Feb 20 2008, 05:09 PM

this is a call to every discgolfer in this town. there is a public meeting tomorrow night at 6:30 at Mary C. Williams School?? it is at the school right by the park. i will be there for sure and i am hoping to see all of you there as well. if you need any information do not hesitate to contact me.

[email protected]
of pm me


Feb 20 2008, 06:05 PM
who is in charge of the meeting? i will be there. i think we all need to attend this. the castle has become overcrowded with casual golfers this past year or so. arrowhead would take the pressure off of the castle a little.

Feb 20 2008, 06:08 PM
not sure DP. Neal Robertson called me this afternoon and i posted immediatley after i got off the phone. the disc golf course is going in regardless but our presence there is still needed. the more the better!

Feb 20 2008, 07:20 PM
what road is the school on? so I can google map it out and find my way. disc golf shirt and sport coat?? HAHA glad to her this is finally coming up and taking place... thats always a good sign

Feb 20 2008, 07:42 PM
this is from the county web site
Off Hwy 421 south on Silver
Lake Rd, proceed to Arnold
Rd. in Arrowhead Subdivision.
this is directions to the park. which passes right by the school

Feb 20 2008, 07:59 PM
The school is at the end of Silver Lake Rd - 1 mile, can't miss it.
Silver Lake Rd. is off Carolina Beach Rd (421) across from Pat's Tire Service. 1 mile from Monkey Junction.

Feb 20 2008, 10:57 PM
so far it is me monty and ashley. i will be calling everyone tomorrow to make sure they know. i hope everyone can make it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 21 2008, 01:20 PM
bump. lets try to keep this at the top today so everyone can see it. i figured this thead would spark everyones interest. you know a new course in wilmington. guess i was wrong.

Feb 21 2008, 01:48 PM
Let's hear it...Deac, Fig, Russ, Rore ya'll coming?
we could get a bite to eat afterwards.

Feb 21 2008, 01:50 PM
DP is in Dave, and be nice not everyone can live on the message board like us

Feb 21 2008, 02:08 PM
Is the meeting Thursday night the 21st.? If it's tonight I cant make it , I have a previously scheduled community meeting about getting city water & sewer in the Wrightsboro area.

Feb 21 2008, 02:15 PM
from my first post

there is a public meeting tomorrow night at 6:30 at Mary C. Williams School?

no worries man understand if you have prior engagements. and neal did let me know last minute. but at least he let me know!!

Feb 21 2008, 04:46 PM

Feb 21 2008, 05:04 PM
wow, that course will be less than a couple minutes from me... like 3 miles. AWESOME!
Tryng to kick a cold so can play this weekend.. but will be at meeting at 6:30

Feb 21 2008, 05:13 PM
great ash!!

Feb 21 2008, 06:47 PM

Feb 21 2008, 11:37 PM
Arrowhead is gonna happen folks!

Feb 21 2008, 11:43 PM
Awesome. Another course to play when I come home to Wilmywood. Great job NHDGC.

Feb 22 2008, 11:03 AM
Last Nights meeting was to gather information on what the community at large wants to see happen to Arrowhead Park. the great thing was out of the 20 or so people that showed up the Disc Golf Contingent taht showed up made up about 1/3 of the total people there!

so what is going to happen next is very imporotant. the architect that was hired will compile the information gathered last night and in 1 or 2 months at the most another meeting will be held. i would like a MUCH BIGGER TURN OUT at this meeting becasue this will be when they make they're proposal for what they plan to do with the park. after that we move forward imediatley!! it's happening guys lets all try to be a part of it.

May 09 2008, 12:07 PM

Thank you for your follow up, we just met with the Park Advisory Board to look at the redesign layout. They approved the concept drawings and we are looking to move forward with the design development drawings.

As a part of this we may be seeking use of additional land for the disc golf from the adjacent school. We are going to be giving a drawing to Neal Lewis that he can take to the school board to see if they are receptive to this. If not, we will incorporate the disc golf into the framework of the park. We appreciate you following up. I should have a drawing I can pass along sometime mid-week next week in PDF format, thanks and have a good weekend,


Sara Burroughs, RLA, ASLA

Senior Associate


Landscape Architects

the latest on Arrowhead. i will try to post the PDF if and when i get it.

May 09 2008, 01:16 PM
awesome......on a side note, Harold posted his thoughts on the "U-shaped hole" thread and I was able to slip in a plug for Arrowhead. He said he would love to design another course here, but of course, it's all about the timing.

May 11 2008, 09:57 PM
Sounds good. The first thing I thought about when I read about the school was Educational Disc Golf Experience ( Might pique the school's interest. Just my $0.02