Mar 29 2008, 04:33 PM
Texas Women's Championship is April 26-27. Ashley Hoster, Tammy Walsh and I are planning to represent Oklahoma! This is a great event that really promotes women and girls playing disc golf. Most divisions are filled with at least 8 to 10 girls. The entry fee is super cheap: Open $60, Adv $35, Int $30, Rec $20 and Juniors are FREE!!! And this is a B-TIER EVENT!!! Every lady gets a player's pack. The guys from the Round Rock really step up and take care of the ladies! There is an escort on every card...they keep score for the ladies. Some guys volunteer as caddies for the players too!
Vinnie posted this message under the Disc Golf for Women topic. He's challenging TX clubs, and I just thought maybe some Okie clubs would be interested in representing as well...
"I want challenge the clubs of Texas. Texas Women�s Championships is April 26 & 27 and we want to present the opportunity to highlight your club during the TWC. We started the girly station experience and we want the clubs of Texas to improve on that idea.
Last year was a very successful experience for the ladies and the girly station was a big part of that. Consider representing your club by having the best girly station. We have designated areas to best serve the ladies. Contact Ed Coffey or me and we will ensure a place in the action.
And of course we will accept any form of sponsorship. So if you cannot be involved in a girly station, then make sure to support the event with sponsorship, escorts or my favorite CASH. Behind every man is a lady, so don�t miss the opportunity to back a lady. I will be the first to recognize support and the first to point out lack of involvement. SEND ME YOUR LADIES!"
Perhaps I should clarify what a 'girly station' is. At several tee boxes throughout each course, there will be different stations set up for players to take advantage of. The refreshments range from oranges to chocolate.
I think it would be great if TDSA would step up and sponsor this event in some way...even if it's just donating a few pieces of merchandise! C'mon guys...whatcha think?
Vinnie posted this message under the Disc Golf for Women topic. He's challenging TX clubs, and I just thought maybe some Okie clubs would be interested in representing as well...
"I want challenge the clubs of Texas. Texas Women�s Championships is April 26 & 27 and we want to present the opportunity to highlight your club during the TWC. We started the girly station experience and we want the clubs of Texas to improve on that idea.
Last year was a very successful experience for the ladies and the girly station was a big part of that. Consider representing your club by having the best girly station. We have designated areas to best serve the ladies. Contact Ed Coffey or me and we will ensure a place in the action.
And of course we will accept any form of sponsorship. So if you cannot be involved in a girly station, then make sure to support the event with sponsorship, escorts or my favorite CASH. Behind every man is a lady, so don�t miss the opportunity to back a lady. I will be the first to recognize support and the first to point out lack of involvement. SEND ME YOUR LADIES!"
Perhaps I should clarify what a 'girly station' is. At several tee boxes throughout each course, there will be different stations set up for players to take advantage of. The refreshments range from oranges to chocolate.
I think it would be great if TDSA would step up and sponsor this event in some way...even if it's just donating a few pieces of merchandise! C'mon guys...whatcha think?