Sep 05 2007, 03:49 PM

September 15 &16, 2007

Come join us for the 21th Annual Stillwater Classic.
All divisions play 2 rounds at Boomer Lake and 2 rounds at Hoyt Grove.

Men�s Open Pro Division�������������������������������$65
All other Pro Divisions: Masters, Grandmasters, Women�����������������$65
Advanced Divisions: Men, Women, Masters����������������������...$55
Intermediate Amateur Divisions: Men, Women��������������������.�.$50
Recreational Divisions: Men, Women� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � $40
Junior Divisions:����������������������������������...$30
Must be a Current PDGA Member to enter or add $5.00 to entry

Entry Fee includes Ace Pot and CTP

Friday Registration at Boomer Lake 5 � 8:30 pm

Friday Night Draw Doubles tee at 5:00 pm

Saturday Signups end at 8:00 am

Tee-off 9:30 a.m.
Players� Party Saturday Night at Eskimo Joes:
Sunday Tee times TBA

Send registration and payment to:
Andrew Treat
13333 W. 41st St.
Sand Springs OK 74063
Or you can pay by using a credit card or pay online at ( There is a $3 Service Charge for Credit Card transactions. Any questions, e-mail me at [email protected] or call 1-918-857-9347

Stillwater Classic Registration Form

Name: _____________________________________________Birth Date: ______________ Age:__________
Address:__________________________________________ __City:_________________________________
State: ______________________Zip Code: __________ Phone: _____________ E-Mail: _________________
Division: _______________________ PDGA#: ____________________ PDGA Rating: __________________

I hold blameless and fully release the Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA), City of Stillwater OK, Stillwater Parks Department, the Tournament Directors, staff and any other individuals associated with the Stillwater Classic Disc Golf Tournament held 9/15/2007 � 9/16/2007 from all liability for personal damage or injury or personal loss I may incur before, during or after my participation in this event. I accept full and sole responsibility for any damage I may cause through negligence and/or malice, including, but not limited to, damages or injuries caused by my own throws of a golf disc.

Sep 05 2007, 03:51 PM
Here ya go Mr Treat....You and this tourney deserve a clean slate to actually talk about Stillwater and Disc Golf!

All other bytching can find another thread please!

The TREATS have stepped up to be some of our top tournament supporters and Tournament Directors...So far they haven't let anyone down so lets help support them!

Sep 05 2007, 07:42 PM
Well we have always had great support at any event my dad or I have run. But thankfully they have all come off smooth as silk.

This is going to be another step closer to restoring the classic to its former greatness.

I hope everyone who can attend, does, and I hope those who are undecided...consider this.

Boomer park is 6332 feet of pure disc golf design.

I have heard pro's say that it is one of the best courses in the state altogether.

It has an easy starting hole for sure...

But hole 2 you have to make your way over a cool stone wall, either with a hyzer under the trees (which can get tight this time of year) or my preference, taking a big anhyzer route...or even a roller out to the left....

Solid, challenging hole after hole after hole.

You really only have 3 or 4 absolute gimme's...1,9,17, and hole 8 if you are a righty.

But those are balanced by some of the toughest holes around.

Hole 2 and hole 4 are very difficult birdie's,

Then once you get around to hole ten...thats when the fun starts.....

There is nothing like having a 35-45 of wind blowing in your face when you are about to throw a 743 foot downhill hole.

Then hole 14 is one of the toughest birdies you can find, with an island like green that gives up very few 2's.

Overall this course exhibits all of the qualities of a champion course and should be considered one in my mind.

Then you have Hoyt Grove..... :D

Sep 06 2007, 08:38 AM
Then you have Hoyt Grove......I LOVE it so there I said it what are you goin' do now. Cool tunnel shot, a throw toward the water (a hole I have played numerous times and almost every time SoMEoNE goes in the water) USUALLY TREAT :D:eek: Really though I think it is a great handshake to Boomer. Well I am commin' and I'm bringin' a rookie for the rec div. His first disc golf tourney ever....lets welcome him in grand fashion. :cool:Oh OKLAHOMA GOLF how I miss thee. Can't wait to see everyone there. And all you tulsa guys get over to stilly so you can accept the beatting you so rightiously deserve I may not be able to get back to OK this year to dole out any more so get em' while there HOT! :D:cool:;)

Sep 06 2007, 09:58 AM
Awesome Travis, I am looking to see you and your buddy..

This will be a fun weekend for sure....

Sep 06 2007, 12:20 PM
... I'm sure that this Event will be a real Treat ... :D
... on a side-note to the Treats ... two-weeks-after your Tourney , can you bring 9 extra-Baskets to the TDSA Picnic ? ... those chingy-chang things you got would be super ... I know that's a ways-away , but better to get you thinking about it now ...
... after all , early . is . as . early . does ... :D

Sep 06 2007, 12:23 PM
They may be in Rock Hill at that time. ;)

Sep 06 2007, 12:26 PM
Actually Wayne, I think the Treats only have six of those "Traveler" baskets. We'll have to scrounge up the other three elsewhere. I plan on going out there the Saturday before and mark the course "according to Furdog's vision" this time around. :)

Sep 06 2007, 12:29 PM
FurDog's vision?

What do you do, pick the middle basket? :o

Why don't you just call it the two disc challenge. All most would need is a midrange and a putter, if it is a layout that fits your game. :o

Sep 06 2007, 12:37 PM
Yes but my course will be fitted with "Clay-mores", "Pit-falls", "Bouncing Betties", and one of these will be waiting for you when you reach in to pull your disc out of the basket. :cool:

A little tough for even the average bear. ;)...

Sep 06 2007, 01:24 PM
It won't be a problem for me as I will not be there.
I'll be getting a practice round in at Winthrop. :D

Sep 06 2007, 01:35 PM
Boy you must have really done some Twisted "suck butt" to get that gig. I guess Joe & Kelly decided they needed a personal driver to drive them back and forth from the course. :o:D...

Does your wife know about all the hookers that frequent that event? /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 06 2007, 01:38 PM
I think you have that backwards, they are driving and I'm flying. They will be my ride for the week.


To suck butt or not suck butt, doesn't matter to me. I'll be there and you'll be here. :D

Sep 06 2007, 01:47 PM
Do you really think that I would spend $1200 to go to a DG tournament?....I'm sure you're probably going to write this off as a business expense but it sounds to me like Kelly and Joe are setting you up to be the pivot man in a three person ferris wheel. :o

Just because you think you're a "Froto" doesn't make up for the fact that you're still a "Gollum". :D

Sep 06 2007, 01:52 PM
Why would I think you'd spend $1,200, hell you're so tight you wouldn't spend $50 to go to Pawhuska. :o

I think the only reason yo became a TD is so you can get in free to your own events. :o

Sep 06 2007, 02:21 PM
Ok. Wayne started this thread drift and you and I are just contributing to it. Kevin's going to come along and delete most of it anyway so I'm moving my rant to the "Life According to Furdog" thread. :p ;)

Sep 06 2007, 02:29 PM
... "drift" back to this Event ...
... ya'll know that the TFO at Paw-husker was Nuclear ...
... this Stillwater Classic will be equally Off-The-Hook ! ... a "can't-miss" ... a real "treat" ! ... :cool:

Sep 10 2007, 02:18 PM
... this here Weekend > > > it . is . ON ... :cool:

Sep 11 2007, 12:53 PM
The weather is looking great for this weekend. Nothing like a few cool rounds of Disc Golf in Stillwater.

Online registration is still open.

By the way, we have a block of rooms at the Days Inn for all players.

I will post the information later or pm me.

Hope to see you there!!!!

Sep 12 2007, 03:12 PM
The weather is looking great for this weekend. Nothing like a few cool rounds of Disc Golf in Stillwater.

Online registration is still open.

By the way, we have a block of rooms at the Days Inn for all players.

I will post the information later or pm me.

Hope to see you there!!!!

What kind of hotel deal can we get? We might be looking.

Sep 12 2007, 03:32 PM! ( Aid!)

Motel 6 - 5122 W 6th Ave, Stillwater, OK
(405) 624-0433

Fifty One Motel Ltd
1324 E 6th Ave, Stillwater, OK
(405) 372-8408

Relax Inn Suites -
2313 W 6th Ave, Stillwater, OK
(405) 372-2425

Sep 12 2007, 04:14 PM
Supposedly I had a deal with the DaysInn. But when my dad called to check they said that had no clue about it, which shocked me because I actually thought I had booked too many...

I will figure this out and report on here soon.

Sep 12 2007, 05:30 PM! ( Aid!)

Motel 6 - 5122 W 6th Ave, Stillwater, OK
(405) 624-0433

Fifty One Motel Ltd
1324 E 6th Ave, Stillwater, OK
(405) 372-8408

Relax Inn Suites -
2313 W 6th Ave, Stillwater, OK
(405) 372-2425

I didn't need to know about other motels, I just wanted to know about the deal Mr. Treat got. The Tefertiller Inn (not Joe's place) is the best place in town anyway....OOOOHHHHHHH Wait I forgot it is by invitation only.... :p

Sep 12 2007, 05:33 PM
Well since they may not have a deal now, you just might neet to know about some of the others.

its hard to help some people.

Sep 12 2007, 06:17 PM
Andrew is checking with the Chamber of Commerce/Convention and Visitors

They gave him a nice donation and put out a bid for room prices.

Updates coming..

Sep 12 2007, 06:30 PM
Thank you Mr. Treat. :D You guys keep up the great work and I'll see you in Stillwater.

btw...I don't need a room I just was curious what kind of deal you guys got.

Sep 12 2007, 06:45 PM
... almost as good as yours , Tom ... in Duncan on Oct.6 & 7 = camping ... :D

Sep 12 2007, 11:12 PM
The initial Pre-Reg list is up so check it out...

The CFR disc came in and they are really nice.

This years disc is an orange Champion Wraith with a very unique design by none other than Rob Davis.

A limited amount were ordered and I really think your gonna want one!!

All Am players will receive one in their players pack..

Stillwater is going to be a great time...The weather looks perfect...

Draw doubles and sign-ups Friday night so come on out..

Doubles will be random draw with flex starts....

Sep 13 2007, 10:55 AM

This is what me and ruce will be PIMPIN" from Houston, We'll be there about ten or eleven so no Doubles or warm up for me just goin on memory and good thing it isn't that darn short term stuff. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 13 2007, 11:06 AM
Thanks Wayne I am looking forward to Twin Oaks.....But I am looking more forward to Stillwater where all I have to do is...... play golf and relax :cool:....and of course thank the Treats for a great job :D

Sep 13 2007, 11:14 AM
Thanks Wayne I am looking forward to Twin Oaks.....But I am looking more forward to Stillwater where all I have to do is...... play golf and relax ... that's ME at the Double-O this year ... first-time-ever ! ... :cool:....and of course thank the Treats for a great job :D

Sep 13 2007, 12:39 PM
Hoyt Grove now has 18 permanent baskets and all of the tee signs have been replaced!!

The course is looking great. The city came out and mowed it yesterday so it is ready for skip Aces and rollers. We have been weed-eating, trimming, sawing, and picking up trash all week.

I would like to thank a few locals who have been very critical in getting this course and this tournament together. Ehren, Greg, and Cameron (Oh . . . and Travis before he left) have spent days & weeks of their own time to help me get this course in the shape that it is now in. Some people may not like it as much as Boomer, but it is coming along. (I think that's because it played 1.5 strokes harder from the Blue Tees than Boomer Lake - SSA 48.1 vs 49.6 last year)

They have leveled the BMX park by hole 5. I plan on talking to Parks & Rec to try and get that area along with some more land around the baseball field to open the course up a bit.

I hope everyone comes out to enjoy the good times and beautiful weather.

Sep 14 2007, 09:38 AM
Tom thanks for all you have done to the course....It is going to be a GREAT event. I am waiting on Burce ot get off work and we are out of here :DOh and we don't have to take the AVEO :cool:Be there SOON

Sep 14 2007, 11:53 AM
It's Stillwater Classic Eve!!!!

Head to Stillwater this weekend for a great time..

The flyer says sign-ups end at 8:00, but that will be extended until 8:45 with the players meeting still occuring at 9:00 and Tee Off at 9:30,,,

It looks like we are going to run 1 flight this year so everyone will sign-up and play Boomer Saturday morning.

If more than 80 or so turn out we will have to run two flights, but it looks like one flight should do it..

Boomer and Hoyt are both great courses and Tom Townsend and crew have done a ton-o-work at Hoyt.

Boomer is on Kevin's most favored courses list so what else needs to be said.

Come out and support Stillwater Disc Golf...

Sep 14 2007, 12:18 PM
Great job to Tom and his Crew...thanks for getting the courses in shape for everybody.

Sep 14 2007, 12:44 PM
Doubles tonight at 5:00 and sign-ups...

Flex start random doubles or whatever, the turn out for dubs last year was light so it will be a casual deal....

Sep 14 2007, 01:56 PM
Doubles tonight at 5:00 and sign-ups...

Flex start random doubles or whatever, the turn out for dubs last year was light so it will be a casual deal....

... so you can wear shorts and t-shirt ? ... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sep 14 2007, 02:14 PM
No cut-offs and half shirts (Fishnet included). Sorry Dig :D

Sep 14 2007, 06:57 PM
Thanks to The Treats and Tom for putting on what I know will be another great Stillwater Classic.

Kudos to Tom for mentioning all of those that have helped out on the courses. The majority of the work for a tournament takes place prior to Round 1 tee.

Side note to Tom, I know it is probably too late to make any changes but this is just food for thought. Consider the idea that hole 18 at Hoyt Grove should be an island hole. It would play much like 17 at The Lodge. All you would have to do is draw a line or run rope in some island type shape around the basket using the creek. The red tee box could be the drop zone. Just a thought - could be fun.

Sep 14 2007, 09:47 PM
oh no! ... not another island! :D

Sep 14 2007, 10:44 PM
The registrations through tonight are up.

Everything is looking good..

Cody Kustard and I won the doubles tonight -5....

I hope you all can make it...

See you in Stilly...

Big Easy
Sep 15 2007, 01:00 AM
Good luck to all.
I know that Michael, Andrew, Tom and all those who helped and are helping will do a great job.
Wish I could make it but can't.
Maybe next one.
D.P. :D

Sep 15 2007, 03:41 PM

BTW, you have Kody Custers pdga # wrong.

Sep 16 2007, 08:39 PM
The Treats ran a solid event with a fun feel. I know the turnout was down in the lower divisions but that is of not fault of the The Treats.

Let me tell you what, Hoyt Grove has come along way and it probably the best course in Stillwater! There I said it. Everyone is thinking it, you know you are. I think there are still some things that can change out there to make it even better but it is a really good layout right now. Mucho kudos to all of those that have had a hand in Hoyt Grove.

It is always to good to see my disc golf friends and to make new ones. Brendon Hickman is a relatively new name to the Open division in the disc golf world but this guy is a solid player and a good man to have on your card.

Boomer is Boomer - good course and windy.

Sep 16 2007, 09:00 PM
what a great time with great people. i really enjoyed playing with the pro masters/pro grand masters. these men are true gentlemen when on the course , they had nothing bad to say when the only am master was playing with them, thanks guys .the Treats really do put on great events thanks guys.

Sep 16 2007, 10:21 PM
First off...


This was a very unusual event for me. As well as being my second tournament to ever run, and this one being the first to run out of town....I count this as a great success...

A few things I would like to apologize for:
1) Please excuse Boomer not being mowed! The park department did not mow and I am very sorry for that.

2) Please excuse the fact that the CTP holes were not announced prior to each round. Some people said they were confused about what hole was for flight A and which was for B.

3) Please excuse the turnout. With last years tournament coming back strong from the Hickey debacle, I expected a lot more players than came out. I don't know why, but this years turnout was even lower than last years. Yet all in attendance were seemingly pleased, and well paid.


We did have some great weather.

We had a lot of fun at the Players Party at Eskimo Joe's, and we all have more experience than we started with.

I would like to thank my contributers & sponsors:


Wayne Forest

Dan Bougher


The Stillwater Conventions and Visitors Bureau

Tom Lowry

People who give extra merch to us Td's are the BOMB!!!

I would like to congratulate our Mens Open Champion Ron Convers as well as all of our other champions....

...its always fun to go to Stillwater, but its always better to win.....

Sep 16 2007, 10:49 PM
1) not your fault - I always had a hard time getting any kind of mowing committment out of the city parks dept.

2) apology accepted and don't let it happen again :D

3) It is what it is - payout was great.

Thanks again. We will have to talk about it and see what we can do to make the turnout better next year. This is too good of an event to not have a good turnout.

Sep 17 2007, 12:20 AM
Way to go Big Nic! Really sorry we couldn't make it over for this one, trying to plant the seeds for making next year early.

Sep 17 2007, 09:45 AM

Sep 17 2007, 10:20 AM
Way to go Big Nic! Really sorry we couldn't make it over for this one, trying to plant the seeds for making next year early.

Good thing you didn't come Heath....

....I would have had to do a distance competition... :D

Sep 17 2007, 02:57 PM
I just want to thank the Treats, Tommy T and the whole Stillwater gang for putting on another great event. Fun as always (wish I didnt have to come home saturday and miss the party at Joe's). Great weather, and a SWWWEEEEEEET PAYOUT!!!. The Stillwater Classic is always a MUST ATTEND tourney every year, for those that didnt make it this year, you should next year..GOOOOD TIMES!!

P.S. Thanks Heath & Cam, I wish you guys couldve made it.

Sep 17 2007, 03:26 PM
Way to go Big Nic! Really sorry we couldn't make it over for this one, trying to plant the seeds for making next year early.

big dave wins again
wow that pro field must be begging him to tun pro now
nice job
just maybe you and the sooners are unstopable :cool:

Sep 17 2007, 03:45 PM
Nice win, Big Dave...I think the Expert field is Big Dave's next challenge, after that it's MASTERS!! :o

Sep 17 2007, 04:41 PM
Stillwater is a tough place to win. Hoyt Grove always has higher scores than expected and then there is the always present Boomer Lake wind.

As score keeper maybe it was more evident to me, but there was a BIG shuffle on Sunday. I know some cards I had at the top fell several notches and vice versa.

The moral to that story is you not out of it until it's over, and neither is it in the bag...

Big Dave persevered through it all... :cool:

Sep 18 2007, 02:51 PM
Thanks again guys. I actually shot better at Hoyt Grove vs. Boomer, -2 at Hoyt and +1 at Boomer. Those sure are'nt pro scores I can tell you that.