Nov 13 2007, 09:49 PM
That's right folks, step this way, for a limited time only, your favorite poster is here to teach the PDGA about "Freedom of Speech". Seems a lot of people around here who like to think they are more "important" than others, actually have a lot to learn about free speech on the internet. These "important" people seem to think that is it illegal for any of us to express opinions about anything or anyone.

Since these "important" people read all my posts right before they hit the "inform moderator" button, I thought I would take the opportunity to help them learn what freedom of speech really means. It's funny, these "important" people used to say that this was a private forum and that's why they crush free speech, but now, they instead act all offended and swear they have been slandered by the most innocuous of phrase and they threaten legal action, often trying to support their dubious claims with a hastily-linked article that actually argues against their untenable position that they as public figures are sacred and therefore deserving of protection from the truth, or anyone with an opinion differing even slightly from their own.

Class, let's look at one of the first Supreme Court rulings that upheld the right of Freedom of Speech on the Internet:


That's right, class! The Internet is just as protected a form of media as print. "Important" people may want to study and learn the following paragraph for the test. Remember, "important" people, the CDA was declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL... :D

The CDA prohibited posting "indecent" or "patently offensive" materials in a public forum on the Internet -- including web pages, newsgroups, chat rooms, or online discussion lists. This would have included the texts of classic fiction such as the "Catcher in the Rye" and "Ulysees", the "7 dirty words", and other materials which, although offensive to some, enjoy the full protection of the First Amendment if published in a newspaper, magazine, or a book, or in the public square. It is also important to note that the CDA was not about child pornography, obscenity, or using the Internet to stalk children. These were already illegal under current law.

So what have we learned here today? Yes, we have learned that is 100% okay for Canadians to completely insult people from the southern USA by calling them welfare mongerers or whatever that "important" PDGA Canadian consultant said. Hey, whatever you Canadians want to do with mooses in the privacy of your chilly homes is okay with us, just don't label us all as on welfare when some of us actually are better educated and smell much fresher than the best Canadian. Don't be so jealous that we don't have to wait 16 months like you to get your halitosis treated because we don't have your socialized medical system.

Nov 13 2007, 11:41 PM
You were never the guaranteed the right to free speech.

This has been clearly spelled out in the PDGA Message Board Rules (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/boardrules.php?Cat=0) for several years now:

<font size=4>This board does not guarantee the right to free speech. </font>

We have made every effort to painstakingly explain to you for several years now that we do not seek to stifle free speech. As much as possible, we allow and encourage unpopular opinions to be expressed and discussed. However, the PDGA DISCussion Board is not obligated by the First Amendment to serve as the vehicle for your free speech. If your expressions are deemed to be violations of our PDGA DISCussion Board Rules and therefore detrimental to the site, detrimental to the cohesion of its community, or violate United States laws against slander and libel, we reserve the right to remove those contributions.

We have stated time and time again that the moderation staff encourages message board users to engage in all the rebellion, criticism or dissent they want because we truly believe that these topics encourage positive discussion, ways to improve the PDGA, and help to make us a better organization. But message board users must present their rebellion, criticism and dissent without using profanity, personal attacks or physical threats, material unsuitable for minors, or other offensive content.

Nov 14 2007, 12:55 AM
<font color="blue"> [post deleted due to personal attack and profanity] </font>

Nov 14 2007, 01:01 AM
Your freedom of speech only applies as against government suppression of speech. Private associations, such as the PDGA, do not have to guarantee the same Constitutional rights as the government. The PDGA doesn't guarantee its members any rights whatsoever, last I checked. You pay your dues for what it's worth to you, but you don't have any rights at all here. None of us do.

Nov 14 2007, 08:58 AM
Great research during your exile. You've actually discovered that we're an agency of the government. Keep digging....you might find out that those hidden parts of our budget are our wiretaps and black helicopters and undercover operatives, who track down and suppress the disc golf rebellion in the homes and streets and newspapers of America.

Civics 101
"CONGRESS shall make no law...."

Nov 14 2007, 09:14 AM
Regardless what else has been said, I find Bill Thornton's post both extremely offensive and in damned poor taste.

Nov 14 2007, 10:19 AM
Regardless what else has been said, I find Bill Thornton's post both extremely offensive and in damned poor taste.

My statements about Katrina were meant to in no way lessen the tragedy that occured. I am as heart broken as anyone about what happened. My reference was to the fact that the people who spend all of their time researching ways to attack the PDGA need to move on. I live in the south and l read this same ranting daily on the SN forum. Sorry if I offended anyone. My heart and prayers go out to all that were affected by this horrific tragedy. I will try to be more appropiate in my statements in the future.

Nov 14 2007, 10:34 AM
Regardless what else has been said, I find Bill Thornton's post both extremely offensive and in damned poor taste.

Absolutely. Everyone should remember that these posts don't just hit their intended target, but are viewed by many others, some of whom may have suffered very personal tragedies during Katrina.

We should probably bear in mind the adage, "Never wrestle with a pig. You both get muddy, and the pig enjoys it." The original poster is well-educated---he says so in his post---so presumably knows his premise to be untrue, but just a provocation, for his own or others' entertainment. No need for the rest of us to be as offensive and spread the muck.

Lyle O Ross
Nov 14 2007, 11:30 AM
Regardless what else has been said, I find Bill Thornton's post both extremely offensive and in damned poor taste.

Weeeell, I find this post is doggoned poor taste and... :D

About 99% of what is on T.V. is in poor taste and 90% of what occurs here is. Bill isn't so far from the rest of the posters here, he just posted in poor taste about a human tragedy.

Nov 14 2007, 01:42 PM
Extended one night ladies and gentlemen, the Circus of Free Speech continues for a limited time. I see we have an interested "lawyer" in the audience. Yes, "attorney", we are well aware that we have NO rights at all. Maybe you missed the point, "counselor". This thread is about educating the PDGA "important" people about what freedom of speech really means. I know you may find this hard to believe, but the "important" people in the PDGA do not actually know everything.

Here's yet another great example of how the Supreme Court has protected the rights of Americans to speak freely on the internet (too bad our "important" people probably won't read it in its entirety and they will fail the test):


Class, please pay close attention to the following:

Internet filters "impose selective restrictions on speech at the receiving end, not universal restrictions at the source," Justice Anthony Kennedy said in his majority opinion. "Above all," he wrote, "promoting the use of filters does not condemn as criminal any category of speech, and so the potential chilling effect is eliminated, or at least much diminished."

[b][i]What is Justice Kennedy saying there class? Why yes, he's saying it might be a great idea to place a better filter on your MB. Then your "important" people can go do something useful.

Nov 14 2007, 04:24 PM
...and thus the circus tent is packed up and carted off to another venue. Left behind is a bit of elephant dung and a handfull of spectators wondering how it all ended so soon ......

Nov 14 2007, 04:48 PM
or how it lasted so long.

Nov 14 2007, 05:06 PM
...and thus the circus tent is packed up and carted off to another venue. Left behind is a bit of elephant dung and a handfull of spectators wondering how it all ended so soon ......

or how it lasted so long.

Can't wait for Valentine's Day (Michael Kernan Suspension 11/14/2007 to 2/14/2008 Personal Attack)

Nov 14 2007, 05:28 PM
For continuing commentary, please visit the forums at SNDG.org...

Nov 14 2007, 05:30 PM

Nov 14 2007, 05:42 PM
How disappointing,
I wish I'd gone with the "under". at least it only cost me a dollar.

Lyle O Ross
Nov 14 2007, 05:45 PM
How disappointing,
I wish I'd gone with the "under". at least it only cost me a dollar.

Ya know, I see a real potential to make some money here. I wonder what Mikey's cut on this pool is?

Nov 14 2007, 06:21 PM
Dang! We were standing in line at the restroom, what brought the tent down this time?

Nov 14 2007, 06:31 PM
This made me renew my membership for 2008 even faster than I would have already.

Lyle O Ross
Nov 14 2007, 06:49 PM
Dang! We were standing in line at the restroom, what brought the tent down this time?

Don't know, but he is amusing and entertaining! I actually like Mikey if not his style. I bet he's a blast to play with.

Nov 14 2007, 06:49 PM
We never had a chance
I was sure 47 hours would hold up.
The worst thing to do is tell Mikey to hold back.
It only encourages him.
This discussion board is nothing but a bunch of enablers.
If you would limit your reactions to his rantings,
we could enjoy them longer.

Oh wait that is what you all want?

Looks like 36 hours 57 minutes wins the prize.

now we can go back to sleep

steve timm

No moderator or any of their agents
placed a wager on this subject.

Lyle O Ross
Nov 14 2007, 06:50 PM
This made me renew my membership for 2008 even faster than I would have already.

See! and people say the PDGA doesn't do things to help with retention!

Nov 14 2007, 09:22 PM
How many posts did he get in before he was suspended ?

What was the over/under ?

Lyle O Ross
Nov 15 2007, 11:22 AM
How many posts did he get in before he was suspended ?

What was the over/under ?

I wasn't in on the pool but I saw Steve Timm posted based on time passed, something about not getting booted before 48 hrs since he had the over.

On the next up I am definitely starting a pool. Even if UPM doesn't reup next year I may reup him just so I can run a pool, best entertainment money can buy.

Nov 15 2007, 11:30 AM

Friggin hilarious. Too bad he can't go more than two days w/out getting suspended...