Oct 03 2007, 09:07 PM
The first fundraiser event for the 2008 USWDGC is here! It will be a C-Tier in Hartselle on 10/20/07. Here is the info:
100% Payout. Fundraising will come out of the retail/wholesale disc price difference and disc donations.
Pro Men: $40
All other Pros: $35
ADV (Masters, Women, etc): $25
Am: (Masters, Women, etc): $20
Rec: $10
Junior: $10
Each players pack will include a hotstamped disc. Sign ups will be from 8-9:15 on the day of the event with a players meeting at 9:30.
For more info go to hsvdiscgolf.com
Josh and Marla Lenox
Oct 03 2007, 09:12 PM
Here's some more info. Hartselle is being considered as a course to host one round of the USWDGC next year. We are using this to get the city of Hartselle to bring our number of permanant holes up to 18 and redo our tee pads. The city has bought the additional baskets and has made the commitmant to make our tee pads better. We hope that this event will be the kickoff for our new set up!
As for our connection to women's golf. This is the only course in Huntsville that was designed in a large part by a female golfer. It's also the one that usually has a female TD at our events. So come on down ladies and check out the course.
Josh and Marla Lenox
Oct 03 2007, 09:48 PM
Thanks Josh and Marla! Y'all are awesome!! Miss you both.
Oct 04 2007, 08:58 AM
Wish I was closer so I could come check it out.
At first, I wasn't sure I wanted to come all the way to Huntsville for the '08 USWDGC, however I'm ALREADY changing my mind and going to make sure I'm there! I can't wait to see what's in store for next year! :)
Oct 04 2007, 10:07 AM
A trip south is always worth the distance.
Oct 04 2007, 10:15 AM
Suemac, nice Texas bag tags that Emily passed out in Peoria :)
Oct 05 2007, 05:37 PM
Glad she was able to take those with her. Wish I'd been there to hand out a few myself.
Still was great to raise $$ to help get TEXAS to The Last Dance.
Nov 08 2007, 02:20 PM
A trip south is always worth the distance.
Man, You girls talk dirty on this thread