the camera guy
Aug 02 2007, 07:25 AM
the TDSA has been recognized by the PDGA...
Service award for TD of the year ( 21954)
Aug 02 2007, 09:00 AM
And well deserved.
Thanks to all of the volunteers that made it possible. ;)
Aug 02 2007, 09:11 AM
Someone called me from the awards last night and said that Johnny Thompson accepted it and said it was all because of him that we pulled it off j/k :D
Aug 02 2007, 09:13 AM
WOW! Great job! What an honor!
Aug 02 2007, 09:19 AM
I disagree. :mad:... I was me keeping those squirrels off the wet cement at Mohawk that did it. That and my water hydration training that made sure nobody died from dehydration on Saturday. ;)
I want to get my picture taken with it before Wise sticks it up his butt. :mad:
Good job TDSA!!!!! :cool:
Aug 02 2007, 09:56 AM
" I want to get my picture taken with it before Wise sticks it up his butt".
Aug 02 2007, 10:01 AM
Aug 02 2007, 10:36 AM
Do we all get a GOLD shovel?? :D
Aug 02 2007, 10:43 AM
Right now we need a GOLDEN LAWNMOWER from the parks department to get out and mow Blackhawk. Do you know anybody that works there? :o
Aug 02 2007, 11:09 AM
Who gets to keep the oblisque?
Aug 02 2007, 11:54 AM
Well IMO I think ultimately it should be you. My reasons for thinking this are:
1) You're going to miss us when you're gone and this will give you something to remember us by.
2) It gives us all a reason to show up at your place in Georgia unexpected to view it.
3) As you grow old and your shadow starts to grow longer than your throws you can show it to Ryan and inspire him to follow in your footsteps.
4) I can't think of a public place in Tulsa where it could be displayed without the possibility of being vandalized so maybe there's a wall at the DG headquarters in Georgia that you can hang it so all who visit can see it.
Then again, if you decide to stay in Tulsa or move back here then the award should get thrown into a mud pit and we should all wrestle for it. :)
That's just my opinion but nobody really listens to me anyway. :(
Like I said before. I just want 5 minutes with it (pre-butt). If Wise touches it then I consider it "post-butt" and it's worthless. :(
Of course we might not ever see Johnny Thompson again so this all this might be a mute point. :D
Aug 02 2007, 12:22 PM
First and Foremost....We need a PIC of it to put at the TOP or EVERY corner of out website so that it will be forever know that TULSA kicks BUTTT!!!!
I'm not gonna lie and say i don't want it, It's a great honor to be a part of the club who ran the best event in the whole WORLD.
It really did suck, abandoning my game for over a year, that was really good (3rd at USDGC and 8th at Worlds) to take on that huge task of AM WORLDS...but for our team to win this award it makes it all worth it.
It is taking more time than I expected to get my game back to that level....It sucked losing my spot as top OKIE golfer to the WAY temporarily..... ;) BEEEEELIEVE THAT! ;)
And I will miss you guys and you all are ALWAYS welcome to come to Georgia ANYTIME and play our 9 hole course at our house
Aug 02 2007, 01:09 PM
They already mowed it once this year... what more do you want... Oh, come out sat. and help the mayor with your equipment to mow... :o:mad:
Aug 02 2007, 02:40 PM
The Chandlerpark crew never seems to have a problem getting their park mowed. :mad:....Oh, that' right. Chandler is a county park. City parks must be like working for Wonderbread. Here a "loaf", there a "loaf", everywhere a "loaf loaf".
I guess the mow crew for Mohawk is just too busy driving down the road at 1/4 speed that by the time they get there it's time to go home. :o:p ;)
Aug 02 2007, 02:42 PM
That is great news! It was a team effort, the volunteers deserve another party.
Aug 02 2007, 02:57 PM
Great idea MC!...I'll bring a kegger of Pitbull. :D
Aug 02 2007, 03:31 PM
Great award for the TDSA - I have a list of over 100 people that deserve a piece of that award.
We should definately have a get together for pictures and plaster it all over our website. It should also be proudly displayed at the "OO" this year. Just my opinion.
Aug 02 2007, 03:49 PM
Do we all get a GOLD shovel?? :D
NO!,but I'll bring over the one and ONLY and for $1.00 you can get a picture of yourself with MY Golden Shovel!All money raised will go to the OO. :p
:DI'm proud to be a lifetime member of the TDSA :D
when are we going to have worlds in Tulsa again?
maybe by then their will be sidewalks in Mohawk Black so I can get around easy with the walker
Aug 02 2007, 03:52 PM
Great award for the TDSA - I have a list of over 100 people that deserve a piece of that award.
Maybe we can get Donkey Dan to make 100 mini replica awards? :)
Aug 02 2007, 03:56 PM
Do we all get a GOLD shovel?? :D
NO!,but I'll bring over the one and ONLY and for $1.00 you can get a picture of yourself with MY Golden Shovel!All money raised will go to the OO. :p
I have a $600 dent in my truck that I got off a pole a Mohawk at Am Worlds. You can get a picture with it for only 50 cents. :cool:
Aug 02 2007, 04:05 PM
I have a $600 dent in my truck that I got off a pole a Mohawk at Am Worlds. You can get a picture with it for only 50 cents. :cool:
[/QUOTE]I never fixed the back bumper of my car from the basketball pole at Dovillio that jump right in front of me,when we were doing teepads.
Aug 02 2007, 04:11 PM
have a $600 dent in my truck that I got off a pole a Mohawk at Am Worlds. You can get a picture with it for only 50 cents.
i think i saw that happen
Aug 02 2007, 04:19 PM
Everybody hits that basket ball pole so that doesn't count. :p ;)...
Mine was in the heat of the event by # 1 teepad and I had to deal with the humilation of about 20 or 30 juniors laughing their butts off. :(...I think little Nicholson was the first one to come up and give me crap about it.
Aug 02 2007, 06:04 PM
I have a $600 dent in my truck that I got off a pole a Mohawk at Am Worlds. You can get a picture with it for only 50 cents. :cool:
We recently saw Brent Doekson back his civic into the pole at dovillio.
Aug 02 2007, 09:20 PM
that's it,who got a cutting torch?
Aug 03 2007, 01:14 PM
The Chandlerpark crew never seems to have a problem getting their park mowed. :mad:....Oh, that' right. Chandler is a county park. City parks must be like working for Wonderbread. Here a "loaf", there a "loaf", everywhere a "loaf loaf".
I guess the mow crew for Mohawk is just too busy driving down the road at 1/4 speed that by the time they get there it's time to go home. :o:p ;)
That is funny you poopy dwag :eek: but the Park(Tulsa) has over 130 parks and the county has many?????? :o:)
Aug 03 2007, 03:19 PM
Whaaa!!!...Whaaa!!!....Whaaaa!!!! :(
That may be so Zoop but county parks don't screw me out of two bucks on weekends just to get into the park. :p...Where's the money going???? :confused:
Aug 10 2007, 05:26 PM
Someone called me from the awards last night and said that Johnny Thompson accepted it and said it was all because of him that we pulled it off j/k :D
I saw Johnny T. last night at Chandler and he didn't seem to know anything about the award. :confused:
Has it been stolen already? :(
Aug 10 2007, 05:50 PM
Furball, why the concern? It's not a lipservice award :o
Aug 16 2007, 06:32 PM
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Aug 17 2007, 12:42 AM
wtf :confused:
Aug 17 2007, 10:46 AM
He's a tele-evangelist from the 70's.
Aug 17 2007, 12:43 PM
man... i had forgotten all about dr gene scott- used to watch him back in the day- hilarious.
now we need some reverend ike.
Aug 19 2007, 07:34 PM
hel! ya--is that Shotgun Sams dad or what?
Oct 11 2007, 06:54 PM
the TDSA has been recognized by the PDGA...
Service award for TD of the year ( 21954)
<font color="red"> Speaking of where did the award get sent or carried off to anyway I would at lest like to see it before it disappears. </font>
Oct 12 2007, 06:10 PM
so what did happen to the award? was it just a published thing with nothing to stick in a case to look at?