Sep 20 2007, 12:53 PM
Well the Open is almost here, just about 2 weeks away. The course is looking fantastic!! The staff out at the course is excited to host Disc Golf for another year. We are still looking for a few extra Discatcher Sport baskets. We have enough for 21 holes, but we still need 6 more. Please contact me if you can help!! We will take what we can get, but would prefer to have the same baskets throughout the course.
As you know, we will be using Tee-Times this year and we will need to have registration complete by Friday evening at 8:00 so we can post Tee times. The order of Times will be Rec, Int, Adv, Pro. Once I get a better handle on the number of players, I'll be better able to estimate the times for each division. I can tell you now, the Rec division Tee Times will begin around 8:00 am and groups will tee every 10 minutes from that point on.
We will be playing 27 holes in the round and you will be through for the day. This will make for a relaxed and fun weekend and you will still play 54 holes of golf on a great course. And yes the camping is still right next to the course.
You can go to Texas Oklahoma Disc Golf (http://www.txokdg.com) and register online or Print a Registration to mail in.
This year is going to be a blast, Starting on Friday Oct. 5, we will have a Ball Golf Challenge for any that are interested that will continue into Saturday. Details will be coming very soon.
See you there.
Sep 20 2007, 01:27 PM
... C A M P I N G ...
Sep 20 2007, 02:21 PM
Do you have any deals set up with a hotel?
Sep 20 2007, 03:21 PM
Nope, but if someone is looking for one I can help them out. :D
Sep 20 2007, 03:22 PM
I had a blast at this tournament last year.
Even though I am still crippled, I may go watch for fun..
Great course with some really fun and challenging shots..
Sep 20 2007, 05:36 PM
Right on pops...this course is smokin....or it was last year...
Does anyone remember the windmill shot?
Beautiful hole...
You have to love golf course disc golf anywhere you are... :cool:
Sep 20 2007, 05:50 PM
Right on pops...this course is smokin....or it was last year...
<font color="red"> The course is almost the same with the exception of 3 holes that we have had to change due to Ball Golf issues and we are adding 9 holes to make it 27. 7 of the 9 extra holes will become a part of the permanent design that is not on the ball golf course portion of the property. Really awesome holes!!!</font>
Does anyone remember the windmill shot?
Beautiful hole...
<font color="red">This hole remains unchanged...except the pond is completely full...which makes it that much more scenic :cool:</font>
You have to love golf course disc golf anywhere you are... :cool:
Sep 20 2007, 05:53 PM
Well I'm sold.
Come on dad, load up, we are going to Duncan.
Sep 20 2007, 05:57 PM
Pick me up on the way! :D
Sep 24 2007, 04:30 PM
... Tom : good job on the pre-reg numbers ... already up to 30 for a B-Tier ... looks to be Solid ...
Sep 24 2007, 06:16 PM
Thanks Wayne....this one will be a blast.....ask some one that was present last year and see if they are coming back :) Camping, food, music, more and more....
The tee times this year will make it more convenient for everyone!!!!
Also, everyone is getting a sneak peak at part of the very soon to be NEW permanent course in Duncan. It is GRAND!!!!!
Sep 27 2007, 01:43 PM
... Tom : good job on the pre-reg numbers ... already up to 30 for a B-Tier ... looks to be Solid ...
Saturday night will be a fun time....The lighted driving range will be open and lit with the grill going right next to it. We will have burgers and hot dogs washing it down with some brew, music, Distance competition and a Putting competition (a few added dollars will go here). The cost of all of this IS included in your entry fee. :D :cool:
if you haven't signed up, do so soon, we need to get numbers to the cooks by next Thursday morning so we have plenty of food and brew....the fun will not be short :D You can Register Here (http://www.txokdg.com)
Oct 02 2007, 01:16 PM
... Tom : good job on the pre-reg numbers ... already up to 30 for a B-Tier ... looks to be Solid ...
... last I looked , you've got 48 on the pre-reg list ... outstanding ... :D
... (wish I could make it to this one) ...
Oct 02 2007, 04:58 PM
We are at 50 and 80% of those are from Texas :eek: :eek:
I know it is only Tuesday and Okies don't ever pre-register (well most anyway) but Where's the OKIES????? All these Texans are coming up here to take this added cash in Open.....(well....Dannie and PeeWee are coming) :D:D
Lots of fun to be had $1,000 added to Open $300 added to MPM and $200 added to MPG. If we can get 2 more FPO's we will also add a few hundred to that division too.... :D
Saturday night ball/disc golf challenge, Long Drive, Putting contest, food, brew, camping.......what more is there?????..........I know but I ain't tell'n :cool:
Oct 02 2007, 05:09 PM
Still having long drive for disc though right? Not just with sticks?
Oct 02 2007, 06:14 PM
Still having long drive for disc though right? Not just with sticks?
Didn't know we were having long drive with sticks.....it has always just been with discs :D
Oct 02 2007, 09:26 PM
Slim chance I can make it bout doubt it. Bad weekend being OU vs. Texass.
Oct 02 2007, 10:26 PM
Still having long drive for disc though right? Not just with sticks?
Didn't know we were having long drive with sticks.....it has always just been with discs :D
That is what I thought it was last year, I don't know where I got the long drive with sticks from....maybe reading that ballgolf/disc golf part....
....you know I was probably in the proper state of mind to question reality itself.... /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Oct 03 2007, 12:18 PM
You can add another Okie to the list, I signed Andrew up..
Which hotel is closest to the course??
It seems like we stayed at the Days Inn last year...
We have 6 Innova Disc Catcher baskets, do you still need any??
Oct 03 2007, 01:10 PM
To correct pops....I have 6 traveler baskets, but I don't think you need, and especially want, to use those...
Is the course open for play already? I was thinking of coming down and playing a few rounds on friday.....
Oct 03 2007, 01:33 PM
To correct pops....I have 6 traveler baskets, but I don't think you need, and especially want, to use those...
Is the course open for play already? I was thinking of coming down and playing a few rounds on friday.....
Thanks, but no traveler baskets needed. You might want to bring one just for playing around, but your right, I won't need them.
18 holes of the course has been open for play since last Saturday. Hole 10 thru 27. I would have the entire course open, but I do not have all 27 baskets. I am putting 3 more out today to make 21 playable, but the remainder will depend on when our friendly basket bringers arrive. When they show, we can put them out. Until then, enjoy the 21 holes that are out and playable.....oh yeah....some carts are available for practice rounds....but once the tournament starts, no carts. :(
Oct 03 2007, 01:36 PM
The Days Inn is not the closest, but it would be the one I would choose. only 1/2 mile further than the Duncan Inn. However if I were looking, I would not choose the Holiday Inn.
Oct 03 2007, 02:50 PM
To correct pops....I have 6 traveler baskets, but I don't think you need, and especially want, to use those...
Is the course open for play already? I was thinking of coming down and playing a few rounds on friday.....
Thanks, those basket names always confuse me :confused:
Oct 04 2007, 11:07 AM
Saturday night is going to be a blast. No bands, but we will have music pumped in to the Driving Range, which will be lighted with plenty of food and drink available.
We will be having "Homey Turbo Distance" the winner will take down an extra $125, $75 for 2nd and $50 for 3rd.
We will also be having "Homey Can You Putt" competition with the same prize money as the distance gig.
If you think you have been in a distance or putting contest before, don't think you know what we are doing, this one will make you say "Hey Homey, you say we doin what?" Just get ready for some added fun and cash, if my addition is right, that is another $500 on top of the $1,500 that is already being added to the Pro purses...... Hmmm, I guess some folks just don't care that money and an extra $2,000 in Merchandise for Am prizes are being added....I'll never understand :confused:
Also, If by some chance any of you procrastinators decide to grace us with your presence and want to play, I'll take your money between 7:00am and 8:00am on Saturday morning.
Oct 04 2007, 02:05 PM
Come on Oklahoma pre-reg for this one. We shouldn't let the Texans dominate at tourney in our state!!!
We had a blast last year and can't wait for this weekend.
There are some amazing holes at this course.
It isn't like any other ball golf course I have played before. You don't necessarily follow the normal ball golf course. Sometimes you are throwing across the fairway or various configurations.
I hope to see everyone this weekend in Duncan...
Oct 04 2007, 06:23 PM
Come on Oklahoma pre-reg for this one. We shouldn't let the Texans dominate at tourney in our state!!!
We had a blast last year and can't wait for this weekend.
There are some amazing holes at this course.
It isn't like any other ball golf course I have played before. You don't necessarily follow the normal ball golf course. Sometimes you are throwing across the fairway or various configurations.
I hope to see everyone this weekend in Duncan...
The new holes are even more not ball golf holes than some that were played last year!! We stray off the ball golf course from hole 14 and don't get back to it until hole 21. There are some great golf holes all over the course. Until you've played the "Windmill Hole" or the "**** Tree Hole" you just can not have any idea. This year we will introduce the "Tunnel of Terror Hole" that will challenge everyone's game.
FUN FUN FUN.....not there???? so sorry....see you there Mr. Treat :D
Oct 08 2007, 10:41 AM
Overall it was a fun time.
Tom did Tee Times instead of a regular shotgun start which I was excited about because I have heard good things about this style of starting players.
However, the round on Sat. lasted over 7 HOURS!!! :eek:
So we started an hour earlier on Sun. and things went smooth....er.....
"Homey driving & putting" was the worst idea I have ever seen. Sorry, but it was a poor idea in my opinion, and then even worse it was run poorly.
The "driving" was a distance competition with the Turboputt on a roller.....yes mandatory roller. . .
And needless to say I did not stay for the "putting" because Tom was using the gateway 10 meter brick...(for those of you who don't know what this is, it is probably the worst disc ever created. It is like one of those rubber things you use to get the lid off a jar...)
But Tom didn't have any help out there, and I think he did the best he could have.
As far as the course...
The regular course was awesome. But then Tom added these really tight and wooded holes that play away from the golf course. You are throwing open rip after rip and then you get thrown into a freaking copperhead round. I thought it was completely out of sync with the rest of the course, not to mention there was little if any work done on the actual holes. The schule was some of the worst I have ever seen, and I was in it repeatedly.
The extra holes, aside from the two tunnel holes, were all WAY tomahawk friendly. It was a joke.
Those holes cost me first place for sure. Everyone else is popping their mindless tomahawks over the top and getting birdies while my shots were looking laughable.
Poor design in my opinion, and I only bring these hole design complaints because I think they are thinking about making them permanent...
Payout was great, I think Tom claimed to have around $2000 in added cash. I got $180 of merch for 2nd and I was happy.
There was some major voicing of dislike for no added cash to Pro women, I think Tom was handling this situation right, saying that he would only add cash to a division if there were more than four women, until he said the following line....and I quote.
I don't support women. I don't support men either, I am here for me!
WOW! /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Found my new signature...
Oct 08 2007, 10:45 AM
Glad you had a good time and congrats on the 2nd place finish. ;)
Oct 08 2007, 10:54 AM
Thanks Dave, but I think we are both really familiar with being three strokes from where we wanted to be.... :(
You would have made the cut and I could have taken that little punk to some playoff holes........
Oct 08 2007, 12:26 PM
Andrew, No worries, I am not going to address everything, but I am addressing the Saturday night stuff. That was all for fun, no skill was intended. If you didn't like it, then you did the right thing and left. You did miss the real putting with real putters though.
As far as my comments to Jennifer, I am in disc golf for me as is every other disc golfer out there. I am honest about it. I could not care if anyone else in the world played. I enjoy the game, I have for almost 30 years and will play until they pry the disc out of my cold dead hands. I am in this sport for MY love of it not for anyone else's pleasure.
I TD'd my first PDGA event in Tulsa in 1983 at McClure and it was the biggest event to ever hit Tulsa at the time. We had added cash, newspaper coverage and television coverage. It was the stepping stone to bringing the Worlds to Tulsa in 1985. From what I have heard, some of you guys in Tulsa think you started big disc golf in the "mecca" as some of you refer to Tulsa. Think again, you guys are riding on the wave that was started by guys like me, Rick Neil, Bill "The Frizz Grizz" Dorn, Mike Ogle, Tim Wiederkehr, Lew Satterfield, and Bob " Dr. Doom" Morton, to name a few.
So lighten up, enjoy the game and realize everyone involved in Disc Golf plays and works because they "LOVE THE GAME", not the players.
Oh and btw: If you don't like a course, don't go back. There are courses everywhere. Just remember, not everyone likes the same style of course you do, that is why there are many different designs for holes and courses.
Lowry PDGA No. 2446 out to the course to enjoy the game. ;)
Oct 08 2007, 12:40 PM
I think you misinterpreted my post.
It was a bit too much of a critique now that I re-read it, but, in my novice TD experience I always really enjoyed getting feedback about all sorts of different aspects of the tournament from different perspectives.
I did not mean to bash your tournament in any way. I had a great time this year just like last year. I was just voicing what my personal thoughts were, take them at face value because there is no harm intended.
I have always supported your tournaments, and was one of few Tulsa golfers who came out and represented our state.
I am an Advanced player who enjoys throwing long drives. My opinion is nowhere near the norm. I represent a very small portion of golfers.
Just telling you what I thought.
The turbo putter rolling was "fun" I just wish there would have been a few more volunteers with some flashlights so we could have made it a little more organized thats all. And is was not three days before the tournament that one of my late night disc orders arrived with a brand new 10 meter brick. I tested it, and it was a joke, it it extremely flimsy and would not stay the same in your hand twice.
These were logical assertions not mindless rambling. I thought the added holes were inconsistent with the rest of the course, that in no way meant "I did not like the course." That course is in my top three in the state behind Blackhawk and Copperhead Canyon. It's not about the tight, its about the mix. It is just too drastic.
Don't be so sensitive Tom. We are all friends here right?
Oct 08 2007, 12:53 PM
Misinterpereted...didn't mean to bash...don't be so sensitive?
Come on treat, your post was out of line if it was not your intention to bash the tournament and Tom personally.
Oct 08 2007, 12:57 PM
Wow, Reiger trying to stir the pot, that's out of the norm...
Oct 08 2007, 12:58 PM
Yes we are friends and yes that is why I too can state my thoughts. The 10 meter brick deal was a joke and was intended to be so. After wards, the real putters came out and we did put for real.
As far as course design, Ed Headrick told me, (as we walked McClure Park in 1984 redesigning it for the 1985 Worlds), "that a disc golf course should be designed to make every player use a compilation of every shot they have. Each hole therefore, should stand on its own with no real connection to the last. The problem we encounter in designing courses is that we are generally limited to the same types on land structure for the entire course, therefore making it very difficult to change the complexion of each hole."
With Twin Oaks, the situation existed to follow the words of the man that instilled precious thoughts and love for this game in to my being. That was to change the complexion of each the holes, one to the next, to bring out the best of each golfer.
Disc golf in the words of Ed Headrick to me were, "Disc Golf should be a walk in the park with the thought of playing a game of billiards with a frisbee."
So Andrew, no offense taken on my part and as far as I am concerned we shall be friends for many years to come.
Oct 08 2007, 12:59 PM
he is feeling brave now that he's off probation. :D
Oct 10 2007, 02:32 PM
Oct 10 2007, 02:48 PM
Nice wrist action Opie! :o:D
Oct 10 2007, 03:51 PM
It's all in the wrist...
It's all in the wrist...
Oct 10 2007, 03:56 PM
It's all in the wrist...
It's all in the wrist...
I've wondered about you sometimes. :o
Oct 10 2007, 04:37 PM
Ha ha ha...
Oct 10 2007, 04:42 PM
Be careful about lit candles in the wind /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif, some kinds of wind can be flammable and explosive as well as stinky :o
Oct 11 2007, 10:01 AM