Jan 13 2008, 12:14 PM
When we woke up this morning, 3 of the last 5 disc golfers who had joined the discgolfersR.us online network (http://www.discgolfersR.us) were women. That gave us an idea.

We have started Get a Member contest (http://discgolfer.ning.com/page/page/show?id=1809917%3APage%3A46933) for January. Whoever refers the most new disc golfers who join the network between now and the end of January 31 wins a nice prize package.

Each new woman disc golfer counts for two new members!

Details here. (http://discgolfer.ning.com/page/page/show?id=1809917%3APage%3A46933)

Oh, and the 1,600 disc golfers in our network have, in the last 3.5 weeks, shared nearly 4,000 pictures and more than 200 videos. Come on over and see.