Dec 04 2007, 07:51 PM
2 Weeks after Tulsa's Coolest Event, come over to the Fort and have some FUN :)


Dec 05 2007, 09:05 AM
That Polar Bear looks like Martin Norris after a few beers. ;)

Dec 05 2007, 12:13 PM
That Polar Bear looks like Martin Norris after a few beers. ;)

I resemble that remark :D

Dec 05 2007, 02:05 PM
That Polar Bear looks like Martin Norris after a few beers. ;)

LMAO!!!! Martin Norris has Chuck Norris type skills, do not pizz him off :D:D

Dec 05 2007, 04:44 PM
That Polar Bear looks like Martin Norris after a few beers. ;)

kinda reminds me of a fat shaved dog that resembles J. Garcia, no one in particular in T-Town though /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 07 2008, 08:23 PM
Fort Smith's Ice Bowl is now PDGA Sanctioned as a "C" Tier under the new Competition Endowment Program.

There is NO $10 NON-MEMBER FEE

The Charity will not lose any money to this
the $2 per player PDGA fee will be going to the Community Services Clearing House

This event's rounds WILL NOT BE RATED due to mulligans being sold for charity


This is the First PDGA Tournament of the 2008 season in this area. All 2008 Divisions will be offered, remember that now amateurs may accept prizes in lieu of cash in the pro divisions and maintain am status

here's the New Flyer.........


Jan 08 2008, 10:22 AM
Wow!!!!....A "C" tier Ice Bowl!!!! + a disc for the first 70 players......That's cool Evan. I'm sure I can scrounge up 10 cans of dog food. You're really doing some good stuff down there in Arkyville. :cool:

Are you playing?....I'll try and make it but the doctor told me I have to wear a neck brace until the Mohawk clean up is over. ;)....

After that the "Battle" will be on!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 08 2008, 03:48 PM
Are you playing

Unsure, depends on the level of help provided, kinda doubtful but if the opportunity presented itself I would

we can battle at Riverside in a few weeks if you're not too scared /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 08 2008, 04:06 PM
I'll be there buddy. :mad:

I'll be wearing my Moose pj's and this year a new addition..."MOON BOOTS". :cool:

Prepare to be stomped. :D

Jan 08 2008, 04:07 PM
Uh oh!

Looks like the battle of the 800's is on again. :o

Jan 08 2008, 04:28 PM
That's right buddy. :mad:

And this time the stakes are high. :o

If I win, I get free chicken for a year. :cool:

If he wins, he gets you !!!! Naked, hog tied, with an apple in your mouth to do with whatever those Arky boys choose. :o

You better start packing your bags because I might just "throw" this one for the betterment of all Oklahoman's in general. :D

Jan 08 2008, 04:37 PM
"If I win", "If I win", thats all we hear out of you......

"If I win"

We never seem to hear about the story "back when I won" :o
After all these years the only thing I ever heard about you winning was your mother bragging about you winning the poster child for birth control contest. :o

I think I may remember you winning something in disc golf but I'm sure there were lots of mulligans and partners for you to rely on. :o:D

I've got $25 on Evan, anyone want some of that? :o

Jan 08 2008, 04:44 PM
Well I won $100 cash off you in straight up poker on News Years Eve. I even got Coda and Shanna as witnesses. :o

That must not have been your day because you got skunked in your skins game. :(

That's worth braggin about. :)....In fact I'm sure your going to hear alot more about it when you buy Marie and I that "nice" meal. I think I'll invite Regier and his wife and this time you can pick up the liquor tab. :D

Jan 08 2008, 05:25 PM
I don't think you have proof of crap!
Show me the $100 you won!

Thats right FurBall, you can't can you?

and I know Coda won't side with you and Shanna will do what Coda does.

So I guess it comes down to your word against mine.
So.............................End of Story :D

And if I said I'd take you to dinner, I don't know where you'd get Marie and the others from "YOU". :o

Don't push it or you'll be having another frozen dinner with those hairballs at your house you call cats. :mad:

Jan 08 2008, 05:34 PM
God knows.....that's all that matters. :D

And just because Coda carried you around on his back for one skins match does not obligate him to lie for you. He is a professional. You're still working on living up to that title. ;)

Jan 08 2008, 05:43 PM
You could be a PRO too, just pony up the extra money on your renewal. They'll even send you a card to show all your friends and family. :o
They'll even print your name in the PRO divisions section of tournaments. The only other thing you need to do to make it offical is win some cash and I have done that. ;)
Not that the amount won would feed a family of four for more than a day, it is still PRO cash.

The only PRO cash I have ever seen you earn was hanging out with Regeir down on 11th st. :o

Jan 08 2008, 05:51 PM
By the sounds of it, FurDog's dress code may be sub 800 rated, aren't "Moon Boots" what cut off Britney Spears circulation causing her to go bonkos, I know my 9 year old daughter's been wanting some

I hope it's open hunting season for Moose in Okieland this month because I plan on thinning the herd, the old fat ones are prime hunting /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 08 2008, 05:56 PM
We tried to do it last weekend but gun season is over here so we tried to smash him with a tree.
Foiled again! :mad:

I know the hunting laws are much more liberal in your area. You should put out a bounty and make it a bonus if the mosse is tye-dyed. :D

Jan 08 2008, 06:21 PM
You could be a PRO too, just pony up the extra money on your renewal. They'll even send you a card to show all your friends and family. :o
They'll even print your name in the PRO divisions section of tournaments. The only other thing you need to do to make it offical is win some cash and I have done that. ;)
Not that the amount won would feed a family of four for more than a day, it is still PRO cash. [QUOTE]

You're the only Pro I know that "leads by example" at the back of the pack.

I have a mountain. You don't. :p

I have fan's that request photo's with me in public. :cool:

You're still having a hard time understanding why nobody ever listens to Kenny Rogers anymore. :(

Just because KM is moving to Georgia doesn't mean this is a chance for you to move up the Pro ladder. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 08 2008, 06:34 PM
You're the only Pro I know that "leads by example" at the back of the pack.
<font color="red"> I wouldn't be at the back, if more of them would step up and quick making Am Master a retirement plan :o</font>
I have a mountain. You don't. :p
<font color="red">Thats a mole hill not a mountain. Your calling it one doesn't make it true. Kind of like saying you're the course PRO.
I have fan's that request photo's with me in public. :cool:
<font color="red"> They're not fans, they're easily impressed rednecks. </font>

You're still having a hard time understanding why nobody ever listens to Kenny Rogers anymore. :(
<font color="red"> I never listened to Kenny Rogers, whats to not understand about that. Marie sure like him though </font>

Just because KM is moving to Georgia doesn't mean this is a chance for you to move up the Pro ladder. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
<font color="red"> KM isn't moving up to Georgia, he is moving DOWN to Geaorgia. He actually started his move down the ladder with the new baby, wife and only playing stroller firiendly courses:DThe next time you hear of him will be winning a Master's title. :D</font>

Jan 10 2008, 02:21 PM
Online Registration is now available at titleDISC.com (http://titledisc.com/eventDisplay.php?eventid=306) :cool:

Jan 28 2008, 11:41 AM
I've got $25 on Evan, anyone want some of that? :o

Round one at Riverside goes to "The Dog"!!!! :cool:

Looks like you owe me $25. :o.....ka CHING!!!!! :)

Jan 28 2008, 12:19 PM
Show me one reply that anyone took that bet.

You've got to be in it to win it.

And you **** sure weren't in it. :D

Jan 28 2008, 01:08 PM
You remind me of Whimpy from the Popeye cartoons who always promised to "pay on the second Tuesday of next week". :p

I guess I'm going to have to send Guido over to collect. :mad:


Jan 28 2008, 02:02 PM
Go ahead send Guido over to try and collect on a bet you didn't make.

By the way, where is my pull over? :mad:
Don't make me come over there!
I don't need a Guido! I have friends, don't make me use them :mad:

Jan 28 2008, 02:31 PM
The bet was on and now you're gonna welch on paying? :o

You should change your tag line from "Sure I can take your money." to "Kenny the Welcher". :p

Jan 28 2008, 03:18 PM
The bet was on and now you're gonna welch on paying? :o

You should change your tag line from "Sure I can take your money." to "Kenny the Welcher". :p

while it may be true that FurPooch barely edged me in the number of throws during our first round at Riverside be it known that I still took his money.........I'm of the impression that money won on the course far out weighs any kind of number of throws comparison which clearly makes me the winner :cool:

Wise, I think FurSlouch actually owes you $25 :D

Jan 28 2008, 03:42 PM
I buy the premium $20 Waffle club membership, invite you to the Moose house for a hot lunch and beer, bring you in on the CS inside design info and this is the way you repay my generosity by siding with the Fluffer? :confused:

I even hooked you up with some glow goodies for your night golf so you Arky's don't hit each other in the head with your errant shots. :(

Kenny Avalanche doesn't have a tournament to offer you free entry in nor will he let you camp on his mountain because he HAS NO MOUNTAIN!!!!

Jan 28 2008, 03:47 PM
Don't accuse me of welching on a bet that you didn't accept! :mad:

That will definately get your arse kicked. :mad:

If you accepted it, then show me!
I can show you where I offered the bet, so if you can't show me where you accepted it, then STFU! :mad:

And I'm tired of hearing about YOUR mountain, that was given to you by the way, from the club. and hearing about YOUR tournament, that was started and ran by many others before you. The only mountain you have ever made is the pile of BS that you leave laying around after you've been some where. :o

Hows that trip your trigger Hairball? :o

I'd bet I'm banned now! :D

Jan 28 2008, 03:53 PM
Well let me buy one of your life insurance policies before you threaten me with violence so at least I can file a claim and get paid afterwards. ;)

Jan 28 2008, 03:56 PM
The only claim you will get to make will go to your beneficiaries. :D

At least your cats will be happy! :D

Jan 28 2008, 05:05 PM
I buy the premium $20 Waffle club membership, invite you to the Moose house for a hot lunch and beer, bring you in on the CS inside design info and this is the way you repay my generosity by siding with the Fluffer? :confused:

I even hooked you up with some glow goodies for your night golf so you Arky's don't hit each other in the head with your errant shots. :(

Kenny Avalanche doesn't have a tournament to offer you free entry in nor will he let you camp on his mountain because he HAS NO MOUNTAIN!!!!

I'm just trying to be like all the other cool kids so I can get on the banned list too, I have a feeling that we may out number the ones that aren't banned so we'll just crash the gates like our ancestors did at the first woodstock event :)

Jan 30 2008, 04:30 PM
I'm happy to announce that McDonalds will be providing quarter pounders with cheese for luch to all participants of the Fort Smith Ice Bowl on site at Tilles Park for FREE as a sponsorship donation, WAFDA will also supply soft drinks for FREE :cool:

There will be plenty of fun side games including a throw off for an Innova Traveler Portable Basket and a Skills Contest for prizes by division, the throw off will cost $1 per throw or 7 throws for $5, the skills competition will cost $3 with all proceeds from these side games going to our charity, The Community Services Clearinghouse :)

Jan 30 2008, 05:33 PM
Cool extra fun fundraisers! :D

Jan 30 2008, 06:58 PM
Cool extra <font color="red">fun</font>draisers! :D


Feb 01 2008, 02:44 PM
The Fort Smith Ice Bowl has a couple of young 9 year old junior players wanting to participate :cool:

We'll be setting up a very small 3 to 5 hole "junior course" to accomodate them, anyone that wants to bring any children to let play may do so...........entry fees for them are by donation only, they don't have to pay, we'll make sure that they all receive a light weight beginner disc and any other goodies that we can come up with.

They will have an adult(s) with them to keep them safe and help them learn rules and courtesy. A parent or guardian will need to be at the park and they may play the normal Ice Bowl or just hang out, waivers will need to be signed by the parent or guardian

The plan is to let them circle the junior course 2 or 3 times to make a 9 basket tournament round, morning and afternoon for two 9 basket rounds, participation is much more important than "winning" or even completing these rounds. All junior players will also receive some form of prize payout in addition to the disc.

The Future of the Sport is our Children :)

Feb 01 2008, 05:02 PM
... won week from this here Saturday ...
... on Saturday , Feb. 9-er ... Fort Smith Ice Bowl ...
... can't wait ... :D

Feb 01 2008, 05:05 PM
... oh yeah ... and Evan ... I've got you some "goodies" to add-in ... including 4 Dragons (150-class) (floats-in-water) for you to give to your Junior Players ...

Feb 01 2008, 06:44 PM
very cool..........Thanks Wayne!!

Feb 01 2008, 07:24 PM
Actually, Wayne owns all known new Dragons.

If Innova receives a Dragon order they forward it to Wayne :o

Feb 01 2008, 08:43 PM
... :)

Feb 05 2008, 10:54 AM
The Moose will be Loose in Fort Smith this Saturday. Has any Okies played this Tilles Park before?

Feb 05 2008, 03:10 PM
The Moose will be Loose in Fort Smith this Saturday. Has any Okies played this Tilles Park before?

Not in this 18 basket, OB everywhere layout ;)

this course is gonna play nicely :cool:

Hey FurDog, if you make it down Friday I can show you glow mini golf on a real ball golf course next to my house, it's kind of a covert shadow op so wear black and be ready to eat the glow sticks and run ;)

Feb 05 2008, 04:00 PM
Well send me a PM with your phone number. I'll be bringin the # 11 Waffle tag looking to replace it with something in the top five so make sure those bums are around. ;)

Feb 05 2008, 04:14 PM
Well send me a PM with your phone number. I'll be bringin the # 11 Waffle tag looking to replace it with something in the top five so make sure those bums are around. ;)

phone #'s not a secret, it's on the flyer

I'll make sure to have the coveted hot pink tag #1000 playing on the course, it'll look good on your bag or wherever you stick your bag tags ;)

oh wait I forgot, the fascist company that you work for won't let you see pictures anymore



Feb 05 2008, 04:27 PM
Well how about coming up with some directions to the park there Butterball.

Feb 05 2008, 05:07 PM
If anyone besides HairBall needs directions, send me a PM, I have a map and a route that is a lot shorter than going around on I-540. ;)

Feb 05 2008, 05:34 PM
Did Pitch teach you that backdoor entrance Dave? :o

Feb 05 2008, 05:45 PM
Nope, you're the only one that ever that let me slip in the back door.

Still need directions to the course?

get a navigation system. :p

Feb 05 2008, 05:52 PM
Actually Marie has one and she didn't have to buy a whole Avalanche to get it. We're staying at her girlfriends house but I don't know where she lives in relation to the park. I think she's closer to Ben Geren though.

Feb 05 2008, 05:52 PM
Nope, you're the only one that ever that let me slip in the back door.

That is grounds for a ban Wise...you better be careful with that little kitten you like to play with...

It might turn out to have claws...

Feb 05 2008, 05:58 PM
He doesn't have the Balls or the claws to ban me. :p

Feb 05 2008, 06:09 PM
You sound disgruntled. What's the matter? Did nobody show up to feed you today? :p

CS needs an Andy and a Barney for park security. I'll even see if anyone is willing to buy you guys a nice meal. :)

Feb 05 2008, 06:17 PM
Sorry, can't make it that weekend, we have plans.

Feb 05 2008, 06:24 PM
Well that's too bad. :(..... I guess I'm not the only one you owe money to then. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Good thing for Mitchell though. He might be enticed to move up to Pro. :o.....Na!!!! That will never happen. ;)

Feb 06 2008, 01:35 AM
Mapquest Directions from Tulsa to Tilles (http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main.adp?go=1&amp;do=nw&amp;rmm=1&amp;1gi=0&amp;un=m&amp;1da=-1.000000&amp;1rc=A5XAX&amp;cl=EN&amp;qq=1ADqpk24ofC5OmCMJqYH6r vXrzfcjWRiMnAicTHjGsoyZsqi8u08vO2GzD2DlOc49tso0kqp ZuYfdkDukYSY9THf2ruqoUL85bLVpxkvWGFl0DUMeT%252fY5a F%252fqh1jNufF56s2%252fVqFgIo0ibTXbYtJKQ%253d%253d &amp;ct=NA&amp;r=f&amp;1si=gaz_us&amp;rsres=1&amp;1y=US&amp;1ffi=&amp;1l=2JFgr apg3SKVtd7bW%252bH8VA%253d%253d&amp;1g=05%252ba1jQrddc 9IAb66pGZDA%253d%253d&amp;1pl=&amp;1v=CITY&amp;1n=Tulsa+County &amp;1pn=&amp;1a=&amp;1c=Tulsa&amp;1s=OK&amp;1z=&amp;2y=US&amp;2ffi=&amp;2l=&amp;2g=&amp;2 pl=&amp;2v=&amp;2n=&amp;2pn=&amp;2a=Grand+Ave+%26+N+39th+St&amp;2c=For t+Smith&amp;2s=AR&amp;2z=72904&amp;panelbtn=2)

Park is on the right before 39th Street

Feb 06 2008, 08:34 PM
I'd like to know how I got drug into this whole thing .
Any referance to rear entries that includes my good name better be refering to the local bar and me throwing someone out of it. ;)

Feb 07 2008, 11:34 PM
I'll be there coming down with Forest, Norris and HOI. cant wait, been itching for a tier event i can afford. hope i get one of those first 70 spots.

Big Easy
Feb 07 2008, 11:51 PM
Evan, I will see you bright and early Saturday.
Looks like Saturday could be a nice weather day.
D.P. :D

Feb 08 2008, 03:35 PM
tomorrow should be a beautiful day, not what I'd think of Ice Bowl weather, but that's OK

looking forward to seeing everyone :cool:

Feb 09 2008, 11:54 PM
Scores are up on WAFDA's thread, look quickly and you can see ratings before they take them down from the mulligans

Thanks Everybody :)