Aug 22 2007, 03:08 PM
... Sept. 30 ...

... much , MUCH more info. to come ( obviously ) ... :D

Aug 22 2007, 05:01 PM
I'm voting for Dave Wise.

Aug 22 2007, 05:04 PM
I'm voting for "Q" because between him and Dave, I don't see a difference.

Aug 22 2007, 05:42 PM
Maybe they can campaign together?

They can make signs that say Wise-Q for TDSA administration.

Aug 22 2007, 05:58 PM
How about MC-Furdog, you could run on a platform of bad white rappers. :D

Aug 22 2007, 06:07 PM
K-Fed is a bad arse and furdog be representin the white boyz.

Aug 22 2007, 06:13 PM
I'm voting for "Q" because between him and Dave, I don't see a difference.

if q is running the club
i vote for a new club

Aug 22 2007, 06:36 PM
Obviously you must be a "Q" school drop out.

What a shame it is to see all those Government grants and student loans handed out and nothing ever really seems to come from it. :(

Aug 23 2007, 01:11 PM
on a thurs. night????????

Aug 23 2007, 01:28 PM
Are you sniffing glue again?....Sept 30th is on a Sunday. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Aug 24 2007, 01:10 PM
oopppps .wrong month :cool:

Aug 27 2007, 01:25 PM
<u>WhataMonth </u> we�re about to enter � !!! �
... starts with a �Slam-Bang� weekend TWISTED FLYER OPEN / PDGA B-Tier �
... ends with a �Slam-Bang� TDSA CLUB PICNIC / fun-fur-all at Chandler �
... in-between , you�ve got 20 �Minis� on the Schedule �
... AND &gt; &gt; &gt; the STILLWATER CLASSIC / PDGA B-Tier mid-month �
� Enjoy �

Aug 27 2007, 03:10 PM
... the Ballot this year will need 4 people elected from the following list :

Forest (incumbent) :cool:
Nicholson (incumbent) :cool:
_____________ (current TDSA member)
_____________ (current TDSA member)
... any Member wishing to step-forward and be printed on-the-ballot needs to tell any TD or Administrator ...

Aug 29 2007, 06:43 PM
... any Member wishing to step-forward and be printed on-the-ballot needs to tell any TD or Administrator ...

Aug 29 2007, 07:04 PM
I would run but I've been to the meetings and it's like the Mafia. Once they bring you in, you can never get out alive. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Aug 30 2007, 09:35 AM
... we'll make you an offer you can't refuse ... :cool:

Aug 30 2007, 10:45 AM
I don't know. I saw what you Admin's did to Treat's leg when he got out of line. .....And all this time I thought Martin was just a mild mannered old guy. ;)

Aug 30 2007, 11:00 AM
Hey now!!
that was Tonya's boyfriend, i just handed him the tire iron.
Maybe we are the disc golf Mafia, but we take care of the needs of the people. After all we just supply the candy and the course, what they do with it is their problem!

Aug 30 2007, 11:01 AM
Its Official, I just got the word.

The ballott is now:

Nicholson (incumbent)
Forest (Incumbent)
Scott Schumacher (wannabe Admin)

Conners? You want in on this?
Its no golden shovel, but its not too bad. :D

Aug 30 2007, 11:22 AM
I don't know man. I'd have to get up there and make a speech and promise things I have no intention of doing. And what if I run and lose. :(....It will be worst than being picked last in grade school when teams were being decided. :confused:

Besides, these meetings don't seem to have the backstabbing and conspiracies going on since you and John Green left. Nowdays everybody just agrees with everything the others have to say. It's like school bond issues in the Union district. Nothing ever gets voted down. ;)....On top of that, at every meeting there's a new guy that "has the chair" but I've never seen that guy get to take "the chair" home with him. :confused:....Seems like a rip-off to me.

And why do they have to be called admins??....Why can't they be called "Lords of the Disc" or "God's of Flight". :cool:

Aug 30 2007, 11:43 AM

Aug 30 2007, 12:04 PM
That didn't sound like a NO.

As least if you were an Admin, you could BIATCH in an official capacity about it. :o

Not that ayone will listen to you any more than they do now. :D

Aug 30 2007, 12:16 PM
Do I actually have to be at the meetings or can I just send in a DVD with all my gripes and rants? :confused:...

Aug 30 2007, 12:29 PM
... then , we could look forward to : "What I did at my first Admin. Meeting" ... probably several paragraphs long ... :D

Aug 30 2007, 12:34 PM
... and , no doubt , FurDog would be invoking Alice before , during , and after his Campaign ...
... "How you gonna see me now ?" (before)
... "I want to be Elected ! " (during)
... "No more Mr.Nice Guy !" (after being elected)

Aug 31 2007, 04:38 PM
oh well how about welcome to my nightmare, followed by cold Ethyl at the ice bowl.

Sep 04 2007, 07:55 PM
... some of you "message-board-denizens" need to help spread the word for your Club ... any TDSA "current Member" ( -07 , -08 , -09 , -L ) can be printed on the Ballot for the position of Administrator ... these Ballots will be generated s-o-o-o-n ...

Sep 05 2007, 01:32 PM
hi wayne,(and other administrators) being a lifetime member. I was wondering if you all are ever gonna do another newsletter????? I know i ASKED A YEAR AGO, JUST CURIOUS? :D:o

Sep 05 2007, 01:34 PM
I thought this board was our newsletter :o

Sep 05 2007, 01:45 PM
I'm pretty sure Mike Barr was in charge of the newsletter. When he stopped playing gold nobody else stepped up.

Sep 05 2007, 01:52 PM
You work for the parks department and you want the club to sacrifice trees &amp; the cost of postage stamps just so one day you can come home and find a letter addressed to you that's not a bill? :o

You should buy my "Life According to Furdog" book. There's also a Blue Ray DVD version that uses small words and pictures that even you can understand. :eek: :D

Sep 05 2007, 02:02 PM
hi wayne,(and other administrators) being a lifetime member. I was wondering if you all are ever gonna do another newsletter????? I know i ASKED A YEAR AGO, JUST CURIOUS? :D:o

... hiya Zooc ... do you mean you've missed the last 4-editions of the Newsletter ? ... :eek: ...
... maybe we gotcher address wrong ? ...
... nah , but really : that is an excellente point to pitch at the Club Pic-a-nic ... :)

Sep 05 2007, 02:07 PM
... and speaking of d-tails of upcoming Picnic , here's a copy-n-paste ... it gets kinda-jumbled-lookin' without it's proper fonts, sizes, etc. ; but you few message-boarders can get the drift ...
2007 Fall Picnic
At Chandler Park
. . . aka �FurDog�s Mountain� . . .
Sunday , September 30th

� tee-time at 10:00 am , Singles �
� expanded , experimental Course � �Flights� mulligans available �
� support the Double-O and have fun doing it �
Disc Golf in the beautiful Autumn air.
��������� followed by ���������
Chow-Time � Hot-Dogs �n� More
( �target-time� from 12:30 to 1:30pm )
� feel free to bring extra-sides , covered dishes , etc. �
��������� followed by ���������
� (short) TDSA General Membership Meeting �
( non-Members welcome to listen in )
( �target-time� from 1:30 to 2:00pm )

��������� followed by ���������
� �Flights� Draw-Doubles at 2:30pm �
� same expanded Course � twice the Fun � �Flights� mulligans available �
� another �kick� for the Double-O �

For more Information :
Call Scott Schumacher: 459-2503 -or- Wayne Forest: 494-9627
* * * a Furry-Trees production * * *

Sep 05 2007, 02:10 PM
Furdog's Official Platform......

I'm your top prime cut of meat, I'm your choice,
I wanna be elected,
I'm your yankee doodle dandy in a gold Rolls Royce,
I wanna be elected,
Kids want a saviour, don't need a fake,
I wanna be elected,
We're all gonna rock to the rules that I make,
I wanna be elected, elected, elected.

I never lied to you, I've always been cool,
I wanna be elected,
I gotta get the vote, and I told you 'bout school,
I wanna be elected, elected, elected,
Hallelujah, I wanna be selected,
Everyone in the United States of America.

We're gonna win this one, take the country by storm,
We're gonna be elected,
You and me together, young and strong,
We're gonna be elected, elected, elected,
Respected, selected, call collected,
I wanna be elected, elected.

"And if I am elected
I promise the formation of a new party
A third party, the Wild Party!
I know we have problems,
We got problems right here in Central City,
We have problems on the North, South, East and West,
New York City, Saint Louis, Philadelphia, Los Angeles,
Detroit, Chicago,
Everybody has problems,
And personally, I don't care."

Sep 05 2007, 04:10 PM
... I will have info to prepare our TDSA members for their 2008 season ... long-range schedules , save-$5-off-PDGA-fees , etc. ...
... disclaimer : has nothing to do with me running for a re-election on the ballot ... :eek: ... ;)

Sep 05 2007, 04:38 PM
not every member has computer access, but MOST members have an address. I know furdog cant put the hydrant down as a delivery address but..... never mind.. :D

Sep 05 2007, 05:11 PM
Some of our members have failed to update their current mailing addresses with the club. I know this from personal experience plus I have failed to notify Mr. Treat of my own new address. I hope that those attending the club picnic will take the time to adjust this matter by checking the address used on the member list and making the adjustments as needed.

Sep 05 2007, 05:14 PM
What are you looking for in a newsletter that you can't get on a monthly flyer? Cooking receipes?...A Twoputt comic strip?...How to cure ED?.. :o

I used to think a news letter was a good idea but I think to mail them out would be a waste of money because people move all the time. I would think they could be made available to members at mini's and could contain general info on club investments, admin attendance, who's stabbing who in the back, and who's not getting the love they feel they're entitled too.

Right now, you have to contact Treat for most of that info but he's busy now days breaking his leg and running mini's. ;)

Sep 05 2007, 05:43 PM
"How to cure ED?"--

So that was you I saw in that Cialis commercial, I thought so

Sep 05 2007, 05:58 PM
At least I've got a rod to hang my towel when I get out of the shower. :cool:

Sep 05 2007, 06:04 PM
My guess is you probably could not hang more than a washcloth from that "rod" :o

Sep 05 2007, 06:06 PM
yea, but you can't do it for more than 4 hours. :D

Sep 05 2007, 06:17 PM
Well since you both have been married, neither one of you have to carry a pair of these around wherever you go.

Life is tough. Do you know where your "Klick-Klacks" are???... :o

Sep 05 2007, 06:26 PM
Nope, after marriage they just harden up a little. :o

Sep 05 2007, 06:34 PM
One might think that but you've been married twice so evidently yours "hardened up" and fell off. :D....I'm sure Julie wouldn't be complaining as much if she didn't have to wait 36 hours for the "time to be right". ;)

Sep 06 2007, 10:02 AM
... good ol' Steve Ward ... he got those Okie Doubles results straightened away ...
... on the Club website ... ( ...

Sep 06 2007, 10:31 AM
I have decided to bring a couple of advisors in to help with my campaign. Please say hello to Hillery Twoputt &amp; Monica Treat. Together these ladies will BLOW away my competition. :cool:

Sep 06 2007, 10:43 AM
Hillary doesn't blow but we know Monica does. :D

Sep 06 2007, 10:52 AM
You're right. Hillery just pays for the cigars. :D

Sep 06 2007, 10:58 AM
and likes to watch. :D

Sep 06 2007, 11:43 AM
Actually it wasn't until I found out a company vehicle was provided that I felt running might be worth wild. :)

Sep 06 2007, 11:52 AM
But do you really want to drive Wayne's van? :o

Sep 06 2007, 12:00 PM
But do you really want to drive Wayne's van? :o

... my ol' "Trusty Rusty" ... ? ... you cain't have my sled ! ...

Sep 06 2007, 12:08 PM
Well, if you're de-throned, then the Van will have to go to FurDog. :D

He needs a place to stay down by the river. :o

Sep 06 2007, 12:10 PM
Oh, i do love the campaign season! :cool:
Time for the DRAFT TWO PUTT campaign to begin!! :D

Sep 06 2007, 12:24 PM
Easy now............... :mad:

Don't make me start telling your new wife about that night at Night Trips. :o

Sep 06 2007, 12:26 PM
Easy now............... :mad:

Don't make me start telling your new wife about that night at Night Trips. :o

... doh ! ...

Sep 06 2007, 12:30 PM
What??? :confused:....The Rust mobile is not available? :(....I was told that was part of the deal. :mad:

Sep 06 2007, 12:31 PM
While it may not be true, just remeber, I sell insurance for a living, selling her on the idea that it could have happened is a cake walk. :D

Sep 06 2007, 12:33 PM
Holy crap!
Makes me want to sell the set I have. :o;item=330161694271&amp;ssPageNam e=ADME:B:WNA:US:12

Sep 06 2007, 12:44 PM

Sep 06 2007, 01:04 PM
Well, if you're de-throned, then the Van will have to go to FurDog. :D

He needs a place to stay down by the river. :o

... so I could get bumped and be walkin' ... ? ... dannnggg ! ... :confused:

Sep 06 2007, 01:07 PM
... I already know what Nicholson's campaign slogan is ... it's already featured in the name-of-the-gathering ... Picnic ...
... Pick Nick ... :D
... sorry , couldn't help being camp ... (but it seemed so obvious, ay?) ...

Sep 06 2007, 02:55 PM
yoohoo im back on the discussion board.

Sep 06 2007, 02:56 PM
Where did you go?

Sep 06 2007, 03:04 PM
some how my remember me access forgot. then i forgot all the code info therfore i was unable to function on the board , now ive set a new username in order to function. as any body who knows me may know im not the best on computer capability ,it took me about 4 weeks to talk Jennifer into assisting me.

Sep 10 2007, 05:15 PM
... any players (who frequent dis board) and know of "current TDSA Members" , remind them of the Pic-a-Nic on Sunday the thirtieth ... also , "keep-your-radar-on" for any individuals (man, woman, or child) expressing the desire to be railroaded ( oops , , , Elected ) into the position of Administrator ... Ballots to be printed up soon ...

Sep 14 2007, 04:48 PM
... any players (who frequent dis board) and know of "current TDSA Members" , remind them of the Pic-a-Nic on Sunday the thirtieth ... also , "keep-your-radar-on" for any individuals (man, woman, or child) expressing the desire to be railroaded ( oops , , , Elected ) into the position of Administrator ... Ballots to be printed up soon ...

... any players (who frequent dis board) and know of "current TDSA Members" , remind them of the Pic-a-Nic on Sunday the thirtieth ... also , "keep-your-radar-on" for any individuals (man, woman, or child) expressing the desire to be railroaded ( oops , , , Elected ) into the position of Administrator ... Ballots to be printed up soon ...
... any players (who frequent dis board) and know of "current TDSA Members" , remind them of the Pic-a-Nic on Sunday the thirtieth ... also , "keep-your-radar-on" for any individuals (man, woman, or child) expressing the desire to be railroaded ( oops , , , Elected ) into the position of Administrator ... Ballots to be printed up soon ...
... any players (who frequent dis board) and know of "current TDSA Members" , remind them of the Pic-a-Nic on Sunday the thirtieth ... also , "keep-your-radar-on" for any individuals (man, woman, or child) expressing the desire to be railroaded ( oops , , , Elected ) into the position of Administrator ... Ballots to be printed up soon ...
... any players (who frequent dis board) and know of "current TDSA Members" , remind them of the Pic-a-Nic on Sunday the thirtieth ... also , "keep-your-radar-on" for any individuals (man, woman, or child) expressing the desire to be railroaded ( oops , , , Elected ) into the position of Administrator ... Ballots to be printed up soon ...
... kinda redundant , ay ? ... :cool:

Sep 14 2007, 05:26 PM
Gee you would think no one wants to serve on a not for profit board of the best disc golf association in the country from the lack of campaign speeches being posted! :eek:

Sep 17 2007, 02:43 PM
I would like to throw Jake Regeir's name out there...I think JR would be a great administrator.

Sep 17 2007, 03:04 PM
I say....Bring back Wise!!!!

MC....You can be his running mate. That way everything will be <font color="orange"> GOLDEN </font> !!!!

Sep 24 2007, 01:32 PM
... expect a great Fall Classic &gt; &gt; &gt; the TDSA Picnic is this next Sunday ... on the Hill ... Furdog's Mountain ... Flyer is posted everywhere ... also at ( ...
... Enjoy ...

Sep 24 2007, 04:24 PM
... added names to the printed-ballots are :

Andrew Treat

Joel Woody

... as always , there are "write-in" blanks ; but these Members deserve kudos for wanting to step-it-up and be-more-involved-in-their-Club ...

Sep 24 2007, 11:27 PM
It is official.

I am announcing my campaign for Administrator.

I may not be the oldest cat on the block, but I think I can offer the club a lot.

I attend most of the Administration meetings anyway, and I have always wanted to voice my opinion in an official capacity, but since I was just an average Joe in there (no offense Rotan) I didn�t feel it was my place.

I am active in the club outside of the Administration meetings as well. I donated many hours to the preparation of the Tulsa courses used for Worlds this past year, as we all did. I put my sweat and blood into Blackhawk, as many others did. I am a full time student pursuing a law degree. This allows me to devote the time needed to be an asset to the club.
I have been and will continue to be increasingly active in the local tournament scene, along with other club activities.

As for my platform�

I think the younger generation of golfers need representation in the administrator meetings and I want to be that voice. I think diversity in any debate like setting is always good for the process of fully understanding ideas and their consequences or benefits. I for one will be active in analyzing new club business and keeping what I think my peers would want in the front of my mind, not just enforcing my own opinions.

I am an aspiring tournament director and would like to host more events in the future, and in doing so learn how to better run an event.

I think that some new blood is never a bad thing, and I hope that everyone will support me in my campaign for administrator.

- A. Treat

Sep 24 2007, 11:29 PM
And I beat everyone except a drunken hillbilly at Pawhuska distance.....

......its sad but its something.

Sep 25 2007, 04:51 AM
LFD: I volunteer to handle all cash campaign funds you may have. :D:D:DIn spite of the fact that my offer is shady at best, I hope you will consider it. A note to all running for office. My vote is for sale!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: REST YOUR EYES IN SHADES OF GREEN :D:D:D

Sep 25 2007, 09:36 AM
I would just like to let everyone know..... will be able to get a signed copy of my post at the are $3 with me and the donkey are $5......

Get there early... :D:D

Sep 25 2007, 09:41 AM
It is official.

I am announcing my campaign for Administrator.

I may not be the oldest cat on the block, but I think I can offer the club a lot.

I attend most of the Administration meetings anyway, and I have always wanted to voice my opinion in an official capacity, but since I was just an average Joe in there (no offense Rotan) I didn�t feel it was my place.

I am active in the club outside of the Administration meetings as well. I donated many hours to the preparation of the Tulsa courses used for Worlds this past year, as we all did. I put my sweat and blood into Blackhawk, as many others did. I am a full time student pursuing a law degree. This allows me to devote the time needed to be an asset to the club.
I have been and will continue to be increasingly active in the local tournament scene, along with other club activities.

As for my platform�

I think the younger generation of golfers need representation in the administrator meetings and I want to be that voice. I think diversity in any debate like setting is always good for the process of fully understanding ideas and their consequences or benefits. I for one will be active in analyzing new club business and keeping what I think my peers would want in the front of my mind, not just enforcing my own opinions.

I am an aspiring tournament director and would like to host more events in the future, and in doing so learn how to better run an event.

I think that some new blood is never a bad thing, and I hope that everyone will support me in my campaign for administrator.

- A. Treat

The following people have requested 5 minutes for rebutal statements before the elections begin....



Sep 25 2007, 09:51 AM
It is official.

I am announcing my campaign for Administrator.

I may not be the oldest cat on the block, but I think I can offer the club a lot.

I attend most of the Administration meetings anyway, and I have always wanted to voice my opinion in an official capacity, but since I was just an average Joe in there (no offense Rotan) I didn�t feel it was my place.

I am active in the club outside of the Administration meetings as well. I donated many hours to the preparation of the Tulsa courses used for Worlds this past year, as we all did. I put my sweat and blood into Blackhawk, as many others did. I am a full time student pursuing a law degree. This allows me to devote the time needed to be an asset to the club.
I have been and will continue to be increasingly active in the local tournament scene, along with other club activities.

As for my platform�

I think the younger generation of golfers need representation in the administrator meetings and I want to be that voice. I think diversity in any debate like setting is always good for the process of fully understanding ideas and their consequences or benefits. I for one will be active in analyzing new club business and keeping what I think my peers would want in the front of my mind, not just enforcing my own opinions.

I am an aspiring tournament director and would like to host more events in the future, and in doing so learn how to better run an event.

I think that some new blood is never a bad thing, and I hope that everyone will support me in my campaign for administrator.

- A. Treat

very nice
way to go A. Treat
i hope you get in there

Sep 25 2007, 09:52 AM
Funny Furdog...

....and it's rebuttal not rebutal. :D

Sep 25 2007, 10:01 AM
I don't think you're going to win any votes that way, Andrew.

Sep 25 2007, 10:22 AM
I don't think you're going to win any votes that way, Andrew.

Furdoogo and I were just sharing a little inside joke there...sorry.....

So how ready are you for Rock Hill Wise? When do you leave? :D

Sep 25 2007, 01:55 PM
How many votes do we get?

Andrew will get my vote, it's kind of a no brainer.

Sep 25 2007, 03:20 PM
I think you will vote for four positions...

.....even if there is only one person running for a position, I think you must still select them as your choice for a valid voting process to have taken place...

....but I dont know...I'm at school right now learning about the Northern Campaigns of 1777 in the revolutionary war....

Sep 25 2007, 03:47 PM
I think you will vote for four positions...

Doggie and missionary?

Any others? :D

Sep 25 2007, 04:26 PM
standing and sitting :cool:

Sep 25 2007, 05:40 PM
Furdoogo and I were just sharing a little inside joke there...sorry.....

What are you talking about? :confused:.....I have issues buddy. This potential Father/Son in the TDSA government smacks of a Clinton/Monica arrangement. :o/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 25 2007, 05:51 PM
Hey Dog, we all have issues, :Dwhat you have is a good solid platform off of which to launch your agenda "SHORT ARMS RULE" :cool:
And remember no river runs through your mountain! :D

Sep 25 2007, 05:55 PM
Obviously you have Internet post formatting issues as well...

Speaking of issues, when are we getting the band back together?

I have been in intensive training so that we can take our act to the bigtime!!!

I am working on my Jerry Garcia, David Gilmore, Dave Nicholson combo style...

...and let me tell you, that Dobly 5.1 better be ready for it!

Sep 25 2007, 05:56 PM
Hey Dog, we all have issues, :Dwhat you have is a good solid platform off of which to launch your agenda "SHORT ARMS RULE" :cool:
And remember no river runs through your mountain! :D

Come on Martin...I bet you have birdied hole three at chandler more than anyone.....

Sep 25 2007, 05:57 PM
Or 14?

Sep 25 2007, 06:13 PM
... sure feels like Fall has fell , ay ? ...
... temperatures coolin' down ...
... politics warmin' up ...

Sep 26 2007, 10:32 AM
.. .the all-new , 2008 Tulsa Ice Bowl Flyer will "debut" at the Picnic ...

Sep 27 2007, 09:29 AM
.. .the all-new , 2008 Tulsa Ice Bowl Flyer will "debut" at the Picnic ...

... looks like we're back to a Polar Bear for the '08 logo ... cool ... as I recall , the last time a polar bear was used was 1997 ...

Sep 27 2007, 09:34 AM
Well that is COOL...

In 1997 I was 10 years old....

Sep 27 2007, 10:12 AM
Hey there Hillary. The following TDSA members are leaving for Rock Hill.


I don't think there is an absentee ballot so they probaby won't get to vote. You need to do something about getting their votes before they leave because there is a growing underground grass roots movement to write in and bring back Dave Wise and/or John Green. :o

As an old guy I feel those guys will represent me better than some carrot top legal assistant but I'm willing to give you a shot if you can tell me what you're going to do for the old guys and short arms of the sport. :confused:

Consider yourself private Ryan and "earn this". /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 27 2007, 10:34 AM
I actually think there are absentee ballots....

I think they can send them in via e-mail...

And the only thing to do for the "short arms" is to host a clinic to teach you guys how to bomb....

The reason most old guys don't throw far is because they don't like moving their bodies that fast. It feels unsafe so they stop attempting it...

Furdog, go grab Devan and tell him to teach you a 360... :D

Sep 27 2007, 10:51 AM

Sep 27 2007, 10:56 AM
Ok Wayne. Polar bears are cool so where's the order form. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 27 2007, 11:12 AM
Yeah...that resembles a Polar Bear....

Sep 27 2007, 11:50 AM
And the only thing to do for the "short arms" is to host a clinic to teach you guys how to bomb....

The reason most old guys don't throw far is because they don't like moving their bodies that fast. It feels unsafe so they stop attempting it...

Furdog, go grab Devan and tell him to teach you a 360... :D

I think you just lost the Bud Johnson vote. On top of that I think Devan is doing 1-5 isn't he?

Where is the beef Hillery??? :confused:

What other things are you going to bring to the table??? :(

This isn't like getting voted in to the student council or making the chess team.

There is no skipping out of meetings for homework or guitar lessons.

Admins need to be held accountable for the decisions they make with club money. :mad:/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 27 2007, 11:56 AM
And the only thing to do for the "short arms" is to host a clinic to teach you guys how to bomb....

The reason most old guys don't throw far is because they don't like moving their bodies that fast. It feels unsafe so they stop attempting it...

Furdog, go grab Devan and tell him to teach you a 360... :D

I think you just lost the Bud Johnson vote. On top of that I think Devan is doing 1-5 isn't he?

Where is the beef Hillery??? :confused:

What other things are you going to bring to the table??? :(

This isn't like getting voted in to the student council or making the chess team.

There is no skipping out of meetings for homework or guitar lessons.

Admins need to be held accountable for the decisions they make with club money. :mad:/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Hey Furdog ;)
And as Chandler Park is a MAJOR :cool:contributor of said money I demand that you run and be accountable for how that money is spent! :D

Sep 27 2007, 11:57 AM
... second ... :D

Sep 27 2007, 12:00 PM

... I don't have the savvy to pop this pic up on discussion board ... if someone else does ; that would be cool ...
... and as far as the merch. , Ice Bowl HQ is "still working up the '08 list" and order-forms ... s-o-o-n , I hope ...

Sep 27 2007, 12:15 PM

Sep 27 2007, 12:29 PM
And the only thing to do for the "short arms" is to host a clinic to teach you guys how to bomb....

The reason most old guys don't throw far is because they don't like moving their bodies that fast. It feels unsafe so they stop attempting it...

Furdog, go grab Devan and tell him to teach you a 360... :D

I think you just lost the Bud Johnson vote. On top of that I think Devan is doing 1-5 isn't he?

Where is the beef Hillery??? :confused:

What other things are you going to bring to the table??? :(

This isn't like getting voted in to the student council or making the chess team.

There is no skipping out of meetings for homework or guitar lessons.

Admins need to be held accountable for the decisions they make with club money. :mad:/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Did you see my campaign post?

Sep 27 2007, 01:53 PM

looks like that bear's fixing to get smacked upside the head with one of those disc coming at him......

probably crazy people on the course throwing white in the snow when that scary bear is right by the basket :confused:

looks like that bear's up to no good, mean look in his eye, maybe the bear's trying to steal that disc and they're trying to take him out to get their disc back, also looks like a snow ball in his hand, probably harassing the golfers throwin snowballs at them :confused:

What's the date for Tulsa's Ice Bowl or do I have to wait for the flyer?

Sep 27 2007, 02:43 PM
... January 26 ...

Sep 27 2007, 02:47 PM
Thanks, I've gotta get Fort Smith's planned, don't wanna be on the same weekend, gotta watch out for Z-Boaz also

Sep 27 2007, 03:14 PM
And the only thing to do for the "short arms" is to host a clinic to teach you guys how to bomb....

The reason most old guys don't throw far is because they don't like moving their bodies that fast. It feels unsafe so they stop attempting it...

Furdog, go grab Devan and tell him to teach you a 360... :D

I think you just lost the Bud Johnson vote. On top of that I think Devan is doing 1-5 isn't he?

Where is the beef Hillery??? :confused:

What other things are you going to bring to the table??? :(

This isn't like getting voted in to the student council or making the chess team.

There is no skipping out of meetings for homework or guitar lessons.

Admins need to be held accountable for the decisions they make with club money. :mad:/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Did you see my campaign post?

I saw you campaign post but it all sounded like a bunch of lawyer "fluff".

How about some real promises???.....Like.....

If Thong gives you the go ahead would you be willing to run a one day "C" tier for the TDSA at Dovillio and call it "The Ousted Open: Part II"?

Would you be willing to shave your head and change your name to "Butts" for a day?

What about Stillwater next year?....Is there a one day possibility? :confused:

Sep 27 2007, 03:29 PM
First of all, if I ran a one day C tier at Dovillio, you would not get to name it.

Second of all, you can't shave your head for just a day.

And lastly, I don't know, but probably not. We will see.

I will bring a bunch of ideas I have been thinking about to my first admin meeting as an admin.

I have ideas cooking, and it is all about growth and exposure...and not the way you are used to either of those concepts Furpup...

Sep 27 2007, 03:50 PM
Shouldn't we be firing these same questions at Furdog??

I think he is trying to move the spotlight away from him...

Sep 27 2007, 04:04 PM

The people whose votes you are wanting need to know!!! :(

More one day tournaments are the way to go. Some of us old guys have already gotten our bodies into perfect shape. Not all of us need a two day tournament for extended exercise when our bodies have already been sculpted into perfect form. Quit looking for a 3rd and 4th chance at life. If you�re going to be in the band you need to get it right the first time or get off the stage. If there�s camping that�s another thing but how about 2 one day tournaments in the same weekend? More points, more opportunities, more choice, more turnout!!!! :)

Don�t wait until you get behind closed doors to discuss your ideas. :(

What do you plan on doing at Copperhead after Kevin is gone?

How far are you willing to travel down the rabbit hole??? ;)

Sep 27 2007, 04:37 PM
Thanks, I've gotta get Fort Smith's planned, don't wanna be on the same weekend, gotta watch out for Z-Boaz also

... cool ... steer away from Sunday the 27th ... Vasicek usually sets up his Arcadia Ice Bowl the-day-after Tulsa ...

Sep 27 2007, 04:54 PM
Shouldn't we be firing these same questions at Furdog??

I think he is trying to move the spotlight away from him...

I am cross examining your young Jedi Mike to see if he'll crack under pressure. How is he ever going to get past Whoppner or Judge Judy if he folds under questioning from a K9. :D

Sep 27 2007, 11:56 PM

The people whose votes you are wanting need to know!!! :(

More one day tournaments are the way to go. Some of us old guys have already gotten our bodies into perfect shape. Not all of us need a two day tournament for extended exercise when our bodies have already been sculpted into perfect form. Quit looking for a 3rd and 4th chance at life. If you�re going to be in the band you need to get it right the first time or get off the stage. If there�s camping that�s another thing but how about 2 one day tournaments in the same weekend? More points, more opportunities, more choice, more turnout!!!! :)

Don�t wait until you get behind closed doors to discuss your ideas. :(

What do you plan on doing at Copperhead after Kevin is gone?

How far are you willing to travel down the rabbit hole??? ;)

WE can't just switch to all one days just because some people get physically tired after two...or in your round. But we should do more of them....

But closed doors are a good thing. If the Club did all of their business right out here on the message board there would be, aside from the obvious loss of surprise on exciting happenings, people posting in all the time wanting to arbitrate their own agenda's into the plan. You have to think club wide first of all, but then you have to focus on your majority. Our majority of players, in my opinion, want two day, four round (Or three, or three and a final 9 or one of Joe's concoctions) tournaments.

The need for an increase in one day sanctioned and unsanctioned events is obvious. I really feel that that aspect, that is the Monthly tournament, is not implemented nearly enough for our player counts.

With scheduled minis comes a nice structure. Something you can set your watch to...But times don't work out perfectly for everyone. Some people may, due to their work or personal schedule, never get to play in a certain mini.

With a regular monthly tournament comes consistent play and observation of all of Tulsa's courses.

With the whole populous of disc golfers out playing, all the courses probably get played pretty consistently. But with a monthly mini those who may not have a chance to get out to their favorite course come mini time, will have a chance to plan months in advance for their courses tournament. You also get every course the attention they deserve seeing that we could spruce them up one at a time.

I guess I figured we would do a course by course program. List up the courses and and just play them in a loop....and never stop... :D

Sep 28 2007, 01:25 AM
More one day tournaments are the way to go. Some of us old guys have already gotten our bodies into perfect shape (ROUND). Not all of us need a two day tournament for extended exercise when our bodies have already been sculpted into perfect form (ROUND). Quit looking for a 3rd and 4th chance at life. If you�re going to be in the band you need to get it right the first time or get off the stage. If there�s camping that�s another thing but how about 2 one day tournaments in the same weekend? More points, more opportunities, more choice, more turnout!!!!

Sep 28 2007, 11:15 AM
so that last post was just a quote of Furdog I guess?...

Sep 28 2007, 11:16 AM
... besides the chow-fest going on at the Picnic Sunday , there will be some primo Disc Golf being played as well ... some g-r-e-a-t competition and camradere ...
... Chandler Park ... fabulous Furdoogo's moose-friendly Mountaintop ... starting sign-ups at 9am for a round of Singles ... a 21-hole Course to tee-off at 10:00am ...
... then later picnic lunch ... short TDSA meeting ... casting ballots in Election ...
... then an afternoon Round on an even-More-expanded Course , a 27-hole set for draw-doubles ...
... this is going to be One Fine Day ... :cool:

Sep 28 2007, 11:21 AM
... EVERYONE Welcome ... members or not ... ALL Players ...

Sep 28 2007, 12:32 PM

WE can't just switch to all one days just because some people get physically tired after two...or in your round. But we should do more of them....

<font color="red">Right now the multi-day tournaments out number the one days. </font>

But closed doors are a good thing. If the Club did all of their business right out here on the message board there would be, aside from the obvious loss of surprise on exciting happenings, people posting in all the time wanting to arbitrate their own agenda's into the plan.

<font color="red">I agree but some things like admin attendance should be more readily available without having to hunt down the minutes from every meeting. I'm not talking about a witch hunt. Just a general idea on who is showing up for the meetings. Otherwise you could have ten admins but only 5 of them are showing up to vote on the issues. Accountability is something members should expect. If somebody votes you in and you only show up every once in a while then you need to take a crap or get off the pot. On the other hand most people might not care as long things seem to be running ok. I just hope that when 5 people vote in an event that requires a lot of volunteers, they don�t take those volunteers for granted.</font>

You have to think club wide first of all, but then you have to focus on your majority. Our majority of players, in my opinion, want two day, four round (Or three, or three and a final 9 or one of Joe's concoctions) tournaments.

<font color="red">I agree. I think there should be a better mix of both. If a TD is going to take the time for a two day tournament the TD should get a profit for his time and efforts. What I'm talking about is one day �C� tier club ran tournaments where all profit goes back into the club. It�s not much different then running our 2 &amp; 2 mini�s on Saturday�s except the TD�s are volunteering their time. Rotate the TD�s &amp; the courses. Carl Butts had a nice one day �C� tier at Dovillo one time. Too bad he stepped out of the sport. Almost anybody could run one. I would need to pass the officials test and somebody would have to walk me thru the TD report to the PDGA. You could even do two one day�s back to back. I think Wayne was the one that said you could pay one sanction fee and run two different �C� tiers on the same weekend. Do you want to talk about attendance numbers? Swaggies one day McClure Classic / 55 people in the rain. Alma, Arkansas one day / 74 people. Get in, get out, get on with your life. The majority will follow.

The TDSA is a money making machine. In just one round of golf we raised $104 at the Mystic Moose Shootout. I noticed that the usually Chandler gang of Two Guns, Snakeskin, and the Hindshaw gang didn�t show up until after the event. Seems like they and about 10 or twelve other people went over to Haikey and had their own mini. I wondered later if my $20 entry might have been over the top for some people. I�m not saying that is the reason they didn�t attend my event but for some maybe it was. Maybe next time I should do a $15 entry like Slim used to do.

I think the main thing the admins do is to intellegently decide on where club funds should be allocated. I think they do a very good job. Tulsa has become saturated with DG courses now and we�re running out of land. I know people don�t want the river tax but I was kind of hoping it would open up some new spaces for new courses on the west side of the river. There�s no garrantees though I know.

If the TDSA treasury fund continues to grow at what point could other benefits of being an active member be established?

Creative one day tournaments ran by the club with low entry fees and volunteer TD�s will bring in more cash and turnout and ultimately benefit the two day events. Keep your focus on the majority like you said but don�t burn out your volunteers or the people that are in it for the fun.

Sep 28 2007, 01:20 PM
WE can't just switch to all one days just because some people get physically tired after two...or in your round. But we should do more of them....

<font color="red">Right now the multi-day tournaments out number the one days. </font>

<font color="blue"> I just said that. "...switch to one days..." implies we currently do two days.</font>

But closed doors are a good thing. If the Club did all of their business right out here on the message board there would be, aside from the obvious loss of surprise on exciting happenings, people posting in all the time wanting to arbitrate their own agenda's into the plan.

<font color="red">I agree but some things like admin attendance should be more readily available without having to hunt down the minutes from every meeting. I'm not talking about a witch hunt. Just a general idea on who is showing up for the meetings. Otherwise you could have ten admins but only 5 of them are showing up to vote on the issues. Accountability is something members should expect. If somebody votes you in and you only show up every once in a while then you need to take a crap or get off the pot. On the other hand most people might not care as long things seem to be running ok. I just hope that when 5 people vote in an event that requires a lot of volunteers, they don�t take those volunteers for granted.</font>

<font color="blue">I will not have any attendance problems. I enjoy the meetings for many reasons and not just the cocktails...:eek: But seriously, publicizing Admin attendance is fine with me. I think that posting the minutes to a separate URL for admin access would be good.</font>

You have to think club wide first of all, but then you have to focus on your majority. Our majority of players, in my opinion, want two day, four round (Or three, or three and a final 9 or one of Joe's concoctions) tournaments.

<font color="red">I agree. I think there should be a better mix of both. If a TD is going to take the time for a two day tournament the TD should get a profit for his time and efforts. What I'm talking about is one day �C� tier club ran tournaments where all profit goes back into the club. It�s not much different then running our 2 &amp; 2 mini�s on Saturday�s except the TD�s are volunteering their time. Rotate the TD�s &amp; the courses.

<font color="blue"> Several other people that I can think of, as well as myself, have been giving this idea a lot of merit as of late. It makes sense. </font>

Carl Butts had a nice one day �C� tier at Dovillo one time. Too bad he stepped out of the sport. Almost anybody could run one. <font color="blue">Who is an official. </font> I would need to pass the officials test and somebody would have to walk me thru the TD report to the PDGA. You could even do two one day�s back to back. I think Wayne was the one that said you could pay one sanction fee and run two different �C� tiers on the same weekend. Do you want to talk about attendance numbers? Swaggies one day McClure Classic / 55 people in the rain. Alma, Arkansas one day / 74 people. Get in, get out, get on with your life. The majority will follow.

<font color="blue"> I agree. I think one day tourneys are much more inclined to get good consistent numbers, and there is always the possibility for the unexpected monster 100+....

The TDSA is a money making machine. <font color="blue"> A non-profit monkey making machine...rare.</font></font> In just one round of golf we raised $104 at the Mystic Moose Shootout. I noticed that the usually Chandler gang of Two Guns, Snakeskin, and the Hindshaw gang didn�t show up until after the event.

Seems like they and about 10 or twelve other people went over to Haikey and had their own mini.

<font color="blue">As long as it's only a few people and it dosen't become a competitor with club minis, I see no problem with that.</font>

<font color="red">I wondered later if my $20 entry might have been over the top for some people. I�m not saying that is the reason they didn�t attend my event but for some maybe it was. Maybe next time I should do a $15 entry like Slim used to do. <font color="blue">$20 was great....I enjoyed it thoroughly. You only had to get one hole to practically double your money.</font>

<font color="red">I think the main thing the admins do is to intellegently decide on where club funds should be allocated. I think they do a very good job.</font>

<font color="blue"> I do as well...but there is always room for improvement. One thing I disagree with is people being able to present an idea that involves a large cash amount AND get it approved that night....Not to sound odd about that, I am a firm believer in a little think time on big ideas; not that doing so would be practical, it's not go for getting things done, but I think it is worth consideration.</font>

<font color="red"> Tulsa has become saturated with DG courses now and we�re running out of land.<font color="blue">No, and no.</font> I know people don�t want the river tax but I was kind of hoping it would open up some new spaces for new courses on the west side of the river. There�s no garrantees though I know.

If the TDSA treasury fund continues to grow at what point could other benefits of being an active member be established?</font>

<font color="blue">Ideas are good, empty questions don't get much done. Tee-shirts....probably possible. Custom drivers license style membership cards with an "action shot"....maybe, maybe not...It all depends on what you mean. </font>
<font color="red">Creative one day tournaments ran by the club with low entry fees and volunteer TD�s will bring in more cash and turnout and ultimately benefit the two day events. Keep your focus on the majority like you said but don�t burn out your volunteers or the people that are in it for the fun. <font color="blue"> Total agreement. </font>

<font color="black">I think the Club is at a pivotal point in its history and it needs people in right now with new ideas and the motivation to get them done. I for one am ready to do that task. I want to see Tulsa become the undisputed Mecca or disc golf vacation spot $$$

.....with guided tours of Blackhawk, and donkey rides by Furdog......</font> :o

Sep 28 2007, 02:05 PM
WE can't just switch to all one days just because some people get physically tired after two...or in your round. But we should do more of them....

<font color="red">Right now the multi-day tournaments out number the one days. </font>

<font color="blue"> I just said that. "...switch to one days..." implies we currently do two days.</font>
<font color="black"> </font> POINTS BONANZA :D

But closed doors are a good thing. If the Club did all of their business right out here on the message board there would be, aside from the obvious loss of surprise on exciting happenings, people posting in all the time wanting to arbitrate their own agenda's into the plan.

<font color="red">I agree but some things like admin attendance should be more readily available without having to hunt down the minutes from every meeting. I'm not talking about a witch hunt. Just a general idea on who is showing up for the meetings. Otherwise you could have ten admins but only 5 of them are showing up to vote on the issues. Accountability is something members should expect. If somebody votes you in and you only show up every once in a while then you need to take a crap or get off the pot. On the other hand most people might not care as long things seem to be running OK. I just hope that when 5 people vote in an event that requires a lot of volunteers, they don�t take those volunteers for granted.</font>

<font color="blue">I will not have any attendance problems. I enjoy the meetings for many reasons and not just the cocktails...:eek: But seriously, publicizing Admin attendance is fine with me. I think that posting the minutes to a separate URL for admin access would be good.

<font color="black"> </font> I have no problem with posting all minutes as recorded if the club needs off the record discussions then they can invoke executive session rules.

You have to think club wide first of all, but then you have to focus on your majority. Our majority of players, in my opinion, want two day, four round (Or three, or three and a final 9 or one of Joe's concoctions) tournaments.

<font color="red">I agree. I think there should be a better mix of both. If a TD is going to take the time for a two day tournament the TD should get a profit for his time and efforts. What I'm talking about is one day �C� tier club ran tournaments where all profit goes back into the club. It�s not much different then running our 2 &amp; 2 mini�s on Saturday�s except the TD�s are volunteering their time. Rotate the TD�s &amp; the courses.

<font color="blue"> Several other people that I can think of, as well as myself, have been giving this idea a lot of merit as of late. I makes sense. </font>
<font color="black"> </font> AMEN, including a multi day event to cover all Tulsa courses to crown a Tulsa champ! :cool:

Carl Butts had a nice one day �C� tier at Dovillo one time. Too bad he stepped out of the sport. Almost anybody could run one. <font color="blue">Who is an official. </font> I would need to pass the officials test and somebody would have to walk me through the TD report to the PDGA. You could even do two one day�s back to back. I think Wayne was the one that said you could pay one sanction fee and run two different �C� tiers on the same weekend. Do you want to talk about attendance numbers? Swaggies one day McClure Classic / 55 people in the rain. Alma, Arkansas one day / 74 people. Get in, get out, get on with your life. The majority will follow.

<font color="blue"> I agree. I think one day tourneys are much more inclined to get good consistent numbers, and there is always the possibility for the unexpected monster 100+....
<font color="black"> </font> Bring it on we have computers now and several of us know how to use them! :D

The TDSA is a money making machine. <font color="blue"> A non-profit monkey making machine...rare.</font> In just one round of golf we raised $104 at the Mystic Moose Shootout. I noticed that the usually Chandler gang of Two Guns, Snakeskin, and the Hindshaw gang didn�t show up until after the event.

Seems like they and about 10 or twelve other people went over to Haikey and had their own mini.

<font color="blue">As long as it's only 10 people and it doesnt become a competitor with club minis, I see no problem with that.</font>

I wondered later if my $20 entry might have been over the top for some people. I�m not saying that is the reason they didn�t attend my event but for some maybe it was. Maybe next time I should do a $15 entry like Slim used to do. <font color="blue">$20 was great....I enjoyed it thoroughly. You only had to get one hole to practically double your money.</font>

I think the main thing the admins do is to intelligently decide on where club funds should be allocated. I think they do a very good job.

<font color="blue"> I do as well...but there is always room for improvement. One thing I disagree with is people being able to present an idea that involves a large cash amount AND get it approved that night....Not to sound odd about that, I am a firm believer in a little think time on big ideas; not that doing so would be practical, it's not go for getting things done, but I think it is worth consideration.</font>
<font color="black"> </font> There is always the ability to make a motion to table a question for a month so that it can be studied at length and then reintroduced if it is worthy of consideration. This does happen from time to time and over half of the time the matter is deemed unworthy of reintroduction the next month. :)

Tulsa has become saturated with DG courses now and we�re running out of land.<font color="blue">No, and no.</font> I know people don�t want the river tax but I was kind of hoping it would open up some new spaces for new courses on the west side of the river. There�s no guarantees though I know.

If the TDSA treasury fund continues to grow at what point could other benefits of being an active member be established?

<font color="blue">Ideas are good, empty questions don't get much done. Tee-shirts....probably possible. Custom drivers license style membership cards with an "action shot"....maybe, maybe not...It all depends on what you mean. </font>
<font color="black"> </font> True enough player promotion and not Pro Player payouts will continue to grow the spot in out region, it is entirely possible that the TDSA may indeed become a regional force for disc sports. It would be nice if we were able to widen our focus to include other disc sports beyond disc golf into the non money making areas like MTA, Distance, DDC, and bringing back our show place events like free style, of which we have several past champions in our club.
Creative one day tournaments ran by the club with low entry fees and volunteer TD�s will bring in more cash and turnout and ultimately benefit the two day events. Keep your focus on the majority like you said but don�t burn out your volunteers or the people that are in it for the fun. <font color="blue"> Total agreement. </font>

<font color="black"> </font> With the World Am event scheduled for KC in 2009 our events even "C" tier will not lack for players. :cool:

<font color="black">I think the Club is at a pivotal point in its history and it needs people in right now with new ideas and the motivation to get them done. I for one am ready to do that task. I want to see Tulsa become the undisputed Mecca or disc golf vacation spot $$$
<font color="red"> </font> With the addition of The Lodge and our continuing efforts to improve and maintain existing courses and an increased effort to schedule mini and low fee sanctioned events we will by density of scheduling increase public awareness of our sport. And some day assume our rightful place as a true sport and not as an Alt. sport as we are currently billed.

.....with guided tours of Blackhawk, and donkey rides by Furdog......</font>

<font color="pink"> </font> and witty banter from the players! :D

Sep 28 2007, 02:05 PM

I made beer!

Sep 28 2007, 02:08 PM
Now I can rule the WORLD!

Sep 28 2007, 02:10 PM
You should make a new post for what you said, or use a different color...Furdog is the Red team, I am the Blue can be the yellow team Martin....

Sep 28 2007, 03:20 PM
sorry i tried to do it but for some reason i could not get it to let me use a 3rd color.

Sep 28 2007, 06:11 PM
... just another GOOD Reason to attend the Picnic Sunday ... :D ...

� hot off the presses ...
... the �almost famous� Five-Pager has been great ... out-n-about for awhile now � chock-full-of-information ... it has been the best source for Schedules and Flyers �
� well , .
� unveiled at the Picnic � this Sunday the 30th � an ALL NEW source � sweeter , neater , more-completer � NOT just a five-pager � NOT even just a six-pager �
... (you guessed it) � it will be the �First Run� Limited-Edition Seven-Pager � these will be hot � and they�ll be going fast � including &gt; &gt; &gt; 2007 County Parks Team Event Flyer , 2007 Twin Oaks Duncan Event Flyer , info. for the 2nd Annual Jeremy Martin Memorial in OKC , 2007 Oklahoma Open SuperTour Flyer , 2008 Tulsa Ice Bowl Flyer , O.O. (stands for Obviously October) mini-schedules and contact-info �
... in other words : the latest and greatest and most-up-to-datest �

Sep 28 2007, 06:30 PM
wow talk about some reading

on this no way
if 20 buck is to much then they should probably be saving up to pay bills any way
just my opinion
The TDSA is a money making machine. In just one round of golf we raised $104 at the Mystic Moose Shootout. I noticed that the usually Chandler gang of Two Guns, Snakeskin, and the Hindshaw gang didn�t show up until after the event. Seems like they and about 10 or twelve other people went over to Haikey and had their own mini. I wondered later if my $20 entry might have been over the top for some people. I�m not saying that is the reason they didn�t attend my event but for some maybe it was. Maybe next time I should do a $15 entry like Slim used to do.

Sep 28 2007, 07:11 PM
Well, long story short. The benefits of one day sanctioned C tiers easily merit some further investigation and inquiry.

Is that better?

Sep 28 2007, 07:45 PM
Little Red....I know I gave you a hard time the last couple of days but I give you a "high paw" and declare you worthy of the K9 vote. :cool:

Sep 28 2007, 09:11 PM
Little Red....I know I gave you a hard time the last couple of days but I give you a "high paw" and declare you worthy of the K9 vote. :cool:

Thank you Furdog. You got some good campaign issues out of me. ;)

Sep 29 2007, 09:22 PM
It's TDSA Picnic/Election Eve!!!

See you there.

Easy info on the TDSA site HERE ( :cool:

Sep 30 2007, 10:23 PM
... let's get you caught up on Results ...
... TDSA Fall Picnic &gt; at bee-yoo-tee-ful Chandler Park &gt; on a g-r-e-a-t weather day (were we lucky , or what ?) &gt; as follows :
... morning Singles round ... the permanent-Chandler-18 plus 3 bonus holes ... 41 players ... a 21-holer :
Pro ... Joel Woody 52 (11-under)
Pro Masters ... Tony Walker 51
Pro Masters Women ... Kim Click
Advanced ... Scott (Furdog) Schumacher 55
Adv. Masters ... Rob Davis 56
Adv. GrandMasters ... Wayne Forest 57
Amateur ... Leroy Finning 58
Novice ... Matt Brougher 58
... afternoon "Flights" Draw-Doubles ... plus 9 extra holes ... 42 players (21 teams) ... a 27-holer :

7 teams cashed , as follows :

1st David Nicholson / Robert Perkey 58 ( rippin' a 23-under )
2nd Billy Juby / Barry Joe Rogers 59
3rd-tie Harry Hinshaw Jr. / Harry Hinshaw Sr. 62
3rd-tie Bravo HOI / Mike Click 62
3rd-tie Johnny Thompson / Matt Brougher 62
3rd-tie Dan Bougher / Rene Recio 62
7th-tie Matt Cooper / Jake Wilson 63
7th-tie AnDREW Treat / Kim Click 63
... what a super day for the Club ; for ALL players (members and non-members) ... for all the "chow" for eats and puhlenty-of-drinks ; for TDSA merchandise being set-up , displayed , and sold by Jose Mendoza ...
and ,
And ,
AND &gt; the extra holes worked-up , laid out , and provided "Chandler-style" by the Fabulous Furdoogo ( Scott Schumacher) -and- Mr. Dependable (Joyle Deering) ...
... because for all the players who participated in both Rounds , they were treated to 48 of the BEST HOLES IN TULSA ... thanks guys !

Sep 30 2007, 10:25 PM
... in the '07 Fall Election &gt; elected to the position of Administrators were :

Wayne Forest
David Nicholson
Andrew Treat
Joel Woody

Sep 30 2007, 11:01 PM
I would just like to thank everyone who voted for me.

Furdog &amp; Wayne...thanks for running the event, great job.

Also thanks to Furdog (again) and Dave Wise for donating baskets for the temp course.

I had a great time today I was just bummed out that there weren't more people out there. We had to scramble to get a quorum (40 people)to vote! I am not trying to point fingers at anyone, I just like seeing everyone together! :o

I just love this Club and I am going to do my best to help and and hopefully build on what we have and leave it better than I found it for the next guy.

I know that sounds soppy, but that is how I feel.

Oct 01 2007, 10:59 AM
... and , if you caught it in the new (next-to-last-one) issue of Disc Golf World , congrats to the NEW State Coordinator of Oklahoma : Joe Rotan ... :cool:

Oct 01 2007, 11:10 AM
Yeah, Joe needs all the Karma he can get right now... :D

Oct 01 2007, 11:13 AM
So is there a list of all of the previous State Coordinators?

That is something I would like to see. How long has the PDGA been established?

Where is Doc Doom when you need him! Where is the old boy? We need a signal like Batman had.... :cool:

Oct 01 2007, 12:37 PM
I'd like to thank Joyle Deering for helping me mark the alternate course. I also want to thank the following.

Lil'Moose for helping me forage for food supplies and running out to get more hot dogs. :cool:

Wayne Forrest for TD'ing the events. I'm sure all the flight events you've been doing have raised some nice cash for the OO.

Andrew Treat for bringing the six extra baskets and helping me set them up. Congrats on your victory buddy. I've got faith in you.

John Barton for helping me pick up the flags and baskets afterwards. You and Carla are a great asset to TDSA. :)

Jose Mendoza This guy does it all. Whether it's getting volunteers organized for Am Worlds or coordinating sales of leftover TDSA mechandise.

To everyone else that showed up whether you were a member or not You came out and supported something you believe in and I thank you all. :cool:

Logan, my partner in the doubles round, drove all the all the way from Kansas. Mike and Kim Click came down from OKC. It's always a pleasure having them around. :)

For those of you who couldn't make it???...Well I'm sure you had your reasons. The picnic was scheduled earlier this year than normal. With all the other events going on now days it's hard to find a weekend where everybody can get together. :(

Stay involved and be curious about what's going on. Keep your memberships up to date and give something back when you can. There's a lot going on in the back ground. Find out what your admin's are doing for you and voice your opinion on what direction you would like to see the club moving towards. Show tomorrow's generation what a united group of members, volunteers, and supporters can do. Bring the vision to their eyes and fill their ears with the sound of plastic whacking trees. :)

Oct 01 2007, 01:58 PM
... Barry Joe Rogers came over from Arkansas ...
... Gary Nail came in all-the-way from Skiatook ... and Played ! ... :D

Oct 01 2007, 02:08 PM
... the Furdog Mountain is obviously a magnet ... drawing all in ...
... I say :
... we pull-up about 10 of the other courses in town (at least 150 Baskets) -and- plant-them-all on Furdog's Mountain ... one basket every 40-or-50-feet ... then , I could probably play bogey-free ( I think ) ... :D

Oct 01 2007, 03:37 PM
... the Furdog Mountain is obviously a magnet ... drawing all in ...
... I say :
... we pull-up about 10 of the other courses in town (at least 150 Baskets) -and- plant-them-all on Furdog's Mountain ... one basket every 40-or-50-feet ... then , I could probably play bogey-free ( I think ) ... :D

<font color="red"> :cool:well considering the way i putt maybe they should be 80' to 110' apart that way i could throw the drive as an aproch shot and have a drop in for birdie but then again sombody would just make them all par two holes. congrats again to Mike Click who aced hole one through the trees with a putter on Saturday. And all the while he was trying to tell me that he couldn's putt :eek: </font>

the camera guy
Oct 01 2007, 08:02 PM
... Gary Nail came in all-the-way from Skiatook ... and Played ! ... :D

the sun must have set in the east yesterday :D
thanks to all for the food and fun and congrats to red and joel