Apr 01 2008, 05:41 PM
Hey, I will be in the Dallas, Richardson, TX area for several days next week and I would like to try out some of the better courses nearby (assuming there are some ofcourse). Preferrably no more than 30 minute drive if possible.

I checked out the local website, but could not find enough details to determine which courses were worth playing, or get played the most, etc.

Thanks for the help.

Apr 01 2008, 06:16 PM
We have a local website?

It will take a little more than 30 to drive to but, Harry Myers in Rockwall is the latest and greatest.

Audobahn in Garland is torn up at the moment.
Richardson campus course isn't worth your time.
Shawnee in Plano is close and the worste layout ever.
Greenbelt in Carrollton is a bunch of hyzers.
Porter in Carrolton is a fun coures.
Bethany lakes in Allen isn't a bad 9 holer and the 9th hole is very cool. (over a pond onto golfcourse grass) Don't play it in the wind or you may loose some discs and it isn't worth the loss.
Lewisville Lake is great and playable after rain.
BB Owens in Dallas is good just not the best area.

I'm not spellchecking this and take no responsibility...

Apr 01 2008, 07:24 PM
Play Rockwall!

Apr 01 2008, 07:28 PM
The best course on that side of town is Rockwall's Harry Myers disc golf course. It's a john houck design and is epic golf.

Veteran's Park in Arlington is 30 minutes away and it is also worth the drive.

Apr 01 2008, 08:35 PM
thanks for the replies, looks like rockwall and veterans park it is - I am on a business trip to be trained, so classes get out between 4 and 5, so I wanted to make sure I had time to get to the courses and play 1 round each day

I'll know more details later, but if anybody is up for a round while I am in town, post here and let me know - I'll check back soon

Apr 01 2008, 09:09 PM
Play Rockwall!

He He!!! Be sure to wear your galoshes!!! I would bet there will be about a foot of water in the bottoms right about now.

Since it is spring, and with the rains we have been getting I suggest the Lake and LL Woods both in Lewisville . They are close to each other and the Lake is sand not clay so it will not be muddy even if it rains (north Texas is typically clay and is miserable when wet for throwing and slick as snot when it rains). LL Woods is all concrete tees and grass and is a very respectible layout.

Veterans is also sand and is an incredible course. Hard but fun.

McKinney from the back tees is one of my favorite courses around and is great for playing when the wind is blowing 20-30 MPH as it is in a set of hills in the trees. You can play from the short tees with a Teebird, Roc, and Putter.

BTW, I live in Richardson. PM me.

Apr 01 2008, 10:19 PM
thanks for the info. I will retract what I previously said and say that I probably won't decide what courses to play until I get there and hopefully the weather will cooperate

please keep the suggestions coming

Apr 01 2008, 11:35 PM
McKinney??? That course is under water after rain... Rockwall only gets bad on #4.

I would recomend hitting up McKinney on Wed. evening at 6 if possible. Fun, easy, fair course with a nice $7 mini. Good people, good times.

Apr 02 2008, 01:11 AM

Apr 02 2008, 10:40 AM
The best course in the area is hands down Cedar Hill. In fact, it is two courses. If you are going to be here for a weekend, I recommend Cedar Hill.

Apr 02 2008, 12:25 PM
I was out at Rockwall last Sunday and it was only really muddy on holes 2's fairway, 4, 5, 6, and around 9 Long's tee...even so, WELL worth the trouble!

I agree with Brad though...for my money, Cedar Hill is the best in Dallas. Just the right mix of fun and challenge - also easily one of the most beautiful complexes around here (if not THE most beautiful). And disc golf is the only thing going on our there!

Apr 02 2008, 04:28 PM
I fly in next monday and fly out next friday, so looks like I will only be able to play Tuesday-Thursday, so I hope the weather is good those 3 days

and I don't mind hard or long courses, as long as their fun to play and worth my time, especially being it looks like I have to choose the best 3 to play (assuming the weather lets me play all 3 days)

what course is Cedar Hill in relation to the course directory

so far the courses that are getting my attention seem to be:
Veterans Park
BB Owen
Z Boaz (nobody has mentioned it)
Arcadia (not mentioned either)
Lake Lewisville
Leonard Woods

so I need help choosing the best 3 to play, in relation to my hotel in Richardson (driving distance and most fun)

Thanks again for the help

Apr 02 2008, 04:40 PM
Z-Boaz is one of the best but it's easily an hour from Richardson.

Dallas county's best are: Rockwall and Cedar Hill. Cedar Hill has two courses, the Beaver and the Coyote.

Tarrant county's best are: Veteran's, Z-Boaz, and Crowley.

Big E
Apr 02 2008, 04:45 PM
I am not a fan of LL Woods or BB owens or Arcadia! I do like Cedar hill and the vet and rockwall all are great courses! Zboaz is also a great course just a long ways from where you are staying even more so if you are trying to make it during rush hour! I live a block from the vet PM me if you would like to play a round they have a Wednesday mini so if you dont want to play the mini from the short tee's you should play Tuesday or Thursday. I play Tuesday draw doubles at Fritz Park in Irving which is also kind of close to you in relation to other to other courses listed.... Good luck!

Apr 02 2008, 05:31 PM
what course is Cedar Hill in relation to the course directory

Lester Lorch Park - both courses are in the same park: Beaver starts near the parking lot, Coyote starts near Beavers #16 basket (from the parking lot, past the pond to the left).

Apr 02 2008, 05:59 PM
take LL woods and McKinney off the list.

I love McKinney and think I've got more rounds in at that park than anyone but it isn't a "must play" Unless you want to come join us for the wed mini.

Apr 02 2008, 06:14 PM
take LL woods and McKinney off the list.

I love McKinney and think I've got more rounds in at that park than anyone but it isn't a "must play" Unless you want to come join us for the wed mini.

I brought it up, and I never said it was a "must play". I said that LL Woods is good when it rains and McKinney is good when the wind is blasting 30 mph...

Apr 02 2008, 06:19 PM
and I didn't put any words in your mouth...

Apr 06 2008, 12:22 AM
ok, so I get out of classes at around 4:30 - is it possible to get to Veterans from Richardson during the rush hour with enough time to get a full round in (from the pro tees?)

other than that question, it seems I'm down to:

Rockwall (for sure)
Cedar Hill (looking at map, seems I'm going right through Dallas, during rush hour, so how long of a drive am I expecting?)
Lake Lewisville (somebody said LL woods wasn't good, but what about this one?)

again, thanks for the input, and I'll be happy to play a round with anybody while I am in town, just send me a pm or post here and let me know

Apr 06 2008, 10:09 AM
ok, so I get out of classes at around 4:30 - is it possible to get to Veterans from Richardson during the rush hour with enough time to get a full round in (from the pro tees?)


You will have time to play but I am not sure how much, and it will not be a fun drive. The traffic going west on the George Bush TP is not bad at rush hour, (not like going east) but traffic on 360 in Arlington could be really bad. Not to mention the local streets in Arlington itself.

I would "guess" that your drive would be between 90 and 120 minutes at 4:30. I drive that route every day, as my work is at the end of the GB. The GB will not be horrible but when you get into Arlington, all bets are off.

Apr 08 2008, 10:14 AM
sorry for replying so late - traveling sucked yesterday

anyway, looks like I am gonna play rockwall today - hopefully course directory directions are good

if everything goes to plan, I'll be there between 5 and 5:30 if anybody wants to join me

Apr 10 2008, 03:34 PM
thanks for the round last night - will post more later when I get back home

gonna try to play cedar hill today, the weather looks much better (assuming its not mud soaked also)

anybody is welcome to join me for a round, but not sure how long it'll take me to get out there

Apr 12 2008, 11:08 PM
Ok, finally back home from my trip. Thanks to everybody who gave their input on which courses to play and such

played Rockwall on Tuesday - it was a lot of fun. the mud caked onto my cleats on hole 1 and from there it was a chore to throw some of the longer holes - I really wish I had played this course in better conditions to see what I really could have done, but oh well - also wished I had played the Blue tees (I threw several of them, but didn't keep score or anything)

on Wednesday, I played the McKinney mini - thanks for the good time had by everybody, especially my group - wish I had gotten a chance to talk to everybody more, but the rain was not very cooperative - like rockwall, I wish I could have played this course in better conditions to see what I really could have done - Is there any way I can see the final scores for everybody who was there or are they posted on a local website or something? I would like to see how I did (other than final standing with the strokes I was given)... I also hope I played the correct division, being I am a 951 rated player and it was my first time playing the course

on Thursday, I played Cedar Hill - unfortunately, as has been discovered, the road was closed, but being determined after driving an hour through crazy dallas traffic, I decided it couldn't have been too far, so I walked to the course anyway and got a round in - my biggest mistake here was asking a local player which course was "harder", which he said coyote, so I joined him and his friend to play it - it was indeed a tough course, but we ended up playing 8-18 of Beaver, which was a much better course imo, so I wish I had played a full round at Beaver - or better yet, if the road had not been closed and if I had known my way around the courses, I could have played them both in a criss cross fashion (which I can imagine most locals do)

anyway, I'm sure I've said too much for very many people to read, but it was a lot of fun and I wish I had more time to play more courses, but I guess thats the nature of a business trip... can't have all fun and games

Apr 13 2008, 10:54 AM
Actually, thanks for the report...I had to chuckle at the thought of you attempting the rush hour drive anywhere beyound the Garland, BB Owens, McKinney area.
I've gone so far as to take a taxi to a course of I thought I could zip in for most of a round & make it back to catch a connecting flight. Has made for some exciting runs through the airport trying to catch a flight.
It's too bad things were wet. Nice you made it down to Cedar Hill, thats a great place to play but far from N. Dallas.
Try to have an extra day next time so you can see the good courses in Arlington & Ft. Worth.

Apr 13 2008, 09:41 PM
You're right about the Cedar hill layout, you play 1-16 of the Beaver, then 1-18 of Coyote, then 17 & 18 of the Beaver.

If the gate is closed, I guess you would start on hole 2 of the Beaver and finish 17, 18, & 1.

Apr 16 2008, 08:29 PM
played Rockwall on Tuesday - it was a lot of fun. the mud caked onto my cleats on hole 1 and from there it was a chore to throw some of the longer holes - I really wish I had played this course in better conditions

Just wait until the next drought, it will be perfect after the grass turns brown...