Jan 03 2008, 08:20 PM
Glad to see some chat about cleaning Mohawk.

Sat. Jan 5th is the first of many work days at mohawk.
but it needs to be done. :confused:

So everyone out there bring if at all possible
1st yourself
2nd chainsaw (if owned)
3rd loppers (if owned)
4th yourself and a friend :)

Come on plp we need your help to get our course back in tip top shape :D

Jan 03 2008, 09:27 PM
Glad to see some chat about cleaning Mohawk.

Sat. Jan 5th is the first of many work days at mohawk.
but it needs to be done. :confused:

So everyone out there bring if at all possible
1st yourself
2nd chainsaw (if owned)
3rd loppers (if owned)
4th yourself and a friend :)

Come on plp we need your help to get our course back in tip top shape :D

you go :cool:, hopefully 10-20 bodies :cool:. Best course in Tulsa, that I have seen. See you and friends, at the NT!


Jan 04 2008, 10:24 AM
Weather is supposed to be in the 60's. It should be a nice day to make some progress.

Everyone come out and GET WOOD!!!! :D

Wise, it's time to put that Avalanche to work and don't forget to bring my money. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 04 2008, 11:05 AM
Sorry, but this Avalanche will never see the inside of Black Hawk. :D

When I traded the last one they told me there was concrete on the wheels. :o

Jan 04 2008, 11:29 AM
Okay, lets see some bodies out at BlackHawk tomorrow. The weather will be great and we meed to get started.
We need to get as much done as we can before the rains hit in the spring.

We need chainsaws and hands. For those bringing their hands, be sure to wear gloves and bring plenty of water to drink. You'll need it. For those brining your chainsaws, don't forget your bar oil and adjustment tools and of course, plenty of gasoline.

We will also have a BackHoe out there to move the heavy stuff. This is being provided by Jim and the Lodge. :DIt has been cleared through the parks department. We may also have a tractor with a front bucket.

If anyone has a trailer that can hual wood out, bring it. We will just be hauling it out of the woods to the main park area and dumping it there for the city to get.

All equipment a clearing must be done through volunteer efforts, we are not allowed to hire a crew to work on city property, unless cleared and approved by the Parks Department and they didn't sound too upbeat on that one.

So come on out and lets get the best course in the State back to what it was before. ;)

Jan 04 2008, 11:50 AM
Well alrighty then. The Hoe is coming. :cool:....

That's what I'm talking about!!!!

Thanks Jim!!!! :)

Dave, is the "Zook-Key-Knee" going to be there?

Jan 04 2008, 12:07 PM
We have more good new for the clean up tomorrow.

Jim is also bringing a dump truck that will be used to haul stuff out to the open areas and also he will be cooking burgers and the Club will provide beverages.

So come on out for some work and free grub and drinks.

Jim has said that he wants to get some real work done tomorrow, so be ready to drag some limbs. :D

Jan 04 2008, 12:53 PM
Role call: :D

I am in!! :D

Jan 04 2008, 01:03 PM
Thars makes 5 people accounted for, any other?

Jan 04 2008, 01:06 PM
I'll be eating beans tonight so I'll be able to clear a path with "Air Biscuit" power. :cool:

Wise. Does Julie have any of that chili left?....That seems to work too. :D

Jan 04 2008, 01:12 PM
... we should see good turnout for these efforts ... some of the "other work-days" might find Weather to be a problem , BUT tomorrow looks real nice ...
... on a side-note :
� the PDGA �current membership� level showed a dramatic change today � from over 11,000 current dropping to 2,100 current �
� there were several TDSA affiliate members all mailed in and paid in-a-bundle back on December 27 � I know they were received in Georgia last week � after double-checking with Addie at the Office , I am assured that those have been processed and should show on the website next-week � PDGA updates these Mondays and Wednesdays �

Jan 04 2008, 01:14 PM
Does this mean you will be out there to work tomorrow? :o

We do need some one to pass out the water and drinks to people. I heard you have plenty of experience with that one. :p

Jan 04 2008, 01:17 PM
Shopping list for goodies has been made and will be picked up tonight / tomorrow morning. If anyone has ice chests let me know and bring them so we can ice down the brew and pop.

any more adds to the shopping list?

Jan 04 2008, 01:19 PM
I have a large Ice chest i can bring.

Jan 04 2008, 01:26 PM
Does this mean you will be out there to work tomorrow? :o

We do need some one to pass out the water and drinks to people. I heard you have plenty of experience with that one. :p

Hey Lamus. I worked the last time a storm screwed that park up. Maybe you didn't notice because you were too busy standing around watching people carve the alphabet into chunks of wood. :o

Maybe this time around you'll actually get out of your truck for a change.

Jan 04 2008, 02:00 PM
Funny, I don't remember it like that last time.
The way I remember it, we had already cleared holes 3, 6 & half way down14 when you decided to stroll in close to lunch time and see whats going on. :o

Granted, you did finsih out the day and did some more work on Red Hawk but I'm pretty sure I and a few others were out there before you opened your eyes that morning. :p

Jan 04 2008, 02:40 PM
i'll be able to help out for a few hours.
i really need some exercise...i'm ready to have some sore muscles.

Jan 04 2008, 02:46 PM
What do you want? An award?.....I'll see if I can find you one at the bottom a a Cracker Jack box. :o

I can't help it if your woman says no and kicks you out of bed early in the morning. :o

If you don't want me out there then fine. I'll stay home and let you handle it. :p

Jan 04 2008, 02:48 PM
I don't see a meeting time posted anywhere on this thread. Since there is a 2pm mini at the river i'm assuming we are meeting around 9am (?).

Jan 04 2008, 02:56 PM
For you, yes it is at 9:00am, for all those that can make it on time, it is at 10:00am. :D

I saw 10am on the schedules that are posted Mike.

But I would imagine that I'll be out there by 9:00 to make sure and get Jim set up in the right area. ;)

Jan 04 2008, 03:54 PM
I should be able to get a chainsaw for the workday. Hopefully the weather will be as good as they are saying. Supposed to be in the 60's :D

Jan 04 2008, 04:14 PM
Anybody that has a chain saw and a gas can, remember to bring the pre-mixed chainsaw gas cans so we can get more done. I will try and remember to bring some chainsaw oil for those who run dry.

Big Easy
Jan 04 2008, 05:26 PM
I will be out around 10am.
I will bring what tools that I can.
Great weather to get alot done.
D.P. :D

Jan 04 2008, 07:01 PM
man i am a lame o
i will be going to cali for a week
sorry i will not be able to help out
tried playing black yesterday
26 over i think
it was hard to keep track
but i will have the chain saw out there in weeks to come

Jan 04 2008, 09:48 PM
ill be there with chainsaw gas and oil about 9:30 -10:00

Jan 04 2008, 10:31 PM
Wise if u will be there by 9 i will meet u there with saws and front loader :)

Jan 04 2008, 11:22 PM
Everybody remember goggles and gloves...don't want our eyes or throwing hands damaged...!:cool:

Jan 04 2008, 11:52 PM
weekends suck for me....wish i could help more....if i get a chance i will come out.

Jan 05 2008, 04:05 AM
I think, after tomorrow, you should be able to help at your leisure...

We will get piles together...so if you come out on your own, you could just move timber to the piles...

The little stuff is really going to make a difference....

But I think this project is definitely do-able...


Jan 05 2008, 07:03 PM
Sorry I couldnt make it out today guys, but I just got home from cutting down the massive amount of trees down in my moms yard. I borrowed a chainsaw from a guy at work so I might be able to contribute a little tommorrow. Thanks for all who did make it out to help though. Peace!

Jan 05 2008, 10:12 PM
i just want to say big jim and the lodge crew rock and thanks to everyone who came out

Jan 05 2008, 10:41 PM
There was a major amount of work done.

Thanks to Jim and Debbie Taylor and the help they brought with them.

When Andrew and I left to start the Riverside mini, they were about to start cooking lunch...


Jan 07 2008, 10:45 AM
I had to leave Saturday afternoon but I was out there yesterday and all I can say is WOW!

I would have never thought that much work could be done in such a short amount of time. But I never imagined that much heavy machinery out there either.
That is the most equipment that course has ever seen in one day.

Thank you Jim and crew, Who else would show up with a backhoe, 4 wheeler, dump truck, burgers, fresh shrimp dip, beer and relish trays! :D
Thank you Randy Wilson and Thank you to everyone else that was there.
The results of Saturday are just amazing. You would have had to seen the before to even begin to understand the after.

That was a major dent but we will still need to do more.
There will be more work days scheduled, so if you didn't make last Saturday come out for the next one. And if you did come out Saturday, then come out again, we need the help.

While we did get most of the timber pushed off and made the course some what playable we still need to get holes 13, 14 and 15 cleared and we still need to go back with trucks and trailers and haul out of some of the unsightly wood piles that we left and we will continue to groom the holes back to the condition they should be in.

Also, on another note, if you should go out there, PLEASE do not cut down any trees before you check with Zooc, Wagle or myself. We had a key tree cut down on hole 6 that didn't need to be cut. :mad:
This is a clean up not a free reign to cut don anything that used to be in your way. We would like to maintain as much of the original course as possible.
Only when we are done will we be able to make a final assessment to see if additional trees need to be removed or if baskets need to be slightly relocated.

But all in all, it was a GREAT clean up day.
At this pace and if the weather holds out we should be able to have this course up and running by the NT in May. It may not be as pretty as it was before but it will all grow back in over time.

Thanks again to everyone that came out and helped! :D
This club never ceases to amaze me. ;)

Jan 07 2008, 10:57 AM
Yeah.....It was like General Patton showed up with the tank corp. Very special thanks to Jim Taylor, his wife, and his crew. When I left around 3pm they were pushing through the fairway on # 11. What a difference heavy equipment makes. :cool:...The lunch was great too!!!..

Jim, you and your crew have free entry into Chandlerstock. I'm going to set you up with some tye dye hats and shirts also. You definitely made the difference in the time it will take to complete the clean up. Thank you very much and thanks to all that showed up!!!! :)

Jan 07 2008, 10:59 AM
Great work Tulsa....again.

I didn't know if very many people would show up...

But they did...

Also Jim Taylor and his crew practically doubled our impact on the course.....much of the thanks needs to go to him...

I am really happy with the work accomplished...I had to leave around noon on Saturday to go to the Riverside mini with dad...so I haven't seen the final product...

As far as the tree on hole 6....I doubt it will make it a tap in...but like you said, we could always move a basket five feet or something and change the angles up....

The one thing that keeps coming up in my mind is the piles we pushed to the side of hole three......those are nasty and I am sure there are more like them....cleaning up for the NT is our primary goal, but we could think about coming back after that stuff is nice and dead and remove those piles or put them in an unused part of the course...

But I am just picking at things......Great work everyone, see you next time...

Jan 07 2008, 11:14 AM
Wise.....I was on the crew that cleaned up on # 6 and I didn't see anyone cutting any tree that wasn't already damaged. :confused:.....I know you and Zook spent a lot of time on the 4-wheeler back there alone but could it be that the two of you were just "in heat" and were not seeing clearly? :o

What "key" tree are you talking about? :confused:

Jan 07 2008, 11:32 AM
just replant it,like the tree at Hunter(#4).
Furdog I don't think removing one tree is going to help you on your total score at Mohawk BLACK anyway. :o

Jan 07 2008, 11:34 AM
It sits directly in the middle and keeps you from going that way. Well it keeps most people from going that way, except Bougher, now he will only go that way.

I saw it being cut and by the time I saw it he was half way through it and it was too late. :(

With as many as we had out there, thats not too bad. We also had the basket on hole 3 damaged but that was just an accident and can be fixed at the same time we have hole 14 repaired.

Jan 07 2008, 12:08 PM
Keldog,...you should have been there. I was walking along and Regier yelled...."FURDOG LOOK OUT!!!". Next thing I know there's a big tree limb falling on my head. :(

I saw it coming but I froze like a deer in headlights. My brain said move but my feet wouldn't do anything. ....Next thing I know...."SMACK". Right on the noggen.

Seems that my DG talent has risen to the point where assasination attempts are being made on my life. I wouldn't doubt if the Arkansas "Hillbilly Mafia" had something to do with it. :D

Jan 07 2008, 02:17 PM
dang it Regier, next time be quiet :eek: we almost got to see if "moose gets the snot knocked out of him, does he crap in his own path" is a true quote. :D

Jan 07 2008, 02:30 PM
I didn't really matter...his slow arse could get out of the way.

I really felt bad because it was a big limb.

Jan 07 2008, 02:39 PM
Unlike you, who takes his crap where ever he goes, I laid out a big # 2 in your backyard before I showed up. :cool:

It's part of my new plan to " Just Do a Number Two " on all you city progress haters. :D

Jan 07 2008, 02:52 PM
I didn't really matter...his slow arse could get out of the way.

I really felt bad because it was a big limb.

Yeah....it was buddy!!!! :mad:

I should have laid on the ground and played dead and made you guys drag me out of there for Lifeflight to pick me up. My neck is starting to hurt and my vision is blurry. :(

My lawyer, Jackie Chiles, will be contacting you soon. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 07 2008, 05:32 PM
� a big DITTO on All-Those-Thanks � for ALL those Efforts , and ALL that Help �
� WhattaCrew ! ! ! ...
� heavy-duty power Everywhere � from the big ol� tractors and operators rumblin� around ; to all the �mobile chainsaws� buzzin� and squawlin� � ENORMOUS headway has been made into this Course-Repair and Renovation �
� Chris Wagle on his tractor-rig � Randy Wilson on his backhoe-rig � and then THE MAN who really knows how to bring-the-Muscle : Jim Taylor � Mr.Lodge himself � along with the boss (Debbie) -and- �crackerjack� Crew of operators and drivers � these people ARE THE GREATEST ! �

Jan 07 2008, 05:59 PM
You got that right Wayne. :)

Those were some giant size Tonka toys. :D

Jan 07 2008, 09:34 PM
just replant it,like the tree at Hunter(#4).
Furdog I don't think removing one tree is going to help you on your total score at Mohawk BLACK anyway. :o

Exactly :cool:

Jan 07 2008, 09:39 PM
I didn't really matter...his slow arse could get out of the way.

I really felt bad because it was a big limb.

Best thought "I am also glad we have been blessed that noone has been seriously injured. (Moose) wildlife doesnt count."
Keep trucking on Mohawk :cool:

Jan 08 2008, 10:37 AM
TDSA ROCKS! I gotta tell you, the reason we are doing a lot of the things we are doing, second course, cabins, etc is because of you. You don't mind doing things when you can see that your efforts are appreciated. I love the posts. I am thoroughly entertained by the friendly banter between friends.
The appreciation that has been clearly demonstrated by the members of TDSA is what fuels me and "THE BOSS". Furdog, we look forward to wearing tye die again. 2X here and Deb is a large. Thanks again for the overwhelming support from this group. We look forward to some great things together.

Jan 08 2008, 12:14 PM
I've got tye dye hats for the both of you too. I'll make sure they are color coordinated because when you come to Chandlerstock you have to be "tye-dye-a-fied" so you can blend into the wildlife that lives there. :cool:

I don't know if you play much but if not Chandler is the place to start climbing the ladder to greatness. There is gold on that-thar mountain despite the negative comments that are sure to follow this post from they whom seek to destroy my kingdom. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Jan 08 2008, 02:51 PM
You rule dog;
There has been an empty spot in my rotation since Standing Bear shut the gates. I just hope he opens back up soon so i can play there before the next winter storm makes the hill road too slick to drive up.

Jan 08 2008, 04:06 PM
Not sure of anyone has realized but hole 18 at Blackhawk has beed cleared by one person. He has cut and stacked all the wood and cleared all the debris. I know he has probably spent hours upon hours out there in the evenings and still managed to come out on Saturday. He also has provided all the nice trash cans on the course and is there anytime the course needs something.

Thank you James Diel!

Jan 08 2008, 04:14 PM
Thank you James. :cool:

I think a plague or a "Golden Chainsaw" award is appropriate Wise. :)

Jan 08 2008, 04:25 PM
Dang, Furdog
James is out there working his butt off - and you wish a PLAGUE on him. :confused:

Jan 08 2008, 04:26 PM
Nice work, James!!!!!!!!

Jan 08 2008, 04:27 PM
I don't give out awards anymore.

All I give out is Crap! Just ask the guys I play golf with.
You should know that.

James is not the type to ask for Thanks, he just quietly gets the job done. ;)

Jan 08 2008, 04:32 PM
Dang, Furdog
James is out there working his butt off - and you wish a PLAGUE on him. :confused:

Sorry James. My bad. :confused:

Jan 09 2008, 03:07 PM
Dang you Dog, I think your curse worked. I spent the last 24 hours as sick as I have been in a loooong time....... It's a good thing I am not vindictive, or I would wish it double upon you.

Jan 09 2008, 04:50 PM
Sorry James. Maybe you should go to the vet and get a shot. It works for me. ;)

Jan 09 2008, 10:21 PM
So... Any takers on trying to do some more work this coming sat. I still have the tractor to push limbs but i need extra set of eyes and some plp to run chainsaws.

Jan 09 2008, 11:28 PM
... I'll be there , Mr.Wagle ... we'll make s'more progress on BlackHawk ... about 10am ... see ya there ... :cool:

Big Easy
Jan 12 2008, 11:17 AM
Chris I have a few things to take care of at home.
I will be there as soon as I can.
Somewhere between 10 and 11
It looks like next weekend weather may be Questionable
Sooo..... this weekend will probably be better than the next.
See Ya there.
D.P. :D

Big Easy
Jan 19 2008, 02:12 AM
Whos workin @ Mohawk this Saturday?
and not going to arcadia ice bowl ?
D.P. :D

Jan 19 2008, 03:57 AM
... :( , and a few others ...

Jan 19 2008, 10:31 AM

Big Easy
Jan 19 2008, 11:18 AM
It will be a bundle up day but I will be there.
Could be a good pre pre ice bowl warm up
Maybe in the afternoon sometime.
Maybe .....
I wonder how many people there are who would normally post here that...
haven't renewed their pdga membership this year ???
Seems more quiet recently. :(
D.P. :D

Big Easy
Jan 20 2008, 12:41 AM
Thanks to those who braved the cold and worked today.
We cleared the majority of #15.
1 Chainsaw and 5 people.
Whole course is playable.
Off the fairway is extra punishing in spots now.
just stay in the fairway /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Anyway it is what it is...
D.P. :D

Jan 20 2008, 02:06 PM
It will be a bundle up day but I will be there.
Could be a good pre pre ice bowl warm up
Maybe in the afternoon sometime.
Maybe .....
I wonder how many people there are who would normally post here that...
haven't renewed their pdga membership this year ??? ... unfortunately for members who are "non-current" , the PDGA will make that "message board refresh" in mid-February ... :confused:
Seems more quiet recently. :(
D.P. :D

Jan 20 2008, 02:10 PM
Thanks to those who braved the cold and worked today.
We cleared the majority of #15.
1 Chainsaw and 5 people.
Whole course is playable.
Off the fairway is extra punishing in spots now.
just stay in the fairway /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Anyway it is what it is...
D.P. :D

... thanks for the work Dale ... also : Brad HOI , Michael Treat , Andrew Treat ... BlackHawk is looking much better ...

Jan 20 2008, 06:33 PM
Sweet guys, May 2008 is not far. It is punishing cold, up 6hrs north of you boys. Love that course. BH, one of a kind.

DP see you at the NT. Make sure you practice.


Big Easy
Jan 20 2008, 07:38 PM
Sweet guys, May 2008 is not far. It is punishing cold, up 6hrs north of you boys. Love that course. BH, one of a kind.

DP see you at the NT. Make sure you practice.


Looking forward to the NT event here.
One thing is for sure...
Course will tell if I am ready or not.
See you there.
D.P. :D

Apr 25 2008, 01:25 AM
I assume we are still having a Mohawk work day despite all the rain we had. I guess we can work on clearing Redhawk if Black is submerged under water.
When shall the festivities begin this Saturday?

Apr 25 2008, 10:52 AM
I will bring my waders to the work day. If we had some motor muscle we can pull the junk out of the water. Maybe Juby's 4 wheeler could help out with this. I can tie them off, then we can pull them out, and get rid of it.
I think roping that area OB still might be the best bet for the GTO.

Ooops, just saw that the schedule said redhawk /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Apr 25 2008, 11:36 AM
... copied over from the Tulsa Mini-Schedule for Saturday Apr. 26 ...

Sat. Apr. 26 �Mohawk ROCK�
Cleaning-up � Beverages � Disc-Golf Action
Bring your Gloves � your Thirst � your Golf-Discs
There is still necessary limb-and-debris removal , mostly on RedHawk .
ANY POWER-Equipment would be helpful .
In order to knock-out the last few things, WE are the KEY.
If you read this schedule, YOU should be part-of-the-process.
� 10:00am till early-afternoon = Course Beautification �
Depending on turnout and revival-results , there will be a late-afternoon mini-type-tourney � starting no later than 4:00pm.
� Side-Bets , Bag-Tag challenges , Mullies to use �
3 FREE Mulligans to all workers who help drag the limbs off RedHawk.
Course Karma to be had. Some GTO discs for sale.


Apr 25 2008, 01:16 PM
I wonder what the chances are that we could get a shredder for tomorrow?

...random thoughts on a Friday /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Apr 25 2008, 01:17 PM
GTO disc?

What does the stamp look like Wayne?

Apr 25 2008, 01:30 PM
it has a G and a T and an O on it :p

Apr 25 2008, 02:03 PM
You sure have a grasp on those three letter words.

If you ever want to learn any four letter words give me a call. :D

Apr 25 2008, 05:38 PM
� I have some good notes and positive-instructions from those who keep their �wise-eyes� on those Courses at Mohawk � our primary focus needs to be on the BlackHawk Course � spreading out those mulch piles � removing debris or other new downed-limbs (windy lately) � and mostly, fixin�-up and pickin�-up ANYWHERE that may have Mowers coming thru soon � Hole 18 � Hole 4 � Hole 5 � ANYWHERE-that-has-grass needs to have sticks and such picked-up and removed to create an express cutting for mowers and tractors � IF any weed-eaters are out , we could be trimming around baskets, tees, etc. � RedHawk has been improved lately , and will see more City crews reviving that area in the weeks ahead � so, we need to heed the call � Attack the Black , where inspectors and supervisors eyes do not readily see these problems � and if their Mowing crews are hitting sticks-n-such ; they�ll retreat out to other areas � we gotta do our part , and get them smooth � please � see ya tomorrow �

May 07 2008, 12:17 PM
Why doesn't the club pay to rent a chipper, a pole saw, and a large mower to get the course ready for the GTO?

Treat and I have volunteered to work on thursday and friday.

May 07 2008, 01:24 PM

Chipper $16- per day or $650 per week (would need for the week)
Commercial weed eaters $35 per day x 2 (will need min of two days mabye more)
Pole chainsaw about $40 - $45 per day, I think. (would need for at least one day)
Commercial mowers around $150 per day x 2 ( would need for at least two days)

Lets see........... About $1,500 should do it.

I understand everyone's frustration, I'm right there with you. But it is what it is and we will try to get it done. I thought we were going to be able to get a bobcat with a grappler bucket on it but Zooc is out sick and he is our ticket on that one. If we had one, we could move some very unsightly wood piles to other locations.

Right now, I think our efforts are best spent getting every area that comes into play cut and cleared. As for the areas that have standing water, we will have to live with it.

If we can get the course ready for the mowers next Tuesday, then on Wed and Thurs we can get mulch around every tee and wet basket areas. That will help a lot. Nothing worse that placing a nice upshot next to a basket with mud around it or having to stand around on a muddy tee area.

We will have to bust some arse next week in the eveings but we can get it done. I will talk to Zooc about having the mulch brought in. We will need 4x4 vehicles with a flat bed trailer or a 4x4 truck to haul the mulch around the course. If we can get all the tee areas and basket areas cut and cleaned up this week and this weekend, then just maybe we can start mulching everything on Monday.

I encourage all to skip your local mini next week and come out and help get it done. We need bodies and equipment. (weed eaters and mowers)

We will work on the course this Thurs and Friday, regardless of this rain and I will post a list of the most important areas in case anyone will be around on Sat and Sun and want to work on the course.


May 08 2008, 02:25 AM

Chipper $16- per day or $650 per week (would need for the week) <font color="red">Probably not gonna happen, especially with evening only work days next week. </font>
Commercial weed eaters $35 per day x 2 (will need min of two days mabye more) <font color="red"> Peeing in the wind, don't wast the time or money! </font>
Pole chainsaw about $40 - $45 per day, I think. (would need for at least one day) <font color="red"> This is an absolute must. Its really only needed on about 5 holes. </font>
Commercial mowers around $150 per day x 2 ( would need for at least two days) <font color="red"> Get me a 6 footer and I will mow all that we need in 2/3 a day...the city is scheduled to mow it on Wednesday right. </font>

Lets see........... About $1,500 should do it. <font color="red"> Only if we wil get no help from the city, and all the help has to come from volunteers.</font>

I talked to a club admin the other day who seems to think the club has plenty of money to allocate to this project, so lets make it happen.

Lets get real here, spend about 250, get me a pole saw and a 6 foot mower for Friday. Spend your evening work days next week spreading mulch on holes <font color="black"> 1,3,5,12,13,18 </font> and <font color="red"> 9,10,11 </font>, and clearing out limb piles, rope off the impromptu creek on the back nine as O.B., and have the event. That's probably about as good as its going to get.

May 08 2008, 09:10 AM
If it will help, I will bring some equipment down to Mohawk the first of the week to help where we can. I have pumps, generators, if the backhoe will help we can bring it. We can talk about it this weekend and discuss needs.

May 08 2008, 09:10 AM
Sorry jake but getting the weed eating done before the mowers is not peeeing in the wind. It is a must. With out it they won't be able to tell where to mow. It would be like last year when they only mowed two swipes and nothing else. I only have approval for those and maybe a pole saw.

May 08 2008, 09:13 AM
I'll get with you this weekend Jim.


May 08 2008, 09:53 AM
There will be a couple of guys out weeding today if anyone else wants to go help, bring your weed eater or mower.

I have rented two comercial weed eaters and one comercial pole chain saw.

May 08 2008, 12:13 PM
I have rented two comercial weed eaters and one comercial pole chain saw.

Will the pole saw be available this weekend? If not how much was it to rent? I need one for Red in order to cut five or six hangers.

May 08 2008, 12:26 PM
I have it through Friday evening and I can get it again for Sunday if needed. I rented it at the Home Depot in Owasso. I think it is around $45 per day.

May 08 2008, 12:39 PM

If you rent it til Sunday I can help cover the rental fee.

May 08 2008, 03:14 PM

Chipper $16- per day or $650 per week (would need for the week)
Commercial weed eaters $35 per day x 2 (will need min of two days mabye more)
Pole chainsaw about $40 - $45 per day, I think. (would need for at least one day)
Commercial mowers around $150 per day x 2 ( would need for at least two days)

Lets see........... About $1,500 should do it.

I understand everyone's frustration, I'm right there with you. But it is what it is and we will try to get it done. I thought we were going to be able to get a bobcat with a grappler bucket on it but Zooc is out sick and he is our ticket on that one. If we had one, we could move some very unsightly wood piles to other locations.

Right now, I think our efforts are best spent getting every area that comes into play cut and cleared. As for the areas that have standing water, we will have to live with it.

If we can get the course ready for the mowers next Tuesday, then on Wed and Thurs we can get mulch around every tee and wet basket areas. That will help a lot. Nothing worse that placing a nice upshot next to a basket with mud around it or having to stand around on a muddy tee area.

We will have to bust some arse next week in the eveings but we can get it done. I will talk to Zooc about having the mulch brought in. We will need 4x4 vehicles with a flat bed trailer or a 4x4 truck to haul the mulch around the course. If we can get all the tee areas and basket areas cut and cleaned up this week and this weekend, then just maybe we can start mulching everything on Monday.

I encourage all to skip your local mini next week and come out and help get it done. We need bodies and equipment. (weed eaters and mowers)

We will work on the course this Thurs and Friday, regardless of this rain and I will post a list of the most important areas in case anyone will be around on Sat and Sun and want to work on the course.


I think it has statred to work dave, after we spoke I talked to my higher poweras and as you informed me today , our contractor lot maint. was out there doing :D/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :cool:some stuff.. City has been busy , but now we are getting some action. thanks for being persistant with me as well. Now as for furbutt!! he should lick the mud from under your feet and kiss my azzzzz.. Oh, and 90% of kudos to TULSADISCSPORTSASSOCIATION for being such a Rockin club..

May 08 2008, 08:14 PM
How much work does Mohawk need to be ready? I have a Skag mower, brush hog, backhoe and weedeaters(need operators, I can bring a crew and do some damage. We can plan it out this weekend at THE LODGE JAM!!!

May 08 2008, 08:57 PM
How much work does Mohawk need to be ready? I have a Skag mower, brush hog, backhoe and weedeaters(need operators, I can bring a crew and do some damage. We can plan it out this weekend at THE LODGE JAM!!!

Get ready for a lot of "thanks you's" Jim......because they are a comin'.

Everybody who has enjoyed this course since the ice storm needs to give a big thank you to Jim and Debbie...

Without them this last second rush might not be possible...

May 08 2008, 10:41 PM
WiFi, (inside joke,on me), I see such potential in this sport, Debbie and I are just proud to be a part of a sport that I think is about to explode. My goals are to take this thing to the next level and get some serious money involved. Once I get passed my financial losses for nearly 15 years, I intend to put some serious money up make the rest of the country pony up or step aside.

May 08 2008, 10:51 PM
WiFi, (inside joke,on me), I see such potential in this sport, Debbie and I are just proud to be a part of a sport that I think is about to explode. My goals are to take this thing to the next level and get some serious money involved. Once I get passed my financial losses for nearly 15 years, I intend to put some serious money up make the rest of the country pony up or step aside.

thats phkin awesome :cool:

May 08 2008, 10:51 PM
Hey Andrew, not sure how it was meant but did zooc just tell everybody to not go anywhere but Mohawk this weekend?

May 08 2008, 11:06 PM
$16 per day or $650 PER WEEK? Most rental companies I have had to deal with charge you for four days and give you the fifth day. $16 per day X 4 = $64

May 09 2008, 12:12 AM
hey Jim they missed the 0 it is supposed to be 160 a day

oh and good job by the way if you need any help out at the lodge I am in const. and painting

Thanks in advance and can't wait till this weekend!!!

May 09 2008, 01:32 AM
Hey Andrew, not sure how it was meant but did zooc just tell everybody to not go anywhere but Mohawk this weekend?

No, I don't see that, I saw Wise post this up...

We will work on the course this Thurs and Friday, regardless of this rain and I will post a list of the most important areas in case anyone will be around on Sat and Sun and want to work on the course.

I think/hope that everyone is going to come out this weekend, if not they are going to miss one heck of a little get together...

May 09 2008, 08:53 AM
Hey Red, thanks for the clarification /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif, p.s. Is that your grade school pix??? on your avatar. If so, I will look for one I have of furdog when he was still a runt. :D

May 09 2008, 08:57 AM
WiFi, (inside joke,on me), I see such potential in this sport, Debbie and I are just proud to be a part of a sport that I think is about to explode. My goals are to take this thing to the next level and get some serious money involved. Once I get passed my financial losses for nearly 15 years, I intend to put some serious money up make the rest of the country pony up or step aside.

<font color="red"> </font> When I hear them words, I am reminded of why OKLAHOMA is such a kick butt state, with great folks abound ;)

May 09 2008, 09:31 AM
My apologies, I misinterpreted your post. I am busting my chops to build a course that the TDSA can be proud of and when I thought your post was encouraging people to go elsewhere it made me step back and re-think. It is quite an effort to convert rough old Osage county hills with rock and blackjack so thick you can't even walk through it into a disc golf course that will eventually be country club cool. And I have neglected pay work to at least get the clubhouse to a point that we can use it for this weekend and then the band cost me a cool grand for saturday nite. You can see why I got excited when I thought your post was encouraging others to stay home and work Mohawk. That is why I inquired as to how much work remains at Mohawk. To ensure the success of my efforts and knowing how important having Mohawk ready is, I was/am willing to help.

May 09 2008, 09:41 AM
Its all good Jim. It was intended for some folks that I know can't make the Lodge but they can get out some on Sat and some on Sun at Mohawk. If they're not going to the lodge and they ARE staying in town, then hell yes, go out to Mohawk to work. I will try to post up a list of the most critical areas tonight for those that will be aorund this weekend.

May 09 2008, 10:28 AM
We are headed out to Mohawk again this morning with the weed eaters and chain saw. Should be there by about 9- 9:15 and be there all day.

If anyone likes to eat alligator gar there is a big one swiming on hole 3. :D

May 09 2008, 10:36 AM
i was thinking of something to do with all of the water
lets buy a bunch of gold feeder fish and just call the standing water small koi ponds

May 09 2008, 10:37 AM
We are headed out to Mohawk again this morning with the weed eaters and chain saw. Should be there by about 9- 9:15 and be there all day.

If anyone likes to eat alligator gar there is a big one swiming on hole 3. :D

One of the weirdest things I've ever seen at blackhawk :eek:

May 09 2008, 12:40 PM
I would love to make Pawhuska this weekend but I gotta save what cash I have for the NT event next weekend. $140 entry fee is a tuff one to pay knowing my chances of cashing are slim.

i'll be at mohawk most the weekend working and getting a tan. i hope to see some others there as well.

I hope everyone has a great time at the Lodge.

May 09 2008, 01:54 PM
Black Hawk is really draining fast. From yesterday to today there is a 100% difference. For those that are going to work this afternnon or this weekend. We need to weedeat Red Hawks hole 11 in the wooded are that approches the green and the trail leading to 12 tee pad. Holes 1-8 have been worked already. Need to get the back nine, all tee pads and basket areas.

For Black hawk, you will have to use your best judgement. You will see where they have been already but there were several holes that had standing water on them that will be dry Sat and Sun, so those will need tee pads and basket areas weeded also.

There is a tree blocking hole 5 on red and some big hangers on hole 8 around the basket, Zooc will have those taken care of next week. So don't worry about those.

Be carefull out there guys.

May 09 2008, 02:57 PM
We are meeting at red tonight around 4-5 to take care of those areas that wise has mentioned. Bring your persoal mowers and weedeaters. Hopefully we will complete the volunteer work on Redhawk tonight!

May 09 2008, 03:02 PM
For those of you wanting to help next week, we are planning to get some major work accomplished on Tuesday and Wednesday. Pending club approval we will be renting some more equipment and getting black comlpetely mowed up and mulch spread on all of the sink holes.

Anyone who can help on either day contact me.
Via PM
email: [email protected]
or 918.645.9132


May 10 2008, 01:15 PM
Hole 11 on red is mowed and looking good. Pretty much the rest of redhawk is up to the City, Chop down a few hangers and mow the big fairways.

I look like the weather is goin to cooperate for now. We are only going to get a few sprinkles instead of a downpour today. http://image.weather.com/web/radar/us_okc_closeradar_plus_usen.jpg

We are still planning on having work days on Tues. and Wed. For those of you with real jobs just come on out after work.

Bring any tool that you have to offer.


Let me know if you can help out.

May 11 2008, 12:47 PM
Anyone working today? I was thinking of swinging out there for a little while...

May 11 2008, 01:25 PM
THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! For getting out there and getting the course ready. From the reports I'm getting, this event is starting to sound like a train wreck of EPIC proportions but I know you guys have been busting your arses through ticks, mosquito's, ivy to get the course ready....I know for sure you guys work is very appreciated!!!!

May 11 2008, 08:55 PM
Hey Wayne,
Haven't heard from you, do you need us to show up for a work day at Mohawk?

May 12 2008, 02:06 AM
Hey Wayne,
Haven't heard from you, do you need us to show up for a work day at Mohawk?

... greetings Jim ... I wuz bummed to have to miss anything goin' on at The Lodge ... especially Twisted-Flyer produced ... ah well ... I'll be there at that next-gig-on-the-horizon ... probably sleep-over for that one too ... too much Fun ! ... as far as work-days-and-efforts a la Mohawk : yes ... from that January-day forward ; overall playability had been mega-improved (thanks-to-many including YOU) ... then came "Springtime in Oklahoma" ... in a fast-paced and most-organized manner , there are many volunteering-in to do as-much-as-possible ... there is one group-of-guys in particular who are best-appraised and knowing-what-needs out there ... (three wise men?) ...
... above-and-beyond the whole situation has been DDC ...

David Wise
Dave Zucconi
Chris Wagle
... they tell the rest of us what area they need us in ...

May 12 2008, 05:02 PM
Black Hawk is starting to look SaaaWeeeet! Another BIG thanks out to Taylor Services for the loaner of a mower and a man to operate it. HUGE donation! HUGE! Thank you.

I have been out there a few times today and lets just say it is looking real good. Holes 3,4,5,6 and 7 will be done by the time you read this post. From there its to hole 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. If he has time he will go back to hole 9 and cut between the ponds.

I am still hoping with fingers crossed that the City shows up tomorrow as promised. They need to hit Red hawk hard and we should only have a little left on Black for them to do.

We still need weed eaters to go behind where the mower has been and to hit all of the areas that were too wet to mow. Hole 5 has an area leading to the basket on the left side. Hole 7 at the first ditch. Of course the entire green area of hole 12, around the tee area of 13 and 14 and patches of 14's fairway. I will be back out there this evening around 4:30 or 5 if any one wants to come out and weed eat, I'll be glad to tell you where to go. :D

Dave Wise

May 12 2008, 05:08 PM
Once again, Jim Taylor steps up to help us out. THANK YOU JIM!!!

You are the man!! :cool:

May 12 2008, 06:54 PM
I would like to nominate Jim Taylor as the DON Godfather of NE Oklahoma Disc Golf...DUDE RULES!!!!


May 12 2008, 07:12 PM
I'll second
all in favor?

May 12 2008, 07:41 PM
I ;)

May 12 2008, 07:42 PM
I'll second
all in favor?


May 12 2008, 07:45 PM
I... like my vote counts...lol

May 12 2008, 10:01 PM

May 12 2008, 11:21 PM
Looking forward to being back in Tulsa and seeing Mohawk. You think Blackhawk has skinny fairways? Imagine weaving through the Georgia pines every weekend, it is completely different golf than back in Tulsa :D


May 13 2008, 02:07 AM

May 13 2008, 02:18 AM
I say I but like mutt mine wont count either.

May 13 2008, 02:20 AM
hey wayne i might be there wednesday in the afternoon sometime if ya need some help on anything let me know.Also on thursday.

May 13 2008, 09:28 AM
Okay, here we go for whats left to do.

We got a lot of Black mowed yesterday.

Hole 1
Nothing done, needs mowed and weed eated and it has a tree down at the front of the fairway that needs cut out of the way.

Hole 2
Needs the tee areas weed eated

Hole 3

Hole 4
Done, may need some touch up weed eating

Hole 5

Done, but needs weed eating short and left of the basket. A little standing water that needs the weeds knocked down to water level.

Hole 6
Weed eating around the trees

Hole 7

Needs some touch up weed eating left of the basket

Hole 8
Waiting on the city to mow

Hole 9
Waiting on the city to mow

Hole 10

Hole 11
Doen, needs touch up weed eating

Hole 12
Mowed all the way to about 60ft short of the basket. It was too wet to mow but can be weed eated and cleaned up going to 13 basket

Hole 13
Mowed from basket area up to the water in front of the tee pad. Need to weed eat the tee area and around the trees in the fairway

Hole 14
Mowed, need clean up weed eating

Hole 15

Has been mowed but still needs a chainsaw around the tee area and the 2 wood piles near the basket need to be moved back and out of play.

Hole 16
Done, needs touch up weed eating

Hole 17
Done, needs touch up weed eating

Hole 18

Got half of it mowed and ran out of gas. Still needs to be finished mowing and weed eated. Really needs weeded near the creakk and bridge area.

Even after what was done yesterday, I was truley amazed at how beautifull this course can still look after a wind storm and a major ice storm.

Anyone that can get out today and weed, mow or chainsaw the areas mentioned would be a HUGE help.

Thank you Jim Taylor and Taylor Services for your support. Your help and donations just never seem to stop. Thank you

May 13 2008, 09:55 AM

Any takers on work today besides Jake Regeir?

Okay, here we go for whats left to do.

We got a lot of Black mowed yesterday.

Hole 1
Nothing done, needs mowed and weed eated and it has a tree down at the front of the fairway that needs cut out of the way.

Hole 2
Needs the tee areas weed eated

Hole 3

Hole 4
Done, may need some touch up weed eating

Hole 5

Done, but needs weed eating short and left of the basket. A little standing water that needs the weeds knocked down to water level.

Hole 6
Weed eating around the trees

Hole 7

Needs some touch up weed eating left of the basket

Hole 8
Waiting on the city to mow

Hole 9
Waiting on the city to mow

Hole 10

Hole 11
Doen, needs touch up weed eating

Hole 12
Mowed all the way to about 60ft short of the basket. It was too wet to mow but can be weed eated and cleaned up going to 13 basket

Hole 13
Mowed from basket area up to the water in front of the tee pad. Need to weed eat the tee area and around the trees in the fairway

Hole 14
Mowed, need clean up weed eating

Hole 15

Has been mowed but still needs a chainsaw around the tee area and the 2 wood piles near the basket need to be moved back and out of play.

Hole 16
Done, needs touch up weed eating

Hole 17
Done, needs touch up weed eating

Hole 18

Got half of it mowed and ran out of gas. Still needs to be finished mowing and weed eated. Really needs weeded near the creakk and bridge area.

Even after what was done yesterday, I was truley amazed at how beautifull this course can still look after a wind storm and a major ice storm.

Anyone that can get out today and weed, mow or chainsaw the areas mentioned would be a HUGE help.

Thank you Jim Taylor and Taylor Services for your support. Your help and donations just never seem to stop. Thank you

May 13 2008, 10:38 AM
what time today is the crew clocking in today
let me know ill be out there soon

May 13 2008, 11:07 AM
I can be there after 6...if there are extra tools out there, I'll be willing to run 'em for a while.

May 13 2008, 01:19 PM
We need weed eaters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been able to take control :Dof the contract mowers for Mohawk. They will finish black today and will be working on Red. Once the guys on black finish they will move over to red also.

The downed tree on bh-1 has been cleared and they are moving to bh-15 to clear that ugly tee area. We need som volunteers to move the one wood pile short right of the basket to past the basket out of play, this hole needs weed eating around the green.

They are going to try and get to the downed tree on bh-10 after they finish on 15.

I have made some plans for mulch to be dropped in certain areas. If we can't get a bobcat to spread it we are going to need truck ot trailers to get it to the spots and then spread out. We will need people for that one.
I would like to keep concentrating on the mowing and weeding and clean up, then hit it hard on Friday with the mulch. We can do this we just need some help.

If anyone has some time and a weed eater come on out and work on BH. No real tick problems as it has all been mowed, we just need some clean up around the trees and wet areas.

Thanks to everyone that has or will be able to help.

May 13 2008, 01:43 PM
I am leaving right now, I know that Jay Slack is already there.

May 13 2008, 04:46 PM
2 is done
17 is done
16 is done
15 is done

May 13 2008, 05:53 PM
That's great news Slack, thx for helping the cause.

i'm off work in an hour so i'll be there shortly. i talked to jake he is still out there working. in case none of you have noticed Jake is putting in a lot of his personal time on the course which he usually spends at home with his two little girls. dude works long hours and deserves a solid thank you from all of us. wise deserves some props as well. if anyone has put in as much time as these two you deserve props too.

May 13 2008, 11:29 PM

May 13 2008, 11:41 PM
Definately can't forget ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC!!!! Thanks Zooc!! Just left blackhawk and it is shaping up for sure!!

4 and 5 look good.
6 is done.
7 is done.

Thanks to Wagle, Jake, Wise, T&amp;T, Penny, and everybody else that just gets out there and does what they can to contribute to very daunting task of trying to get these courses ready to play.

May 13 2008, 11:47 PM

Hey Nic...The Borg wants in on some Pokah tomorrow night...

May 14 2008, 12:12 AM
Tell him to BRING IT!!! His money spends just like our mortal money :D

May 14 2008, 01:16 AM
I will be out there again all day on Wednesday. I will have extra equipment for those of you who come out to help.

Give me a call if you want in.


May 14 2008, 10:50 AM
I will have two 1 ton trucks delivering mulch this monring. Evreyone come on out this afternoon and lets get this stuff in the low areas.

May 14 2008, 12:46 PM

Dave has asked that as many people as possible come to Mohawk and bring a rake or pitch fork. The mulch is there and needs spread.

Specific holes are:

Blackhawk 3 &amp; 5
Redhawk 10

Thanks in advance for anyone that can make it...

May 14 2008, 01:00 PM
We only need people to spread it. We don't have to load or unload it to the needed locations, it has already been dumped at the proper areas. We just need people to spread it out. ;)

Please help.

I honestly didn't think we could get this far along and mulch was my last goal. Its there!
One more full day of work out there today, all day long and this evening and we will be done with the hawks!

Well, I should back up a little, not sure if we are ever actually done out there but the course is looking beautifull again and we are ready for players. :D

May 14 2008, 01:50 PM
sweet i will just come out and play today
and watch the workers
see you soon

May 14 2008, 03:53 PM
It sure is overcast outside...please keep the rain away, PLEEEEEAAAAAASE!!!

I'm headed out there now with a wheel barrel in order to spread as much mulch as possible.

Bring yo arses out there if you can!

May 14 2008, 04:37 PM
We need people to help with the mulch. Hole 5 is almost done. There is a little on BH 3 and by BH 2's basket. After that they have provided mulch near RH 10's basket. It isn't currently wet but may be and I want to get it around that area as soon as possible in case it rains tonight. Anyone that wants to weed eat, go to BH 12.

That should about do it for me folks. As of 4:30 I'm done for the week and I'm going to throw my first round since Pawhuska.

May 14 2008, 05:37 PM
nice work dave