Jan 05 2008, 11:06 PM
I have noticed that this message board seems to be absolutely rabid with bugs. No ... not insects ... but software defects that just about make this board UNUSABLE!

I am going to AssUMe that these bugs can be resolved by a knowledgeable system administrator so I figure if we list them here, then someone might fix them.

Out right Software Defects:

1) When I am logged in as a user, then I can not press Home -> PDGA Affiliate Clubs -> Maryland Nomads.
I have noticed that when I am logged out, then I can reach that link ... something is broken.

2) Something causes links to be temporarily unreachable, and it requires the reader to press the back button, and then retry the button several times before a link is processed correctly.
a) Quite honestly, this bug baffles and frustrates the heck out of me. I can not figure out what is going on with this site that would cause this.
b) The most frustrating problem with this is that SOMETIMES the links are never reachable, and SOMETIMES after 3 or 4 retries then you get through and get the information you want.

3) If you login to two seperate browser windows, then the board becomes totally confused!
a) I had one browser open, and was trying to post a reply to a message. I opened another browser to look up some other information, and logged in again to the board.
b) When I tried to post the message, it complained that the message had some unfilled dialog information. The real issue was that the window seemed to have lost its full login credentials. However, when I pressed login, it said I was logged in.
c) Then with two browsers still logged in ... I got "this form is no longer valid" ... then I pressed back and resubmitted, and it was ok???

Software features we really need:
1) This site is very slow!!! It either needs a better host, more bandwidth, or an east/west coast mirror.

2) Can we make "New To Me" configurable so that only certain Topics/Sub Topics are included? Currently, this feature is not really usable because you get more groups that you do not care about then groups that you do care about.

Jan 05 2008, 11:33 PM
re #3, that is because it relies on cookies as part of the user identity tracking. two windows writing the same cookie hoses it pretty quickly, as you have seen.

Jan 06 2008, 12:21 AM
slow, yes. These "bugs" don't seem to be happening at all for me... you might want to try a better browser or at least update yours.

this board is far from awesome, but I have been using it for years and never experienced any of the problems you've listed :(

Jan 06 2008, 12:51 AM
slow, yes. These "bugs" don't seem to be happening at all for me... you might want to try a better browser or at least update yours.

this board is far from awesome, but I have been using it for years and never experienced any of the problems you've listed :(

Same here.

Jan 06 2008, 01:21 AM
We currently have three servers that perform various functions housed at a facility in Las Vegas. Those servers are of varying capacity and functionality and have been around the block a few times. We are in the process of kicking the tires on a new server to replace one of the older servers, but I�m not sure of the exact timeline of this. It will probably come online with the new website that we are developing (hopefully sometime early next year). As most of the current budget for IT related items is focused on the new website design and implementation, we have limited resources that we can throw at hardware for the time being. Also, with our current hosting agreement, it�s not as simple as just spending $4,000 for a new server. It�s more of a monthly charge.

Currently I am working on a new server for the PDGA office that will allow our staff to work more efficiently and become more productive in performing the many projects that are on their plate. I also hope that it will help to streamline the process of our fulfillment of new and renewing memberships and automate some of the repetitive tasks that they now complete manually.

I will be installing the server software this weekend. (If anyone knows anything about how to configure ISA server in conjunction with a SBS2003 installation, please contact me.) Wish me good luck.

If you have any other related PDGA IT questions, please feel free to contact me.


Todd Andrews
PDGA # 13590
PDGA Board of Directors
PDGA Disciplinary Committee, Board Liaison
PDGA IT Committee, Board Liaison
Oregon Series Coordinator

Mar 06 2008, 12:22 PM
This time it was not with the message board, yet rather with the new registration servers.

So I tried to register for the Patapsco Punisher via the new online registration services offered by the PDGA. This service seems like a great idea, so I though I would offer my experience with the bugs in the process ...

1) I forgot that the PDGA message board password and the PDGA store password were different, so I was had to ask for the store password to be sent to me via email :o. I suspect that the PDGA uses the relatively obscure "IP over carrier pigeon" (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2549.txt) because it took over 5 minutes for the email to reach me. At this point ... I am just hoping the SSL session does not time out ...

2) I decide to change the password immediately ... recongnizing the serious security flaws in POP email delivery so I go to "http://www.pdgastore.com/" and change the password. I then try to complete the transaction which is still in the Cart ... however, the login continues to fail :confused:.

2) At this point I notive that the tournament logins are at "http://www.pdgasignup.com" and therefore I am assuming there is a data base synchronization issue with "http://www.pdgastore.com/".

3) I try the old password, but that does not work either ... I only get "We cannot find your information using the email address and password you specified. Please try a different email address / password combination"

4) At this point I realize I am still logged into the store, and remembering the previous problems with the PDGA site, and multiple logins, I try to logout of the store and close the browser, but alias ... I still can not complete my registration for the Punisher. I know the password is correct, because I can log into the store, but I can not complete my registration.

I will try again tomorrow ...

Mar 06 2008, 08:08 PM
I figured this out after a couple of more tries ....

It seems that the PDGA tournament signup is not in any way linked to the PDGA Pro Shop!

So you get your Message Board account, your Pro Shop account, and an account to register for PDGA events ... very convenient.

Is that to make me feel like I am getting my money out of my membership fee?

Mar 26 2008, 02:33 PM
Does anyone have any ideas what happend to the Tulsa thread? It was there this morning with all 600+ topics and 45K+ posts and now its like it never existed. :confused:

Mar 26 2008, 02:38 PM
Yeah what is up????

Mar 26 2008, 02:41 PM
I was wondering the same thing.

Mar 26 2008, 02:49 PM
They removed us, saying we didn't pay. No warning, no nothing. :mad: We have provided proof of payment and proof of of the check clearing the bank, from last Novemeber. :o

This is such a load of crap. :mad:

The largest affiliate thread, one of the most active affiliate threads, one of the more active Pro-PDGA clubs around. Am World's host for 06, NT host for May 08 and they pull this crap.

A simple matter of a phone call or email prior to the termination of thread would have been the least they could have done, especially since we paid and have paid early every year it has been available. :mad:

Who ever is working on this project should spend their time helping with memebrships that are behind. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Mar 26 2008, 02:59 PM
are you really that surprised? isn't that the way the pDGA does everything?

Mar 26 2008, 03:06 PM
Perhaps the server suffered some tornado damage near the Tulsa thread...

Mar 26 2008, 03:09 PM
I think it was less of a tornado and more of a brain fart. :p

Mar 26 2008, 03:28 PM
I would think they would have contacted us...

The board is back up now, but if that content would have been lost there would have been some PO'ed people around Okieville...

I would have been.

I have several patents pertaining to my intellectual property that are permanently stored here and the destruction of that information is covered under Federal Law.

The PDGA has to technically keep them for seven years or until I die! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :D

Mar 26 2008, 03:28 PM
The Raleigh one is missing too.

Mar 26 2008, 03:49 PM
FYI, the PDGA Office handles renewals and Affiliate Club sections. The moderators have nothing to do with it and cannot alter the layout of the PDGA DISCussion Board. I've been courteous and have politely responded to multiple PMs inquiring about such, but please direct these inquiries to the PDGA Office. Thank you.

Mar 27 2008, 12:41 AM
Ours was a slight mishap in the books on the PDGA side as far as Club renewals go (we were in too early), we were only down for an hour or so.

Looks like Raleigh needs to pay the bill! :o

Mar 27 2008, 11:45 AM

Yes - the Tulsa club DID renew! - that was my bad - sorry for any inconvenience (it was down for an hour or two).

The 2nd year of the program we kept the threads up of non-renewing clubs but understandably, we got flack from the renewing clubs for keeping threads for the non - renewing clubs active into the next year. Consequently we set up the policy of keeping those threads up for only two months into the new year.

Notice for the 2008 ACP renewal went out to all the clubs on the list and program info is posted up at the Affiliate Club pages at PDGA.com. I apologize to any clubs that did not get a 2008 ACP renewal notice from me. (In a few cases the email that I have is no longer good). Please kick me an email at [email protected] if you need any more info or have any problems or questions about the ACP. The threads are deactivated and can be turned back on if any of the clubs want to renew for 2008.

Thanks, Cliff Towne
[email protected]

Mar 27 2008, 04:07 PM
Thank you Cliff!

We appreciate the QUICK re-activation. :D