Nov 20 2007, 10:26 AM
so we will start w/ the obvious. 8:00 a.m. Turkeyday morning looks like we will have a little group playing some golf at the castle with our good freind the captain all are welcome may break out some informal dubbs action.
Nov 20 2007, 12:27 PM
I'll be there Thursday! Sounds like a great turnout
Rudy, Fig, Mike, Stevie, Toomes, DG, Cap'n, Russ?, Dcun
Monny won't play..........skeered
Nov 20 2007, 01:02 PM
Nov 20 2007, 02:05 PM
russ can't make it but will still be a good turnout!!
Fig i have Russ disc if you bring capitain russ's $15.00.
Nov 20 2007, 03:10 PM
Sorry guys. Wish I could make it but as luck would have it, I am going to be working on Thursday. Friday though, I'm off and starting my 7 day break. Name a time and I'm there. Monny, skeered of Friday?
Nov 20 2007, 03:52 PM
15 dollars from Russ? What you talkin about Willis? :D
Nov 20 2007, 03:56 PM
Look Beeeeyotch. You bes have my mo-nay!
Nov 20 2007, 03:57 PM
i will be ther eat 8 am on Thursday as well. might be ther around 2pm on friday.. not sure yet, but then again, that what this thread is all about!
Nov 20 2007, 10:19 PM
Can't wait to play one of my favorite courses.
I hope the weather doesn't put a damper on my plans.
Nov 21 2007, 09:03 AM
Yes, it sounds like we are suppose to get some much needed rain. But at this point it looks like in the afternoon/early evening. Call me in the morning if you have any question, 910-262-0984
yeah looks like the morning will be nice golf weather. lets keep our fingers crossed.
Nov 21 2007, 05:51 PM
i am w/ you Deac i think the rain will be later in the afternoon while i am napping from on turkey and dressing, greenbeen casarole, sweet potato casarole, mashed tato's and gravy, sucatash, fried ocra, corn on the cobb, oh and don't forget desert. man i love thanksgiving
see everyone in the morning
ot sloan in the a.m. for me. probably will have it all to myself.
Nov 22 2007, 08:28 AM
Playing by yourself? Last time that happened, we had someone get "Straight Jacked Up". Careful out there.
Nov 23 2007, 02:13 PM
Today (Friday) at 2:03ish and the Lumberton Monthly on Saturday.
Nov 23 2007, 03:21 PM
what time is the lumberton monthly...and how long does it take tyo get there... never been, no idea where it is.... may play...
Nov 23 2007, 06:40 PM
I wont be able to make it. I stepped on a rusty nail last week and just got the tetanus shot a couple of days ago and the throwing arm is killing me. I hoped that I would be fine but after trying it out today, I know it wont be ready.
Nov 23 2007, 06:48 PM
but to answer your question...tee at 10:00, you might as well say an hour and a half to get there. Sweet course though.
Nov 23 2007, 08:36 PM
Homegrown Tour stop at Farmlife on Sundaythe 25th, bring you PCPer's
Nov 24 2007, 07:45 PM
who's playin the castle sun morn?
Nov 24 2007, 10:27 PM
they will all be at the Homegrown event on Sunday at Farmlife.
Dec 11 2007, 04:11 PM
I wanted to let everyone know what went down yesterday at the castle. i played a round with Brad McCoy, Chris Scarlett, Rod "the Bod" Gillmore and a few other Burlington locals on there way back home from Tupelo.
everyone especially Brad was pumped on the Castle. Brad walked up to the tee on hole 3 and was like "wow that is what i am talking about" direct quote. i am going to call and get the details but supposedly he 2'd 17 which is just sick. it was awesome playing with those guys and watching how new golfers attacked some of those holes. Chris scarlett (a lefty) was throwing huge anhyzers off the tee on hole 8 just tons of fun playing with those guys.
and the moral to the story is i am pretty sure we will see them back for the azeala tourney. brad had so many praises about the course and i was stoked to introduce them to it. thanks for coming Burlington you are welcome at the Payne anytime.
Dec 12 2007, 06:21 AM
I'm glad I am already registered for Azalea.
Dec 12 2007, 10:32 AM
one less thing you have to worry about huh
Dec 12 2007, 10:34 AM
Better than worrying about Ams whining about a
Dec 12 2007, 11:29 AM
hahaha that is a good one!
Dec 19 2007, 10:22 AM
Anyone up for today around 2:30-3:00?
<font color="blue"> Sjur, see u then... </font>
I'll be in town the next couple of weeks for Christmas/Winter Break. I might make it out there today.
Dec 19 2007, 06:05 PM
supposedly there was a fitty shot at the castle today. sounds fishy to me :D
Dec 21 2007, 10:32 AM
supposedly there was a fitty shot at the castle today. sounds fishy to me :D
Details please.
What's everyone's Holiday plans to play? If I can sneak in a round this afternoon (weather permitting). Actually, I'll probably play regardless of the rain to get some rain practice in since it's been so long.
I'll probably play dubs on Saturday. Then I'm looking at playing an early (relatively) round on Monday.
What's everyone elses plans?
Dec 21 2007, 12:49 PM
I'm around all week. Let me know where and when and if I'm over this flu funk, I'll be there.
Dec 21 2007, 01:04 PM
supposedly there was a fitty shot at the castle today. sounds fishy to me :D
Details please.
this fishey quote was a refernce to zac cobus's remark from the USDGC's thread about j-land getting into the USDGC"S last year. Sjur fired a 50 from the shorts on Tuesday. smoking hot round !!!!! Sjur is leaving today i believe for Norwalk but he should be back after the new year so we can ask him how he did it.
Dec 21 2007, 02:48 PM
Great shooting Sjur! Would love to hear the hole by hole scores.
Dec 23 2007, 07:02 PM
I'm going to try to play a late afternoon round on Christmas Day at the House of Pain.
I'm going to try to be there by 3:00 PM.
i'm trying to play at buckhorn on thursday if i can. probably 11-12:00. so if anyone is off and wants to make the drive...
Dec 24 2007, 06:50 PM
I want to wish all my fellow PCP'ers and disc golfers everywhere a most joyous holiday season.
Dec 25 2007, 01:32 PM
Just talked to duBBs and he wants any and all challengers this weekend. I belive he has the 3 tag.
Dec 25 2007, 03:04 PM
I'm going to try to play a late afternoon round on Christmas Day at the House of Pain.
I'm going to try to be there by 3:00 PM.
Sorry so late, but I won't be able to make it. Enjoy!
Dec 25 2007, 03:05 PM
i'm trying to play at buckhorn on thursday if i can. probably 11-12:00. so if anyone is off and wants to make the drive...
Would love to DP, but have to work on Thurs.
Dec 25 2007, 03:06 PM
Just talked to duBBs and he wants any and all challengers this weekend. I belive he has the 3 tag.
Count me in (#12), what time/day?
Dec 28 2007, 12:38 PM
Anyone for a #3 challenge?
Dec 28 2007, 12:52 PM
Anyone for a #3 challenge?
I will not be able to make it.
<font color="green">naBs</font> and <font color="blue">i</font> will be there.
Dec 28 2007, 02:40 PM
i will unfortunatley be on the reaod that day but if pigjammer and dubbs will be there that is 2 hot tags up for the Taking number 3 and 5. gold jerry Gold
Jan 28 2008, 11:47 PM
I'll be in Charlotte this weekend if anyone wants to join us at Winthrop. We'll probably play on Sat and early Sun.
Go Pats!
Jan 29 2008, 08:52 AM
I'm jealous Chi, I haven't played Winthrop w/o the ropes yet, sounds like fun.
I hope to make it to the Kinston Ice Bowl Sat. Anyone else interested, pig pickin & lotsa other stuff, with a name like Noble, it has to be good.
i'm interested in ktown for saturday.
Jan 29 2008, 02:41 PM
Not sure if you guys knew but there is a work day on satruday. would love to have you guys out there.
Jan 29 2008, 04:02 PM
Sorry. I have to work this weekend. I will be at the park playing on Wed and Thur.
Jan 29 2008, 04:58 PM
Not sure if you guys knew but there is a work day on satruday. would love to have you guys out there.
S#*!!*@T....OK how about a roadtrip Sunday?
Jan 29 2008, 05:05 PM
Now that is something i can get behind! thanks for tweaking your schedule Monty. now all i need to do is find someone with some power tools
Jan 29 2008, 06:44 PM
what's on the work agenda?
Jan 29 2008, 06:55 PM
i'll take that over to the work day thread and let everyone in on the fun.
Jan 30 2008, 01:45 PM
Now that is something i can get behind! thanks for tweaking your schedule Monty. now all i need to do is find someone with some power tools
I can loan my tools to Fig to bring out.
Jan 30 2008, 01:51 PM
Russ said tools
Jan 30 2008, 02:07 PM
That would be a HUGE help Russell!! i really think that handy dandy mini circular saw is about all the power tools we will need. but anyhting would be a GREAT bonus. thanks for looking out man! Fig u coming? would love to have you and i will be providing the adult beverages for clean up time.
Jan 30 2008, 02:10 PM
Adult beverages for the clean up?
Will they get you clean or well lubricated?
Jan 30 2008, 04:21 PM
Jan 30 2008, 08:11 PM
I have a Ryobi cordless circular saw. Your welcome to it if cordless would be good. I have an electric one also. And if a project ever calls for it, Steve H. has a gas powered post hole great. Keep it in mind.
Jan 30 2008, 08:31 PM
Good lookin out!! i will let you know if we need it by friday. Gas powered post hole digger sounds like it could do work.
You guys playing after the work day? I'll be in Wilm this weekend and may play at 10 or so on Saturday.
Jan 30 2008, 10:06 PM
Yes, I will definately be there. And it's official, I'm a certified official. :)
way to go figmund! anyone making it to the castle this afternoon?
Jan 31 2008, 10:49 AM
Call me. I've got the day off. What time you thinking about?
thinking about 2:00 russ. anyone else with time off this afternoon?
Jan 31 2008, 11:29 AM
Yes, I will definately be there. And it's official, I'm a certified official. :)
Congrats Fig!
Jan 31 2008, 12:46 PM
You guys playing after the work day? I'll be in Wilm this weekend and may play at 10 or so on Saturday.
Toomes, don't be scared to come join in the fun man. contributing to work days always yeilds birdies on the course!
Jan 31 2008, 12:48 PM
Yes, I will definately be there. And it's official, I'm a certified official. :)
way to go Fig congrat's!!!!! so can you pick up those tools from Russ? that would be a huge help!!!!
Jan 31 2008, 02:21 PM
Yes, I'll pick up the tool's. I said tool's huh,huh.....huh,huh,huh,huh,
Jan 31 2008, 02:31 PM
work day coming together last minute as always i love it!!
If can get my lazy self up, I'll come out and help.
Jan 31 2008, 04:15 PM
we'll be there for awhile buddy fill free to come over when ever you roll out.
march 15, a one day c tier on a cool short course. anyone thinking about this one that's not going to vti?
Feb 19 2008, 09:54 PM
you know i have really wanted to go for 2 years now but alas virginie is calling. man i can't wait for earlwood!!
Feb 19 2008, 11:23 PM
I might be interested in playing my first Mook.
Feb 21 2008, 06:41 PM
I will be dead tired cause have to go t oJville the 14th for a band gig.... or showcase, opening for the band 12 will be late getting back home, but i definatly might and probably will go. Where is it at.. cnt find any info on it...and what time leaving sat. am? hahaha
Feb 25 2008, 01:35 PM
Hotel Is booked. i have Friday off and am ready to go.
can someone else Drive? the element's tires will not be ready till next week and they are hurting. looks like it will be 4 of us riding down and maybe only 3 of us ridinig back.
so what is the plan? when should we get on the road? hollla man because i am ready to go (blown oblique or not)
Feb 25 2008, 02:22 PM
Thanks for booking DG! I cannot drive as Carla and the girls will be coming down on Saturday and I'll be driving back with them Sunday night. However, I do want to leave with you guys Friday. I too am extremely excited about my first Earlewood tourney!
Feb 25 2008, 03:49 PM
earlewood ROCKS
holy crap I can't wait to get my 5 rounds a year in on this course!
Feb 25 2008, 04:25 PM
I played a quick round last year, coming back from the USDGC's, and absolutely love it.
Feb 25 2008, 04:47 PM
It's just awesome.
Every hole is a great hole.
Hole 5 is so pretty with the grass and the huge tree with the wood chips and the huge barrier behind it.
The feeling of being on top of the world on 15.
And 18 is just breath taking.
Wow, I cannot wait.
Hotel Is booked. i have Friday off and am ready to go.
can someone else Drive? the element's tires will not be ready till next week and they are hurting. looks like it will be 4 of us riding down and maybe only 3 of us ridinig back.
so what is the plan? when should we get on the road? hollla man because i am ready to go (blown oblique or not)
blown oblique sounds painful. obviously my truck can't get us all there and there's a remote possibility that i have to be in RALEIGH!! on friday and would be driving to columbia from there. that will suck if it becomes reality.
Feb 25 2008, 06:26 PM
yes it will but at least it would make it easier for the hyundai to get 3 people to S.C. :D
Feb 25 2008, 07:56 PM
yes it will but at least it would make it easier for the hyundai to get 3 people to S.C. :D
That didn't take long. So the hyundai has to rescue the element again in its time of need? Four of us is gonna be tight but that's all I got. Let's rent a minivan.
Feb 25 2008, 08:48 PM
the element took us to Kentucky. the way i see it you get to drive for the rest of the year :D
Honestly though i prefer to drive so if i can get tires and an oil change by friday we will take elley. just think monty a whole weekend of punk rock and heavy metal i know you can't wait
Feb 25 2008, 09:10 PM
Despite being uncertain of WHAT we are taking. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif WHEN are we going?
Feb 25 2008, 10:34 PM
i am clear for take off anytime firday
Feb 26 2008, 02:38 PM
o.k. looks like we are taking the Element AGAIN :D we are leaving from monty's house at 9:45 be over the bridge by 10:00 a.m. i have already booked and paid for the hotel so i will be using everyone's share of the hotel fees to support my weekend. i will p.m. you hotel fees breakdown. it was pretty cheap $58.00 a nite base rate. i will be packing a cooler for all to use. the room only has 1 bed so we need air matresses. any questions holla
Feb 27 2008, 10:53 AM
I went to the mountains this past weekend and played Statesville's new course on the way back. It was pretty, but cool.
Anyways, I met some local players and one of them had business in NMB and wanted to look me up when he got there. Well, I just got off the phone with him and we're planning on hitting the Castle around 11.
If anyone is interested in joining us, please give me a call. I want to make sure his first experience here is a great one., I already sound like a local... Obviously I love this place.
Feb 27 2008, 11:33 AM
No can do today Chi, but have fun!
Feb 28 2008, 06:53 PM
Anybody looking to LEAP into a round at the Castle on the EXTRA day of the year?
Just seeing if anyone is goign to be off, or out at the castle Friday 2/29/08....start a once an election year/leap year event?
seriously.... i might be off and looking to play.... just feeling who may be left in town to play also.
Feb 29 2008, 12:35 PM
I can probably get out of work today. Depending on what time you're heading out, I can probably meet you out there for 18. Maybe take a late lunch or something.
Feb 29 2008, 01:44 PM
what time could you or might you like to play? let me know.
[email protected]
Feb 29 2008, 01:54 PM
How is 3?
I'll email ya.
Feb 29 2008, 01:56 PM
3 sounds good to me.
Mar 05 2008, 11:36 AM
march 15, a one day c tier on a cool short course. anyone thinking about this one that's not going to vti?
DP when would you be driving to High Point? If I go I could take Fri off & get up there early enough to play some.
Mar 05 2008, 08:52 PM
yes let me know wha tthe plan is... if it is early sat i can for sure... if it is Friday, I might can.
Mar 05 2008, 09:39 PM
high point is west of Greensboro, I'd wanna leave Fri afternoon latest.
Mar 05 2008, 10:58 PM
true, I forgot
Mar 10 2008, 12:35 AM
im down for the mooky can someone put together a list? possibly carpool? oh and by the way, 25th dogwood was windy as a motha (50mph winds, raliegh/durahm under wind advisory) rainy as a motha (in the morning first round) and muddy as a mother's motha (your grandma's clay cellar after a hurricane) I got a whole 3 hours of sleep the night before as i had to be up at 4 to get there on time, gabe somehow did well though 8th in intermediate, tough conditions fo sho. and it didn't make it any better that I lost my favorite disc on hole two right before round one. but alas, at least i got to make my first ace during warm ups 2 days before the tourney on hole #6 280ft flick str8 to the chains! bang bang!
Mar 10 2008, 01:51 PM
sounds like you hadda good time DTuck, it was windy as a mutha here too for the monthly. Nice ace man, dang it seems to come easy for some people. I'm probably gonna pass on Mooky's but not sure yet. DP is going and Rory too.
Congrats Gabe on a top ten finish, way to tuff it out.
Mar 10 2008, 03:47 PM
cool, both pro, it would be nice to play a warm up round with those two, let me know what you guys are planning to do - holla
my schedule is still unknown. may have a client coming to town for an install. if not i could leave before noon. wost case i'll be leaving around 6:00. should know for sure today.
monny, what's up with you not going???
Mar 13 2008, 09:43 AM
I had a tree fall onto my neighbors property and I need to take care of the cleanup & maybe have another dead one taken down. Good luck to everyone though.
I do have a favor to ask though. I would like a disc with "Mooky's Cup" stamped on it. New or old DX preferably but whatever is available. I will pay you back upon your return.
Mar 16 2008, 11:35 PM
congrats to rore and dp for tying for 2nd at the mook!!!
Mar 20 2008, 11:28 AM
Any playas going to out and about tomorrow?
Mar 20 2008, 11:32 AM
I'm headed to Charlotte this afternoon for a long weekend. I think we're going to play Monroe's course Saturday morning. I haven't played it since they poured the tee pads.
Anyone else going to be in Charlotte this weekend? I'd like to hit Renny or Reedy while I'm there as well.
Mar 27 2008, 12:41 PM
anyone playing this afternoon? I'll be out there @ 3:45
Mar 27 2008, 02:27 PM
I think I'm heading out there around 1:30
Mar 27 2008, 03:29 PM
see ya was charlotte? where'd ya play?
Mar 27 2008, 04:02 PM
Just got back from a quick front 9 with Joe Noble and Rory. BEEEAAAUUUUTFUL DAY OUT SIDE!!
Mar 27 2008, 04:40 PM
Charlotte was pretty good. We played Monroe's Dickerson park. I haven't played it in a couple of years, so it was pretty good to play it again. Except when I lost my beast on 17...
Just got back from a quick 9 with is definitely an awesome day to be out.
Mar 28 2008, 01:19 AM
no doubt...had a tag match, Christian retained #4 w/a 59, DP keeps #5 w/a 64 and I get to keep #6 w/a 66. Hope thats not a bad omen.
anyone coming out to play this afternoon? just got off work. 2 hour work days are awesome!
Apr 08 2008, 12:46 PM
What time DP?
rory and i are playing at 12:30 or so. can you make that?
Apr 08 2008, 01:14 PM
You guys are killing me!
I'll be out, hopefully around 5.
Apr 08 2008, 01:43 PM
Ill do my best...1 miht be more likely...You should practice putting for a half....LOL
Apr 08 2008, 01:54 PM
We'll wait. Call if you can't make it. 231-7679.
Apr 11 2008, 12:19 PM
Whos playin when? We might as well get rid of where. For now anyway.
Apr 11 2008, 12:20 PM
seriously though, whos playin when?
Apr 11 2008, 12:42 PM
Apr 11 2008, 01:01 PM
Man this job's got me held down homie wish i was out enjoying this beautiful day.
Apr 11 2008, 01:10 PM
Anyone have the day off?
Apr 11 2008, 01:45 PM
No day off for me! (in the best soup nazi voice)
Roll call on the Monthly tomorrow?
Not I, and hatin' it!
Apr 11 2008, 02:44 PM
i be dere sjur be dere monty b dere
Apr 14 2008, 12:59 PM
Challenge this afternoon.
Apr 14 2008, 06:33 PM
I wanted to post something on here about what i noticed at the monthly this saturday that i feel needs to be made public. Monty, you are doing an unreal job with the monthly. when you had the disc stock set up the bag tags laid out for distribution after the second round it really looked good. kudo's bro it has taken an official feel and i am stoked to be a part of it. once again hats off homie keep up the good work!
Apr 14 2008, 06:46 PM
thanks to anyone who steps up and runs a tournament!
you guys in wilmington have grown so much. I remember a few years ago volunteering to run the PDGA b/c you guys were having trouble finding a TD. Now you have a guy stepping up to a PDGA and a guy running smooth monthlies.
Way to go NHDGC!
Apr 15 2008, 02:06 AM
I appreciate the kudos, but I really feel like that is the LEAST we should do each month. The club is on a good path right now because we're active with new ideas and improvements.
Can't wait till the next monthly....IG TEMP daddy!
Apr 16 2008, 07:42 PM
Tomorrow (Thursday)...all day up untill 3:00. Call if you want a challenge.
Apr 23 2008, 12:39 AM
I will be at the castle all day on thursday see you out there!!
Apr 24 2008, 10:48 PM
I joined the 100 club today, I started playing at 11am and finished at 8, playing 104 holes of disc golf!!! I got 2 rounds in early, then played 9 holes with a guy named david also that throws only discraft, then a round with steve ,david, and spiderman, 9 holes with goomis, a round with goomis and brad, and finished with a front nine with an intermediate dude that was out there, and before I left, I also played hole 1 about 5 times while it was getting dark.
Apr 25 2008, 08:17 AM
Good Load! that's a lotta casTTle
Apr 25 2008, 09:29 AM
Jeez..I hear ya. Just be careful. I know my old ***** is falling apart quicker than you, but that's how I got the tendonitis that nearly requires that elbow brace i wear.
Apr 25 2008, 10:23 AM
Jeez..I hear ya. Just be careful. I know my old ***** is falling apart quicker than you, but that's how I got the tendonitis that nearly requires that elbow brace i wear.
Now who's the old man? Maybe we can build you a cart to push around to take the strain off that elbow. Or a wheelchair :D
Apr 25 2008, 10:50 AM
I want a bionic arm to throw for me... can we work on that next??
Apr 25 2008, 12:34 PM
I was jealous over Rocky's baby carriage. I actually wanted him to carry me around the course.
Apr 26 2008, 12:58 AM
yeah my arm went numb after about 30 holes or so, but I am definately feeling it today!
Apr 26 2008, 12:59 AM
hopefully I can build up some endurance and be able to throw two rounds without tireing out.
Apr 27 2008, 03:44 PM
gonna be out today about 5 if anyone wants to get a bag challenge. i'm # 39.
May 02 2008, 05:07 PM
Good luck (DP & DG, don't know who else is going) to fellow PCP'ers going to Burlington this weekend! You know I'll be calling Satday night to live vicariously /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
May 03 2008, 12:13 AM
yeah! burlington is just plain old fun, I love those courses and would have loved to go, good luck to those lucky enough to make it!!!
May 07 2008, 11:48 PM
good luck to everyone at the monthly this weekend, I will be in charlotte trying to shoot under 100 a round at renny, I don't see how anyone could play 2 rounds of renny gold in one day and then go to hornets nest the next day in 85 degree heat and not get tired as hell, it would suck if someone hit the ace pool this monthly and win like 12 bucks, lol, late.
May 08 2008, 10:28 AM
Good Luck D-tuck. and it won't be that bad man. Am's are playing two rounds of Renny Original not Gold.
May 08 2008, 10:43 AM
Carolina Clash? I'm pretty sure it's
Pro-2 rounds of renny gold and 1 of Hornets nest and
Am- 2 rounds at Reedy Creek Original and 1 at Hornets nest
May 08 2008, 12:07 PM
Carolina Clash is
Am's: Saturday 2 rounds of Renny OG and Sunday one round of Hornets nest Web layout
Pro's: Saturday 2 rounds of Hornet's nest OG Sunday one round of Renny Gold
Clash Flyer (
May 08 2008, 12:33 PM
Oops. Did they change it? I thought for sure it was originally reedy creek.
Anyways, 2 rounds at renny original should be no problem. It's very similar to the Castle. 2 rounds of renny gold is probably near impossible with that many people...jeez.
I try to stay as far from the gold course as possible unless I
1) Make sure friends and family know I'm going in case I never return
2) Have plenty of camping gear (tents, rifle, hunting dogs, ect.)
3) Take an experienced tour guide or Aborigine
I remember playing Renny original once and on the way to hole 4 there was a homeless woman drying laundry on the picnic table. The course pros really take their job seriously..I bet she could launch it. (jk stan)
I didn't realize it was this weekend. I really wanted to go. The registration is probably closed by now anyway.
Have fun D Tuck. It should be a blast.
May 08 2008, 12:51 PM
LOL Renny gold is a monster!! if you wanted to go you still can. Registration is open till 8:00 o'clock tonight and the am side is not quite full yet.
May 08 2008, 01:07 PM
Hmm.. I think you just changed my mind. I think I WILL go. I consistently shoot in the low to mid 60s at renny. I don't have much experience with the new web at Hornets Nest, though.
D Tuck, let me know if you need somewhere to crash or need a ride.
BTW, I'll be in Hickory the following weekend for work and will be playing every day if anyone else will be in the area. It's my favorite course so far.
May 08 2008, 03:26 PM
Nevermind...I should learn to read..
May 08 2008, 06:58 PM
hey chi when are you leaving? let me know man thanks! I want to get there early so that I might get a tour from a local sharpa!
May 08 2008, 08:12 PM
Im leaving tomorrow afternoon...
May 08 2008, 10:20 PM
word what time?
May 08 2008, 10:21 PM
I will split gas with you...I have a few places to stay, I am from charlotte, when are you planning on coming back?
May 09 2008, 08:11 AM
I'm leaving for charlotte at 8am so I guess I will see you guys there, wish I had your numbers so that we could have carpooled, but I am going to try and get in a few rounds at renny today, good luck to the dub cru, late
May 09 2008, 09:17 AM
Drive safely. I'm not leaving until 4 or 5 after work.
My number is 704-737-9946 if you need a ride back or anything else.
May 16 2008, 03:08 PM
Playing in Hickory today and tomorrow and hitting Raleigh on the way back to Wilmington tomorrow. Anyone in the area?
Also, I may drop by the King's Cup to see how you fella's are doing.
Good luck at the Cup guys. Wish I could join you.
May 19 2008, 09:46 AM
fun playing with all the wilmington boys this weekend. congrats to Gabe, first advanced tournament playing in the lead group final round.
: ) :
May 19 2008, 10:37 AM
Great seein ya as always Max. and great shootin by the way!! Congrat's on a solid finish. Let me know how ya rollin this week and let me know if i need to send ya any saftey gear. :D
May 23 2008, 10:27 AM
So, whos playin?
May 23 2008, 10:40 AM
Not I, yet. Still rehabing the knee (stand still shots) in the field for a another week, probably two, then some course play with goal set on playing our monthly.
May 23 2008, 11:21 AM
I'm off monday and always up for a little roadtrip.
Mr. doubles may make an appearance tomorrow too.
May 23 2008, 11:59 AM
Hang in there Scott. I'm sure you'll be bigger and badder than ever once you get to feeling good again.
Ash and I will be playing at the Castle at 1:30 if anyone would like to join us.
I'll be in Charlotte all weekend + Monday if anyone wants to meet up.
May 23 2008, 12:10 PM
Ill be there
May 23 2008, 03:25 PM
May 23 2008, 05:06 PM
good little round at the castle today.
Sjur joined Chi and I for a nice afternoon round...
Sjur held strong at a 59
Ash with a 64
and Chi with a solid 68
So Chi and I swapped tags...
of course all I care about is I took a 3 on 12 wiht an 8-10 ft putt for 3!
Fun time... great round, looking forward to next time
May 26 2008, 10:38 PM
what is going on with doubles now? has it moved to a weekday yet? I was there on saturday, and I heard a few people talking about weekday doubles, let me know the low down, thanks!
May 27 2008, 09:05 AM
My recollection:
Pro/Am Doubles beginning June 4th, tee time is 6:00.
Monthly will remain the 2nd Saturday of each month.
May 27 2008, 10:53 AM
this is correct. weekday doubles will start next week. we tee at 6:00 sharp and need to play fast the first few weeks or you will be putting out in the dark.
May 27 2008, 01:44 PM
gotcha! thanks!
May 27 2008, 01:57 PM
you betta be there playa.
May 27 2008, 02:20 PM
and you know!
May 27 2008, 02:52 PM
When we start running out of time, we could play the short pads...or just short 8 and 12 or 15...or short 2 and 9...the combinations are endless.
May 27 2008, 02:53 PM
Short 2 and 9?
May 27 2008, 03:54 PM
for the record, I noticed short pad on 4 was missing last Friday when we walked by... not sure if it grew legs and walked away, or if it was removed by a member for safe keeping?
May 28 2008, 10:01 PM
Saturdee the element might be rollin to Nuhbern to get a practice round in. if anyone wants to ride holla. i would also consider chapel thrill. just throwin it out there
May 29 2008, 02:41 AM
I'll be in Raleigh till tomorrow nite if anyone wants to show me
around. I'm not a fan of the area so far though.
May 29 2008, 08:55 AM
Call me if you go to Chapel Hill.
May 29 2008, 09:50 AM
Three Rivers is in Greenville this Sunday June 1. First round Meadow Whites(shorts) second round at the ECU Course. $10 Pro, $5 Am, optional $1 Ace pool. Ace pool is currently $177+. Dave if you can make it I'll buy you lunch at Marathon :)
: ) :
May 29 2008, 01:37 PM
will the Gyro's be on special? as long as scotty has charmen to go i will be o.k. :D
Kirk if i come up i will let you know fo sho!!
May 29 2008, 01:39 PM
Saturdee the element might be rollin to Nuhbern to get a practice round in. if anyone wants to ride holla. i would also consider chapel thrill. just throwin it out there
come on port city no one wants to road trip?????
May 29 2008, 02:13 PM
I might be down, Ive got the whole weekend off, I was supposed to go to the mountain disc golf experience, but I changed my mind, let me know what you are going to do wave!
May 29 2008, 02:16 PM
leaving around 12 or so. am leaning towards chapel thrill. lookin for a few to ride to split gas. i will be out at the course tonight recruiting.
May 30 2008, 02:02 PM
anybody else down wave?
May 30 2008, 04:04 PM
we are at the perfect number if you want to go. 3. leaving at 11ish satdee. playing tonight will be home around 8:30. give me a call if ya want to ride. Chapel Thrill is the detination. should be teein around 1:30.
will be a new course for you right? or have you played there yet?
May 30 2008, 05:41 PM
I'll be at your place with time to spare. Haven't played there since the '06 tourney
May 30 2008, 10:40 PM
I've never played there but I heard it is the ISH, I will be at your aboad around 10:45, my phone is MIA, supposed to be getting a new one in the mail in t-minus 4 days.
May 31 2008, 11:37 AM
Is there doubles today?
Jun 02 2008, 01:51 PM
I played "Higher Ground" in Fuquay on the way back from Raleigh. Interesting, to say the least. It was a private course in a guy's backyard. It was pretty fun, especially the abandoned car and abandonded house obstacles.
Jun 06 2008, 01:26 AM
Going to the points bonanza next weekend. sat & sun. in charlotte. driving and got a place to stay. kilborn on sat sugaw on sun. Lil bro probubly going and my big bro b tuck gonna be there. leave a message or give me a call if anyone is down to leave a port city mark on the c town.
Jun 06 2008, 11:28 PM
Does anyone know how I can get a printable version of the course map for Castle Hayne. There is a guy from the pizza shop who is gonna try disc golf for the first time out there on Sunday. He is bringing his girlfriend and son out there with him. I wish I could be there to show him around, but I have other engagements. If someone could help me out I would really appreciate it.
Jun 07 2008, 12:21 AM
the website is undergoing a face lift. Course map will not be accessable till it is done. we have a workday this sunday so local's will be at the course most of the day. we will be glad to show him the lay of the land.
Jun 07 2008, 12:44 AM
There is also a course map at the kiosk/bullitin board right by hole #1 it isn't the best course map available but the only one at this time. It has proven useful to many visitors that I have seen viewing it. Hope this helps Mr.Knapp!
Jun 07 2008, 03:11 PM
Thanks guys! His name is Tony. I told him not to be afraid to approach any of you guys if he needs anything.
Jul 04 2008, 02:39 PM
Playin the cha-ching and zing in zebulon this weekend representing the wilmington boys. wish me luck.
Jul 07 2008, 09:17 AM
Nice Sunday rounds DG!
Dr Tuck 3/4 rounds above your rating-good job!
Jul 07 2008, 09:52 AM
thanks scott.
Aug 04 2008, 11:42 AM
Headed down to WillyWorld on the 14th thru the 19th. Is Castle Haynes the only permanent course in town? Is it pretty easy to navigate? Are there any club events going on during these dates (singles/dubs/etc.)? TIA
Aug 04 2008, 12:08 PM
Headed down to WillyWorld on the 14th thru the 19th. Is Castle Haynes the only permanent course in town? Is it pretty easy to navigate? Are there any club events going on during these dates (singles/dubs/etc.)? TIA
our monthly is the 12th and dubs are Wed nights so you're just missing those. the course has good transitions and there is a map on the kiosk. Sun mornings are a good time to find some club members out there.
Aug 04 2008, 12:17 PM
Yes, Castle Hayne is the only course in town. No, there are no Club activities between the 14-19th. Our monthlies are the 2nd Sat. of each month 8/9. Our random Pro/Am dubs are on Wed. evening's at 6 sharp. The course can be somewhat tricky to navigate, especially the back. But there is a map in the kiosk, beside hole one that should alleviate this challenge, or I think you can down load a course map at our website. My cell # is 910-262-0984 and if I can I'll give you a tour or get in contact with someone who can.
Take care and safe travels.
Aug 04 2008, 01:22 PM
yeah what they said. and our web site is (
Aug 05 2008, 05:44 PM
i'm playing knob hill and morraine park tomorrow up in PA if anyone wants to drive up for a round :)
: ) :
Aug 05 2008, 05:46 PM
knob : ) :
you said Knob huuhhhhuuuhhuuuuhhh
Aug 05 2008, 08:59 PM
lol, see ya at the zoo buddy
: ) :
Aug 05 2008, 10:24 PM
straight up can't wait!!!!!!!!
Aug 06 2008, 05:07 PM
Let's go Advanced Pool K!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 10 2008, 02:29 PM
How was the trip boyz! How was the first day being in an around the Worlds atmosphere? Courses? You know I've got to live vicariously through you. I'll be calling ya 'sevening.
Aug 13 2008, 12:44 AM
Michigan, summertime, disc-golf, must be nice!!!!!!!!
Aug 13 2008, 04:38 PM
Thx fellas. Looks like a Sattyday mornin' round is in the cards if anyone is interested. Hopefully around 9, but all bets are off when the beach bars are involved the night before. :D
Aug 20 2008, 12:30 PM
Only got to play one round Saturday AM, really fun course. Wish they had it in when I was at UNCDub. :( Then again I prolly still be in school. :D Thanks to Stew for showing me a round.
Aug 20 2008, 03:48 PM
Gald you liked it and got a round in! Stew is the man.
Aug 22 2008, 10:01 AM
BTW, do ya'll still have a copy of the interview with BS giving a breakdown of some stupid hot round he shot there? I threw a lot of flicks on the back and don't recall him throwing any. Just curious really. Thanks
Aug 22 2008, 10:40 AM
You say flick he says thumber :D
Bag tag 1 will be at the park come 9:30 Sunday morning.
Who will be there to take a stab?
Aug 30 2008, 09:18 PM
I could do 7:00?..."When the co_k crows...I rock throws, been striving for perfection ever since I was a snot nose." -Mos Def (sort of) :D
Although it would be my first time in 3 weeks.
Aug 30 2008, 09:24 PM
I'll be there nickle.
Aug 31 2008, 07:15 PM
Nickel maintains the #1 tag with a 57
Christian--60 and thats all I remember.
Had 11 ppl show up, 2 cards of 4 and 1 with 3.
Sep 01 2008, 04:58 PM
11 people is GREAT!
we had a round 4 challenge yesterday
Gabe keeps 11 - 43
DG keeps 15 - 48
D-Tuck Takes 16 - 49
DrewTuck - 44 - 52
Sep 01 2008, 05:38 PM
drew tuck had 16 now has 44 with a 52 from whites
d-tuck had 44 now has 16 with a 49 ;)
Sep 01 2008, 05:40 PM
I had alot of fun this weekend, tougher course than I thought, how many are on the waiting list for the Hickory classic and when are you guys leaving Big Wave?
Sep 02 2008, 02:41 PM
Thanks for the clarification D. not going to Hickory this year.
Thanks for the clarification D. not going to Hickory this year.
Hanna PARTY at CB?
Sep 02 2008, 04:03 PM
yeah it might get hurricane'd out with all these systems out there
Sep 17 2008, 04:02 PM
Anyone playing this afternoon? I'm going to try to get out there around 5:30 if anyone wants to get in a round.
Sep 17 2008, 04:43 PM
I plan to be out there Chi.
Sep 17 2008, 05:51 PM
me too. maybe.
Sep 18 2008, 11:13 AM
who: me
date: 9/18/08
time: 3:45
weather: niiiice
tag: #13
Sep 18 2008, 11:37 AM
Nice round yesterday...
Made the putt for 2 on 17!!!
and then took a 5 on 18!!! LOL.
3,3,2,5 to finish.
Sep 18 2008, 11:50 AM
Such a great drive down the left side! Sjur how far was the putt 37 feet?
Only the second time I've witnessed it, Jeff Stinson hit it from about 60 b/4 the left side was legit. Did A-Dubbs hit it once also?
Sep 18 2008, 11:53 AM
let me guess the manhyzer with the dirty bird or the wraith maybe..
will be out today around 3pm. bring your b game
Sep 18 2008, 01:07 PM
Ill see you there DUCKt.
Sep 18 2008, 03:02 PM
I deuced 17 from over 200 a few times...
Sep 19 2008, 01:05 PM
The Tuck boys were throwin in all types of shots yesterday!!!
Who is playin this afternoon?
Sep 19 2008, 01:49 PM
I be der around 4:30
Tuk Lab 4 Life
Sep 19 2008, 01:50 PM
this wind should be interesting out there!
Did A-Dubbs hit it once also?
yup and i think RoRy has too.
Sep 19 2008, 02:08 PM
yeah, RoRy with champ coyote off the tee and champ aviar from like 180, like a 180ft putt I was there for that one, crazy
Sep 19 2008, 06:39 PM
D tuck hit a 200+ flick on 7, nothin but chains. then to finish it off on eighteen I licked a cro right around 200 to bury it to finish the round.
Great round. Dave and Drew Tuck, Sjur "bomb a roc" Soleng, monty and double G.
Sep 19 2008, 09:22 PM
shots were more along the 125-150 range but cool none the less
Sep 19 2008, 10:31 PM
I licked a cro
how'd that taste :D
Sep 19 2008, 11:13 PM
I licked a cro
how'd that taste :D
was gonna say sumthin buTT, I new sumbuddy wood take cur of iTT
Sep 20 2008, 01:22 AM was a yellow one too...maybe like a yellow starburst?
Sep 20 2008, 01:34 AM
I licked a cro
how'd that taste :D
was gonna say sumthin buTT, I new sumbuddy wood take cur of iTT
It was delicious!
thanks for the spelling lesson Scwebb. haven't been reading much, just LICkin plastic.
Sep 20 2008, 12:10 PM
Sep 20 2008, 06:42 PM
you always win
Sep 21 2008, 10:37 AM
I always get good partners.
Sep 21 2008, 07:11 PM
Not always... :confused:
Sep 21 2008, 07:56 PM
Not always... :confused:
sorry for the 40 footer in playoff chi.
I couldn't miss that day. first doubles i won