Mar 21 2008, 02:29 PM
I'm not sure were to start i live in ohio and we have nothing for i course i play at in bryan ,I would like to start a league or just weekly double .

Mar 21 2008, 06:10 PM
Try this page: (

Mar 22 2008, 11:54 AM
I'm not sure were to start i live in ohio and we have nothing for i course i play at in bryan ,I would like to start a league or just weekly double .

First, you need to figure out what you wish to achieve.
Second , you need to figure out who is going to help you with that goal.
Third, you need to look at all the people that say they
want to help out , and figure out who actually is going to help out .
Fourth, remember you are doing this for fun.
Fifth, take every ounce of negativity coming at you from others , and let it pass you by.

It takes one man to make a difference, are you that guy ?

May 19 2008, 05:24 PM
Well I'm starting weekly dubs in a couple of week's called the park board got the ok . but the only part i'm not sure about is we have alot of rec and casual players ,many who i talked to are wanting doubles but should i have a entry like other doubles
i was thinking 4 dollars ,$ 1 ace pool ,$1 course repair,$2 winners payout
or should i have no entry fee for a while to see how many people show up and how well it everthing goes for the first couple of weeks

May 19 2008, 05:48 PM
$5 to the payout
$1 for course repair
$1 for ace pot
$1 for Muligan ( only because you saif there was a lot of Rec Players) This dollars can go towards course repair, or you could get creative with is and take that dollar from everyone and do a CTP at the end of the round.

May 20 2008, 10:20 AM
$8 will likely scare off a lot of the casuals. go with $3 (2 for payout, 1 for course) with ace pot optional.

May 21 2008, 01:58 PM
$8 will likely scare off a lot of the casuals. go with $3 (2 for payout, 1 for course) with ace pot optional.

Bring some value to the sport.....

May 22 2008, 06:09 PM
Why not an easy number, like $5 ($4 to payout, $1 to course) with an ace pot optional.

May 28 2008, 11:09 PM
The way we're doing it this season is $5 mandatory to play, plus additional $1 for non-club members, and $1 optional Ace. We take 10% of what we collect, and that goes back to the club so we have a 90% payout, and we're paying out the Top 50% of players, so if we have 20 players, 10 people will get paid out.

May 29 2008, 01:52 PM
The way we're doing it this season is $5 mandatory to play, plus additional $1 for non-club members, and $1 optional Ace. We take 10% of what we collect, and that goes back to the club so we have a 90% payout, and we're paying out the Top 50% of players, so if we have 20 players, 10 people will get paid out.

Are you handing out participation ribbons as well??

With that system, you will soon start to see the higher rated players stop showing up to your minis..
What is the point of paying money to play when your ROI is

May 30 2008, 12:23 AM
The way we're doing it this season is $5 mandatory to play, plus additional $1 for non-club members, and $1 optional Ace. We take 10% of what we collect, and that goes back to the club so we have a 90% payout, and we're paying out the Top 50% of players, so if we have 20 players, 10 people will get paid out.

Are you handing out participation ribbons as well??

With that system, you will soon start to see the higher rated players stop showing up to your minis..
What is the point of paying money to play when your ROI is

The week is comprised of both handicaps and Pro-Am Doubles, and most Ams and new people are out more than the older guys anyway. New people, and recs are reaping the benefits because the way handicap and doubles is set. I'm shooting under par rounds each day and I'm still not cashing this season because the new players have such high handicaps and continue to improve. I've only cashed once this season in league actually for 1st place, and I still had to win it in a playoff.

And plus, our club doesnt need the $. We just receivied a $16,000 grant from the tourism committee, and this 10% cash we're taking goes into rewarding players with discs, taking leaguer participators out to eat, and sometimes throwing off for the cash itself.

May 30 2008, 11:13 AM
The way we're doing it this season is $5 mandatory to play, plus additional $1 for non-club members, and $1 optional Ace. We take 10% of what we collect, and that goes back to the club so we have a 90% payout, and we're paying out the Top 50% of players, so if we have 20 players, 10 people will get paid out.

Are you handing out participation ribbons as well??

With that system, you will soon start to see the higher rated players stop showing up to your minis..
What is the point of paying money to play when your ROI is

The week is comprised of both handicaps and Pro-Am Doubles, and most Ams and new people are out more than the older guys anyway. New people, and recs are reaping the benefits because the way handicap and doubles is set. I'm shooting under par rounds each day and I'm still not cashing this season because the new players have such high handicaps and continue to improve. I've only cashed once this season in league actually for 1st place, and I still had to win it in a playoff.

And plus, our club doesnt need the $. We just receivied a $16,000 grant from the tourism committee, and this 10% cash we're taking goes into rewarding players with discs, taking leaguer participators out to eat, and sometimes throwing off for the cash itself.

Handicapping ? Very interesting , sounds like fun.
As far as the grant , WTG!

Great to see support from the city... You guys must be doing something right!

May 30 2008, 10:58 PM
The way we're doing it this season is $5 mandatory to play, plus additional $1 for non-club members, and $1 optional Ace. We take 10% of what we collect, and that goes back to the club so we have a 90% payout, and we're paying out the Top 50% of players, so if we have 20 players, 10 people will get paid out.

Are you handing out participation ribbons as well??

With that system, you will soon start to see the higher rated players stop showing up to your minis..
What is the point of paying money to play when your ROI is

The week is comprised of both handicaps and Pro-Am Doubles, and most Ams and new people are out more than the older guys anyway. New people, and recs are reaping the benefits because the way handicap and doubles is set. I'm shooting under par rounds each day and I'm still not cashing this season because the new players have such high handicaps and continue to improve. I've only cashed once this season in league actually for 1st place, and I still had to win it in a playoff.

And plus, our club doesnt need the $. We just receivied a $16,000 grant from the tourism committee, and this 10% cash we're taking goes into rewarding players with discs, taking leaguer participators out to eat, and sometimes throwing off for the cash itself.

Handicapping ? Very interesting , sounds like fun.
As far as the grant , WTG!

Great to see support from the city... You guys must be doing something right!

It's because of the strong support the disc golf communtiy gives us by coming down for BG Ams every year. Without you guys we wouldnt receive jack squat. It's not what we're doing, it's what you're doing for us so we can give you something in return.

Jun 02 2008, 04:35 PM
Quite a few clubs are creating a "Club Page" in our network, which doesn't cost anything, and it lets you have a simple Web presence - which your 'members' can join, and then their being members lets you message them all at once with special news, etc.

We used to limit access to any pages deeper than the front page to registered users of the network, but the guys who have pages like the one I mentioned, wanted to be sure that stuff they post there like league details, etc., can be seen by anyone, so we opened it up.

Jun 02 2008, 08:22 PM
The way we're doing it this season is $5 mandatory to play, plus additional $1 for non-club members, and $1 optional Ace. We take 10% of what we collect, and that goes back to the club so we have a 90% payout, and we're paying out the Top 50% of players, so if we have 20 players, 10 people will get paid out.

Are you handing out participation ribbons as well??

With that system, you will soon start to see the higher rated players stop showing up to your minis..
What is the point of paying money to play when your ROI is


I know you come from the disc golf competition capital of the world, but in most places around the country, league play is not about the higher rated's about the thousands of players with no rating. Leagues are a great tool to capture a small number of the recreational players who want to play competitively and/or raise their skill level. I've been playing nearly 17 years, traveled a bit and lived in four different states.....and one thing I've noticed is that many of the largest league turnouts are often some of the lowest entry fees ($2, $4, $5, etc.). Since most start up clubs are exposing disc golf to newcomers the focus should be on the newer, younger players.

I believe one of the smartest things a club can do is have a low entry fee for a weekly event (i.e. Tuesday singles; Wednesday doubles, etc.) and then host a monthly event with a larger entry fee resulting in a larger payout.

Jun 04 2008, 01:35 AM
The way we're doing it this season is $5 mandatory to play, plus additional $1 for non-club members, and $1 optional Ace. We take 10% of what we collect, and that goes back to the club so we have a 90% payout, and we're paying out the Top 50% of players, so if we have 20 players, 10 people will get paid out.

Are you handing out participation ribbons as well??

With that system, you will soon start to see the higher rated players stop showing up to your minis..
What is the point of paying money to play when your ROI is


I know you come from the disc golf competition capital of the world, but in most places around the country, league play is not about the higher rated's about the thousands of players with no rating. Leagues are a great tool to capture a small number of the recreational players who want to play competitively and/or raise their skill level. I've been playing nearly 17 years, traveled a bit and lived in four different states.....and one thing I've noticed is that many of the largest league turnouts are often some of the lowest entry fees ($2, $4, $5, etc.). Since most start up clubs are exposing disc golf to newcomers the focus should be on the newer, younger players.

I believe one of the smartest things a club can do is have a low entry fee for a weekly event (i.e. Tuesday singles; Wednesday doubles, etc.) and then host a monthly event with a larger entry fee resulting in a larger payout.

It's also because of the low cost and high entrants/participants that we are able to have monthly's as well and draw out tournament sized numbers. Everyone, from the newbie to the seasoned vet, is getting a chance to win cash or prizes, regardless of division in both our weekly leagues and monthly's. The exposure we're bringing with our mini's, and you guys coming out yr. after yr. for BG Ams is helping our club reach record numbers in membership, and our leagues are growing all the time. Within a month, I've met several dozen new disc golfers who had never heard of the sport until BG ams rolled around and when we started advertising for league. There's nothing better than watching the sport grow through weekly's, and if every city was able to host one then who knows where our sport could be in 5 yrs!!! You dont need A-Tiers, or other sanctioned tournaments to have big crowds (though they do help). You just need people willing to grow the sport, and introduce to everyone they know. I practice putting in my front yard alot, and I couldnt begin to count how many people on my street have walked up to me, asked what I was doing, and then wanted to practice with me. Any exposure we can get out there is instrumental in maintaining the growth we need to become mainstream.

Jun 04 2008, 01:42 AM
I'm not sure were to start i live in ohio and we have nothing for i course i play at in bryan ,I would like to start a league or just weekly double .

Last yr. the Comm. officer and myself discussed about how to hel create local clubs in surrounding areas. One idea he had that I thought was brilliant, was finding a small group of guys in a neighboring county who want to start a club. The club you are currently in would sponsor the up and coming club by working with their parks department to put in a course (9 or 18). Also, the up and coming people would pay a monhtly due to the sponsoring club, and keep it in a separate account. Then, when the parks dept. has helped install a course, the sponsoring club would return the monthly dues in full to give to the new club so they would have a budget to begin working with. I'm leaving out some other stuff because it's been about a yr. and 1/2 since we talked about it, but I'm sure you get the gist of what I'm saying.

Jun 05 2008, 05:19 PM
I just started a draw dubs mini, $5 entry w/ total payout, $1 optional ace pot, which works well for the small community that we're in, however when I lived in north Dallas and ran the mini there, I ran two divisions, one for the upper level player at double the entry and rolling ace pot, the other for the rec or newer player at $4 plus $1 and never rolled that ace pot, always gave them the CTP after the round
it worked out really well because the better players never complained about drawing the newbie and the new players didn't have alot to loose
we are also going to start a club for course improvements, bag tags, etc

Oct 07 2008, 01:01 AM
We started a club this year using, Central Texas Disc Golf Meetup ( We started getting better attendance when we started bag tags. It's always optional to pay for us. If people want to be in the ace pot it's $2 for "taggers" and $3 for non-taggers. The tags are $5 and give us something to compete for every Saturday morning when we play.

The thing about is I had to change the description of our meetup to practically scare people out of joining. Otherwise, people were joining every meetup in the area including ours whether or not they had discs. is a pay service but it's cheaper than creating a forum, website, etc. The calendar service helps us see upcoming events and RSVP'ing for them helps build interest.

I agree with keeping the mini fees low. People already have a number of minis in the area if they want to pay more. I do like the suggestion of the monthly mini with a higher payout. I'll have to try that sometime.