i,m a grandpa of a bouncing 6lbs 14oz baby boy.
his name is cooper alan.
this morning at about 8;30. :D:D:D:D:D
Dec 06 2007, 07:55 PM
... very cool ... congrats BIG-TIME ... :D
Dec 07 2007, 10:27 AM
Congrats Grandpa...you da man!
Barber Shop
Dec 07 2007, 11:19 AM
does this mean you'll be playing in the grandmaster div. soon ? congrats on the new grandkid
Dec 07 2007, 11:42 AM
So Gabriel has a new play mate...
thanks for your support people.
i went to the hospital today(i decided to wait for the traffic jamb to subside) katie and bradley are exhausted.
there is absolutly no doubt about his being a von aschen boy ,big hands and feet and ears, yea budddy.
just a little bit of hair.
it just aint fair less than 24 hrs hard labor. well disguised by an epidural ha ha.
if any wants to pray for this young family as there is some big changes coming their way, thanks Brad.