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Jun 17 2010, 05:21 PM
From the desk of Gotcha...

Rumor has it the Moraine Doubles will be contested from the GOLD tees tomorrow night.

From the desk of kUrTp...

I won't be there but hopefully you guys will throw your arms off so that I actually have a chance to cash Saturday!!!

Jun 18 2010, 09:22 AM
Lori just secured 12 free rounds of golf passes for the event at Blueberry Hill Park. She also got some free Pizza cards from Sir Pizza and a few other prizes to be given away.

Really hope we can get a few of you to show up for this event after the Deer Lakes Monthly.

Jun 18 2010, 03:54 PM
ATTENTION: Tomorrow after the Moraine Monthly a handful of us will be hanging out to BBQ and enjoy the sunshine. Potluck style! Sorry for the short notice but if you read this and plan on attending the Monthly, bring your favorite dish for all to enjoy!

Jun 23 2010, 09:27 AM
Saturday June 26th, 2010

2:30 - 9:30 PM.

Blueberry Hill Park in Franklin Park

Festival in the Park

This is a yearly event at Blueberry Hill Park with fireworks, games, food, music, etc. If you haven't heard yet, there is a new disc golf course being designed at Linbrook park which is only 5 minutes from Knob Hill. Franklin Park Boro has asked us to come to the festival to help spread the word about disc golf. Lori and myself will be setting up the PFDS tent along with the practice baskets to help spread the word about the course that we are working on.

We would love to have some people come out and help us spread the word about disc golf. There will be tons of other events going on all-day long. Come for an hour or all day. This will be a great way to get the local interested in the new course.

Thanks and hope to see some of you there.

Deitz....can you please provide directions to Blueberry Hill Park? I plan on attending the event following the Deer Lakes Monthly.

Jun 23 2010, 12:52 PM
Here is a photo with what is happening at the Festival. I will post directions also.

Jun 23 2010, 12:55 PM (

Here is a larger photo with all of the activities listed. We would love to have some of you come out and show Disc Golf to Franklin Park.

Also the course at Linbrook Park is only 5 minutes from Knob Hill. Easily accessible off of the Wexford Exit on I-79

Jun 23 2010, 12:58 PM
Blueberry Hill Park
Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143

I believe the Red Belt is the easiest way to get there from Deer Lakes. Blueberry Hill Park is located minutes from the Wexford Exit off of I-79 You can actually see the park on I-79 just past the I-79 I-279 interchange.

Jun 24 2010, 02:44 PM
I plan to be at both Deer Lakes on Saturday and Timberlink on Sunday with all of the discs for the PFDO. I will also be at Moraine doubles on Friday if you have other plans for the weekend. If your looking for Destroyers, Wraiths, Roadrunners, Sidewinders, Valkyries, Makos, R-Pro Aviars, Beasts, Orcs, T-birds + (glo and regular), TLs, Katanas, Gators, Glo Gazelles, or Firebirds. I will have them. Get them while we still have a good selection of weights available. It would be good to use up your credit if you have any. This is most likely the biggest supply of stock we will have at one time for the rest of the year. There is also talk about having the credit expire at the end of this year. (Only talk at this point) I will have a print out of what everyone has as far as credit or you can look for yourself at As PFDS members take this opportunity to get first look at what we have.

Jul 15 2010, 08:01 AM
Moraine Doubles ~ Tonight at 6 pm. Baskets should be moved into PFDO tournament position today.

Moraine Monthly ~ Saturday (7/17) at 10 am. Competitors will play from PFDO tee assignments (Pro = gold; Advanced = blue; Intermediate = white). This will be good warm-up practice for the big dance in August. Following the Moraine Monthly, players are invited to walk the front nine at Slippery Rock University. Anchors are planned to be installed next week so J Gary is looking for player input on the proposed design/basket locations.

Sunday Doubles ~ Two Mile Run Extension ~ Sunday (7/18) at 11 am. Two rounds of nine holes, red and white tees. (great course if you've never played it before).

Check out the event calendar for upcoming events, including Tee Party dates at Deer Lakes (yes, folks....we plan to finish the remaining tees):

Aug 11 2010, 02:31 PM
Disc Golf around the 'Burgh wouldn't be what it is without the help of volunteers over the years. That being said, we need you to help finish the tee pads at Deer Lakes Park. The concrete pour is scheduled for 8:00 am on Saturday, August 21. There is also prep work which needs to be completed prior to the pour. Please mark your calendar to help us finish this job. This is not much to ask considering the amount of time we all spend playing these courses on a weekly/yearly basis. Click the following link for more details on the Deer Lakes Tee Party work schedule:

Moraine Monthly (Saturday, August 14) ~ The Lakeview course is now set up in A-pin configuration and is scheduled to stay in this beginner-friendly layout through the entire month of August and into the Labor Day weekend. In addition, I have decided to modify the Moraine Monthly format and I will now be assigning the following tee assignments according to skill level:

Pro & Adv = Blue Tees (950-rated)
Int & Rec = White Tees (900-rated)

Quite honestly, I've grown tired of seeing Intermediate and Recreational players scoring into the high 80's, 90's, etc. because we are requiring them to play the advanced amateur tees. Also, I will be lowering the Recreational entry fee to $5. This means the payout will be less in the Recreational division, but a smaller entry fee might just entice more casual players to try their hand at league play. I am also considering lowering the entry fee for Am Women, too.

Sunday Doubles ~ Two Mile Run Extension ~ Every Sunday at 11 clockwork! Two rounds of nine holes, red and white tees. (great course if you've never played it before).

Keystone Classic at Pymatuning ~ This is a fund raising event to help complete this world-class, championship course. If you haven't heard, all eighteen holes are now complete with baskets. This one round tournament is trophy only and lunch is provided. Guaranteed good time on this par-66 monster of a disc golf course!

Check out the event calendar for upcoming events, including Tee Party dates at Deer Lakes (yes, folks....we need your help):

Sep 02 2010, 12:07 AM
Next time you want to disc golf around Morgantown, WV check out our newest course at Dorsey's Knob Park.

Sep 06 2010, 11:21 PM
9 Things I Hate About Everyone

1. People who point at their wrist asking for the time... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

2. People who are willing to get off their a** to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.

3. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". **** Right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?

4. When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?

5. When people say while watching a film, "did ya see that?" No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the **** floor!

6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?"... Didn't give me a choice there, did ya sunshine? When I reply "No you may not" why do you continue on to the next question?

7. When something is 'new and improved'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.

8. When people say "life is short". What the hell??? Life is the longest **** thing anyone ever does!!! What can you do thats longer?

9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?" If the bus came, would I be standing here???

Sep 07 2010, 10:59 AM
What about people using the term "yinz" when the proper English is "Y'all" - get it straight :-)

Sep 09 2010, 01:42 AM
Sunday, October 10
Entry fee - $8 (with a $2 optional ace pot)

*Sign up by 9am the day of the event @ The Camp David Lawrence Pavilion by hole #7

*Everyone is Welcome - You need not have played in any previous league nights. (Raw Score Side pot is encouraged)
*We will play a morning round from the blue tees followed by a free lunch and then players will be re-grouped by score (handicap adjusted) for the afternoon round to be played from the white tees.
*Payout to the top 1/3 of the field (disc credit or 75% cash payout)
*Double points toward standings will be awarded to players - A League champion will be named after the end of play!
*Normal Wednesday Night League Rules apply!
*The Wednesday Night League ace pot will carry over to the league finale. The ace pot will not be capped at the finale. If an ace is not struck during the league finale, we will have a CTP throw-off for the entire ace pot! You will only be able to throw off for the ace pot if you have entered into the ace pot for the finale.
*Handicaps for the league finale will be based on the players average from the white tee during the season with the highest and lowest score dropped (for players playing 5 or more rounds). Players� handicaps who played 3 or 4 rounds will be based on an average of all the rounds, and as usual, players playing less than 3 rounds will not have a handicap. For the blue tee round, the handicap will be multiplied by the usual factor to arrive at the blue-tee adjusted handicap.
*We will again be playing the league finale in conjunction with a stage of the Pittsburgh Scholastic Disc Golf Series.

Sep 21 2010, 08:24 AM
There should only be two things on your things-to-do-list for this weekend:

9/25 ~ The Hunt at Deer Lakes

9/26 ~ Knobulus Maximus II

More info is available here:

Please note that players will be charged a $5 late registration fee if they wait until Friday (9/24) or Saturday (9/25) to register for The Hunt.

Sep 24 2010, 11:42 AM
Found this interesting....

Ok, here's the official answer to this question.

Yes I did make the call at the tournament and yes I did contact the PDGA about the matter.

If a player does not finish the first round but asks to play the second round and the TD allows said player to do so, then said player gets a 999 for the first round and the second round counts and gets a rating for that round. This said player however is out of the competition for any prizes or cash.

The tournament was not full and he was placed on the bottom card.

So you can DNF a round then come back fro another rated round...

Sep 25 2010, 06:51 AM
Only if a TD allows you to do so.

Sep 28 2010, 10:08 PM
Sunday, October 10
Entry fee - $8 (with a $2 optional ace pot)

*Sign up by 9am the day of the event @ The Camp David Lawrence Pavilion by hole #7

*Everyone is Welcome - You need not have played in any previous league nights. (Raw Score Side pot is encouraged)
*We will play a morning round from the blue tees followed by a free lunch and then players will be re-grouped by score (handicap adjusted) for the afternoon round to be played from the white tees.
*Payout to the top 1/3 of the field (disc credit or 75% cash payout)
*Double points toward standings will be awarded to players - A League champion will be named after the end of play!
*Normal Wednesday Night League Rules apply!
*The Wednesday Night League ace pot will carry over to the league finale. The ace pot will not be capped at the finale. If an ace is not struck during the league finale, we will have a CTP throw-off for the entire ace pot! You will only be able to throw off for the ace pot if you have entered into the ace pot for the finale.
*Handicaps for the league finale will be based on the players average from the white tee during the season with the highest and lowest score dropped (for players playing 5 or more rounds). Players� handicaps who played 3 or 4 rounds will be based on an average of all the rounds, and as usual, players playing less than 3 rounds will not have a handicap. For the blue tee round, the handicap will be multiplied by the usual factor to arrive at the blue-tee adjusted handicap.
*We will again be playing the league finale in conjunction with a stage of the Pittsburgh Scholastic Disc Golf Series.

Sep 30 2010, 10:48 PM
If you are looking to play some disc golf this Saturday, may I recommend Two Mile Run Extension? I will be running a scholastic event there, and will run divisions for Open, Advanced and Intermediate as well. $5 entry fee with 100% cash payouts in all divisions. 18 holes -- 9 from the White and 9 from the Red.

Registration closes at 9:45 with tee off at 10 am sharp.

Oct 04 2010, 02:03 PM
Here's the PFDS Event Calendar for October 2010:

Oct 06 2010, 10:42 PM
Sunday, October 10 - 9AM @ Schenley Park
Entry fee - $8 (with a $1 optional ace pot)

Sign up before 9am the day of the event @ The Camp David Lawrence Pavilion by hole #7

Everyone is Welcome - You need not have played in any previous league nights.
We will play a morning round from the blue tees followed by a
FREE LUNCH - (Subway Boxed Lunch)
Players will then be re-grouped by score (handicap adjusted) for the afternoon round to be played from the white tees.
Payout to the top 1/3 of the field (disc credit or 75% cash payout)
Double points toward standings will be awarded to players - A League champion will be named after the end of play!
Normal Wednesday Night League Rules apply!
The Wednesday Night League ace pot ($60) will carry over to the league finale. The ace pot will not be capped at the finale - one ace takes the entire pot. If multiple aces are struck, the pot is split. If an ace is not struck during the league finale, we will have a CTP throw-off for the entire ace pot ($60 + whatever is added at the event that day)! You will only be able to throw off for the ace pot if you have entered into the ace pot for the finale.
Handicaps for the league finale will be based on the players average from the white tee during the season with the highest and lowest score dropped (for players playing 5 or more rounds). Players’ handicaps who played 3 or 4 rounds will be based on an average of all the rounds, and as usual, players playing less than 3 rounds will not have a handicap. For the blue tee round, the handicap will be multiplied by the usual factor to arrive at the blue-tee adjusted handicap.
We will again be playing the league finale in conjunction with a stage of the Pittsburgh Scholastic Disc Golf Series.


Oct 13 2010, 09:39 AM
Moraine Monthly is this Saturday, October 17, at 10:00 am. This monthly will coincide with the fourth event of the Pittsburgh Scholastic DG Series.

It has come to my attention that some players are upset that I changed the tee assignments for Intermediate and Recreational players. My original announcement is quoted below. After giving this further thought, I have decided if all the competitors in the Intermediate division want to play the blue tees instead of the white tees, then that is their choice.

Recreational players will continue to play the white tees during the Moraine Monthly events.

I have decided to modify the Moraine Monthly format and I will now be assigning the following tee assignments according to skill level:

Pro & Adv = Blue Tees (950-rated)
Int & Rec = White Tees (900-rated)

Quite honestly, I've grown tired of seeing Intermediate and Recreational players scoring into the high 80's, 90's, etc. because we are requiring them to play the advanced amateur tees. Also, I will be lowering the Recreational entry fee to $5. This means the payout will be less in the Recreational division, but a smaller entry fee might just entice more casual players to try their hand at league play. I am also considering lowering the entry fee for Am Women, too.

Oct 21 2010, 10:16 PM
Deer Lakes Monthly *mixer* is this Sunday, October 24.

So is the fifth and final Scholastic Series event for 2010.

It's gonna be nice weather this weekend! :D

I'm not sure what's up with random doubles at Two Mile Run Extension on Sunday mornings. I recently heard someone say Two Mile no longer hosts a doubles league on Sundays, but this is not confirmed. If the rumor is true, no one from that side of town has communicated to the communication director to eliminate the league from the monthly schedule.

Oct 23 2010, 08:36 AM
Okay....for those of you who want to play the Deer Lakes Monthly or Scholastic Series event #5, but you don't want to miss the first quarter of the Pittsburgh Steeler game, here's a tip for ya:

You can "listen" to the game in your car while you drive home.

This public service announcement was brought to you by the PFDS Communications Director.

Dec 03 2010, 05:46 PM
KNOB HILL MONTHLY is tomorrow. Also, after the round we will be driving 7 minutes to Linbrook Park to play 6 of the 18 holes. There will be temporary baskets out there. It would be nice to have some people come out and play the course.

Dec 08 2010, 10:40 AM
Moraine Monthly *Mixer*
Date : 12 December 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 10:00 am

$10 entry fee for Pro, Advanced & Intermediate ($11 for non-PFDS members).
$ 5 entry fee for Recreational & Am Women ($6 for non-PFDS members).

All skill divisions offered. One round of 18-holes; round begins at 10:00 am. Pro & Advanced play blue tees. Intermediate & Recreational play white tees. Players will be randomly grouped during this mixer format.
Good news....deer hunting season ends the day before (Dec 11).

Yes, there is a Steelers game at 1:00 pm on Sunday, but there's this thing called a "radio" which most of you have in your car. Listening to the first quarter/half on your drive home from Moraine is not as bad as you might think. Actually, listening to a live game is pretty exciting. Besides, if you hear a big play on your drive home from Moraine and wish you had seen it live on TV, trust me.......that particular play will be replayed over and over again.....on both local and national broadcasts.

Dec 08 2010, 12:08 PM
Just a fair warning, I was driving up to Grove City yesterday and Moraine was getting hammered with snow. I would say there was about 7 inches or more of snow on the ground with it coming down heavily as I drove by.

Dec 09 2010, 04:39 PM
Steelers game for me, scored some more tickets. Have fun out

Dec 09 2010, 05:33 PM

Dec 12 2010, 07:32 AM
My feelings won't be hurt if nobody shows up for the Moraine Monthly!

(hint, hint) :p

Dec 13 2010, 12:29 PM
Scores? Suckers?

Dec 13 2010, 04:00 PM
Shot a -66. New course record. Better playing golf in the snow and rain then watching the Steelers in the snow and rain.

Dec 13 2010, 06:33 PM
It was decided today that there will be no monthly leagues scheduled during January and February 2011. All three monthly TDs agreed to this decision. That said, the PFDS event calendar already has January/February tournament the form of Ice Bowl events.

This leads to the discussion/consideration of a local Ice Bowl event (or two). :)

Dec 13 2010, 11:10 PM
Shot a -66. New course record. Better playing golf in the snow and rain then watching the Steelers in the snow and rain.

I along with 57,000 fans at the game would disagree. However if I wasn't at the game I would have played. Did anyone at all play on Sunday?

Dec 14 2010, 02:24 PM
I have been to raining/snowing Steelers thanks. Though my mom's season tickets are protected from the elements so that is always nice.

Best game I ever saw was a few years back when we played the Browns. Tomczak pulled the Steelers through for the biggest comeback in franchise history. My dad and I laughed at all the people trying to get back into the stadium after leaving early.

I already said I shot -66.

And for those January/February events, Lori and I will gladly host some monthlies in Clearwater.

Dec 14 2010, 05:31 PM
Did anyone at all play on Sunday?

Results were posted on the appropriate thread.

Dec 14 2010, 06:44 PM
I think it would be killer to get a PDGA sanctioned Ice Bowl going for M S P. I could help out but am not sure what would need to be done to get this thing going.

Dec 14 2010, 08:03 PM
I have been to raining/snowing Steelers thanks.

And for those January/February events, Lori and I will gladly host some monthlies in Clearwater.

Likewise I have played disc golf in the rain and snow.. no thanks. You must agree, isn't that why your going to Clearwater? The game wasn't bad at all. I was warm and dry the entire time. I have been flyfishing in Erie in worse conditions. Disc Golf is fun when the weather is nice. When your hands are stiff and you slide in the snow, its not much fun. That won't keep me from getting out a few times though.

Dec 14 2010, 08:05 PM
Results were posted on the appropriate thread.

Already knew nobody played in the monthly. Was just wondering if any troopers stuck it out and played casual. It would not have been the first time.

Dec 15 2010, 07:57 AM
I think it would be killer to get a PDGA sanctioned Ice Bowl going for M S P. I could help out but am not sure what would need to be done to get this thing going.

All that needs to be done is someone to step up and organize an event. Ice Bowls usually benefit charitable organizations within the local community. More information can be found here:

Dec 15 2010, 04:12 PM
I think it would be killer to get a PDGA sanctioned Ice Bowl going for M S P. I could help out but am not sure what would need to be done to get this thing going.

I'm all for more Ice Bowls - as charity fundraisers and an excuse to get people out to play disc golf in the dead of winter, I think they are best tournaments every year.

As for PDGA sanctioning, I have always felt however that Ice Bowls are barely legitimate competiton to begin with - you're playing in typically
atrocious conditions such as snow or ice, in five layers of clothes and with heavy boots on, with old colored discs whose flight characteristics you have no clue about instead of the white ones you normally throw, etc. Conditions can be a foot+ of snow where just walking two rounds is an exercise in endurance, glaze ice where missed putts which land by the basket skid 30 or 40 feet past, or a variety of other factors which just make for silly golf.

So to me, the idea of sanctioning an Ice Bowl event as a legitimate disc golf tournament is not an intuitive one.

Dec 15 2010, 05:07 PM
I understand what you are saying about rough conditions for Ice Bowls. I just saw on the PDGA calendar that there were some that were sanctioned events. The weather is just part of it though for me. I don't really see the difference in walking through snow or dragging an extra gallon of water with me because it is 95 degrees out. I just thought it would be a cool event. If it can't happen then we should just focus on getting Ice Bowls going to benefit the surrounding community food banks and the such.

Dec 15 2010, 06:33 PM
I played in a PDGA sanctioned Ice bowl last year. Making it sanctioned seems to draw a few more players but then you have to pay the PDGA their per player fee. Non sanctioned is the way to go. That way anyone can run it. You don't have to be a certified official. MSP usually wants to know what is going on way in advance which can be tricky. However if Jerry already has a January or February date set up with them I think it is possible. Just need someone to run it. I would like to see it happen, there is definately enough of the needy in this area.

Dec 15 2010, 08:53 PM
That was my thought on trying to get more players involved from outside the immediate area. I have never played in a sanctioned Ice Bowl, but the one at Thompson is always cool. I just hope we can get something going on.

Dec 19 2010, 09:34 PM
Played a round out at MSP this morning. It was excellent exercise. Holes 4-10 have the Tpads cleared off which was nice. I would guess Wags or Jim did the task. No discs were lost and no muscles were pulled. Snow golf is better than no golf.

Dec 21 2010, 06:40 PM
Oh what fun it is to play in the snow. HOW DO WE GET AN ICE BOWL GOING FOR MSP?!!! I would be glad to help out with organization, getting in touch with local food bank, etc. I just need a push in the right direction.

Dec 21 2010, 10:12 PM
Dave Kuhrt usually runs an ice bowl at Schenley Park. I would check with him before setting up anything.

Dec 22 2010, 11:23 AM
Jeremy's suggestion is to have an Ice Bowl at Moraine State Park. As Presto mentioned, Dave Kuhrt has hosted previous Ice Bowls at Schenley. As a club, we can have more than one Ice Bowl. For those folks contemplating organizing/running an event for the first time, there is a lot of information on the official Ice Bowl web site:

I will say this..... first come, first served for dates on the PFDS Event Calendar. :)

Dec 22 2010, 12:21 PM
Jerry, would the date have to be cleared with MSP before setting anything up at Moraine?

Dec 22 2010, 12:25 PM
Yes, but it won't be a problem. They will let us schedule an event.

Dec 22 2010, 12:57 PM
I think that having an Ice Bowl at Moraine would be sweet. Turnout might be a little lower than at Schenley but it would be a great time. I definitely would not have the tournament be sanctioned though.

On a side note I finally got my custom Pittsburgh - Black and Gold disc golf mini in the mail!

Dec 22 2010, 02:55 PM
I like ice cream

Dec 26 2010, 12:56 AM
Merry Xmas, Y'all!

Jan 06 2011, 02:43 PM
Anyone looking to carpool up to Moraine from Pittsburgh on Saturday for the round and membership meeting is welcome to contact me at vslaugh <at>

Jan 19 2011, 11:58 AM
Saturday, Jan 29 is the Steubenville Ice Bowl (aka "The Chill in the 'Ville").

Click below for more details:

Hope to see ya there!

Feb 03 2011, 05:45 PM
Here's a blog post for your interest from the Pittsburgh Parks Conservatory about the state of ash trees at Schenley Park, focusing on the area of the park that's our Holes 10-14:

Feb 22 2011, 10:00 AM
Dorsey's Knob Ice Bowl

What: A charitable disc golf event
When: Saturday, February 26, 2011
Where: Dorsey's Knob Disc Golf Course in Morgantown, WV
Why: To help raise food and funds for the Bartlett House
Entry Fee $20 includes custom Ice Bowl golf disc

Registration: 8:00-9:00 am
Player meeting: 9:15 am
Tee-off: 9:30 am

One round of 18 holes followed by raffle prizes and awards.
The West Virginia Disc Golf Association invites everyone to participate in this inaugural Ice Bowl event at West Virginia's newest disc golf course. More info can be found at the following web site:

Mar 10 2011, 07:39 AM
From Mark Prestopnik:

Hi Board Members and others:

Could you guys do what you can to spread the word about the start of the Schenley Park Wednesday Night Disc Golf League.

Wed, March 16 - 6pm (practice week) (if you plan on showing up, donate a disc or some other piece of disc golf merch - so we can have some CTP's and prizes to hand out. (doesn't have to be anything special)

Wed, March 23 - 6pm (first official week)

Also - people can visit for further information.

Mar 15 2011, 01:57 PM
(For Jerry Gotcher)

Moraine Monthly this Saturday, 3/19!

$10 entry fee for Pro, Advanced, Intermediate ($11 for non-PFDS members).
$5 entry fee for Recreational and Am Women ($6 for non-PFDS members)

One round of 18-holes; round begins at 10:00 am. Pro and Advanced play blue tees. Intermediate and Recreational play white tees.

Mar 15 2011, 04:57 PM
Tomorrow night is the start of the 2011 Schenley Wednesday Night League. You can view the website that Mark Prestopnik created here.

Wed, March 16 - 6pm (practice week) (if you plan on showing up, donate a disc or some other piece of disc golf merch - so we can have some CTP's and prizes to hand out. (doesn't have to be anything special)

Wed, March 23 - 6pm (first official week)

Thanks to Mark Prestopnik and his helpers for running the league this year.

Pittsburgh Flying Disc Society

Apr 11 2011, 05:17 PM
I thought there was some sort of event scheduled in the 'burgh this weekend (April 16/17), but I didn't see anything listed on the PFDS Event Calendar.


Apr 11 2011, 11:10 PM
I'm going to Moraine Saturday AM to see if I can find anyone that wants to play

Apr 21 2011, 08:37 AM
The unofficial Thursday night random doubles league at MSP officially begins tonight at 5:00 pm. Eventually, the start time for Thursday night doubles will move to 5:30 and then 6:00.

There's going to be a gatherering at North Country Brewing Co this evening as well. I understand that place has pretty tasty suds. :)

Apr 21 2011, 12:25 PM
There's going to be a gatherering at North Country Brewing Co this evening as well. I understand that place has pretty tasty suds. :)

I know you are not much of a beer drinker Jerry but their Catherine The Great (Russian Imperial Stout) and Bucksnort Stout are outstanding! I suggest you try the Lavender Abbey.

Apr 22 2011, 04:19 PM
Last minute notice but maybe someone will see it...

My little brother is visiting this weekend, and together we're looking to play a doubles match against any takers sometime Saturday late morning at Deer Lakes, Moraine, Knob, Schenley, or 2MRX? Email me at vslaugh at if interested.

Apr 28 2011, 11:58 AM
MSP dubs tonight @ 5:00 pm.

May 03 2011, 04:33 PM
MSP Doubles begins at 5:30 pm this Thursday, May 5.


How much ace $$$ carried over from last year, Scott?

May 03 2011, 08:02 PM

May 04 2011, 08:06 AM
There you go....more reasons to come out to MSP this Thursday.

* $100+ in ace pot

* North Country Brewery 10% off coupons expire this week

* The forecast is calling for low 60's with sunshine (much unlike the weather we've had the previous 5 weeks for Tuesday night doubles at Slop Hill)


May 04 2011, 02:28 PM
LOL @ "Slop" Hill. :D

I don't know what it is with that course but it's always been that way since the first time I played it in 1998. I've been there in drought conditions and it was still a sloppy mess. I think Knob (and Tom Bass Park in Houston TX) are the only courses which I've wore Sealskinz Socks ( every single time I've played them, even in August. Knob has always been a treat from a course design standpoint (it was initially one of my all time favorites in the late 90s) but with its perennially poor playing conditions, as well as so many other world class courses going in, Knob has dropped out of my top 25. :(

May 04 2011, 07:30 PM
I would have to disagree. Knob is only bad after a recent rain and definately in the spring. I usually go over to play on my lunch hour and would not be able to go back to work if it were constantly a muddy mess. Most days in the summer and fall are fine. Unless of course it just rained. It should all be a thing soon to pass though. The last meeting I had with Marshall Twp. resulted in an agreement to put in drainage ditches filled with tubes and gravel in all of the troublesome areas. This work should begin as soon as the grounds dry up a bit. I would have to say that Deer Lakes gets worse than Knob.

May 04 2011, 11:46 PM
That is very good news about the new drainage ditches at Knob, congratz!

The only problems I ever had at Deer Lakes were on holes#3, 15, and 16, and the latter is reportedly due to a broken water line.

May 11 2011, 08:41 AM
Today ~ Volunteer work at Pittsburgh's newest course, Linbrook Park

Tonight ~ Schenley handicap league

Thur May 12 ~ MSP Doubles

Sat May 14 ~ Pleasant Day in May (PDGA tournament in Fairmont, WV)

Sun May 15 ~ Moraine Monthly *mixer*

May 13 2011, 10:03 AM
Knob has finally dried out. Should be good for the rest of summer. Jeff, Knob is not always muddy. Only really from the end of Winter til May. The rest of the year it is a beautiful dry place to play.

May 13 2011, 10:59 AM

Knob Hill is not dried out as I was there on Tuesday night. Several league players commented that the course was "significantly better" than just 4 or 5 days ago, but it's still "Slop Hill" in numerous places (holes 2, 7, 9 13, 14 and 18 all come to mind). I've lived here for more than 10 years now and it's always the same with that course. The area is a north-facing hillside with numerous natural springs which stay active until about the summer solstice. Early to mid-June is when we typically see the last of the wet holes (13 and 14) actually dry up for the remainder of the year.

On a separate note, Lakeview was mowed this week (Wed & Thur) for the first cut of 2011. The course looks great! Y'all mark your calendar for the Moraine Monthly this Sunday, May 15.

May 13 2011, 12:02 PM
Thank you for the dose of reality, was getting deep in here. :p

Let's try to keep this positive and recognize that Knob Hill was the course which really ignited the explosive growth of disc golf in the Pittsburgh area and the next phase in disc golf course design, and directly led to the world class courses at Moraine State Park and Deer Lakes Park. Without Knob, we might all still be tossing trash can lids at Schenley. And, with the Marshall Township agreement on new drainage ditches, by the end of 2011 this could all become a moot point anyway.

The Pittsburgh Flying Disc Society continues to lead the state in growing the sport of disc golf, keep up the great work everyone! :cool:

May 13 2011, 12:42 PM
Nothing I mentioned previously was intended to criticize Knob Hill DGC as my comments were simply a statement of fact. Knob Hill is sloppy during the first few months of each calendar year. This doesn't negate the fact that Knob Hill is a well designed disc golf course that has stood the test of time (the course is 17 years old this year). Heck, I bought the house I did because it was closer to KH than the other homes I was considering when I was moving to the 'Burgh. :)

I love Knob Hill. I just don't like playing in the mud. If Knob Hill Doubles didn't exist on Tuesday nights, locals probably wouldn't see me at that course until sometime after Memorial Day. ;)

May 13 2011, 01:00 PM
Many years ago, when only a handful of us played Knob Hill, it didn't get muddy at all :)

ok.....well it was real bad back on 13 back then. That's When Steve Yokim and myself dug that drainage ditch and filled the entire thing with gravel that we carried by buckets from the parking lot. It fixed the issue for many years. But now the ditch has filled back in and the bridge is now like a dam. So.....

Ok it is muddy. But not every month. Guess that's why I used to play in sandals all the time. But from June 1 til the snow hits, the course is very dry.

I would say in the next 7-14 days that Knob will be mud free except for a few select areas.

May 13 2011, 01:01 PM
And...........The disc golf course at Hasson Park in Oil City, PA will be opening within the next 2 weeks from what Gateway just told me.

So whenever some of you want to go spend a weekend at our camp in Tionesta, we will have a fun little get together.

May 13 2011, 01:05 PM
And should have seen it 4 or 5 days ago. It was unplayable!!! You couldn't even walk. EVERY HOLE was muddy. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Guess that's why I said dried up.....meaning almost dry. Now there are only a few muddy spots left, but a few more days of sun and those will be good to go. But it's only mud. No reason not to go out and play.

May 13 2011, 01:14 PM
Does that mean I have really been playing 17 years now?? YIKES!!!

Moraine is always dry except for 6 and 15 on occasion. And there is no avoiding the wetness on 15. So perhaps Knob is drier?? lol

But then there is always Economy which is by far the driest course in the area. And Linbrook should be a welcome site when completed.

I'm bored...can you tell?>

May 15 2011, 09:27 AM
lol Chrissy... 4 posts in 15 minutes? Maybe your hand injury is just carpal tunnel from typing so much. :) Slow down and let that thing heal.

May 25 2011, 11:35 AM
Wow. Knob Hill Doubles was brutal last night. Muddy, muddy mess.... :eek:
I'm out! I'll try again after the solstice!

Moraine Doubles this Thursday at 5:30 (start time will shift to 6:00 pm in June).

May 25 2011, 05:00 PM
It was 87x's worse on Saturday Jerry. If it doesn't rain for the next 72 hours, it might be ok ?????? But this is by far the worst month that I have seen out there in 17 years. Disgusting........but getting there.

Jun 10 2011, 11:37 AM
Moraine State Park is the place to be this weekend. The grass has been cut, the baskets are in the A-pin positions....and The Invitational is Saturday followed by the Moraine Monthly on Sunday. For more details on The Invitational and the invited players:

I've already talked to some folks who are planning two 18-hole warm-up followed by the official handicap round. :D

Jun 21 2011, 09:43 AM
The grass has been cut at Lakeview Disc Golf Course and it is lookin' good!
MSP Doubles League is at 6:00 pm on Thursday!

Check out my polesaw work yesterday on hole 11 (one golfer commented that it "looked like a war zone". I took that as a compliment.) :)

I started with the tree near c-pin and worked my way down the fairway toward the white and gold tees. It doesn't look like much from the photo, but I trimmed/removed a **** load of branches! I did not open the gap on the blue tee side as I simply ran out of daylight. That'll be a project for another day. I've been working evenings on the Lakeview Course and I'm going to dedicate Mondays toward the effort.....anyone is more than welcome to join me...5:00 pm 'till dark.

So far this spring the polesaw has been put to use on the following holes:
1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17

Jun 21 2011, 10:32 AM
Sometimes I wish I would have cut down that tree that your pole saw is leaning up against back when I designed this hole.

Jun 23 2011, 11:15 PM
Trimmed it just enough for Josh to get an Ace tonight and clean out that ace pot!

Jun 24 2011, 10:19 AM
Yeppers....169 smackers on hole 11a. It was a nice sounding ace, too! :)

Jun 28 2011, 09:06 AM
Clean up needed on aisle 12 at Moraine State Park! :D

Last night I went to town with the pole saw on hole 12 (and a portion of hole 2's green). The gap was opened up from the gold tee and every tree was trimmed beyond the blue and white tees. Looks good. I dragged most of the cuttings into the woods, but I ran out of steam near the end so there are a few more limbs which need to be cleared from 12's fairway.

The next Monday evening I have scheduled to work out there will be July 11. If anyone has the urge to set down their golf discs and put on a pair of work gloves to help work on the course, you're more than welcome to join me. I plan to work 5:30 to 8:30 pm.

Jul 07 2011, 09:21 AM
Tonight (7/7)= Moraine Doubles @ 6:00 pm (course is freshly mowed btw)

Saturday (7/9) = Moraine Monthly @ 10:00 am

Sunday (7/10) = IUP College Lodge Course Championship (the only event at the Lodge this year)

Jul 07 2011, 07:08 PM
If I could only choose one.. It would be the lodge ;) Lots of CTPs and trophies, plus its a course I do not get to play nearly enough.

Jul 07 2011, 11:27 PM
Played Moraine Doubles this evening. Course looks fantastic! They must have installed new or sharpened blades on the tractor. I've never seen a better mow job. :)

Moraine Monthly ~ Saturday 10am

Jul 13 2011, 08:56 AM
I'll be working at Moraine State Park this evening if anyone would like to join me....5 pm to 8:30 pm. The targeted areas are the gold tee on hole 5 and the blue tee gap on hole 11. Not sure which spot I'll work on first, but I'll park along the main road near the entrance to Lakeview Beach.

Jul 15 2011, 03:58 PM
I decided to work on Hole 11 this past Wednesday evening. Thanks goes out to Chris Lachendro and Eric Love for helping drag several of the cut limbs/branches, etc.



The next scheduled work evening will be this coming Monday, July 18. I plan to arrive around 5:30 pm and work until dark. Please don't let the 5:30 start time discourage you from coming out to help. I would gladly welcome volunteers who show up at 7:00 pm for an hour or so.


My focus for Monday night will be cutting back the ground cover near hole 5's gold tee which shouldn't take too long. Following that job, pole saw work will be conducted on the low/dead branches of holes 6 & 7.

Jul 22 2011, 08:45 PM
Deer Lakes monthly tomorrow. Come out early and beat the heat! The PFDO disc order just came in from Discraft and I will have it on hand.

Aug 01 2011, 09:06 AM
The Moraine Monthly scheduled for this Saturday (Aug 6) will start at 5:00 pm.
That's evening tournament. The Regatta at Lake Arthur will be in full-swing this weekend on the south shore and there is a fireworks show scheduled for Saturday night at 9:30 pm. Bring the family. They can attend the festivities on the south shore while Dad plays golf and then everyone can reconnect to watch the fireworks. You can be just about anywhere in the park and see the fireworks display. Here's a link to the Regatta at Lake Arthur to see what else is planned for this weekend:

Also, please note the Thursday night doubles league at Moraine State Park will now begin at 5:30 pm.

Aug 19 2011, 10:15 PM
Saturday, August 20 ~ 2011 Deer Lakes Course Championship (9:30 am)
Who's getting braggin' rights for this year? Lunch is provided, new pin placements installed on holes 7 & 9 and the course has never looked better. Arguably the best course in the 'Burgh. Lots of nice CTPs and raffle prizes to be handed out.

Sunday, August 21 ~ Course prep at Moraine state Park (9:00 am - 1:00 pm) Finishing touches are needed on our 1000-rated gold course (by the way, there's only a small number of 1000-rated gold level courses in existence and we have one of them). Please consider coming out for an hour or two (or three) of course prep. A lot of work has been done to this course over the past few weeks and it is looking awesome. The park has brush-hogged the tall grass/weeds on several holes and a maintenance crew will be cutting more next week as I supervise. Park is supposed to weed-whack all of the trees in the fairways and the mowers will be giving the grass a fresh cut. Lakeview will look like a country club when touring players soon begin arriving. You should consider MSP doubles on Thursday night as there might be some big names showing up to play.

After the morning work shift, I'm sure a round of golf will follow. I hope to see you there. Bring gloves.

Aug 22 2011, 08:17 AM
Thanks to Scott Hartle and Josh Deily for showing up yesterday to work on the Lakeview course.

Aug 23 2011, 08:47 AM
The MSP maintenance crew cut and weed-whacked the first six holes on the course. The crew should finish the work today and I must say it's probably the nicest mow job I've seen out there. Metal OB signs, distance markers and "Next Tee" signs were installed yesterday by Jeff Stanek, myself and Tom Stephenson (TS showed up just in time to take over the sledge hammer and drive the last two posts into the ground. Thank you, Tom....Jeff and I are feeling the pain this morning).

39 signs/posts were installed yesterday at the Lakeview course.

Aug 31 2011, 11:51 AM
MSP Doubles will start at 5:00 pm beginning September 1.

KHP Doubles will start at 5:30 pm beginning September 6.

Sep 02 2011, 09:39 AM
The Lakeview course at Moraine State Park will remain in PFDO layout for another week. I figure some players (myself included) want another crack at playing those pin placements over the upcoming holiday weekend.
Baskets will stay in place until Thursday, Sept 8.

There's a lot of chatter about playing Lakeview on Monday, Sept 5 (Labor Day). Check out the forecast for this weekend:

Saturday (

Sep 3
An afternoon thunderstorm 90�Lo 61�
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<!-- /.bg --><LI class="day hv cl { href: '' } hover" jQuery1315010748921="424">
Sunday (

Sep 4
Strong afternoon t-storms 85�Lo 63�
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<LI class="day current cl { href: '' }" jQuery1315010748921="426">
Monday (

Sep 5
Cooler with a shower possible 67�Lo 52�

Sep 16 2011, 11:54 AM
Moraine Monthly tomorrow AM. Yes, it is a mixer. The disc order for the Hunt should be received this evening and if so I will have the new merch available at this event. Be one of the first to pick through this order and use up that credit you have been sitting on. If at least 10 people show up, there could be a CTP or 2 out there.

Oct 07 2011, 11:47 AM
*Saturday, October 8

*9AM Players Meeting @ Schenley Park (meet at pavilion by hole #7)

Entry fee - $8 (with a $1 optional ace pot)

*Sign up before 9am the day of the event @ The Camp David Lawrence Pavilion by hole #7. (YOU CAN SIGN UP THE DAY OF THE EVENT SINCE THERE ARE NO PLAYER PACKS THAT WE NEED TO ORDER IN ADVANCE FOR PLAYERS)

*Everyone is Welcome - You need not have played in any previous league nights

*We will play a morning round from the blue tees followed by a FREE LUNCH - (Subway Boxed Lunch)

*Players will then be re-grouped by score (handicap adjusted) for the afternoon round to be played from the white tees.

*Payout to the top 1/3 of the field (disc credit or 75% cash payout)

*Double points toward standings will be awarded to players

*A League champion will be named after the end of play along with other awards!

*Normal Wednesday Night League Rules apply

*The Wednesday Night League ace pot ($33) will carry over to the league final. The ace pot will not be capped at the final - one ace takes the entire pot. If multiple aces are struck, the pot is split evenly between all aces.

*If an ace is not struck during the league final, we will have a CTP throw-off for the ace pot! You will only be able to throw off for the ace pot if you have entered into the ace pot for the final.

*We will again be playing the league finale in conjunction with a stage of the Pittsburgh Scholastic Disc Golf Series.

Please contact Mark Prestopnik - [email protected] with any questions you may have regarding the event. You can pre-register for the event at any upcoming Wednesday League Night.

This has been a tremendously successful season and I hope that many of you can make it out to give the season a proper sendoff!

Nov 07 2011, 08:15 AM
Glow golf at Knob Hill on Tuesday, November 8? Anyone interested? 6 pm start? I believe Deitzel has lights for sale....

The weather is going to be awesome during the day....high of 65 degrees. Perhaps people can play an afternoon round and install glow bracelets/necklaces on the baskets prior to nightfall? These items are for sale at most dollar stores.

Nov 08 2011, 07:24 AM
Glow is on for tonight at Knob........6pm start. Deitz is bringing lights for sale.

(Deitz didn't bring any lights for sale).

Nov 11 2011, 08:17 AM
Moraine Monthly is this Sunday, November 13 at 10:00 am.
The master plan is to do some leaf removal before sign-up begins. If you would like to help, show up early and bring a rake if you have one. I'll be bringing a gas-powered leaf blower, two rakes and a large tarp. If enough folks show up on Sunday morning we'll knock out the leaf removal in a short amount of time. The grass has filled in nicely over the past two years because of our efforts to clear the leaves.

(Yes, I know the Steelers game starts at 1:00 pm on Sunday....but I'm willing to bet most people have a radio in their automobile. I scheduled the Monthly on Sunday because there will be no hunters in the park.) :)

Dec 06 2011, 01:29 PM
The Pennsylvania DCNR seems to be pretty favorable towards disc golf. Moraine, Tyler, Nockamixon, French Creek, Shawnee, Prince Gallitzin, Canoe Creek, Codorus, Hickory Run, Clear Creek, Pymatuning, and Gifford Pinchot all have courses in them. I am sure there are others that I have forgotten and a few listed have more than one course. Has the PFDS ever approached the PA DCNR about Raccoon Creek State Park? There is some pretty awesome property out there and it is closer to Pittsburgh than Moraine is.

Dec 06 2011, 06:10 PM
I like your thinking but us folks from the north need more courses up our way. LOL.

Dec 06 2011, 08:33 PM
The Pennsylvania DCNR seems to be pretty favorable towards disc golf. Moraine, Tyler, Nockamixon, French Creek, Shawnee, Prince Gallitzin, Canoe Creek, Codorus, Hickory Run, Clear Creek, Pymatuning, and Gifford Pinchot all have courses in them. I am sure there are others that I have forgotten and a few listed have more than one course. Has the PFDS ever approached the PA DCNR about Raccoon Creek State Park? There is some pretty awesome property out there and it is closer to Pittsburgh than Moraine is.

Not that I am aware of. It sounds like a good idea, I'm always for more courses. The trick is getting someone to take the lead and do proposals.

Dec 08 2011, 08:28 AM
Four or five years ago I was having a conversation with Moraine's park manager and I inquired about Racoon Creek SP. I was told that the park manager (at that time) was not interested in disc golf. Perhaps he has changed his mind or there has been a management change at that park.

That said, the Moraine Monthly is this Sunday, December 11. This will be the last one until March 2012.
No Steeler game on Sunday, either.... :)

Dec 08 2011, 03:18 PM
The park manager of Raccoon Creek is Al Wasilewski. Does that sound familiar to you? I have no way to check how long he's been there. If its a different guy I can call and see what his interest level is.

Dec 09 2011, 10:12 AM
I do not recall the park manager's name.

Jan 01 2012, 08:52 PM
Beautiful day at Schenley Park - We had 2-5somes of players.

J Gary Dropcho ~ 48 - $25
Robin White ~ 50 - (did not enter cash game)
Red Whittington ~ 50 - $10
Sir Boston ~ 52 - $5 (won in disc flip)
Curtis Spence ~ 52
Kurt Poole ~ 52
Jeff Stanek ~ 55
Mark Prestopnik ~ 55
Scott McIntyre ~ 55
Mike Mohring ~ 58

Feb 15 2012, 09:19 AM
8th Annual Ice Bowl ~ Morris Park, Fairmont, WV

Saturday - February 18

More details can be found here: