Mar 26 2008, 03:02 PM
I was worried that when I opened the board up it was going to be empty...
Mar 26 2008, 03:06 PM
Thank Jerry Stacy, he called and got hold of Cliff while I was digging records and making phone calls and emails.
PDGA made an error and seems to have corrected it.
Mar 26 2008, 03:07 PM
At first I thought you had exercised more of your TD skills and got us removed. :o
Then I was setting at my desk having a crap fit Knowing what happened and how it was done with out warning or even taking the time to send an email before hand to inquire about it. :mad:
At least they didn't tell us it would be sometime betweeen noon and 4:30 and you need to pay a re-instatement fee. :p
Mar 26 2008, 03:10 PM
All is well that ends well right?
Since all the old threads are still here, I am cool.
And I have not been posting enough to get the whole board banned...cough cough again cough cough...
At least it was not Rhett who was in charge of pulling the plug... :o:D
Mar 26 2008, 03:15 PM
and it won't be him until at least 12/21/08. :D
Mar 26 2008, 03:23 PM
<ul type="square"> Rhett Stroh Suspension 12/21/2007 12/21/2008 Personal Attack[/list]
Beautiful. :D
Mar 26 2008, 03:29 PM
Man I was worried I got cut-off from the board. I had been on this morning, then I couldn't. I thought the higher-ups here at work were trying to limit our internet usage.
Thank god they didn't, I would be lost without my TDSA message board brethren.
It's good to be back /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Mar 26 2008, 03:32 PM
Yeah I know Penny...
All the guys who are not on here all the time are going to be like, "What the heck where they so jumpy about...the board was down for like an hour...."
Mar 26 2008, 03:36 PM
Thats an hour that I have to be "working" though. The whole staring at the computer thing only works if you have something to look at, with the occasional posting. I usually only post on our board, so when it went down I had to resort :(
Oh well, as you said ( I think)..Alls well that ends well. :D