Jul 18 2007, 01:31 PM
Hey Timmy...I heard you were thinking about making DGTV a pay to view membership site...I think this is a great idea! As long as its not too much...$19.99 a year membership...what say you discgolf community.
Jul 18 2007, 01:40 PM
I think DGTV is great and love the work they do but I wouldn't pay money to watch it. I think the only way a pay-to-view site would work is if they did more complete coverage of events, not just highlights and interviews.
But to answer you, with the videos they have now, I would not pay.
I wonder if volunteers would still send in videos if they made the site pay-to-view?
Jul 18 2007, 02:09 PM
We are researching our options. If we did charge, it would be perhaps $2.99 per month or around there. If we were to do this, we would have the money/funds to do more complete coverage and take it to another level. Our staff, like majority of all disc golf companies are doing it for the love of the game. We are not in this to make it rich, rather to do whatever we can to expose our great sport. If $2.99 is too much to ask for (10 cents per day) than that is your choice. I believe that you will pony it up once you go to a friends computer to watch and see the difference it will make in our quality and production time.
Thanks for asking, we appreciate all the feedback, and thanks to the 2000 + unique viewers per day who stop by to view. We are behind a little while getting ready for the Am and Pro Worlds. Just think, you can sit at your computer and watch some of the action from the worlds, I'll pay the $3.
Timmy Gill
Jul 18 2007, 02:09 PM
I think DGTV is great and love the work they do but I wouldn't pay money to watch it. I think the only way a pay-to-view site would work is if they did more complete coverage of events, not just highlights and interviews.
But to answer you, with the videos they have now, I would not pay.
I wonder if volunteers would still send in videos if they made the site pay-to-view?
I agree in that I would only pay for an improved service.
I would pay for a membership if they had good coverage from every big event they are at, no more than 1 week after the event.
THe SOTD is a great idea that is well executed.
Jul 18 2007, 02:25 PM
I easily pony up the money because I know that Gill and his crew are completely for the growth and promotion of our sport...If i was paying for Timmy's Kobe' steaks and sake' bombs, i would still pay...Larger coorporations would take notice of our sports dedication and want for coverage of our events...I think this is a great idea and if our small membership fees would help bring this form of coverage to the next level, well, I would convince all my mates to pay the money...I know that my membership cash would be put to good, honest use...Keep rockin DGTV.
Jul 18 2007, 02:36 PM
Well lemme say this, I would much rather pay for DGTV than DGWN.
Jul 18 2007, 02:40 PM
Well lemme say this, I would much rather pay for DGTV than DGWN.
Jul 18 2007, 02:43 PM
If $2.99 is too much to ask for (10 cents per day) than that is your choice.
If Sally Struthers was saying that about a starving child in Africa we would all open up our wallets. :D
In all seriousness, Timmy i think that you, Alan, and the rest of the DGTV crew are doing a fabulous job promoting, exposing, and sharing the sport we're all so passionate about. I am one of those 2000+ DAILY viewers and i would pay 10 cents a day to view DGTV's media. I've pretty much figured out that the more kids i have the less time i get to play golf which in turn results in the more time i spend in front of a PC watching DGTV. Keep up the good work my brother!!!! :cool:
Jul 18 2007, 02:57 PM
I really enjoy watching the SOTD's and coverage of bigger events.
I appreciate that Tim and crew have done so much work for our sport. Keep up the good work, PPV or not.
Jul 18 2007, 02:59 PM
I would pay $3 a month...Start charging, and make some changes.
Jul 18 2007, 03:19 PM
Well lemme say this, I would much rather pay for DGTV than DGWN.
Third it...what a great idea, maybe DGTV can brew up a deal with the PDGA where you can have the option to pay for a year membership to DGTV (?). I'm sure this idea has already been thrown around, perhaps this could actually happen with DGWN changing the way they do things.
Jul 18 2007, 03:38 PM
I agree...I love what you are doing to expose the sport and would gladly pay/month to help the site expand. This is what we need to bring it to the next level and I think that most golfers would agree. Also a cheap way to better the videos would be commentary by someone that is actually there. The HPC final nine was very exciting to witness with some amazing shots, holes, and a very tight race b/t Cale and Mike, and Jeff and Jay but none of that is mentioned in the video and you can't tell who's score is where and when. Just a thought...b/c while watching the final nine my adrenaline was going b/c of the crazy battle but when watching the video there is no way of knowing unless you were there
Jul 18 2007, 03:56 PM
Man 3 bucks a month is cheap!!! And just think if half the people who watch daily now paid that would be 3000 dollars a month more for Timmy, Alan and crew to put right back into DGTV.........And I have no doubt in my mind thats exactly what they would do.......They could buy better cameras and more editing software and more bandwidth (sp?) for the site so they could improve picture quality........They could afford to go to more tournament and get more coverage and the site would be a million times better than it is now.........And right now I think its amazing just imagine if you could drive home after a SuperTour wake up the next morning and watch some sick high quality coverage of the tournament you just played!!! Id say 3 dollars a month is nothing for what we will get in return.........Id pay 5 dollars a month!!!
Keep up the amazing work Alan, Timmy and Crew........I love what you doing and cant wait to see what you have in store for the rest of this season and 2008!!!
Jul 18 2007, 04:19 PM
We are researching our options. If we did charge, it would be perhaps $2.99 per month or around there. If we were to do this, we would have the money/funds to do more complete coverage and take it to another level. Our staff, like majority of all disc golf companies are doing it for the love of the game. We are not in this to make it rich, rather to do whatever we can to expose our great sport. If $2.99 is too much to ask for (10 cents per day) than that is your choice. I believe that you will pony it up once you go to a friends computer to watch and see the difference it will make in our quality and production time.
Thanks for asking, we appreciate all the feedback, and thanks to the 2000 + unique viewers per day who stop by to view. We are behind a little while getting ready for the Am and Pro Worlds. Just think, you can sit at your computer and watch some of the action from the worlds, I'll pay the $3.
Timmy Gill
Instead of a pay to view site I'd suggest using advertising monies to pay to the upgrades. I love the site but would never pay for it because if the video is cool enough it will end up an you tube any way. Plus if your motive is to promote the sport (and I in now way doubt that) then making people pay for it will only diminish the publicity. I've already shown some non-disc golfers a few of the cool shots on there and they think disc golf is cool. Funny side story ...
Playing with a 6 some at Oak Grove in Cali (first perm disc golf course). Only myslef and one other person had ever played before. I could tell early on that the other 4 where kind of frustrated playing with people who can easily control their disc while their's are flying more left than straight. We where on hole 4 when I rocketted a laser that never got more than 5 or 6 feet off the ground, pulled a slight left to right movement and BANG into the chains for an Ace. It was a thing of beauty. Well the moral of the story is, one of the guys turn to me right after that and said, "WOW, disc golf is bleeping awesome!!!!" He now plays regualry. Seeing magical shots like that will turn more non-players into players, not a pay per view site with expanded ball golf like coverage.
Just my 2 cents ... either way keep up the good work DGTV!!!!
Jul 18 2007, 05:25 PM
I personally love that DGTV really doesn't have advertisements. I'd pay $3 a month if it kept the ads away and improved the quality. I hate having to sit through a 60 second ad to get to a 30 second "hot shot."
However, maybe there is a way to appeal to both stand points - make the main coverage a pay area, and have a few "highlights" available to the public for free to help hook the people that want to know what disc golf, or disc golf tv is all about.
Jul 19 2007, 02:55 PM
I wouldn't mind paying but I think it's really important for disc golf to establish an advertising base. A pay to view site isn't showing potential advertisers anything and keeps us a fringe sport.
Jul 19 2007, 03:10 PM
I'm not saying they should put ads in front of the shot of the day. They should have ads on their site like almost any site has ads, on the side. Look at sites like ESPN and CNN, they have ads in places that don't get in the way but generate enough click throughs the advertisers want to stay. I also agree that making it a pay to view site will only keep it a fringe sport.
Jul 19 2007, 03:33 PM
I understand what you're saying, however, i believe that extra cash to work with can greatly help the site...Better cameras, better editing software, and being able to eventually have play by play(live) instead of a week later footage would ROC!!!! Why watch live scoring if you could have three live cameras and someone choosing which one goes on at any given moment.
Jul 19 2007, 09:57 PM
Don't they already have advertising from companies like vitamin water?
I do love the SOTD's and have watched every single one. Since there's such a large archive, that could be kept as free material that new players could view to see aces and learn about all the sport has to offer, while the newer, better coverage would be pay-per-view.
Jul 19 2007, 11:08 PM
Great thread, we greatly appreciate the feedback, please keep it coming. Yes we do have paid advertisers and without them DGTV would not be a reality, we can't thank them enough for their continued support, please click their links and support them.
We have many options and want to do what is right for all the disc golf community, from recreational golfers to the touring pro. We love what we do and will continue to improve day in day out, so please let us know what we can do for you. Comments at
[email protected] are always welcome as well, that way you reach the whole staff not just me on the board here once per day.
Jul 20 2007, 12:41 PM
just clicked the summit rewing link...CAnt wait to drink the beer...Love some norwegian singing.
Jul 20 2007, 03:27 PM
I think a free site with pay to view expanded content is a good compromise. Advertising to support the free stuff like SOTD and some tourney highlights. Pay to view full coverage of touneys and perhaps an indepth series on technique and training.
Jul 23 2007, 02:37 PM
I understand what you're saying, however, i believe that extra cash to work with can greatly help the site...Better cameras, better editing software, and being able to eventually have play by play(live) instead of a week later footage would ROC!!!! Why watch live scoring if you could have three live cameras and someone choosing which one goes on at any given moment.
A pay to view wouldn't even have what your looking for. They don't even have that on and they have cash rolling. They tried that with NCAA tourney with mixed results. The kind of bandwidth and equipment needed to make that happen isn't coming the dollars raised from a pay to view site. I'm sorry but it just wouldn't, it's too expensive. You'd be better off contacting versus and trying to get some coverage on that channel. Now if that happens I am available for color commentary.
Jul 23 2007, 02:42 PM
Great thread, we greatly appreciate the feedback, please keep it coming. Yes we do have paid advertisers and without them DGTV would not be a reality, we can't thank them enough for their continued support, please click their links and support them.
We have many options and want to do what is right for all the disc golf community, from recreational golfers to the touring pro. We love what we do and will continue to improve day in day out, so please let us know what we can do for you. Comments at
[email protected] are always welcome as well, that way you reach the whole staff not just me on the board here once per day.
Right on Timmy! I think you need to have some expanded coverage of regional areas. I travel around a lot and notice the difference between the game in different parts of the country. I'll volunteer to be your local Texas correspondent. There are a lot of great players here in Texas and because the foliage is different there are different shots played here that don�t get played in other parts of the country. I think exposing the game regionally could be a way to drive even more traffic to the site.
Jul 23 2007, 02:58 PM
I would pay as much as $5/ month if we were to get good coverage of the Pro Worlds & USDGC in addition to what we had now.
right now I pay , ~$20 per DVD. If DGT could give us similar coverage it would be worth $5/ month to me.
Jul 23 2007, 07:35 PM
I will pay all that is needed. Show me da way sun
Luke Butch
Jul 23 2007, 08:09 PM
any way you could maybe do a trial pay per view run at this years USDGC???
Sep 04 2007, 12:01 AM
I would pay just for the fact that if DGTV does not start to make a profit, then it might go away. Then we would have nothing. Plus Mr. Gill and a bunch of other people put there heart and sole into this thing and we can definitely show that we appreciate it by giving as much as 3 bought discs per year.