make it to go to Arkansas. To all of those people who haven't been to Ben Geren before the course isn't especially difficult, but it is a lot of fun to play.
As a DISClaimer I must say that I may be a bit bias in my post because I did ace twice at the last Hell on the Border and I am sad that I can't go back this year and get some mo money.

As an added bonus, some of you advanced players who go may get to play on my Arkansas counterpart's card. AKA Barney Davis.

Have Fun!!!

Jul 30 2007, 06:41 PM
Leaving the Ace Pot all to me this year???

Good move Coop, that 3 way split in your favor last year stank...

Jul 30 2007, 08:10 PM
Pre Registration is posted and will continue to be updated as I receive them...hopefully TitleDisc is just being a little slow getting them to me because there's only 1 Okie so far :confused:

Tourney Stamp Ontario Glo Roc to first 50!!!

PRE-REG LIST (http://www.pdga.com/tournament/tournament_results.php?TournID=6773)

Jul 31 2007, 01:23 AM
... less than twice-weeks away ...
... git ya some ...
... :cool:

Jul 31 2007, 12:16 PM
From an Arkie Thread....

[Quote]I dont mean to be a smart ***** here but ...... How many people in a wheel chair have you ever seen playing Disc golf ?

I have been playing since late 93 and i have seen none ( yet ) [Quote]


You know I used to think that way too. I never believed in aliens until one night a group of alien women landed their spacecraft in my backyard and abducted me. They told me that I was the Alpha male that they had searched the universe for and they said if I didn�t have sex with them they would destroy the planet starting with Arkansas first. :(

Well up until then the only Arkies I knew about were Bill and Hillery, Sam Walton, and that Earnest guy from the Braum�s commercials. I knew also that a lot of Arkies had donated pictures of their teeth to the dental industry for training and the education of new dentists. I figured that it was important to save Arkansas because without the Arkie contribution to the dental profession, young people of the future would have no motivation to brush their teeth.

So, I did what I had to do for Arkansas and planet earth. I had sex with the alien women,.... which all in all wasn�t that bad because they showed great enthusiasm. No cuddling was required and as a reward afterwards, one of them morphed into a ham sandwich and a six pack of beer. :)

Later, while we lay there smoking cigarettes and reminiscing, they asked me about disc golf. They wondered why we throw discs with our arms when we should just �beam� them to the basket. I told them it is human nature to want to fly free and since our bodies are glued to the ground we imagine ourselves flying free when we gaze at the flight of a disc through air. We equate an ace to winning a small lottery,.. a birdie as having a good day,... hitting a tree as dealing with your ex-wife, and landing in deep water as death. Though sometimes discs come back from the dead. For some reason the blonde female had a hard time understanding all of this but after a little interpreting from her friends, she started to get the idea.

After hearing this they were all curious and wanted to compete in an event but I told them that the PDGA would create a rule against it because aliens are different than humans. I said first of all, there is no parking spot for your spacecraft and if there was they would have to get a special tag to park there,�.second, the PDGA will not allow you to beam to your lye,�..and third, if you did show up the government would declare you a threat to national security and start a war with your planet. I told them also that the idea of the PDGA creating a separate division for them is out of the question because they want to push everyone together so the TD�s can make more money by not having to create extra trophy�s for those extra divisions.

Upon hearing this they were very dis-hearted and once again talk of trashing Arkansas circulated within the group. I pleaded with them �No�. Humans depend on the chicken industry and we all would perish if it wasn�t for Walmart. Then I told them there is one place where aliens are welcome. It�s called Chandlerstock. A place that God has lifted toward the heavens so that all aliens, disabled, and toothless people can come together and celebrate in peace and harmony. It�s a place where 136 assorted aliens, misfits, &amp; beer drinkers found salvation and shelter from the PDGA last April. A resort that God can watch over his favorite TD and fill the hearts of all who journey there with love and laughter. :cool:

With tears in their eyes the group of alien women got down on their knees and said... �Thank you oh great Alpha Dog!. Not only have you helped to re-populate our planet,�..you have shown that there is hope for humans. Therefore we will spare the Arkies and the rest of your planet.�.

And just like that,��..they were gone. .... Later I woke up naked in a field with a �Debbie Does Saturn� dvd in my hand and a note that said �.

�Though you did not invite us, we came in search of life. A burden we thought we would be but you welcomed us with open arms. The universe smiles at you my friend. For you are truly free to fly as high as your imagination will take you.�

Two weeks later the aliens beamed photos of our offspring. All 22,551 of them. One even claimed that she was on the pill at the time but somehow my guys found their target anyway. What can I say��I am the Alpha Dog. :cool:

Jul 31 2007, 12:33 PM
Slow day at work? :D

Jul 31 2007, 12:38 PM
You should make a copy of that and put it on your refrigerator. Maybe Drew will get inspired by it and move into the backyard in hopes of being a Superhero. :D

Jul 31 2007, 12:53 PM
Nice lengthy post Furdog...mucho information.

Jul 31 2007, 01:14 PM
We're currently trying to get an exemption from the rule, but only if Furdog uses a Jet Back Pack though ;)

Jul 31 2007, 01:30 PM
I'm suprised after playing with him that you haven't already experienced the one he was born with.......his butt. :D

Jul 31 2007, 02:44 PM
Well I don�t think a �Butt-Pack� will be necessary. After seeing the novice Arkie�s play at Alma I�m sure I should be able to put my game on cruise control and take the novice title. If someone on my card starts to do better than me I�ll just hit�em with a can of Mace. Should I not win I�m not worried either because I�ve got plenty of plastic in my TD stash anyway. :p

Judging from how well Okie�s have been doing there lately I�m thinking about sponsoring Connors and Wagle for a percentage of their winnings should they go. Sponsoring Wise would be a lost cause though because if Pitch is there, Dave ends up buried in the ditch. :o

I imagine this should be a good tourney. Two rounds of DG with an optional third round on Sunday should you be in contention is sweet. :cool:.... The PDGA golf cart rule is bogus though. They would probably argue that the PGA doesn�t allow golf carts in their tournaments but that might have something to do with the fact that people might not shell out big bucks for gallery tickets if Tiger was just going to cruise by them in an air conditioned golf cart. :(

It must come down to the �haves� and the �have nots�. If you bring candy to school you�re going to have to share with everyone. The same thing should apply for the guys smoking pot in the parking lot and those guys hiding their beer in coozies. As for those disabled people who want to play, well let�s just tell them to stick with basketball. They still have Chanderstock if they�re interested. :)

Are there any cheap motels close to the park with a swimming pool where one could go and cool off between rounds? Or is everyone just going to crash on Evan and Pitch�s floor? /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jul 31 2007, 04:29 PM
They have it installed, you just need to bring a hose. :o' http://www.francethisway.com/renovation/images/poolold.jpg

Jul 31 2007, 07:05 PM
alright Okies, copy paste from wafda's thread.....


cheapest with a pool would be Pitch's house :o

cheapest without a pool would be my house ;)

I called around some....

Most Convenient and probably Nicest....

Ramada Inn, directly next to the Golf Nut driving range, that's gonna be a happening place Saturday Night as people that were there last year might remember, that's where the long drive contest will be :cool:

$74 - 4 people, they gotta pool

www.ramadafortsmith.com (http://www.ramadafortsmith.com), 1-800-2RAMADA, 5103 Towson Ave.

better book it soon to be sure....

there are a bunch of "cheap motels" up and down Towson Ave. (Towson turns into Zero - that's where the course is) rates in the $30ish to $40ish, probably no pools....I wouldn't really reccomend em' unless someones on a real cheap budget....at your own risk kinda places

Aug 01 2007, 11:40 AM
Does Pitch really have a pool?...I don't know if I'm welcome there anymore since I made sarcastic remarks about the Alma scores not being posted. :(...His place is probably closer than the Motel 6. I need a place to cool off and change clothes between rounds. I promise not to leave any dog fur in the pool. :D

Aug 01 2007, 01:34 PM
No telling about Pitch, you'd have to ask him, he's been pretty crazy busy lately and he's fixing to be on a nice lil' well earned siesta on a beach for a few days......

<font color="blue"> Looks like there's a Motel 6 off of I-540 S exit 8 or 8B that has some reasonable rates and fairly easy to get around from also direct line (479)484-0576 </font>

Most direct route to the course (Ben Geren Park) is I-540 S, exit 11 (Zero St.) take a left at the light off of the exit, Ben Geren is on the right a lil ways down.....

if you really want to take a dip between rounds I believe there's a pool at Ben Geren ;)

<font color="blue"> In a fundraising effort for WAFDA our BBQ Master/Treasurer will be selling some good grub on Saturday :cool:</font>

Any profits will go into WAFDA and help with future endeavors

Pre-Orders will be taken Saturday morning during registration

Burgers/Brats, fixings like beans and chips will be offered for $6 for Saturday's lunch

Delicious Smoked Ribs and fixings for Saturday Nights festivities at the Golf Nut's Driving Range for $10

Aug 02 2007, 01:57 PM
... that Motel 6 has a pretty-good deal ...
... it's like $53. for 4-person room ...
... $47. for two-person room ...
... $41 for single-solo-uno ...
... they gotta pool also ... :cool:

Aug 06 2007, 01:13 PM
... it's almost hee-eee-eee-urrh ... :cool:
... time tuh rip-a-potato-chip ! ...

Aug 06 2007, 06:28 PM
its going to be frickn hot :mad:.

Aug 06 2007, 06:36 PM
I know, I'll be in Dallas.

Aug 06 2007, 06:38 PM
its going to be frickn hot :mad:.

what??? last year everyone complained about rain :confused:

sheesh........you just can't make everyone happy :D

<font color="red"> HELL on the BORDER </font> .....truth in advertising :cool:

Aug 07 2007, 08:04 PM
I'd like to thank everyone that's pre-registered, and TDSA in general for some great advertising........ it'll make things run that much smoother Sat. morning, we have 38 Pre-Regs as of now :)

I got a call from Michael David, used to be a local but is now living in Missisippi, some of you may remember him from the late 90's, he's in for the week and has an apartment rented at the Links (2 minutes from the course), he's interested in possibly taking in some people for Friday and/or Saturday night to help with the cost.........

anyone interested PM or email me, emckee (at) wafda.org

for the truly hardcore I have tent space in my backyard and a semi-finished but air conditioned basement that could hold a few, all my indoor floor space is already reserved

Aug 08 2007, 10:43 AM
... 39 on your pre-reg list ... nice ...
... ( I think you got Wagle's PDGA number wrong though ) ...

Aug 08 2007, 12:03 PM
... 39 on your pre-reg list ... nice ...
... ( I think you got Wagle's PDGA number wrong though ) ...

41 now, Wagle's fixed, thanks for catching that Wayne :)

Aug 08 2007, 08:12 PM
Evans a slacker.
Yeah i'm still here.Been readin posts every day.Just layin low.Not much too say anyway.
Have fun guys.This weekend will either kill you or make you stronger.
Who knows,I may play.The arm is feelin pretty good.I'll throw a couple tomorrow to see.
Later beanheads.
Oh yeah.
I called the PDGA almost two weeks ago about Almas' scores.
They really don't give a hoot.Why should I.
Sorry.(OOPS!) No i'm not. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
They're the ones who are slacking.AM Worlds .Phooey.

Aug 09 2007, 03:40 PM
If any of ya'll Okies are coming in tomorrow,

I'll be at the course Friday afternoon.........

looking to throw a dubs mini together.....tee at 6:00
$10 per team.........100% payout to the top 3rd of the field
Flip Dubs so we don't have to mess with divisions :)

Aug 09 2007, 05:14 PM
If any of ya'll Okies are coming in tomorrow,

I'll be at the course Friday afternoon.........

looking to throw a dubs mini together.....tee at 6:00
$10 per team.........100% payout to the top 3rd of the field
Flip Dubs so we don't have to mess with divisions :)

... well , dog-my-cats ; I can't be there Friday evening ... BUT , I'll tell you what : just put Me (Forest) and my Pot-nuh (anybody) down for shooting a 39 ... the rest of ya'll can shoot-fur-second-place ...
... save my winnings for me , Evan ... I'll pick-em-up Saturday mawnin' ... :D

Aug 09 2007, 06:32 PM
If any of ya'll Okies are coming in tomorrow,

I'll be at the course Friday afternoon.........

looking to throw a dubs mini together.....tee at 6:00
$10 per team.........100% payout to the top 3rd of the field
Flip Dubs so we don't have to mess with divisions :)

... well , dog-my-cats ; I can't be there Friday evening ... BUT , I'll tell you what : just put Me (Forest) and my Pot-nuh (anybody) down for shooting a 39 ... the rest of ya'll can shoot-fur-second-place ...
... save my winnings for me , Evan ... I'll pick-em-up Saturday mawnin' ... :D

PM me how much you got for a bribe, we'll haggle a bit, and maybe that can be arranged :eek: ;) :D

When I found out that my arch nemesis the fabulous furpoopador wasn't coming I figured that I won't even mess with playing and co-td'ing........no real competition without him...... will make for better partying Sat. night if I take care of business on Sat. Day :cool:

Aug 09 2007, 11:13 PM
now scotts not comming :eek:, buuuummmmeeeerrrrrr

Aug 10 2007, 01:27 AM
I know :(

I was just gonna cancel the whole dang thing but the rest of the board voted against me :mad:

Aug 10 2007, 09:13 AM
... it's &gt; &gt; &gt; (you guessed it) &gt; &gt; &gt; Hell On The Border EVE ! ! ! ...
... suh-weet ...

Aug 10 2007, 10:29 AM
� the pre-tourney Polls just hit the AP wire service � I have to say that I agree with their predictions � at the PDGA B-Tier event in Ft.Smith this weekend , it appears that OKLAHOMA will do well �
� predictions by Division :
� Open Pro : Chris Wagle / OK
� Pro Masters : Carl Rogers / OK
� Advanced : Greg Winsworth / OK
� Adv.Masters : Mike Click / OK
� Adv. Masters Women : Kim Click / OK
� Adv. GrandMasters : (tie) Wayne Forest &amp; Martin Norris / both from OK
� Amateur : Bryan Hinds / OK
� other Okies are in-the-mix as well � but the RPI from both the AP and Coaches Poll show these at the top �
... Oklahoma Proud ... :D

Aug 10 2007, 01:50 PM
The AP wire service has just issued a retraction based upon flawed information, the accurate poll pedictions may be viewed at APwire.com (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Cat=0&amp;Number=726107&amp;Main=714870#Post7 26107)

Aug 10 2007, 02:56 PM
... now that's funny stuff ... :D

Big Easy
Aug 10 2007, 03:12 PM
Hey anyone besides me not going to arkansas for HOB.
I wanted to get in a round or 2 on Saturday somewhere.
Post Up or call my cell 766-1769.
D.P. :D

Aug 10 2007, 06:55 PM
ha ha.... I can't wait...

Aug 11 2007, 02:03 AM
I will play the underdog this weekend. :D

Aug 13 2007, 11:51 AM
� it was a �hot-time-in-the-ol�-town-tonight� � mighty warm throughout the weekend � the weekend was full of Good-Times and Great-Company � the plastic flew well � the Course played well : lots of neat holes and unique lines � in some places , the Course gave-it-up for birdies , pars , etc. � in other places the Course took-it-back with extra-strokes on the card � but with superior equipment out there ( great-Baskets-that-catch ; great-n-good-looking-Tee-Signs ; great-surface-Tee-Pads ) that Ben Geren Course always shines bright � it makes it easy-to-enjoy a Round out there ( even with some of my bad shots-n-yanks ) �
� AND �
� Shawn and Evan did great work before-during-and-after this whole Event � kudos to LaMastus and McKeen �

Aug 13 2007, 01:49 PM
What is it with you that you have to drag poor Martin around just so you have someone to beat in your division? ;)

Three more years and I'm there you old fart. :D...You're going down!!!! ;)

Aug 13 2007, 01:53 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but three more years and I'm there also. :D

At that time I will petition the PDGA to move back to Am, it doesn't seem to be a problem for anyone else. :o

Aug 13 2007, 02:01 PM
... doood ... sounds like in-3-more-years , we're in trouble ... us old , old grizzled-grey guys are gonna be infiltrated by dese party-crashers ...

Aug 13 2007, 02:03 PM
What is it with you that you have to drag poor Martin around just so you have someone to beat in your division? ;)

Three more years and I'm there you old fart. :D...You're going down!!!! ;)

by that time he might outrun you to Senior GM :D

Big Thanks to all the Merch and donations from ya' Furpuppy, Wayne Forest and Mike and Kim Click, Keldog also kicked in Phat, along with Russ Burns (Disc Golf Monkey Rocks)!!

I would like to thank all of Okie Disc Golf for helping and supporting us fledgling Arkies, you have provided valued experience and help in so much that we've done

Aug 13 2007, 08:59 PM
... AND ...
... I'm <u>calling it now </u> ... this Event will fill up in 2008 ... lotsa reasons-why were mentioned above ... Shawn and Evan will probably have to run "Split Flights" ... adding to the Event , the Town , the Course , the TD's , the Players &gt; &gt; &gt; will be the Points ...
... The 2009 AmWorlds Championships will be in KANSAS CITY ... tournament-attendance at PDGA events next-year ('08) WILL BE BONKERS ! ...
.. :cool:
... hide and watch ...

Aug 15 2007, 07:51 PM
You may view pix HERE (http://adobe.kodakgallery.com/BrowsePhotos.jsp?&amp;collid=499644384110.904215384110 .1187219143458&amp;) :cool:

username: emckee(at)wafda.org (with the @)
PW: 123456