Jan 08 2008, 06:36 PM
Jan 08 2008, 06:41 PM
If you want to play cometitive, then yes.
If that doesn't interest you then I don't see how you'd get anything from it.
Jan 08 2008, 06:42 PM
Membership dues are too high, imo.
Jan 08 2008, 06:42 PM
What kind of poll only allows 3 votes?
Jan 08 2008, 06:44 PM
If you want to play cometitive , then yes.
What does <font color="red">cometitive </font> mean??? :confused:
Jan 08 2008, 06:45 PM
What kind of poll only allows 3 votes?
oops. should have put three NO's up there :D
Jan 08 2008, 06:53 PM
For a Pro memebership it is less than .18 cents per day, with out the magazine, with the magizine it is about .20 cents per day.
If you play in the local minis and only play 3 per month on the weekends, then you are spending about $290 per year or .79 cents per day on average.
If you play 6 minis per month and thats not a lot. Look around at those you see at about every mini, I'm included in that number. The people playing only 6 per month are spending close to $600 per year. Those like myself that play on average 3 per week spend close to $1,200 per year. :o
So depending on what you are comparing it to, a $75 annual membership fee isn't too bad.
It gives me tournamnets, ratings, this board and a way to meet friends all over the the region.
Jan 08 2008, 06:55 PM
If you want to play cometitive , then yes.
What does <font color="red">cometitive </font> mean??? :confused:
its like wanting to award someone a PLAGUE for their services. :o
Jan 08 2008, 06:59 PM
Class of 78 buddy. Obviously Diel finished higher than you or I. At least I spelled my word correctly. :p ;)
Jan 08 2008, 07:04 PM
But it was used incorrectly, you still fail.
I'm not to sure anyone finished HIGHER than you. :D
Jan 08 2008, 07:06 PM
I don't care to see my tournaments, points or ratings anymore. It's not worth $75 to me. the best part about the $75 renewal fee is this board, and it's still not worth $75. At least to me anyway.
Jan 08 2008, 07:11 PM
I'm not to sure anyone finished HIGHER than you. :D
Jan 08 2008, 07:25 PM
I don't care to see my tournaments, points or ratings anymore. It's not worth $75 to me. the best part about the $75 renewal fee is this board, and it's still not worth $75. At least to me anyway.
I can only assume from the poll you haven't renewed yet and it sounds like you may not. If that is the case the board for you will just go away. You can always come back and read it but how bad will it bother you that you can't post?
personally Mike, I think I get more from this board and the people I meet here than I get from some of the PDGA tournamnets that I do play in. Stop and think back how many people and friends around the country that you have now, that you wouldn't have, had you never been a member. And how many may you miss in the future by not being a member.
I know its only $75 and that can seem like a million if you don't have it but how many $75's have you and I wasted on things that will never give you anything back?
And the $75 is if you take the magazine, if not its $65 and if you do it through the club its only $60.
If you use the $20 profit you made at skins, now its only $40. ;) Now, if you apply the $152 profit you made in the Thanksgiving skins, you would have a new membership with $112 left over. :D
See how easy that was. :D
Jan 08 2008, 07:29 PM
Good post, Dave...point well taken.
i'll probably end up renewing even though it's too much.
Jan 08 2008, 10:06 PM
just wait till your payin for a kid(s) to be a member on top of your own /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif.
nice post dave :cool:
Jan 08 2008, 10:59 PM
I can tell you this, a lot of pros out there who are paying their $75 renewal fee will not make that much playing disc golf this year. I don't feel you get $75 worth of perks for being a professional PDGA member. Minus the magazine (6 issues) your renewal fee is more of a donation.
Jan 08 2008, 11:00 PM
just wait till your payin for a kid(s) to be a member on top of your own /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif.
nice post dave :cool:
Ouch...at least Blake is not playing pro yet :o
Jan 09 2008, 10:16 AM
Why did you take the Pro cash in the first place if you knew then you would probably never cash enough to pay for your Pro membership? :confused:
You could have stayed Am and gone into business with Hutch selling plastic in parking lots. :D
Jan 09 2008, 10:54 AM
I win enough on side bets to pay for my membership. ;)
If I had stayed Am, you would just be comparing me to Mitchell. :o I'll continue to bring up the rear in pro instead of being Am for life. :D
You just need to concentrate on getting your rating above 850. :D
Jan 09 2008, 11:11 AM
Why?....New divisions are in affect.
= Novice 850 and under.
I can play Nov for life now. I noticed Evan is rated above 850 now so he's a Rec player. I'm going to need odds now if you want to gamble because his rating is higher than mine. :confused:
Come on "Pony" boy. Step up to the plate and put your money where your pacifier is. :o:D
By the way, I still compare you to Mitchell. ;)
Jan 09 2008, 11:50 AM
Well get ready for a let down. A lot of events will not offer Novice any longer. Example the North Texas Series.
You are now just labled as an enthusiast.
I do step up, now I think its time for you to step to the plate and put your game where your mouth is. :o
Jan 09 2008, 12:35 PM
I don't care about Texas and how long has it been since I played nov in a tournament?...All I was saying is that I could if I wanted to by the current PDGA standards.
You need to remember that you are not the role model I want to model my life after. I would rather continue to be someone whom nobody has expections of, than someone who consistantly fails to meet everyone's expectations. :D
When I make a great shot, it's a miracle and God was watching over me. :cool:
When you make a great shot, it's expected.
When I miss an easy putt, I can still laugh and have fun. :cool:
When you miss an easy putt, you curse God, kick your bag, and in some situations quit and walk off the course. :o
I remember the first Glide I went to and Wayne was telling all of us to be carefull around the "Pros" because some of them take this soooo seriously and they are looking to blame their crappy game on anyone one else but themselves.
You're not that way but sometimes you take it so serious that it's uncomfortable to be around you when your trimming the tree bark. :o:D....
I'm sorry son but your Daddy is a vodka drinking bum named Furdog whom just wants to have fun. I'm sorry I wasn't around back then to teach you basic values. :D
Jan 09 2008, 01:19 PM
and if I wanted I could play Adv Am. according to the PDGA, even though I have taken money, as long as my rating is below 950, I think, then I can still play Am.
At least I stuck by my word and after Am Worlds, went to Pro only, well Pro Master anyhow.
How many others do you know that have said after this year, or after Worlds or after the next tournament its Pro for me? and yet they still hang around Am for life.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying being an Am is a bad thing but when they're good enough to make a run at it and refuse to do so, just so they can continue to build their plastic stock piles, then its BS! :mad:
I'm not referring to you, I know the only plastic stock pile you have built is when you buy them from Joe on the 180 day payment plan. :o:D
Jan 09 2008, 01:26 PM
So the end result of this is that we pay for a national / world organization to lay the foundation of respectability for us and the sport we play.
Without the PDGA or some other governing body we would have no chance of ever getting Disc Golf classified as a sport.
From some of the courses that we have played, we know that there is a sport side to our plastic throwing in the park, we even get broken bones every once in a while doing what we do, so we play DISC GOLF not Frisbee golf.
As to value, well this year marks the start of the $10.00 per event non member fees and they no longer credit you for more than just the event you pay into.
Break that down and you get dinged for GCD, 6 times for Spring Fling, GTO, the Glide, The Hill Climber plus any other events that you frequent and the price tag for non member status gets pretty steep, over $100.00 just on the events listed. and there are a slew more that most of us play in or want to play in, oh and then there is the KC Worlds in 2009 that you might want points for (given only to members) so in spite of the price increase (which I hate too) we still get something even if it is a discount for sanctioned events.
I will withhold judgment on the Mag. until I have seen the new one, as the old one was not much interest to me.
Jan 09 2008, 01:35 PM
Hey buddy.
I pay my credit card balance in full at the end of each month. That is the only reason I questioned that deal with Joe. I don't like to owe anyone. That thing caught me off guard and I'm going to ask for a receipt from now on. ....
I understand what you're saying about baggin ams but DG is kind of a "poor man's" sport so some people either don't want to pay the extra cash, or maybe don't want to deal with some of the individuals that may be in the next step up the ladder.
I'm sure some of them have the mentallity that if I can get something for nothing then I'm going to do it.
I still think if you Pro's want more money than you should raise you're own stakes instead of looking to subsidize off the Ams. But then again, some of those Ams should quit subsidizing their stock of plastic off the ones that have none. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jan 09 2008, 03:09 PM
Gee Dog I get my plastic the old fashioned way, ;) I buy it at events. :D
I seldom win and if I do the prize plastic usually goes to the kid, after all when was the last time they awarded a grand master 150 class plastic so my week arm could even throw it. :D
Jan 09 2008, 05:54 PM
oh and then there is the KC Worlds in 2009 that you might want points for (given only to members) so in spite of the price increase (which I hate too) we still get something even if it is a discount for sanctioned events.
Pro Worlds is the only reason I will renew this year.
Jan 10 2008, 11:25 AM
oh and then there is the KC Worlds in 2009 that you might want points for (given only to members) so in spite of the price increase (which I hate too) we still get something even if it is a discount for sanctioned events.
Pro Worlds is the only reason I will renew this year.
Whatever...you can't stay off of the boards is why you will renew this year. :eek:
Jan 10 2008, 11:37 AM
The only reason I can think of not to renew the the fact that there are all of these **** complainers in this sport crying about the PDGA and what they do.
For example:
Membership dues
dress code
magazine option
IDGC location
expert division
enforcing the rules
am baggers
For me, my annual membership dues are a small price to pay to support the sport that we all love and enjoy.
Jan 10 2008, 11:59 AM
For what it's worth, I think the Twoputt/Furdog show is well worth the price of the entertainment. Where else can you get this quality of entertainment for countless hours on end with interactive capabilities for this kind of money?
Jan 10 2008, 12:15 PM
Thanks Jim but in the future when referring to the TDSA comedy team please remember to put my name first because ultimately I should get top billing because I put a lot more thought and depth into my posts. ;)
Twoputt is just riding my coat tails in search fame and any nickel or dime that happens to fall out of my pockets. :D
Jan 10 2008, 12:17 PM
well keep your pants up while your in front of twoputt and your change might stay in your pockets ;)
Jan 10 2008, 12:53 PM
Might! :D
Jan 10 2008, 01:06 PM
I am the Star. You are the mole on the backside of my success. :D
Jan 10 2008, 02:11 PM
See what I mean. Good Stuff. You guys should work up an act and be the opening act of our bar and grill when (if) we ever get it finished.
Jan 10 2008, 02:30 PM
Check out some of the benefits of annual membership in the PDGA:
� Current members can compete in all levels of PDGA Tour events, and earn points towards invitations to the annual PDGA World Championships
� Gain a cool player rating based on your performance at PDGA tour events. Check your own personal stats pages at www.pdga.com (http://www.pdga.com)
� Subscriptions to Flying Disc Magazine and PDGA email newsletters
� Participate in the members only Tulsa Thread FurDog/Two Putt Show on the Disc-ussion Board at www.pdga.com (http://www.pdga.com), sure to amuse and entertain!
� Member discounts on merchandise through www.pdgastore.com (http://www.pdgastore.com)
� Support and promote the growth of the sport around the world!
Don�t let our name fool you - the PDGA is a professional association for disc golf players of all ages and skill levels.
The PDGA needs you, thanks for your support�
Remember�YOU are the PDGA!
Jan 10 2008, 07:24 PM
oh and then there is the KC Worlds in 2009 that you might want points for (given only to members) so in spite of the price increase (which I hate too) we still get something even if it is a discount for sanctioned events.
Pro Worlds is the only reason I will renew this year.
Whatever...you can't stay off of the boards is why you will renew this year. :eek:
This board is not worth $75, stop trying to be a hard arse you knucklehead.
My annual APA (american pool players association) dues are $20 a year. You get a shirt (sometimes collared), magazine subscription, discounted equipment, stickers, patches and if your team wins the city tournament the APA will pay your way to vegas in order to compete in the world championships. They also keep track of your player rating and win/loss record, all available online to view. Oh, and there is a FREE APA message board and you don't have to be a member to post on it.
And what do we get for a $75 annual membership fee? A few magazines and a pay to post message board. What a joke. I'll end up giving in and paying my dues but it really is too bad we don't get more bang for our buck.
Jan 10 2008, 09:16 PM
oh and then there is the KC Worlds in 2009 that you might want points for (given only to members) so in spite of the price increase (which I hate too) we still get something even if it is a discount for sanctioned events.
Pro Worlds is the only reason I will renew this year.
Whatever...you can't stay off of the boards is why you will renew this year. :eek:
This board is not worth $75, stop trying to be a hard arse you knucklehead.
My annual APA (american pool players association) dues are $20 a year. You get a shirt (sometimes collared), magazine subscription, discounted equipment, stickers, patches and if your team wins the city tournament the APA will pay your way to vegas in order to compete in the world championships. They also keep track of your player rating and win/loss record, all available online to view. Oh, and there is a FREE APA message board and you don't have to be a member to post on it.
And what do we get for a $75 annual membership fee? A few magazines and a pay to post message board. What a joke. I'll end up giving in and paying my dues but it really is too bad we don't get more bang for our buck.
Remember that $75 allows you to play A-tiers. That is the main reason I pay. I want to support the sport as well but still don't know what the $75 in dues + $3 per event I play goes to. Heck I payed $135 to the PDGA last year. :confused:
Jan 11 2008, 03:41 PM
I want to support the sport as well but still don't know what the $75 in dues + $3 per event I play goes to. Heck I payed $135 to the PDGA last year. :confused:
There's this really nice place down here called the International Disc Golf Center..........
Jan 14 2008, 04:20 PM
... also , we've been assured that those-players-in-our-affiliate-bundle-mailing (last month) will be shown as current by mid-week ...
Jan 17 2008, 10:46 AM
... yes indeed ...
finally :)
... (maybe we should mail in November next time) ...
Jan 17 2008, 11:22 AM
Funny thing,
In the beginning it was $20.00 for a LIFETIME membership.
I guess they didn't specify the Current Non Current thing.
When they asked opinions on how to make the PDGA grow we ALL(Coordinators at the time)Agreed NOT to increase the dues.But in fact to LOWER them.
Lowering them would attract more members,More Members means MORE SPONSORS.
More Sponsors means MORE MONEY.
I'd suggested cutting membership dues in half,Keeping the fees for tourneys the same.Cut back on the excess FAT at the main HQ.
In 5 years the PDGA could have twice the membership it has now.(Oh I also added a bit about a bonus for the state or area that increases the PDGA membership the most per year)
They aren't listening.They think since the stuff they wanna do is so much more important than listening to the members then screw em.We'll do what we want.What choice do they have.
Unless the members stand up to them by not renewing and screaming about the costs they'll just keep on bumping it up.
I made my money back over the last years tourneys to cover my costs but not all members will have that oppurtunity.
And not all members care about Worlds or even a rating.Most just join to support what they believe is a good way to promote the sport they love.
It is ,But the cost is too much.
I'd be shooting for Quanity.In a couple years they'd see the same amount of money AND increase the numbers.
Just My Opinion.
l'll NOT renew,I know several who WILL NOT renew.The PDGA didn't have much when it came to Arkansas to begin with.Yeah they got a little more action over the last couple of years but they'll watch Arkansas dissapear again if they don't rethink all of this.
Southern Nationals will take it over.Can't speak for everyone but I wouldn't blame em if they took So National over the PDGA
Jan 17 2008, 12:06 PM
Hey Guys, I need some feedback. Yesterday I was on the board with our neighbors to the east and I put the idea out there of having a tour. It would work like this, Say we identify 5 tournaments within reasonable driving distance of Tulsa to nominate for tour events. The finals would be held at the Lodge. You could play in just two of the other tournaments or all four of them but you would need to bring two tournament scores to the finals. If you played in all four of the other tournaments, you would then have the luxury of selecting your two best scores to bring to the finals. You have two additional tournaments under your belt to discard the scores from if you had a bad tournament. You would have to have two scores from the other 4 tournaments to qualify for the finals at the lodge. These two scores combined with your score at the finals would decide the winner of a tour champion and the winner of the tour would win a guaranteed $2500 or $3000 tour champion purse. Say this tournament (tour finals) coincides with the TWISTED FLYER OPEN, anyone who comes to the TFO would attend just as any other tournament but, those who have two tour tournament scores from the previously identified qualifying tournaments would be eligible for the grand prize. If you didn't have two qualifying tournament scores by the finals, you would simply playing in the tournament just like always. I would appreciate hearing from those in the know if something like this is doable.
Jan 17 2008, 03:24 PM
I like it, and I like that you cook this stuff up in your spare time for us....
I know there are a lot of demands on your time and so I wanted to say thanks for being here!
But enough of the soft stuff...I think that you are on to something...determining the events would be the first step...
Let's start there...
Jan 17 2008, 03:28 PM
I'M LEGAL AGAIN!!! My 2008 membership is in effect!!!
Jan 17 2008, 05:37 PM
Welcome back Mel
Jan 20 2008, 01:53 PM
Jim, I think that is a kick arse idea. I love it!! YOU ARE THE MAN!!
Jan 24 2008, 07:12 PM
... PDGA "current" number shows 4296 today ...
... s-o-o-oh ,
... that's all the TD's and Officials renewed and signed-up ... what about the masses of Players ? ... ;)