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Aug 20 2007, 04:36 PM
Looks like we're going to have a little extra light for night golf during the holidays. ... :cool:

Holiday Lights (

Anyone have any extra lights or want to volunteer with me, let me know. :cool:....Maybe we can get TDSA in lights on the Jesus hill! :)

Aug 23 2007, 11:06 AM

THURSDAY!!!! AUGUST 23rd!!!!




Well you'll just have to be there to find out because this is an "EYE'S ONLY" event. Why mess with an "A", "B", or "C" tier when you can have a "007" tier. :cool:

Ace pot starting at $32 in beaver skins. :)


Aug 23 2007, 11:34 AM



That's right little puppies and kitties.....


And this time, only the little animals will survive. :o

Tune in to this moose station for more info later!!!! :cool:

Aug 23 2007, 11:37 AM
I heard your giving away a 2008 Corvette....

What a guy...

Aug 23 2007, 11:50 AM


So with the moose being out there does that mean it will start at 6:15 or......... :eek:

Aug 23 2007, 12:22 PM
Hey Ninja boy!!!.....I haven't seen you run a mini at Dovillo all summer. :confused:.... Are you just using that TD title to pick up chicks? ;)


If Swaggies can do a one day then surely you could do a one-day and cater in some Chinese food. :cool:

Aug 23 2007, 12:26 PM
Bring out the egg rolls as players packs, Thong.

Aug 23 2007, 01:28 PM
Yeah he could run a tourny it could be called "Cheech and Thong" Good Times Open :cool:

Aug 23 2007, 01:29 PM
I could use a 08 Corvette ;)

Aug 23 2007, 01:30 PM
"Cheech and Thong" Good Times Open :cool:

That has a ring to it.

Aug 23 2007, 01:30 PM
I'll think about selling it to you... after I win it.

Aug 23 2007, 02:24 PM
Little defensive are we....I cannot deny the truth of what you are saying.

I was just wondering what time it was gonna start... :D

Aug 23 2007, 03:36 PM
Well for some reason Jerry put 6pm in the paper last night but the flyer says 6:15 so imagine it's a box of chocolates and pick one. ;)

In my defense I would just like to say that one of the reasons some of my minis may not start on time is because Chandler park is in a different time zone and thus once you climb the hill you are no longer on �Tulsa� time. Sure there has been a song written about �Living on Tulsa Time� but on my mountain it�s �The Rocky Mountain Way� (Joe Walsh). You are closer to God and therefore no longer a part of the preditable life down under.

God told me that seeing how it took him 6 days to create the world, he didn�t see why I shouldn�t take an extra 5 minutes bringing in the flock. Problem is, some of the flock (Twoputt in particular) has now become �disgruntled�. For some reason he thinks the very few events he EVER does, run like high speed broad band when in reality his are no better than �dial up�.

He lives on �Owasso Time� which is all about �lets build a bunch of expensive homes around a ball golf course and screw building a public park for a DG course�. Because of that he has chosen to break away from the flock on the high mountain ground and just sit at the bottom of the hill and throw stones at me every time I drive by.

Well �Everybody must get Stoned� (Bob Dylan) so I�m willing to accept it whether the �disgruntled� like it or not. I wonder if they ever feel the stones falling on their heads. I will not be running any week night TDSA mini�s in September so the �roc hurlers� for lack of a better word, will have to find another place to throw their rocs. :p

As for you, little Me-ahh-gee. Do a one day at Dovillo and call it the �Me-Love-U-Long-Time-Open�. :D

By the way. If anyone can�t see God while they�re at my mini�s then let me throw you off one of those cliffs and maybe you�ll see him then. :) <font color="red"> </font>

And in keeping with Mr. Dylan.

The first one to come up to me tonight and say�.

<font color="red"> �I forgive you for being late Furdog. Everybody must get stoned.� </font> :cool:

Will receive free basic $5 entry. :o:D

Aug 23 2007, 03:40 PM
Buck up lil camper, the sun will come out tomorrow. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Aug 23 2007, 04:05 PM
Do a one day at Dovillo and call it the �Me-Love-U-Long-Time-Open�. :D


Aug 23 2007, 04:09 PM
Dude....That's a repeat. You've used that one before. Don't you have anything else? :(

I'm beginning to think that when given the choice of one pill that makes you larger and one pill that makes you smaller, your mother gave you the pill that doesn't do anything at all. :confused:

Aug 23 2007, 04:30 PM

Aug 23 2007, 04:32 PM
Try to keep the fights to a minimum tonight.

Remeber its peace and love on the mountain. :o

Aug 23 2007, 04:43 PM
Ok. Those were better but the punchbowl was a stretch.

I don't know about any fighting going on tonight. Only one of the last contenders even shows up.

What about you? Are you interested in going a couple of rounds with the champ?....I've got the Sumo wrestling suits over at Marie's that I can bring and I've saved my lunch money for the winner. :D

Aug 23 2007, 06:03 PM
I only put 6pm so maybee YOU could get started on time !!! ;) :D

Aug 23 2007, 06:07 PM
You tell em' Jerry!

Aug 24 2007, 09:42 AM
FD Mountain Results for Thursday Aug. 23rd.

Coda Hatfield 45
Greg Winsworth 45
Bryan Hinds 48
Furdog 50
Billy Swanson 52

Pro Women:
Ashley Hoster 59 (Donated her winnings to Brooke. Very classy) :cool:
Brooke Braswell 70 (Left before collecting) :(

Both of these women get free entry next week.

Jason McDaniel 44 (Said that was the best he had ever shot.) :confused:
John Rutyna 52
Shane Kay 53
Mark Sheffield 54
Mike �Two Guns� Coberly 55
Randy Wilson 55
Louis Flores 57
Chance Moore 58
Jesse Bucelluni 58
Johnny �Snakeskin� Lane 59
Chris Cervantes 64

Wade Largent 52
Ken Winkle 54
Rich Fisher 57
Jacob Wilson 58
Darin Briggs 59

Zach Dennis 61

Free CTP # 11 Jason McDaniel

Paid CTP # 13 Mark Sheffield (Left without collecting) Thanks for the donation to the FD fund. :)

Thanks to everyone that showed up for the �Eyes Only� event.

Next Thursday August 30th will be the final week night mini for the summer so bring your beach balls.

After next Thursday, those that have showed up have helped raise over $500 for the TDSA since June. :cool:

Look for a 2/2 Saturday doubleheader on September 8th with the �Mystic Moose�s Magical Max CPT Shootout� to follow later in September.

Starting ace pot next Thursday will be $52 and look for some other surprises at well.

Better come and get it before the aliens land and take me away.

Aug 30 2007, 10:10 AM


Tonight is....Lil'Moose's Mystical Magic Mullie Night!!!

This will be the last week night mini at Chandler for a while.

Look for some " Bark in the Dark " events coming up in the holiday season. :)

Tonight's ace pot is starting at $52 milk bones. :cool:

Twoputt won't be there so it should be an enjoyable evening.

I also have a few "sreyortseD" &amp; "srennurdaoR" available if anyone's interested. :o

Aug 30 2007, 10:14 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble there, mangey mutt, but practice was change this week to Tues &amp; Wed, so I guess I will see you tonight.

Wow, this will be great! Two nights in a row of night golf.
Nicholson's monthly moonlight and Mangey Mutt's 7:15 mini. :o

Aug 30 2007, 10:28 AM
**** :mad:........There goes a perfectly nice evening. :(

I wonder if it's too late to reschedule. :confused:

Don't forget to bring your wife Jake "Fancy Feet" Reeker. When the two of you show up it's like "added cash" for everybody. :)

Aug 30 2007, 10:58 AM
Dan Bougher and I are riding together. :o:D

Don't worry, we'll tell you which way to go.

Aug 30 2007, 11:26 AM
Tell Dan that it's "Furdog Rulz"....not "Boughers Ya-da-Ya-da-Ya-da". :p

Aug 31 2007, 10:05 AM
Results from Furdog�s Mountain 08/30/07

Coda Hatfield 41
Joel Woody 42
Jesse Carlisle 43
Dave Wise 44
Furdog 46
Chris Stine 47
Jason McDaniel 51
Bryan Hinds 52

Pro Grand Master:
Billy Swanson 44
Wayne Gregory 46
Bud Johnson 55

Pro Women:
Shana Swanson 59
Carolyn McCarty 67
Ashley Swartz 70

Mike �Two Guns� Coberly 47
Johnny �Snakeskin� Lane 47
Dillon Eaton 47
Randy Wilson 50
Wade Largent 50
John Rutyna 54

Rod Whitlatch 49
Ken Winkle 49
Michael Whitlatch 52
Jeff Adcock 53
Rich Fisher 53
Caleb Green 54
Darren Briggs 57
Curtis Rosamond 60

Jake Wilson 58
Zach Dennis 72

Free Ctp # 11 Rich Fisher

Paid Ctp # 18 Jesse Carlisle

Ace # 11 Rich Fisher (but he failed to get into the ace pot) :o

Thanks to everyone that came out for �Mystic Moose Magic Mulley Night�.

Total money raised for the TDSA for the summer minis at Chandler is $ 519 beaver skins. :cool:

If you want to have a say on what that money is used for then please run for a TDSA Administrator position.

Otherwise I�ll run and the other admins and I will treat ourselves to a party at Night Trips. :)

Aug 31 2007, 10:09 AM
At least you'll have $519 in one dollar bills. Thats enough for a steak and a few lap dances. :D

Aug 31 2007, 10:57 AM
Otherwise I�ll run . . .

... I like your chances ...

Aug 31 2007, 01:31 PM
do you get a moist towlett with that lap dance?

Sep 07 2007, 09:48 AM
Looks like it's going to be a soggy mountain on Saturday. :(....Mud Wresling will be optional.

Sep 07 2007, 09:53 AM
I would think as the self proclaimed "King of the Mountain" you would have the power to ward off the rain for your events. :o

So are we now to assume that you are nothing more than a "king of crap"? :D

Sep 07 2007, 09:53 AM
God loves the smell of wet dog in the morning.

Sep 07 2007, 10:04 AM
I don't know. Maybe I should call it off. Marie might need me at home because I'm so good in bed. I can sleep for days. :D

Sep 10 2007, 12:01 PM
For Saturday September 8th

Sorry. I forgot to get the results in the paper on Saturday so here they are. :(

Morning Round:

Richard Mitchell 42
Furdog 49
Twoputt 51

John Rutyna 48
Snakeskin 50
Randy Wilson 51
Two Guns 59

Rich Fisher 51
Jake Wilson 56

Tie � John Rutyna &amp; Randy Wilson # 9

Afternoon Round:

Bill Pennington 41
Coda Hatfield 43
Johnny Thompson 43
Richard Mitchell 44
Dan Bougher 44
Kyle Wilkes 46

Pro Grand Master:
Bud Johnson 49
Wayne Gregory 50

Harry Hindshaw Sr. 49
John Rutyna 54
Snakeskin 56
Doug Duff 58
Rich Fisher 60

Zach 62

CTP: Bill Pennington # 9

Thanks to all that came out in the rain.

Sep 10 2007, 02:52 PM
On a side note:

Richard Mitchell is still to Twoputt that Kryptonite is to Superman!!!!

Notice the awesome 51 Twoputt hung on the board in the morning round. :o.....On top of that, everyone got one free mully and he used his on the first hole. :eek: :o:cool:

Richard Mitchell: The Anti-matter for deep space battle against Twoputt and Donkey Dan!!! :cool:

Sep 10 2007, 03:12 PM
He doesn't bother me any more. Unlike Dan and my self do you. :o:o
You can tell when Dan arrives by the look on your face. :o

As for my 51 at Chandler - Saturday morning, raining, wet and 4 bogeys, nuff said. :D

Sep 10 2007, 03:20 PM
The problem with Dan is that he "hee-haws" too much and drops his donkey doo all over the place.

By the way. You owe me a dollar. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 10 2007, 03:27 PM
And it is a well desreved dollar, I felt much better after that. Thanks Buddy. :o:o:D
You are definately a FULL service kind of TD. :D

Sep 10 2007, 03:37 PM
I knew a pro player like yourself wouldn't have a problem swallowing defeat from a 829 rated K-9. :cool:

Sep 10 2007, 03:40 PM
I'll let that go, since I have only two more days on probation. :mad:

Sep 10 2007, 04:02 PM
By the way. My caddie thinks that I need to add your name to the Billy Swanson rule on the scorecard. She's never seen someone throw a fit over lousey play like you do. She told me I shouldn't stand too close because if God strikes you down with a lighting bolt, she doesn't want me taking any collateral damage. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 10 2007, 04:15 PM
She should be around more often when you play. Its easy to be a saint for one round. I'd bet she would be amazed at how high you can jump after a missed12ft donkey putt or a shank on 17 when its all tied up. :o:D

Sep 10 2007, 04:21 PM
Are you kidding??...You should see the fit I throw when I can't find the remote for the TV. :D

Sep 10 2007, 04:23 PM
A lost remote warrents such an outburst! :mad:

****, I hate it when that happens. :D

Sep 17 2007, 10:27 AM
The "Mystic Moose's Max CTP Shootout" flyer is up!!!

Mystic Moose MCS (

l couldn't get the shelter this time around so we'll be meeting at the alternate meeting place by hole # 10.

I predict that I will be taking home 4 cpt's. You all can fight over the rest. ;)

Sep 17 2007, 12:38 PM
The "Mystic Moose's Max CTP Shootout" flyer is up!!!

... it's already in the Rules-Sign at Riverside tee 1 ... :cool:

Sep 22 2007, 08:46 PM
Don't forget. I was not able to get the shelter reserved so we will be meeting by hole # 10 for the Mystic Moose Max CTP Shootout.

Come get yourself some.!!!! :)

Sep 23 2007, 10:56 AM
The "Mystic Moose's Max CTP Shootout" flyer is up!!!

Mystic Moose MCS (

l couldn't get the shelter this time around so we'll be meeting at the alternate meeting place by hole # 10.

I predict that I will be taking home 4 cpt's. You all can fight over the rest. ;)

you wish

is anybody going to play this today ?
i am going to try to make it
see you later

Sep 24 2007, 01:07 PM
Thanks FurDog and Marie. The day was a lot of fun and it seemed that the money was spread around for the most part. 14 total winners, with two of those getting 3 each.
Jay Slack and Joel Woody.

Each Hole was worth $38.00! :o

**** good for a $20 entry. ;)

Sep 24 2007, 02:10 PM
Yo Furdog can we see a list of holes and who won them?

Pretty please with cocaine on top?

Sep 24 2007, 02:24 PM
Sorry MC but I do not have that list with me at work right now. I'll get them up later today.

Here are the mini scores....

Big Dave Nicholson 43
Dave Wise 44
Chris Hutchinson 44
Joel Woody 44
Kyle Wilkes 45
Johnny Thompson 45
Chris Wagle 45
Andrew Treat 46
Jesse Carlisle 46
Dan Bougher 46
Tom Landers 47
Tony Walker 47
Jerry Stacey 48
Wayne Minshall 48
Furdog 50
Jay Slack 50
Shane Kay 50
Bill Pennington 50
Jason McDaniel 51
Little Dave Nicholson 51
Jesse Crew 52
Steve Naegele 54

Pro Women:
Amber Marchant 60
Shanna Swanson 62

Pro Master:
Rob Davis 46
Gary Nail 53

Pro Grand Master:
Martin Norris 50
Wayne Gregory 51
Billy Swanson 51
Jim Geurin 51
Paul Goodhue 58

Hunter Boren 46
John Barton 46
Bravo 47
Matt Cooper 47
Mickey Brookshire 49
Mike Brookshire 50
Todd Young 52
Steve Blendowski 53
Matt Shipley 54

Logan Moody 51
Brandon Peak 52
Corey Leemhuis 54
Doug Duff 55
Trey Landers 57

Rich Fisher 57
Jeremy Geiger 57

Iszac Marchant 54
Justin Landers 58
Drew Wise 63
Zach Barton 69

As Dave said, each hole valued at $38 with Jay Slack &amp; Joel Woody picking up 3 each for a $114 payday. :cool:

A vote was taken and the whole group voted to ban them both from the next event. :)

Chris Hutchinson aced # 1 but the ace pot was not in affect. That must be the reason Marie and I saw him in the Riverside parking lot selling discs immediately following the event. :p

Treat?....You need to get out there and defend your territory. :confused:

Special thanks to Lil�Moose and Carla Barton for helping with the TD duties. :)

Thanks again to everyone that came out. :cool:

Sep 24 2007, 02:27 PM
Nice job Slack and Woody!

Sep 24 2007, 02:47 PM
There is a funny story that happened at McClure after the Chandler round yesterday.

I am not going to name any names, but it was CLASSIC!

We played McClure in the championship OB lay out. We get to hole 14, You must be across the asphalt sidewalk that runs just in front of the basket. The un-named player throws his drive and it comes up short, then proceeds to throw his next shot, which is for a three and it comes up short. Now he proceeds to throw 5, 7, 9 and 11, still with no shots in bounds. The next drive would have been for a 13. :o

I wanted to see just how high of a score he could take and even offered a choice of my drivers, but he was just too hacked off to try any more. He paid his money and went home. :o:D

And it wasn't me. :D

If you were anyone but the person doing it, it was definately some funny stuff. :D

Sep 24 2007, 03:09 PM
Well, hell, I just found out that the un-named player was sick when it happened but still some funny stuff. ;)

Sep 24 2007, 04:04 PM
how cool was this
not only did i play like a piece of furdog i mean shout the same thing as furdog
i managed to take 3 of the last ctp's 114 bucks
the coolest thing ever and the biggest cash or anything jay slack has every won
so when furdog said when amanda won anyone can win
he should have said the same thing about me
shot a 50 and took home some cash
who ever said drive for show putt for dough was wrong
man am i lucky
thanks furdog had a great time
freeking awesome

Sep 24 2007, 05:37 PM
There is a funny story that happened at McClure after the Chandler round yesterday.

I am not going to name any names, but it was CLASSIC!

We played McClure in the championship OB lay out. We get to hole 14, You must be across the asphalt sidewalk that runs just in front of the basket. The un-named player throws his drive and it comes up short, then proceeds to throw his next shot, which is for a three and it comes up short. Now he proceeds to throw 5, 7, 9 and 11, still with no shots in bounds. The next drive would have been for a 13. :o

I wanted to see just how high of a score he could take and even offered a choice of my drivers, but he was just too hacked off to try any more. He paid his money and went home. :o:D

And it wasn't me. :D

If you were anyone but the person doing it, it was definately some funny stuff. :D

... MarQ ... ? ... he is infamous for taking "like-a-12" on hole 6 one time ... (hole 6 = 230ft or so) ...

Sep 24 2007, 05:47 PM
Nope, try again. :D

Sep 24 2007, 06:34 PM
Big Dave? :p :D

Sep 24 2007, 06:34 PM
Nope, try again. :D

... Beely Swanson ? ...

Sep 24 2007, 06:36 PM
Big Dave? :p :D

hmmmmmmmmmmm? :o:o

Sep 24 2007, 06:42 PM
... is Jim Morrison playing again ? ...

Sep 24 2007, 06:48 PM
c dub???

Sep 25 2007, 02:28 PM
CTP Winners from Sunday....

# 1 Chris Hutchinson (Ace)
# 2 Joel Woody
# 3 Andrew Treat
# 4 Tubehutt
# 5 Kyle Wilkes
# 6 John Barton
# 7 Joel Woody
# 8 Jay Slack
# 9 Amber Marchant
# 10 Johnny Thompson
# 11 Jay Slack
# 12 Big Dave Nicholson
# 13 Jay Slack
# 14 Gary Nail
# 15 Bravo
# 16 Dan Bougher
# 17 Joel Woody
# 18 Matt Cooper

Sep 26 2007, 05:21 PM
There will be a free concert at Chandler this Friday night.

Featured band is "The Starkweather Boys". According to Standingbear it is a rockabilly band that rocks.

I'll be out there to pick up some aerial maps from Standingbear. Anybody interested in some night golf let me know. I will have glow items available.

It should be a nice fall evening so come out, get drunk, play night golf, listen to some rockabilly, and later we'll all mark the first nine holes of the new course in the dark. :cool:

It should be interesting. :)

Sep 26 2007, 05:33 PM
There will be a free concert at Chandler this Friday night.

Featured band is "The Starkweather Boys". According to Standingbear it is a rockabilly band that rocks.

I'll be out there to pick up some aerial maps from Standingbear. Anybody interested in some night golf let me know. I will have glow items available.

It should be a nice fall evening so come out, get drunk, play night golf, listen to some rockabilly, and later we'll all mark the first nine holes of the new course in the dark. :cool:

It should be interesting. :)

so we should drink plenty of fluids so we have plenty to mark with eh?

Sep 26 2007, 05:39 PM
I've already marked just about everywhere out there. A couple of weeks ago somebody's disc landed in one of my "markings". /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 26 2007, 06:02 PM
I've already marked just about everywhere out there. A couple of weeks ago somebody's disc landed in one of my "markings". /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

it is a dog's life on the mountain, :cool:and one thing about it sometimes when you put your foot in it you really put your foot in it. :D

Oct 11 2007, 03:16 PM
... that river-tax thing is "like the thread that wouldn't DIE" !!! ...

Oct 11 2007, 03:16 PM
There will be an Arts &amp; Crafts / Car show on Saturday at Furdog's mountain. :)

Wayne I suggest you bring the "rust" cruiser and go for the top dinosaur award. :)

Oct 11 2007, 03:19 PM
... cool ...
... hey Wise , what's my post-count up to now ? ... (I don't know where to view that) ...

Oct 11 2007, 03:45 PM
... cool ...
... hey Wise , what's my post-count up to now ? ... (I don't know where to view that) ...

<font color="red"> Yeah Dave how can i tell if i have even hit the 250 mark. </font>

Oct 11 2007, 03:56 PM
Forst 4474 (not counting today, so that may now be 5474. :o)

Mr Norris - 263

Oct 11 2007, 04:01 PM
where am i at?

Oct 11 2007, 04:08 PM
Probably some bar with internet access :o

Oct 11 2007, 04:15 PM
Depends on what time he got there. If it was more than 2 hours ago he is probably under the bar. ;)

Oct 11 2007, 06:49 PM
Forest 4474 (not counting today, so that may now be 5474. :o)

Mr Norris - 263

<font color="red"> DARN! I would have to get bionic fingers to catch up to you guys posting prowess. oh well back to work :D</font>

Oct 11 2007, 10:03 PM
The key is short concise post :o

Oct 12 2007, 10:53 AM
Oh :o

Oct 12 2007, 12:17 PM
� and I�m still sittin� with my next door neighbor , sayin� : �Where�d ya get the gun Johnny?� �

Oct 15 2007, 10:36 AM
For those of you that missed the Car &amp; Crafts show this weekend, you really missed some nice looking wheels.

General info concerning the DGC.

Holes 14 &amp; 15 are on their way out. After talking to Standingbear this weekend those holes will be eliminated when the new rec center gets built.

Look for two new holes to replace them between current # 6 &amp; 7. If anybody has any other ideas of where to squeeze them in let me know. Revised course will go from #13 to #17.

By the way, I might not wait until the groundbreaking of the rec center to do this.

Also, the backstop east of the mound will be removed so look for the new course starting in that area. I'm going to try and have some alternate tees included also. Marie and I will be donating the baskets. The TDSA has volunteering to help with the concrete when it's time to pour t-pads. T-signs are up in the air for now but I'd like to do something like what they have a Ben Geren. Anybody that might be interested in sponsoring a tee sign let me know. If you want to do a basket, that would be cool too. We're looking at DB-5's to keep the cost down.

Oct 15 2007, 10:42 AM
I'll take a tee sign, just to have my name on your mountain. :D

Oct 15 2007, 10:47 AM
Cool. I'll make sure to incorporate a lot of yellow rope on it for you. :D

Bud &amp; Naegele are sponsoring a tee sign made out of beer cans. :cool:

Oct 15 2007, 01:07 PM
Cool :cool:

Nov 27 2007, 03:58 PM
Be advised that starting this Friday and continuing every weekend thru the month of December, Furdog's mountain will be providing free HOLIDAY HO'S to all that venture up at night for some glow golf. :cool:

Yes all you little moose bucks and moose cows. FREE HOLIDAY HO'S!!!! :)....

As in "Ho Ho Ho!!!!"

The mountain is now LIT with Xmas lights from 7pm to 10pm every weekend in December. :)

No, it ain't Rhema but I've noticed the more beer I drink the more the lights multiply if you know what I mean. ;)

I think currently the light show extends back to about shelter # 2 and does not include the DG course this year but maybe next year that will change.

When you see Santa and his reindeer please do not feed them your plastic.

Nov 27 2007, 04:26 PM
Be advised that starting this Friday and continuing every weekend thru the month of December, Furdog's mountain will be providing free HOLIDAY HO'S to all that venture up at night for some glow golf. :cool:

Can i get in on this free HO's thing? :D

Nov 28 2007, 09:41 AM
MC, it's free "Ho's" for everybody so that includes you. I think I'm even going to get 3 or 4 for Marie. :)...

The more "Ho's" the merrier. :D

And while you're on the mountain checking out the "Ho's", don't forget to check out the Whoville display featuring Dave Wise as "The Grinch". ;)

Nov 28 2007, 10:27 AM

Nov 28 2007, 10:58 AM
If you think that dog represents me then I might agree but it's only when I've drank too much that I look like that. ;)

And by the way. If you're thinking about stealing from the people of Whoville this year then you're on your own. :D

Dec 03 2007, 10:07 AM
Results from Sunday, Dec. 2nd.

Coda Hatfield 44
Taylor Sears 45
Jesse Crew 47
Harry Hindshaw Jr. 48
Dan �The Donkey� Bougher 50
Kyle Wilkes 50
Furdog �The Great� 56
Mike �Two Guns� Coberly 59

Pro Master:
James Diel 49
Richard Mitchell 50
Jim Geurin 51
TD Cassady 56
Steve Naegele 57

Pro Grand Master:
Wayne �Where the Bears Go� Forest 49
Wayne Gregory 51
Bud Johnston 52
Harry Hindshaw Sr. 55
Billy Swanson 55

Pro Women:
Shanna Swanson 69
Carolyn 75

Wayne �Sandbagger� Minshall 45
Jerrod Hindshaw 51
Corey Leemhuis 53
Alan Post 53
Brian Kummers 53
Mike Whitaker 54
Jeremy Geiger 54
Snakeskin 55
Doug Duff 56
Kent Propst 57
John Rutyna 58
Wade Largent 60

Jr. Women:
Davida Wise 99

Ctp # 18
Jeremy Geiger

Special thanks to Mr. Forest for updating the course board with the latest and greatest.

Donkey Dan donated two brand new 2008 bag tags for CTP�s. Thanks Dan. You are now off of Santa�s bad list. :)

I decided to wait and give them away on my next mini on Saturday the 22nd. Unless I lose one of them before then. :D

Thanks to everyone that came out. :cool:

Dec 03 2007, 10:15 AM
hey Mr. Wizzard, my score should be a 126, not 99. :o:mad:

Dec 03 2007, 10:46 AM
Well, when I called the newspaper I told them that you DNF'ed. I noticed today that they didn't print the results so for now your career in the Jr. Women's division remains a secret to the general public.

Dec 03 2007, 10:56 AM
Well I played Jr Girls division at Black Hawk also. :D

Dec 03 2007, 11:03 AM
Well I hope Julie can tolerate you while you're going through your monthly "ladies" days. ;)

Dec 03 2007, 01:28 PM
Thank you for letting us know the results of your mini Furdog. I always enjoy seeing how EVERYBODY shot.

If only all the other TD's were as thorough as Furdog and Mike Treat :o

Dec 03 2007, 01:58 PM
Thanks MC but if you really appreciated it you would do me a favor and fix the JerseyFins so Sal couldn't start Tom Brady tonight. Unless Brady only throws to Moss tonight my FF playoffs hopes depend on me winning next week at "Veto's" place. :(....

Also, I need Welker to do just enough to keep McCoy away. :D....8 points should be enough. :cool:

Dec 03 2007, 02:12 PM
Any passing yards or TD's to moss will cancel out those points. You definetly have a chance of winning.

Dec 03 2007, 04:49 PM
yea us other TDs suck have you seen my hunter park thread MC I think I am pretty thorough as well

Dec 03 2007, 05:16 PM
Your right, Jerry. You always post your scores as well, my bad for leaving you out. I think the reason I forgot is because the mountain and riverside minis are more frequent than the Hunter minis. I was only busting the other TD's chops anyway. Some TD's don't post on the board anyway so you can't expect to see them on here.

Speaking of Hunter I will be out there for a game tomorrow afternoon if anyone is down.

Dec 03 2007, 07:51 PM
... my chops been busted ... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
... d - a - n - g ...
... I did call the Tulsa Whirled with the "Friday Nite Results" though ... :D ... ... ... (but , with all the pigskin action ; they didn't land in Saturday mornings edition) ... :( ... bummer-royale ...

Dec 04 2007, 10:01 AM
That's right Wayne. You're next in line for a public flogging. :D

Dec 04 2007, 10:18 AM
Come on Wayne, don't make him call out his gang after you. :o

Dec 04 2007, 10:34 AM
... dang ... it'd be the Hinshaw / Snakeskin / Two-Gun gang ... they might thump me in my "sopranos" ... ouch ...

Dec 04 2007, 10:48 AM
By the way Dave. If you're getting tired of your usual squeeze, there are about 50 "blow-up" Xmas characters lining the road at Chandler. :o

Dec 04 2007, 10:57 AM
Why would I want your sloppy left overs? :o

Dec 04 2007, 11:08 AM
Probably the same reason your sweetie asked for a "pony" for Christmas.

Marie and I have decided to get her one that bites. :D

Dec 04 2007, 01:59 PM
By the way Wise. Your Sunday DG results are in today's paper. :cool:

Dec 04 2007, 02:44 PM
Since I won my division, I WANT MY PAYOUT! :mad:

Don't go Huffman on me. :o

Dec 04 2007, 04:38 PM
Sorry. I fed it to the pony. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dec 04 2007, 04:47 PM
... hey CrazyFurDog ... I'm not sure that I heard any ho - ho - ho's from ya Sunday ... :eek:
... not to be picky or anything , BUT ya did pre-advertise ... :D

Dec 04 2007, 04:55 PM
Didn't you notice that all the inflatables were flat?

I took care of business before the mini. :)

Dec 07 2007, 11:16 AM
Stayed tuned to this Moose channel for words of wisdom from "The Dog". :cool:

Dec 07 2007, 11:41 AM
First!!!....a little FAQ

Q. Do female frogs croak?

A. Yes, if you hold their little heads under water long enough.

Q. If you're going to make a parachute jump, at least how high should
you be?

A. Three days of steady drinking should do it..

Q. True or False, a pea can last as long as 5,000 years.

A. It sure seems that way sometimes.

Q. If you meet a stranger at a party and you think
that she's attractive, is it okay to come out and ask her if she's married?

A. No, wait until morning.

Q. Which of your five senses tends to diminish as you get older?

A. My sense of decency.

Q. In Hawaiian, does it take more than three words to say "I Love

A. No, you can say it with a pineapple and a twenty

Q. You've just decided to grow strawberries. Are you going
to get any during the first year?

A. Of course not, you're too busy growing strawberries.

Q. It is considered in bad taste to discuss two subjects at nudist
camps. One is politics, what is the other?

A. Tape measures.

Q. Can boys join the CampFireGirls?

A. Only after lights out.

Q. When you pat a dog on its head he will wag his tail. What will a
goose do?

A. Make him bark.

Q. When a couple has a baby, who is responsible for its sex?

A. I'll lend him the car, the rest is up to him.

Dec 07 2007, 12:58 PM
... true wizdom ... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Dec 08 2007, 08:08 PM
If you never sleep water

Dec 17 2007, 10:35 AM
I talked to Standingbear again and he said that Chandlerpark will not be open by next Saturday the 22nd so the 2&amp;2 mini scheduled there is officially cancelled. :(

Jan 21 2008, 06:03 PM
Oh tis' still the winter of my dis-content.
Upon my mountain doth not a disc do'ith fly. :(

Jan 21 2008, 06:31 PM
Not yet...but I have been tempted to do a "Black Ops" run with all of this moonlight and whatnot....

I am only like 5 minutes away...but there are a few people who live up there and I don't want to have to make some daring escape down the rock walls or something....

Jan 21 2008, 06:47 PM
There is a secret back entrance that comes up by the ball fields. ;)

Jan 21 2008, 06:52 PM
lmao............Thats just wrong even for you 2putt

Jan 21 2008, 06:54 PM
Do tell, :odon't suppose you could post a map? :D

Jan 21 2008, 06:56 PM
There is a secret back entrance that comes up by the ball fields. ;)


Jan 21 2008, 07:09 PM
FurDog will always let you in the back door. :D

Jan 21 2008, 07:13 PM
you have a mirror ............right side arm???
you can see it for your self or a close 2nd i would guess!!!

Jan 22 2008, 10:45 AM
FurDog will always let you in the back door. :D

This from a guy that panics because his secretary is out for a week and he actually has to work. The Hollywood writers strike must really be killing you eh? :p

Jan 22 2008, 11:04 AM
I noticed you didn't post a denial to that. :o

Jan 22 2008, 11:21 AM
Well since you sell insurance for a living, I would think that the lack of credibilty in your statements is evident to everyone but fyi, I don't even know where the back door is. :confused:

Maybe you can regale us all with stories of your past experiences? :)

You should bring it up when you do your Icebowl interview. Maybe when he's done sticking the microphone in your mouth, he'll show you where he, like you, stores it. :cool:

Jan 22 2008, 05:04 PM
Well since you sell insurance for a living, I would think that the lack of credibilty in your statements is evident to everyone but fyi, I don't even know where the back door is. :confused:

Maybe you can regale us all with stories of your past experiences? :)

You should bring it up when you do your Icebowl interview. Maybe when he's done sticking the microphone in your mouth, he'll show you where he, like you, stores it. :cool:


Jan 22 2008, 05:07 PM
Bingo! :o:D

Jan 22 2008, 05:50 PM




Jan 22 2008, 05:55 PM

Jan 23 2008, 10:31 AM

Thats fine, take your ball and go home.
Go hang out at Lil Moose's and tell her bad you have it, I'm sure she is used to it by now. :o
Or she may tell you to take your balls some where else. :D

Jan 23 2008, 10:35 AM

MAYBE THE TWO OF YOU SHOULD START COLLECTING CANS. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 23 2008, 10:39 AM

Thats fine, take your ball and go home.
Go hang out at Lil Moose's and tell her bad you have it, I'm sure she is used to it by now. :o
Or she may tell you to take your balls some where else. :D

I'm not taking my ball and going home. I'm just kicking you off the field. You can still show up and caddie for Drew. :D

Jan 23 2008, 11:01 AM
Fine! :mad:

In that case, on April 19 &amp; 20 I will be hosting "Bring the Elderly to Chandler Park Daya".
We will be bringing in the elderly from all over Tulsa. We will have shuttle busses go by most of the Senior Care facilities and load'em up. We will tour them around the course and get them out in the fresh air and let them enjoy the park. I'm sure it will cause major congestion on the course for the golfers but since I'm not involved in the tournment, I DON'T CARE! :o

Jan 23 2008, 11:10 AM
Sounds to me like you're just looking for some other reason to take advantage of the elderly by selling them another worthless health insurance policy but that's ok.

The AARP is one of our top sponsors and Marie and I are members. :cool:

Everyone is welcome at Chandlerstock!!!! :)

Well everybody except you and the Donkey riding on your back. ;)

Jan 23 2008, 11:15 AM
Yep, I can make money on them and screw up your little tournament at the same time.

Thats what we in the insurance business call a twofer! :o

For me I see it as a Win Win! :D

Jan 23 2008, 11:55 AM
Well I don't consider the 136 entries from last year to be a "little" tournament considering how most of the sanctioned events around here barely break 60 or 70. It would be nice to take personal credit for the numbers but I know it's all about the camping and good times had from past experiences from previous years. John Green got over 170 at one of his that was sanctioned though. I got so many people last year that just wanted to play a few rounds and camp I think that sanctioning might reduce the numbers considering the $10 PDGA charge for non-members now.

Like I said, EVERYONE is welcome and if I get a large group of elderly walking around then fine. :cool:....I'll just put out some finger sandwiches, play some Guy Lombarto music, and offer free bingo to keep them all within one area. :D

You'll need to come up with something better. ;)

Jan 23 2008, 02:35 PM
Long Island Tea for every one, :Dno need to call Tipsy tow as long as the bus drivers stay off of the sauce. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Chandler is the Ideal course for us elderly types most of the course is wheel chair friendly and cane and walker ready. (we won't even need to put tennis balls on the walkers for that day.

Jan 23 2008, 03:50 PM

Jan 23 2008, 04:05 PM
Stay out if it? Hell, you started it! :mad:

You're still banned! :o

Jan 23 2008, 06:22 PM
... so you guys are like : " Banned of Brothers " ? ... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 23 2008, 06:34 PM
:D....That's good Wayne. I like that. ;)

I guess I'll have to hire Mitchell now to run security at the gate to keep them out. :o

Even then I'm sure they both will find a way to sneak in the mystical back door that only they seem to know about. Shouldn't be that hard to spot them though. Just look for the two guys covered in KY. :o:D

Jan 28 2008, 03:52 PM
Hey Furdog is this the place you get your tie dyes made. Tulsa Tie Dyes (

Jan 28 2008, 04:01 PM
Yes it is, but he''ll try to tell you they're his, like the mountain and the tournamnet too. :o:D

Jan 28 2008, 04:14 PM
Yes it is Connors and despite what Wisecrack says, I would not pretend I know how to tie dye other than the homemade stuff I learned back in the 70's. The girl's name is Kelly and she and her business have been advertised on all CS tye dyes since John Green has been involved I believe. I WILL take credit for the Tye Dye hats though. She has some hats down there but they are more of a Gilligan's island design "bucket hat". I found the Aussy hats on the web and she dyes them for us.

As far as the mountain and tournament????.....Yeah.....Just like the Irish would say....."IT'S MY ISLAND!!!!".....for now at least. ;)

Jan 28 2008, 04:24 PM
I would not pretend I know how to tie dye other than the homemade stuff I learned back in the 70's.

Bull Butter, you can't be trusted........... you pretend to know how to play golf too...........LIAR! :o

Jan 28 2008, 04:38 PM
Hey buddy. While you were kid stuck over in the sand box at the Colonial Park apartments dodging the neighborhood cats that were constantly trying to cover you up, my parents shipped me off the Westside YMCA camp where I learned how to tye dye on a rainy day when we couldn't go out and shoot 22's, swim, canoe, or get trampled by horses that didn't always like each other. :(

Had there been DG baskets there I probably would have used them for target practice like the kids out there are probably doing now. :p

Jan 28 2008, 05:32 PM
I'm sure they told you they loved you SOooo much they were going to let you go to camp for the summer.
HA! After all these years you still haven't figured it out. :o

They were willing to pay to get rid of you for three months! :o:D

Make sure you clean out that sand box you have at home for those mangy cats you have. At least dogs just go outside to do their business. :D Now thats funny, you're the supposed Dog and your cats are the ones that shite in your house. :D:DAnd then you clean it up for them. :o Good kitty kitty. :D

Your whole persona, "The Great FurDog" is a LIE!
You're no Dog, you're a cat in disguise, You're no FurDog, you're just a Harry Person. :D

Like Alan Funt. :o:D

You're not worth probation. ;)

Jan 28 2008, 06:09 PM
I'm sure they told you they loved you SOooo much they were going to let you go to camp for the summer.
HA! After all these years you still haven't figured it out. :o
<font color="red">
As a matter of fact my parents did love me enough to stay together until I was 17. It's hard to find parents like that nowdays. How old was your daughter when you and your first wife divorced?...Did your wife not want to eat the poison mushrooms you were feeding her? :D

They were willing to pay to get rid of you for three months! :o:D

<font color="red">No, my parents could only afford to send me to camp 2 weeks. The rest of the time I spent hangin out at the creek smoking grapevine and other things and learning to be a full fledged hippy stoner. I hung out at McClure for a while and played in some early mini's out there but eventually the cost of the mini's cut into my stash budget and well, you know, you can't have your DG and smoke it too. :(</font>

Make sure you clean out that sand box you have at home for those mangy cats you have.

<font color="red">I noticed you had a cat the last time I was at your house. What was that all about?</font>

At least dogs just go outside to do their business. :D

<font color="red">Yeah they do but they still require YOU to open the door for them. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif </font>

Now thats funny, you're the supposed Dog and your cats are the ones that shite in your house. :D:DAnd then you clean it up for them. :o Good kitty kitty. :D

<font color="red">Well some day if you come home and your cat is laying dead in the street you'll have to wonder, did it dart out on accident or did someone personally go out of their way to hit it? </font>

Your whole persona, "The Great FurDog" is a LIE!

<font color="red">Actually it's "LazyFurdog" but other versions have been manufactured worldwide over the years.</font>

You're no Dog, you're a cat in disguise, You're no FurDog, you're just a Harry Person. :D

Like Alan Funt. :o:D

<font color="red">I have more hair than Alan Funt and you combined. If you would quit taking those female hormone pills then maybe you could grow some. :D </font>

Jan 28 2008, 06:12 PM
My cat lives outside. Pees outside, craps outside.

Nuff said! ;)

Now go home and pet your kitty. :o

Jan 28 2008, 06:31 PM
Well that's great. I hope no spoiled punky kid comes around and shoots your cat just for the sake of not having anything else better to do.

And as far as your dogs go, they DO look like they been shot out of a cannon into a wall. Why don't you get some real dogs that don't just sit around and bark and yap whenever a houseguest of yours has to get up and go to the bath room? :confused:

At least when I go to kick my cats they get out of the way of my foot. ;)...Your's just stand there and take it. :D

Jan 28 2008, 06:44 PM
My dogs yap at intruders and cats. Since you were invited, you figure it out. Kittyboy. :o

Sorry but the dumbest dog in the world will go outside to do his business. You could have the smartest cat in the world and no matter what he's still going to crap in your house. ;)

Where's your loyalty to the animal that you copy yourself after? :confused:

Or are you really just another cute name for a cat?

Suggestions anyone? :D

Jan 28 2008, 06:53 PM
Well I imagine if someone mentioned the word "Lazyfurdog" to your ex-wife she would probably immediately think of you. Then, with you on her mind, you could hand her a picture of me and she would probably say..... "What's the difference????" :confused: /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

By the way. I came up with the phase "Lazyfurdog" when I started my yahoo email account. I couldn't think of a user name but I had a cat that was "Lazy", "Furry", and larger than most "Dogs". I called him "Lazyfurdog" as an insult but he really didn't care one way or another. :p

Needless to say I didn't have to settle for LFD1 or LFD2 because mine was original unlike you who had to settle for "Twoputt" vs a "OnePutt". /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :D

There is no loyalty required.

Jan 28 2008, 07:15 PM
You're just striking out all over today, this must be reminding you of high school. :o

My ex got left because she forgot how to clean, do laundry, go to work or get out of bed.
I could say that about you and her, "What's the difference????"

Are you done trying to drag in my ex-wife, current wife, children and pets just to avoid the fact that you are a

Jan 28 2008, 07:21 PM
I didn't say anything about your current wife or kids. :(

I didn't say anything about your mother or dad either. :confused:

If you're trying to get out of paying me it's not going to work. :D

Jan 28 2008, 07:27 PM
I already got out of paying you Jackwad! I'm taking you and marie to dinner but I'm not handing you a dime. :D

Jan 29 2008, 10:32 AM
Thanks for the voice message last night, I'm glad you have finally admitted your positition in life as a cat not a dog.

I liked your rendition of " I'm the Cat Boy" but I'm not too sure if the Beatle's would appreciate it. :D

Jan 29 2008, 11:17 AM
Catboy, dogboy,.....I don't care. My position in life will always be above yours. :cool:

If dog's are so great the why when you meet a couple on the street is it not ok to say....." Man, you married a real dog."? :confused:

Jan 29 2008, 11:22 AM
I've have heared peolpe ask Marie the same question, "why are you dating such a cat?" :D

Well, I know I asked her that questions but I didn't say cat. :o

Jan 29 2008, 11:24 AM
I already got out of paying you Jackwad! I'm taking you and marie to dinner but I'm not handing you a dime. :D

Why don't you save Julie some money and stay home and let her take us out to dinner?.... I'll have her bring you back a "doggy" bag. :)

Jan 29 2008, 12:14 PM
I've have heared peolpe ask Marie the same question, "why are you dating such a cat?" :D

Could it be that I don't run around taking pictures of male butts? :o

Could it be that when we go on vacation I don't make her stay in a hotel that has major highway construction going on outside? :p

Could it be that she knows if we break up she�s not going to have to fire me from my job? :(

Could it be that instead of needing a horse to ride around on she would rather ride me? :)

Could it be that I know how to flush the toilet and she doesn't have to open the door to let me out or take me for walks around the block? :)

Maybe it�s just the way I say�..�Suffering�..Suckatash� when I'm laying on her lap. :)

Jan 29 2008, 12:20 PM
Who was the one person at the Ice Bowl with a camera?

It wasn't me.

You figure it out. ;)

You think a great hotel has the number 6 by the name. :o

And that last one about flushing the toilet is wrong, I've heard her gripe about that one. :D

Jan 29 2008, 12:37 PM
Well I'm sure at your house Julie just grabs you by the ear and rubs your nose in it. :D

Jan 29 2008, 12:38 PM
There was more than one person with a camera out there...

But judging by the picture, I think you would be better off looking for a broken camera!

(Delivers one liner, and shuffles to the back of the room)...

Jan 29 2008, 12:39 PM
Thats ears buddy and I like it! :D

Jan 29 2008, 12:46 PM
That might explain why all the animals at your house have flat faces. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif.....If I were them I would just drag my butt across the floor. :cool:

Jan 29 2008, 12:54 PM
There was more than one person with a camera out there...

But judging by the picture, I think you would be better off looking for a broken camera!

(Delivers one liner, and shuffles to the back of the room)...

You should turn yourself in for lack of quality comidic comeback. ;)

Jan 29 2008, 12:59 PM
That might explain why all the animals at your house have flat faces. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif.....If I were them I would just drag my butt across the floor. :cool:

The last thing I want them doing is learning your disgusting habits :o.

Jan 29 2008, 01:06 PM
Well it can't be any worse than what you're teaching them.

The last time I was over at your house I picked a big nose burger and wiped it on your couch and the deaf dog jumped up and chowed down on it.

Jan 29 2008, 01:08 PM
I didn't teach him that but he does like the smell of cat crap though. :o

Jan 29 2008, 01:15 PM
Well I would have ate it myself but I was saving it for desert after the nice meal I was getting ready to have in your kitchen. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 29 2008, 01:17 PM
Can't wait till Julie reads that comparison and what she has to say to you Saturday. :o

Jan 29 2008, 01:32 PM
What????.....We actually HAVE to talk at dinner? :(

I'm already having to drink half a bottle of vodka just to be in the mood to deal with you guys. ;)

Can't we get separate tables and you just cover our tab? :D

Jan 29 2008, 02:56 PM
Ok, here is some real infomation.

Chandler (aka:Furdog's Mountain) continues to be closed and will be for at least 3 or 4 more weeks. I just got off the phone with Standingbear and they have opened it up as a temp dump site for tree limbs. He said they are piling the stuff in a pit and burning it. What a bonfire that must be. :o

So, don't expect any mini's going on there for the month of Feburary. :(

Jan 29 2008, 03:40 PM
Wow! You have some reall pull there FurDog, glad to see you got an exception for us. :confused:

FurDog's Mountian has now become Tulsa's dump site.
You should start feeling right at home now. :o:D

Jan 29 2008, 03:51 PM
What are you talking about?

The whole city of Owasso is built on Tulsa old waste. That is why housing up there is so expensive.

Jan 29 2008, 04:19 PM
Housing isn't expensive here and where I live is no old dump site. At least in Owasso, they call it Owasso.

Unlike where you live, you call it Tulsa, but its really Broken Arrow, with a Tulsa zip code and BA Fire &amp; Police but you pay your taxes in the Union School disctrict. If you had a fire it would burn to the ground by the time BA gets there. Talk about screwed up. :o

And none of this addresses the fact that you skipped over not having any pull at your so called Mountain.
I guess If we want to play your course we should just haul a load of limbs from Mohawk, then dump them near your course and go play. :D

Jan 29 2008, 05:35 PM
Well evidentally you've been coniving with your buddy Zook to force the County Parks department to require that I provide insurance for Chandlerstock. :mad:

It's probably a good idea though because with all the banning lately there could be trouble at the gate. :(...You got any idea's where I can get a million dollar group policy for a two day event Dogface? :mad:

Jan 29 2008, 05:44 PM
Sure, the PDGA offers it to all of their sanctioned events. :D

Jan 29 2008, 05:59 PM
Well then there goes the beer drinking and in come the drug sniffing dogs.

I just got off the phone with one place and they said $300 a day which is crap. :mad:

Maybe it's time for me to step down and let someone else do it. :(....

Jan 29 2008, 06:44 PM
FurDog, check out the new Competition Endowment Program for Charity Events........just a $25 sanctioning fee, $50 insurance.........NO $10 NON-MEMBER FEE!!.........the $2 that goes to the PDGA in player fees gets donated by the PDGA to the charity that you choose, it must be matched by the host, so that means $4 in player fees actually..........we can drink after the official rounds

The Charity must be a 501c3

or you could just hope for 100+ players and take $3ish or whatever ot of entries to cover the insurance fees by not sanctioning it..............or you could even get off your arse and get some outside sponsorship to cover it

After the beating you'll get on the course by me if you choose to play, you'll be glad that Insurance may cover the emotional damage that you'll incur /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 29 2008, 07:12 PM
I was beginning to wonder if anyone else posted on this thread!

Jan 29 2008, 07:33 PM
I was beginning to wonder if anyone else posted on this thread!

it makes for more interesting reading than posting unless you're looking for a 3 way fight :D

Jan 30 2008, 10:16 AM
I was beginning to wonder if anyone else posted on this thread!

Actually this is my thread but if you want to report on the current status Woodland Hills mall, you're welcome to it. ;)

Jan 30 2008, 01:11 PM
it makes for more interesting reading than posting unless you're looking for a 3 way fight :D

Twoputt and I are not "fighting". I am just instructing him on the errors of his thinking and he is like grasshopper whom not respect his master. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif....Similar to dog outside in cold barking at Catboy inside by warm fire. :cool:

Jan 30 2008, 02:07 PM
I was beginning to wonder if anyone else posted on this thread!

Actually this is my thread but if you want to report on the current status Woodland Hills mall, you're welcome to it. ;)

Apparently you know nothing about me.

Jan 30 2008, 03:34 PM
Well I�m sorry I didn�t know that was my responsibility. :(

I wasn�t invited to your wedding nor have you shared any wedding pictures so I�m a little broken hearted.

I apologize if you took my statement as anything other than a joke or if you feel anyone would believe anything I have to say. :confused:

I have no respectable reputation but I sometimes wonder what it would like to have one. :)

I will not mention your name and the word �mall� in public again.

Jan 30 2008, 03:51 PM
Well I�m sorry I didn�t know that was my responsibility. :(

I wasn�t invited to your wedding nor have you shared any wedding pictures so I�m a little broken hearted.

I apologize if you took my statement as anything other than a joke or if you feel anyone would believe anything I have to say. :confused:

I have no respectable reputation but I sometimes wonder what it would like to have one. :)

I will not mention your name and the word �mall� in public again.

Well, you can mention my name and the television program "What Not to Wear" in public. I am trying to help avoid "fashion catastrophe". My staff and I will be watching and reporting on the wardrobe scene as needed. :D:D

Jan 30 2008, 04:36 PM
Well, you can mention my name and the television program "What Not to Wear" in public. I am trying to help avoid "fashion catastrophe". My staff and I will be watching and reporting on the wardrobe scene as needed. :D:D

uhh....... Whats Up Doc? Do you have any "fashion catastrophe" reports from the Tulsa Ice Bowl to report? I understand that Moon Boots are all the rage this season but if one was wanting to sport them what would or would not go well with them??


Jan 30 2008, 05:37 PM
Depending on the weather it might be a half moon or a full moon :o
but moon pies definitely go with moon boots :D
maybe a trench coat to aid in the moon walk?

Jan 30 2008, 08:21 PM
I apologize if you took my statement as anything other than a joke or if you feel anyone would believe anything I have to say. :confused:

<font color="blue"> Of course I didn't! I'm just happy to be legal again and able to post rather than just read! I had to start somewhere! </font>

I will not mention your name and the word �mall� in public again.

<font color="blue"> I shoulda known that FF team name was going to follow me forever! </font>


Feb 20 2008, 10:47 AM
Will somebody please tell "Two Guns" Coberly to quit calling and leaving messages to ask when Chandler is going to be open and then not leave his phone number so I can call him back? :confused:

Chandler is still closed because someone thought it would be a good idea to dump and burn tree debris there.

From what Standingbear has said, all the baskets are ok. Two weeks ago he estimated 3-4 weeks but he ultimately has no control how long it will be.

I have mini's tentatively scheduled for Thursday's March 13th, 20th, and 27th. The 13th I'm not totally sure about considering that some of these tree removal guys have only just now completed their first pass. :confused:

When I know, you will know.

Feb 20 2008, 11:11 AM
Chandler is still closed because someone thought it would be a good idea to dump and burn tree debris there.

i wonder who decided to do this ?

Feb 20 2008, 11:20 AM
Richard Bales, Tulsa County Parks Director. I'm not going to bad mouth him though because they are running out of places to get rid of the debris and the county parks employee's up there are the best. :cool:

Feb 20 2008, 11:25 AM
Due to the Tulsa County Parks decision to keep Mack Taylor closed to Play the following changes have been made to the weekend schedule for Spring Fling #1 and Spring Fling #2.
Spring Fling #1 will begin at Reed Park as scheduled but will be expanded to 36 holes and will become an all day event. There are no extra holes to be played just the original 9 played 4 times around.
Spring Fling #2 will be at Kelly Lane park in Sapulpa and it too will be expanded to 36 holes ( 4 times around the 9 hole layout) no extra holes (temporary) will be in play.

Feb 20 2008, 11:31 AM
Well you know FurDog didn't complain about it.

He's so far up their arse they might mistake him for a hemaroid. :D

Feb 20 2008, 11:54 AM
To Kelly Lane Park :
Take I-44 West towards Oklahoma City. (past 49th West Ave. exit) Stay in left-lane before Turnpike Entrance. You�re now on Hwy 66 for about 6 miles which will turn into Mission Street.
Turn Right on Taft Ave.(Hwy 117). Drive about 1 mile to signal-light at Main Street.
Stay in left-lane and watch for Signs pointing into neighborhood for Kelly Lane Park.
If you are at Mack Taylor Park get back to I-75 and go to Tulsa take I-244 to I-44 and folow the above directions.

Feb 20 2008, 11:57 AM
Well you know FurDog didn't complain about it.

He's so far up their arse they might mistake him for a hemaroid. :D

What good is it to complain to the people that are helping to get the park cleaned up? Julie complains about you all the time but what good does that really do? All she can do now is pray for the end of time so she can end her time with you. :D

Feb 20 2008, 06:42 PM
FurDog - Saturday night

FurDog - Sunday morning

Mar 05 2008, 03:04 PM
FYI....For those wanting to know.

The tentative re-openning of Chandler park has been reported to me to be March 17th, (St. Pattie's Day).

But I won't believe it until I see it so I am cancelling the Thursday mini's currently on the schedule for the 13th, 20th, &amp; 27th of March.

Micheal Treat has volunteered to take the 27th for a mini at Riverside.

I will be sending an email to Steve Ward to update the TDSA website schedule. I can't do anything about the flyer's already out there. :(

Concerning Chandler, in the same email from Standingbear he discussed re-designing the current course because if it wasn't easy enough before the storm, it's way too easy now that they cut down over 275 trees mostly on the south side of the park. :confused: :(

I might need to rename it "Furdog's Bald Mountain".

Mar 10 2008, 10:58 AM
Ok, I finally got in to look around and the damage is not too bad but you will notice some key trees are now gone on a few holes.

Mainly ....

# 1) The first tree closest to the tee pad......Gone!!!! It's basically a straight shot now.

# 3) Three or four big trees around the basket.....Gone!!!! No more having to hyzer it in from right to left. :confused:

There is about a 35 foot ash pile behind # 12 pad west of the mound.

Other notes,

The new rec center is coming in this summer and they are also adding a new lagoon. We will probably not only lose # 14 &amp; 15 but look for 16 &amp; 17 to be gone too or at least in a different location. :confused:

The existing original course will re-designed this summer whether we like it or not. Standingbear did show me a overhead map of some of the other places in the park that we can go so it should be interesting. The new nine will have to wait a little while so we can take care of the existing first.

Profits from CS were surpposed to go to the new course but it appears that some of that may be diverted to replacing a few of the baskets during the redesign. :(

Mar 10 2008, 11:06 AM
Sounds like a government explanation of how we spend your money. :o

Mar 10 2008, 11:16 AM
If you want to replant that crappy # 17 basket out there then you're welcome to it. I doubt whether some of those will survive being pulled out of the ground but don't look for me to pull them and if you don't want to be involved then then don't gripe on where I put them......Nancy!!!!! :p /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Mar 10 2008, 11:19 AM
Doesn't matter where you put them. You will make sure they are all 200ft anyhow.

Mar 10 2008, 11:33 AM
You know building a course where only one or two holes is ace-able by anyone other than a pro with lucky shot doesn't make any sense either. :p

Mar 10 2008, 11:51 AM
You know building a course where only one or two holes is ace-able by anyone other than a pro with lucky shot doesn't make any sense either. :p

Actually it does Furpup...

Why have a course where the pros are turning in multiple aces per round?

That would be real fun.....

...what ace pot?

Mar 10 2008, 12:04 PM
Well I haven't seen any pro's hit multiple aces out there so I think you worship them too much.

But maybe you're right. If no one gets an ace at the GCD then there's a throw off for the cash and everyone has an equal shot.

But why would a newby pay into the $1 ace pot at Dovilio when realistically there might be only one or two holes he can even come close to hitting vs a course where every hole is ace-able?

I'm sure Dovillio ace pot is high now. How much money did Thong hand over for the existng ace pot when you took over out there? $400?....$500???

Mar 10 2008, 12:23 PM
Well I haven't seen any pro's hit multiple aces out there so I think you worship them too much.

Ah, we were talking about your re-design of Chandler with the "big arm shot" being 300ft... :o

Mar 10 2008, 12:41 PM
Well I haven't seen you with any women lately so I assume your "big arm" skills must come from self abuse and the fact that you are living with mom and dad. :o

How much is the ace pot at Dovillio right now? :confused:

Mar 10 2008, 04:22 PM
Wow, that must have taken you all morning to come up with that...or did Marie help you?

Sometimes I forget who's mountain it really is... :o

Tell Lil' Moose that everyone is asking when the park will open!

I guess everyone should call your cell to find out? :o:D

Mar 10 2008, 04:28 PM
Like I said....How much is the ace pot at Dovillio right now??? :confused:....Is that some type of big secret that only Admin's should know? ...What ever happened to the truth in reporting that you ran your platform on? Did it go the way of extra throws and temper tantrums during sanctioned events? ;)....I guess it is hard for you as an "official" to come up with an "official" report. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Chandler is currently $117 and prospects look good for it to open on the March 17th.

Thong told me he gave you $525 when you took over.

Did you spend all the money on comic books again? :(

Mar 10 2008, 07:14 PM
Come to the meeting tonight...we can talk then.

Mar 10 2008, 10:12 PM
That's fine....but "The Movement" is that I don't know about the meeting. :(

Mar 11 2008, 12:03 AM the meetings you do would help if you don't just come in then leave early....we decide the next meeting at the end... :o

Of course you probably didn't know that until just now... :(

I happen to know the date, and if you apologize I might tell you... :p

I am sure you can convince someone to keep your dates in order for you can remember...another person to take care of you.....:confused:

Doesn't that sound nice?:D

Mar 11 2008, 10:27 AM
Well it's probably better that I'm kept in the dark. That way I'm free to talk about conspiracy theorys and make accusations in public and not behind the closed doors you so like to hide behind.


Mar 20 2008, 05:29 PM
Yes, I just talked to Standingbear and CHANDLER IS OPEN!!!!!!! :)

Mar 20 2008, 05:54 PM
We already knew that, it was on the radio and tv way ahead of your announcement.

Good TD work. :p

Mar 20 2008, 06:06 PM
Well I actually had already told everybody but you. The only reason I posted it here was because I knew you would find out sooner or later and think I was leaving you in the dark. :p

Let me know when the course that you TD for opens. :confused:

You think you can do better than step up to the....

With the little random number scoring system you got going on it should be interesting.

Mar 20 2008, 06:33 PM
Fur-ther info�.

According to Standingbear, the disc golf course is not actually OPEN but he knows that he can�t keep the DG�ers out and he said he�s not going to try and stop them. The higher up�s in the County Parks department wanted the park open for Easter weekend but some roads are blocked off because of hanging limbs. This is especially true on the DG course and in the rock climbing area. He said that if the rock climbers do not stay out of the danger areas then he may indeed close the park again next week. So if you go out there, be cool, and don't forget to check out the 35ft ash pile. :cool:

Twoputt, sorry buddy but that leaves you out. :(

Mar 20 2008, 06:40 PM
I've been to your minis, it wouldn't take much.

Mar 20 2008, 06:47 PM
That's right buddy. It's not like I'm setting the bar too high for you. ;)

Apr 10 2008, 11:20 AM
Tonight!!!!.....Tonight!!!!.....Tonight!!!!! :cool:

Is the first Chandler weeknight mini of 2008!!!! :)

Come on out to Furdog's Mountain where the moose is loose and the park NEVER FLOODS!!!!!!! ;)

Ace pot starts at $117 but don't expect to get that on hole # 1 because I might set up an alternate tee to make you all have to earn it. :o

Don't show up after 6pm and expect to get in. I may be your daddy but I'm not your momma. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Apr 10 2008, 04:22 PM
Looks like the mountain is mini tonight :Dj/k

Apr 10 2008, 04:37 PM
Lil-Treat, you might want to stay home due to high winds. You don't want to get blown away do you?

With all this high wind I guess there is no need to bring out the ace pot money anymore. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Apr 10 2008, 05:15 PM
Wind at Chandler sounds like fun.
Prediction: Hot round 46

Apr 10 2008, 05:19 PM
Wind at Chandler sounds like fun.
Prediction: Hot round 46

Prediction: my score not yours. :D

Apr 10 2008, 05:26 PM
You should exhale.

All that wind you're sucking in is giving you the big head.

Take your time. Imagine it's late night at Chandlerstock,....and just blow!!! :o

Apr 10 2008, 05:34 PM
I only inhaled once or twice and that was in 1974, well past the current time limits. :D
OSU is an agricultural school after all. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Apr 11 2008, 11:33 AM
Mini Results for April 10th, 2008

3 am players and a bunch of freeloading pros. ;)

Pro Division:

Kyle Wilkes 45
Josh Crowl 45
Coda Hatfield 47
Joel Woody 47
Greg Winsworth 50
Mike Connors 51
Josh Robertson 51
Sal Fellato 55
Jeff Mittle 55
Bryan Hinds 55
Jesse Carlisle 57
Dave Wise 58 ( Talk about meltdown. Even I could have done better than that. )
Jason McDaniel 61

Pro Grand Master Division:

Billy Swanson 52
Wayne Gregory 54
Bud Johnson 59

Pro Women:

Melissa Townsend 60
Shana Swanson 62
Ashley Hoster 63


Jeremy Geiger 56
John Barton 58


Rich Fisher 59

CTP: # 18 Melissa Townsend

$139 Ace on # 8 in a 30 mph wind�..Josh Robertson

By the way, Josh, I don�t understand what the deal is with the newspaper. I reported your ace but they failed to print it. :confused:

I forgot to deduct your $15 since you were a non-member so consider that a free gift from the dog. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

I do need your address and phone # before I can get your ace posted on the Club website though.

Anybody that knows Josh, please tell him to call me.

Thanks to everyone that came out.

Apr 11 2008, 12:16 PM
Coulda, Shoulda, Would have, the fact remains, you DIDN'T!

My score looked like crap but I had some great ace runs. :D

Apr 11 2008, 03:24 PM
I don't even see a score for Furdog???

Did he have to run home during the round and feed his cat or something??? :o:D

Apr 11 2008, 03:32 PM
Nope. I didn't play. I was scouting holes for the alternate course so I can bring you as much pain as possible during CS.

I'll be out there tomorrow pre-marking tee and hole locations. Be glad they won't let me go into the cliffs buddy. ;)

Apr 11 2008, 03:33 PM
scouting holes

...that sounds much better than "walking around" :D

Apr 11 2008, 03:36 PM
Communing with nature on a fine spring day!
Wish I was able to join in.

Apr 18 2008, 09:43 AM

FurDog - Saturday night

FurDog - Sunday morning

Apr 25 2008, 09:55 AM
Mini Results for Thursday April 25th.

Pro Division:

Devon �The Dude� Owens � 43
Dave �The 2Putter� Wise � 45
Johnny �The Water Sealer� Thompson � 46
Coda �The Lover� Hatfield � 46
Greg �Fly�s Like The� Winsworth � 48
Dan �The Donkey� Bougher � 49
Josh �The Lurker� Crowl � 49
Billy �Mr TV Dinner� Swanson � 50

Pro Women Division:

Shana Swanson � 52
Carolyn McCarty � 69

Am Division:

Jeremy Gieger � 52
Russell Young � 54
Snakeskin � 60
Ron � 64

Starting Ace Pot for next Thursday - 3,100 <font color="white">(pennies). </font> ;)

Thanks to all that came out. :cool:

Apr 25 2008, 10:36 AM
$3,100 ?????
or $ 31.00

Apr 25 2008, 10:40 AM
Who says DG doesn't pay? :)

Apr 25 2008, 11:03 AM
If the ace pot is $3,100 then you need to expect about at least a 100 people at the mini. :o

Apr 25 2008, 11:19 AM
I would imagine the tax man would be there too.

Apr 29 2008, 12:41 PM
Attention Wayne Forest.....You can only vote once!!! ;)

May 01 2008, 04:19 PM
Well the vote is in and despite that the majority voted for me to relax and stay home, I guess as a law abiding TDSA TD I have to go out and run the mini anyway. :(

I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow before I can hang out in Liberty city and steal cars and shoot bad guys. :(

You 5 people that voted for me to run the mini better be there!!! :mad:

And I want to see some more Ams out there. I can't believe you guys are running away from a measly 20-30 mph wind. ;)

May 01 2008, 05:00 PM
what is the ace pot ?
i have one of those feelings

May 01 2008, 05:03 PM
i have one of those feelings

Too much information, Slack :D

May 01 2008, 05:14 PM
3100 <font color="white">in pennies. Bring your coin wappers. </font>

Don't forget to bring some beer. :)

May 01 2008, 05:46 PM
sweet i love coins
what kind would you like me to bring

May 01 2008, 06:00 PM
Gold coins are always welcome on FD mountain. :cool:

May 02 2008, 09:15 AM
well after 12 + years of disc golf
jay slack finally got an ace
still a bit shocked but i love that i called my shot yesterday
thanks furdog
i was hoping for some rolled coins
but folding money will do just fine

now i just need to hit the money ace in pawhuska