Sep 20 2007, 03:32 PM
PDGA BOD Members Suppress Free Speech In Florida
A Fair and Balanced News Report
Gainesville(AP)---Fair and Balanced News has discovered that two of the policemen seen tasering a University of Florida student Monday were actually members of the Professional Disc Golf Asscociation's (PDGA) board of directors, working undercover suppressing free speech as usual.
"I heard on the internet that some college kid was going to ask embarrassing questions to a public figure and I knew I had to take immediate action," said PDGA director Steve Dodge. "I purchased two first-class tickets to Florida, charged them to my secret PDGA expense account, and landed just in time to do what I do best, kill free speech! I felt this was an excellent opportunity to train our new communications director, Pete 'Pucker' Shive, on how to crush any intelligent debate anywhere."
photo:Steve Dodge and Pete Shive pull Andrew Meyer away from the microphone moments before tasering him
"It was really fun playing dress-up as a policeman," said Shive. "It was almost as fun as winning the Senior Left-Handed Nearsighted Division Championship at the PDGA Worlds this year against a field of one including myself. I can't tell you the pride I feel in being able to call myself a world champion even though with the PDGA's increasingly weak competitive structure, real athletes laugh in my face at my accomplishment! Everyone's a winner in the PDGA because we just keep creating divisions for everyone...we learned from the Special Olympics that everyone is a winner."
"It's my duty as a communist to destroy the rights of individuals to criticize their public figures," added Dodge. "Parody and satire are the tools of the devil himself. I don't understand what free speech means, so I must crush anyone who tries to use free speech to fix the PDGA or the broken American government. Wait, you're writing this down? Give me that notebook, you criminal!"
"Back up Dodge," admonished Shive. "I've got my taser on him!"
A Fair and Balanced News Report
Gainesville(AP)---Fair and Balanced News has discovered that two of the policemen seen tasering a University of Florida student Monday were actually members of the Professional Disc Golf Asscociation's (PDGA) board of directors, working undercover suppressing free speech as usual.
"I heard on the internet that some college kid was going to ask embarrassing questions to a public figure and I knew I had to take immediate action," said PDGA director Steve Dodge. "I purchased two first-class tickets to Florida, charged them to my secret PDGA expense account, and landed just in time to do what I do best, kill free speech! I felt this was an excellent opportunity to train our new communications director, Pete 'Pucker' Shive, on how to crush any intelligent debate anywhere."
photo:Steve Dodge and Pete Shive pull Andrew Meyer away from the microphone moments before tasering him
"It was really fun playing dress-up as a policeman," said Shive. "It was almost as fun as winning the Senior Left-Handed Nearsighted Division Championship at the PDGA Worlds this year against a field of one including myself. I can't tell you the pride I feel in being able to call myself a world champion even though with the PDGA's increasingly weak competitive structure, real athletes laugh in my face at my accomplishment! Everyone's a winner in the PDGA because we just keep creating divisions for everyone...we learned from the Special Olympics that everyone is a winner."
"It's my duty as a communist to destroy the rights of individuals to criticize their public figures," added Dodge. "Parody and satire are the tools of the devil himself. I don't understand what free speech means, so I must crush anyone who tries to use free speech to fix the PDGA or the broken American government. Wait, you're writing this down? Give me that notebook, you criminal!"
"Back up Dodge," admonished Shive. "I've got my taser on him!"