Feb 06 2008, 01:34 PM
Feb 06 2008, 01:34 PM
Pay Pal will open 2-11-08
Feb 10 2008, 08:27 PM
Correction. I ran into a few problems but I will have it up this week. Sorry for the delay.
Feb 11 2008, 06:43 PM
Correction. I ran into a few problems but I will have it up this week. Sorry for the delay.
i am assuming russ is talking about pay pal.
Feb 13 2008, 12:11 PM
Pre Reg ( is up
Russ has been super busy at work so Pay Pal will not be available until Friday or Saturday
Feb 13 2008, 05:26 PM
Pretty work DG!
Every year we have provided someone on every card (one hole per round) a chance at a CTP. In order to do this we need 72 CTP's please look through and see if you can come up with some for this. I have begun collecting them so when you locate something (doesn't have to neccessarily be disc golf related) that someone can use you can give it to me. Thanks!
Feb 13 2008, 08:05 PM
so... Just curious as to opinions.
Should I play up to advanced this year... or Int?
Seriously dont know... i would love ot get or try to get a first win, but dont think that is anywhere near possible in advanced ...but also know or think playing with better players, or players better than me imight say, helps you grow? Seasoned opinions welcomed!
Feb 14 2008, 09:10 AM
I think it would help your game if you played up. Practice putting from 15-25 ft as much as you can. That's where I see most INT giving up easy strokes.
i would play int and try to win it. between now and then try to play with better players and play up in the monthlies leading up to azalea.
Feb 15 2008, 10:28 AM
What are your disc golf goals?
How much time (field work/putting) do you put into improving your game?
Are you consistently placing in intermediate? Do you some times played mediocre (for you) and still place? How do your scores compare in the advanced division?
It's not an easy decision and is very individualized but I think after answering these questions it will help in your decision. As well as the ones offered by Monny & DP.
Feb 15 2008, 08:24 PM
It has helped.... and I think this will be my last sanctioned event in INT. regardless of finish. My putting still needs work, but I could probably use some lessons from anyone out there pro, or otherwise. My putts are not consistant from longer ranges, and scores are pretty well balanced in INT. Whne I played up in Jan. monthly in OPEN, I had a tremendous first round ( for me) and finished out pretty well...but I think this will be my last INT. division...then go after my goals of progression and domination. HAHA
Feb 19 2008, 01:24 PM
Pay Pal ( is ready
There is also a sponsorship button. For $25 you can sponsor a hole of your choice for the tournament. Sponsors will receive a lamenated sign for your hole that will be displayed all weekend. Holes will be available on a first come first serve basis.
anyone registering with pay pal and are not a current PDGA member at the time of the tournament will be subject to a $10.00 no member PDGA Fee. this money will be collected the day of the event.
Feb 19 2008, 04:07 PM
I just paid, although pay pal kept saying i was signed up for Women's advanced... not MENS INT. check that for me someone. HAHA
Feb 19 2008, 04:34 PM
Pay pal is hot right now. money flying in.
Ash if womens advanced is what you signed up for then unfortunatley brrotha that is where i have to put ya :D no the transaction has not come thru yet but no worries i will make sure you are in the right division
Feb 19 2008, 08:43 PM
Thamks, i htink i might get my butt handed to me in that division!
Mar 03 2008, 01:17 AM
I know this may sound slack. But, can one of the folks from the club involved with running this tournament stop by the pizza shop (Michaelangelo's Pizza corner of Eastwood and Racine) within the next 3 days. I would like to pay for Melissa's registration for this tournament. If not, I will mail in her registration when I get home on thursday.
Mar 03 2008, 07:40 PM
Hey Scott, I will try to get by there. What are your work hour's? I dont get out of work until 5p.m. and 6:30 or 7 on Monday's and Thursday's.
Mar 03 2008, 08:50 PM
I am gonna be off on Thursday. But I work 11am to 9pm Monday thru Wednsday.
Mar 03 2008, 08:57 PM
Fig thanks man but don't sweat it. scott i live right down the road and drive real close eveyday going to work. i will stop by tomorrow afternoon when i go to lunch. i need to give you the 2 rocks of charleton's any way.
thanks a ton fig for the offer but i know it is a little out of your way.
Mar 03 2008, 11:46 PM
Thanks guys. Sorry if it is any trouble. NHDGC is way cool.
Mar 04 2008, 10:54 AM
No trouble at all Scott. it is only about 200 yards out of my way. i think i can swing it :D
Mar 05 2008, 11:44 AM
38 spots left after the meeting.
we have 6 hole sponsors as of now
Hole 1 - TTrim
Hole 2 - Clay Held
Hole 8 - Tivvle
Hole 17 - John "Mulchmaster" Moncrief
Hole 18 - Scietific Disc Golf aka David Wiggins Sr./Jr.
? - Michaelangelo's (thanks Scott Knapp)
Keep um coming in boys this shaping up to be another great Payne.
Mar 05 2008, 12:27 PM
Dave...for my sign just put "MulchMaster" & my slogan will be my signature below. :cool:
Mar 05 2008, 01:17 PM
sweet i can dig it. got a sweet water mark for the signs worked up. lets sell them holes boys. and pray for sunshine :D
Mar 05 2008, 01:47 PM
Hmmm....What would like on my sign?
How about "Don't make a 9 on this hole like MTL has"?
Mar 05 2008, 02:25 PM
i lost my disc on that hole last year and had to take stroke and distance and only took a 7.
Mar 05 2008, 11:42 PM
? - Michaelangelo's (thanks Scott Knapp)
No Problem. I do what I can, when I can.
I think you can put us on Hole # 6.
The web address for the shop is here! ( The phone # for the location we would like to use is (910)790-3163. Smith Creek Shopping Center. (228 Eastwood Rd)
Mar 06 2008, 12:15 AM
i lost my disc on that hole last year and had to take stroke and distance and only took a 7.
Not playing Open at your home course?
Mar 06 2008, 10:55 AM
good one schwebb. probably next year maybe this year. with work and tournaments i think i have played maybe 4 or 5 rounds out there this year. once daylight savings comes around and i can get more course time in and get my score in the low 60's (not the high 60's) then i may reconsider. not to mention running my first tourney and playing in it I may be little distracted.
is that enough excuses? i might be able to come up with a few more for being a bagger :D
Mar 06 2008, 01:42 PM
never enuff excuses
Mar 06 2008, 07:37 PM
True dat!
Mar 06 2008, 10:29 PM
Pretty work DG!
Every year we have provided someone on every card (one hole per round) a chance at a CTP. In order to do this we need 72 CTP's please look through and see if you can come up with some for this. I have begun collecting them so when you locate something (doesn't have to neccessarily be disc golf related) that someone can use you can give it to me. Thanks!
Zebulon disc golf aka THE BIG Z would like to contribute to some ctp's.
Mar 06 2008, 10:30 PM
Can't wait to play this is a great course
Mar 07 2008, 10:07 AM
[/QUOTE]Zebulon disc golf aka THE BIG Z would like to contribute to some ctp's.
Thanks Led! Send me a PM so I can add them to the list and I'll get them when you come.
Mar 07 2008, 05:36 PM
I might change my mind at the last minute and play up///
Any problems with that or do I have to grow a mullet before I can play PRO...Dang rules keep changing all the time /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Mar 07 2008, 07:13 PM
no worries at all meyers. if you want to play up that is fine we can settle up on the price difference the day of. just let me know.
Mar 10 2008, 11:53 AM
We had a little hick up wit Pay pal so now to register please click here
Pay Pal (
Mar 10 2008, 04:23 PM
what about a hick down?
Mar 13 2008, 05:03 PM
there are only 8 spots left and we are over a month out. if there are any locals that you guys know that want to play in the tournament tell them to get up with me ASAP.
Mar 13 2008, 09:01 PM
7 spots left. i know chad cromm and one of his boys will be registering tonight that leaves 5 spots. anyone heard from Beetle, Boz?? any other locals that want to play?? i know it is to expensive for dave clark so he is out i just would hate for a local to get frozen out of the tourney.
Mar 13 2008, 09:19 PM
no rory?
Mar 13 2008, 09:33 PM
: ) :
Mar 13 2008, 10:31 PM
no rory?
Guess not. unless he gets in by tomorrow
Mar 14 2008, 03:26 PM
looks like he is in and looks like I just dropped 1 spot in the standings!
Mar 17 2008, 12:53 PM
The tourney is full. the waiting list has begun. there are 3 people that i know of in the tournament that are questionable so i am sure some from list will be sure to get in. if any has any questions let me know p.m., e-mail, or call me 910-200-7453. This is how i did the waiting list.
1st in Verbal's that called Friday Night
2nd Saturday's mail
3rd saturday's pay pal
4th Sunday's Pay pal
5th Monday's pay pal
Mar 18 2008, 08:44 PM
I show up as Jr Girls as Mark KBeasley, is this the waiting list or am I in, cause the Beas will wup up on some Jr. girls!
Shine On
Mar 18 2008, 09:27 PM
I show up as Jr Girls as Mark KBeasley, is this the waiting list or am I in, cause the Beas will wup up on some Jr. girls!
Jr. Girls is the waiting list. The TD Report spreedsheet organizes divisions by last name in alphabetical order. so to show the correct order of the waitlist i put a letter at the begining of everyones name. Mark you being K means you are 11th on the waiting list. i wanted to post it on the Tournament page so everyone can openly keep up with it. i will be updating it every day until the event.
Sorry i should have put that in my previouse post to clarify. This event has to be capped at 90 sorry everyone.
Mar 19 2008, 01:27 PM
Can you please put me down to sponsor hole 13?
Also, a friend of mine is the area director for Kellogs and I talked them into sponsoring a hole also. He'll also have a few things for CTP's.
Mar 19 2008, 03:47 PM
right on chi. thanks!!
Mar 19 2008, 04:33 PM
Is it time yet? I'm read to play
: ) :
Mar 20 2008, 10:16 AM
Chicken Wing..... Chicken Wing!
Mar 20 2008, 10:19 AM
Need CTP's folks.
So far I've gotten some from Fig, Monny, DG, Rudy, Hurley and 5 promised from Mr. Yoo. Have them packaged and the next time I see you I'll snag them from you.
Mar 20 2008, 11:26 AM
Dee and I will have 2-3 CTP'S for you as well.What did the Doc say yesterday?
Mar 20 2008, 01:54 PM
Thanks Steve/Dee.
Mar 20 2008, 02:41 PM
Ive got a CTP...What do you mean packaged? Wrapped?
Mar 20 2008, 03:28 PM
No, just "put together" so when I see you/them that they'll have it ready to give me. No wrapping required. Thanks Sjur.
Mar 20 2008, 03:58 PM
I don't know if it has been discussed or not. But I wanted to get some opinions on hole 10's harder basket placement. My opinion is that the mound placement is harder. I think the assumption is that the alt has to be easier because it's just two hyzers. But for me, I have to be in the fairway to approach the mound on my second. Not the case with the original placement. A natural hyzer puts you on the left edge or just inside the woods for a thumber or side arm to the basket. But the alt forces you to be much more controlled on the tee, and very accurate on the up shot, because no one wants more than about a 20 footer on that putt...which adds another degree of difficulty. And it�s also pretty cool to drive into the course and see the basket up on the mound�I do realize the argument of it being a more complete hole in the original, with it being a hyzer then a turnover�but is it more difficult? I would almost rather see it in the original position because I play that one much better, but I also want us to present our hardest course.
Mar 20 2008, 05:58 PM
Raised is much harder. I have way less 3's going to the raised because I cant always risk a 30 footer at a raised basket.
Mar 20 2008, 09:09 PM
#10 was the toughest decision last year, I believe the hyzer-anhyzer factor was the reason but I agree that it is more difficult to 3 in the alt and is more cool to look at. I would not oppose moving it to the pedestal.
Mar 20 2008, 09:11 PM
this will give us 2 very strategically different holes this year
i missed the march meeting. was this discussed? last year i wanted the basket in the original position because i thought the hole was more challenging. after playing the alternate many times this past year i'm not so sure now. its alot harder to get an errant teeshot up there for a three when the basket is on the left.
Mar 21 2008, 11:28 AM
No we never discussed #10 but I think we should and get some more opinions.
Mar 21 2008, 12:11 PM
My memory was that we did discuss the pin positions (at the meeting) and it was determined that we'd play the original layout with the exception of #1 and 15 long (dependent on rainfall) all four rounds.
Mar 21 2008, 02:36 PM
I recollect we did go thru all the holes and no one (that was there) voted to change #10, thank you secretary.\
Rory my advice would be to attend the next meeting and bring it up again officially. The workday tomorrow would be a good time to talk about it too. ;)
Mar 21 2008, 03:34 PM
I will be at the workday.
The meeting is definetely the only place to make an official change. I just wanted to start the conversation and thought before dropping it on everone at the meeting.
Mar 21 2008, 06:12 PM
i like this discussion and would love to see it on the main tournament thread to see what everyone else thinks about it. it is a valid idea and i am open to discuss it. glad to hear you will be out there tomorrow rory. can you bring your ladders? they will be useful for sure.
Mar 21 2008, 07:43 PM
Yes Sir. I'll have my 16 ft. extension and 8 and 6 ft A's. I can get my hands on longer if needed.
I'll have something else for you DG. :D
Mar 21 2008, 07:56 PM
they are both great pin locations. i like the elevated one because it adds an addition challenge to the hole and it is right there when you are driving in.
i dont think you guys can go wrong.
: ) :
Mar 21 2008, 08:30 PM
sweeeeet. gona trim tomorrow sun!!
Mar 22 2008, 01:27 AM
TTrim is GreaTT
Mar 27 2008, 04:03 PM
First person is in off the waiting list. stay tuned for any other changes.
Apr 09 2008, 02:05 PM
For those of you who have sponsored a hole and given CTP's, Thank you! For those who have not yet and want to, give me a call, 262-0984.
Apr 11 2008, 02:39 PM
People are dropping like flys. good thing we have a long waitlist. Reg. list is updated again. Carter Allen is on deck and looking like a shoe in. Also looks like D-tuck will get in as well. i will update the list as soon as i hear from the doubtful's next week
Apr 14 2008, 10:47 AM
Meeting at DG's tomorrow 7:00 (Tues., 4/15).
I'll not be able to be there as Haley has a game at 7:30.
Monny can you get plastic bags for CTP's? Do you guys want to bag the ones I have at the meeting? or wait til Friday?
Apr 14 2008, 11:48 AM
and they continue to drop.
Young Carter
in the tourney. still at least 4 people questionable
if anyone is questionable please try to let me know no later than tomorrow if you are going to make it or not so i can get the people that are on the waiting list enough time to make payment and travel arrangements.
on deck are
Drew Tuck
Mark Beasly
Matt Keats
Alan Beaver
Apr 15 2008, 03:56 PM
Monny can you get plastic bags for CTP's? Do you guys want to bag the ones I have at the meeting tonight? or wait til Friday?
Apr 15 2008, 06:15 PM
sorry I didn't respond Deac....I have enough bags for about 3 years and I would say let's bag em. the sooner the better.
Apr 15 2008, 10:39 PM
Thanks Monny please bring them on Friday.
Apr 16 2008, 08:51 AM
DG...I got your message about the water cooler. I do and I will take care that. Let me know what hole you want it one and I'll drop it off Sat. morning. I was also going to get a pack of granola bars or something from Sams. I think its 7000 bars for about 8 bucks. If you need anything else in bulk while I'm there, let me a box of golf pencils, fruit, 5 gallons of mustard, anything.
Apr 16 2008, 09:23 AM
5 gallons of mustard
Man that would be an awesome CTP.
Apr 16 2008, 10:16 AM
from Sams. I think its 7000 bars for about 8 bucks.
Seriuosly LOL. that is great rory thanks for doing that. and the water cooler in 14 would be perfect.
Apr 16 2008, 11:01 AM
7000? Get me one too. LOL
Apr 16 2008, 01:07 PM
Rory, I'll take the 5gal. jar of mustard. Please! :D
Apr 16 2008, 10:26 PM
can I get a 15 lb. bucket of pickles.
Apr 19 2008, 01:05 AM
8 hours and counting....
Apr 19 2008, 01:06 AM
Apr 19 2008, 08:09 AM
Good luck DTuck... Although only 2 advanced players have ever shot 4 rounds of par (64) or better. Both won.
Apr 20 2008, 09:54 PM
Great job on the tourney directing DG.. as well as FIG, MONNY, DEACON, and everyone else that helped and made it a great weekend....although DEACON should have given the Air Force Thunderbirds and helicopters a curtosy warning for noise. Great Job guys....what a club to be a part of!
Apr 21 2008, 09:46 AM
AWESOME!!! the tournament was great, no rain, and the best one I have been to yet, I think that it is safe to say that I joined the best club in NC!!! great job guys, especially DG for sucessfully running his first tournament!!!
Apr 21 2008, 11:06 AM
Thanks a ton for the acolades guys it is much appreciated. but as D-tuck and Ashley said the club was what made this a successful event. here's to bigger and better next year.
Apr 21 2008, 11:11 AM
I concur with Ash and DTuck, great job DG!
Also the Club, you guys played some solid golf and put on a great event!
Congratualtions to RootRoot for his 1st Pro W!
Scuba for a great comeback.
Rory for a great weekend of golf!
D "Mr. 61" P for cashing.
SpiderMan for the W
A-Dubbs and Sjur cashing
Fig cashing
Monny shooting a personal best (rated round).
Stu winning Rec.
Greg B cashing
Apr 21 2008, 02:34 PM
Gabe for getting 2nd.
thanks to the deacon and carla for volunteering and all the etc...
sorry you couldn't play buddy.
Apr 22 2008, 09:20 AM
Gabe for getting 2nd
Good call Ash, and Casey in Rec.
Apr 22 2008, 09:22 AM
Thanks DP
Apr 22 2008, 04:11 PM
O.K. after wading thru the mess of bag tag's i have everything somewhat sorted out. here is a list of who should have what. if there are any questions or concerns let me know.
This is compressed because it did not copy well from word to the message board. what you are looking at is
First Column - What Tag you should have now
Second Column - Name
Third Column - What tag you had at beginning of the last round
Fourth Column - What you shot the fourth round
1 Rory 3 54
2 Sjur 2 58
3 Weaks 1 61
4 DP 5 61
5 D-Tuck 15 61
8 DG 8 62
9 Narehood 13 62
10 Gary 4 65
11 Rudy 10 65
13 Christian 11 65
15 Noble 23 66
16 Monty 9 69
18 Spiderman 29 71
19 Chap Parker 19 72
20 Gabe 30 72
23 Chi 35 72
28 Clay 28 73
29 Brandon 41 73
30 Mike Colton 18 74
35 Ashley 20 74
36 Casey 36 76
37 Fig 16 77
40 Drew Tuck 42 81
41 Greg Beastrom 43 84
42 Hunter ? 89
43 Wesley 42 90
I have 2, 3, 9, 13, 16, 18, 23, 36, 37 Wesley has 50 but I have 45 for him now. Fig I think you have a bigger number than you should have so let me know what you have and I can get you 37. The number 13 and 15 tags I am not sure who turned in and there are 4 people I do not know what tags they had. Adam Weaks did not turn in his tag so he still has the Number 1 tag that needs to go to Rory.
Adubbs, Casey,
Sjur, Narehood,
Christian, Monty, Spiderman , Chi,
and Fig
Need to get wit me so I can get you guys the right tags let me know once again if I have anything wrong or you where given the wrong tag
Apr 22 2008, 04:16 PM
DG I had 13 at the beginning.Also do you know what happened to the sponser signage for Dee and I on 11.When we got there during our final round the sign was gone!Thanks for everything Mr.President you did a great job.
Apr 22 2008, 04:25 PM
I had 15 at the beginning of the round, my bro has 42 now, so he should have 40? thanks dg, late
Apr 22 2008, 04:30 PM
aer you serious? that sucks Steve and no i have no idea. i know there was some vandalizm Saturday night on that hole. they spray painted the bench. i am assuming that is where the neighborhood kids hang out becasue it is so accessable from they're neighborhood. i am sorry man. i am going to collect the signs today and i will look for it while i am there
fig and i collected all the signs except 15-18. got caught in a rainstorm and had to quit. #11 is missing.
Apr 22 2008, 05:02 PM
I would like to get my sponsership sign, unless you guys have other plans for it.
Is that possible?
Apr 22 2008, 05:02 PM
Ever wish you were a juvenile still.Right now I do cause I would like to stomp a mudhole in some of them punks.Does anyone have a nephew,little brother or sister with a mean streak I'm sure we could pay some kids to come in and clean up the riff raff.AHHH wishful thinking.Anyway no biggie DG
Apr 22 2008, 05:53 PM
i will get 15 and 18 tonight
Apr 22 2008, 07:46 PM
regarding the bagtags, I had to bolt out of the awards and tag ceremonies during the PRO payouts... had to get over to work to take care of something that came up last minute. Therefore, I did not pick up my tag and didn't know if I should have a higher number since i didnt stay to collect it... or if anyone had said 35 tag for me, or whom to get it from i should say.
Apr 23 2008, 12:42 AM
This is Drew Tucker. I had tag 40 but no have 43. I believe I should still have 40 though according to the list.
Apr 23 2008, 10:17 AM
Casey Goodrum has 40 but he should have 36. if you see him get his tag and i have the 36 tag for him.
Apr 23 2008, 10:25 AM
regarding the bagtags, I had to bolt out of the awards and tag ceremonies during the PRO payouts... had to get over to work to take care of something that came up last minute. Therefore, I did not pick up my tag and didn't know if I should have a higher number since i didnt stay to collect it... or if anyone had said 35 tag for me, or whom to get it from i should say.
yours is not going to be that simple. Mike Colton should have 30 but he has 35. Brandon Humphrey's should have 29 but he has 30. Spiderman had 29 but i don't know if he turned it in becasue i do not have it and it is not written down that we gave it out. Since Mike Colton is not a local i would say when we find the 29 tag we give it to Brandon and Ashley you take the 30 tag (I am asumming this would be o.k. with you) so lets see what we can do.
Apr 23 2008, 01:02 PM
I dont want to complicate things anymore, but here goes, If Drew shot a 81 and I shot 77 shouldnt Drew get 41 and I get 40?
Apr 23 2008, 01:07 PM
Yes MTL it is possible, DP and I took most of them down Monday before we got rained out. If BWD is playing a tourney that you are playing before Kings Cup I'll give it to him to give to you if not I'll bring it to Kinston with me.
Apr 23 2008, 01:13 PM
fig read the post you should get 37. i have 37 waiting for you. do you have a bag tag right now?
Apr 23 2008, 01:15 PM
Yes, #41 :(
Apr 23 2008, 01:18 PM
if you see greg beastrom give him the 41 tag and get what ever tag he has i have 37 for you when i see you. let me know when you are going to play and i will meet you out there.
Apr 23 2008, 02:02 PM
If its not raining, I'll be there this evening.
Apr 23 2008, 06:22 PM
Yes MTL it is possible, DP and I took most of them down Monday before we got rained out. If BWD is playing a tourney that you are playing before Kings Cup I'll give it to him to give to you if not I'll bring it to Kinston with me.
if you can bring it to Kinston that would be great.
Apr 23 2008, 10:27 PM
BWD... just to make it simple and easy... Just give me the highest number tag for locals left.. since I left b4 tags were distributed... I can always lose it to someone in a challenge match or monthly soon. Of course if you want t ogive me 37 thats cool to... but it doesnt matter to me since Ihad to leave...thats what it is all about.. challenging up!
Apr 24 2008, 10:13 AM
Not 37. 30 ashley. Brandon will get 29 and you will get 30. it will work itself out by this weekend. i will be at the course saturday for double. hopefully we have a big turnout and i can get some bag tags taken care of. fig is good now. and i think i will get D-rew tuck and Hunter squared away this week
Apr 24 2008, 11:07 AM
Maybe Mr. Doubles will make an appearance and I can start whittling down that #16 again.
Apr 24 2008, 11:45 AM
i will be at the course ealry on saturday before doubles if anyone wants a crack at the number 8 tag
Apr 24 2008, 01:12 PM
I would like a shot at it ! What time are you gonna be there?
Apr 24 2008, 03:02 PM
its your challenge my friend. Name it!
Apr 24 2008, 03:30 PM
ooooh sounds fun.... might be ther et owitness it since i am late on the challenge side of things
Apr 24 2008, 04:52 PM
I will be trying to make it out Sat.morning.Have a wedding in the PM,but want to pick up my gold and if possible lower my # to 8.
Apr 24 2008, 05:15 PM
How about 9 a.m.?
Apr 24 2008, 06:54 PM
I'm in for 9am, lets make it a group
Apr 24 2008, 09:33 PM
i would be there but me and goomis are going to hit up kinston sat morning anyone else want to go?
Apr 25 2008, 10:35 AM
i might be down.
Apr 27 2008, 03:07 PM
how did K-town look?
Apr 27 2008, 06:59 PM
it looked o.k. Joe was out there in the afternoon and we saw Christine out there a little earlier doin work. i am positive they will have the course lookin superb by the time the tournament rolls around. going yesterday reminded me what a tough course it is. can't wait for the cup
did Mr. doubles make an appearance this weekend?
Apr 27 2008, 08:19 PM
did Mr. doubles make an appearance this weekend?
Negative...but I got Steve and Christian their tags and I got mine. I left the rest in the shed so at least they would be out there.
Apr 27 2008, 09:42 PM
at least that is three down
Apr 27 2008, 10:44 PM
Yeah tough course, the ants make it play fast because if you stop, they will eat you, thanks again for driving DG, that heat was gruesome, glad to be home