Nov 13 2007, 07:42 PM
Would it be possible to activate the online memberships of those that have passed to be able to see their playing history and such instead of this member is not current?

Robert Wynne comes to mind, but I am sure there are many others.

Nov 13 2007, 08:02 PM
you'll have to contact Addie for the details, but i'm pretty sure they have a way of making that happen. Steady Ed's numbers are showing up. i remember talking about this with lorrie a year or so ago, and she had found a way to do it.

Nov 15 2007, 12:05 AM
That is a great idea. I bet we have lost 50 or more since the inception. Maybe a brief bio also?

Nov 15 2007, 04:54 PM
Would it be possible to activate the online memberships of those that have passed to be able to see their playing history and such instead of this member is not current?

Robert Wynne comes to mind, but I am sure there are many others.

It's on the PDGA IT project list. It requires changes to a couple of database, plus gathering the information (if available) and entering it.

-Theo Pozzy
Chairman, PDGA IT Steering Committee

Nov 18 2007, 08:50 AM
Our NC father Ted Williams is another one for sure.

Nov 18 2007, 09:00 AM
I was thinking that an Eagle Club membership would do it, but it's only a lifetime membership not a permanent one.

At least Father David Tayloe (#5364) is showing up as non-current and he is still listed as an Eagle Club member.