Apr 11 2008, 12:07 AM
18 holes have been flagged out at the city park and the first nine baskets could be in the ground in as little as 2 months. Just waiting on final approval for the financing. The course will start with natural tee's for now, the Parks Dept. Rec. Director wants to get the baskets in soon and get the course opened for play.
The course is flagged out as I stated so if anyone would like to come out and play some "target golf" just let me know.
I would like to get some input from some other golfers before the layout is finalized
I think it is a very nice course, but I guess I am partial as the designer.
It is a good mix of tight woody technical holes and long bombs. The longest of which being about 585 by my steps.
It's a great and well manicured park that really designed itself. Other than the labor to install the baskets about 2-3 hrs of trimming of some low hanging limbs and scrubby growth around a couple of the baskets is all that is needed.
I want to say thanks to Dustin Kinson for his help with the design of the front nine, and to Patrick from the Granbury Parks & Rec. for the opportunity to make Disc Golf in Granbury a reality.
I know there are no baskets, but I would like to have a small "target Golf" tourney very soon. We will put a 3-4 ft circle around the proposed pin location. make it in the circle and your in. CASH PAYOUT FOR ALL DIVISIONS!!
Anyone wanting more info can contact me, Matt Weinberg at 817-909-0207.

Apr 11 2008, 12:21 AM
Oh yea,If anyone that could offer some help getting a website put together it would be greatly appreciated.

Apr 11 2008, 12:35 AM
Sounds cool...... U got any pix?

Apr 11 2008, 02:07 AM
Not yet but I will get some as soon as I can.

Apr 11 2008, 12:35 PM
we should do what they did in Allen when they started to lay out that course, find people with baskets and set up the course with baskets for a one day event for fun or charity, then you would also get the input from people that love the game enough to have bought the bsaket as well as the discs
just a thought, I have a Mach III portable and a Ching Skillshot, but so does my brother so that's a start

Apr 12 2008, 01:58 AM
DAVE, thats an AWSOME idea. I have a basket as well. SO anyone else that has one and can contribute just let me know. I told the parks dept. 'If we build it they will come" lets show I was right and get em' to come before it is even built.
If we can do this a good way to show the city that we are serious would be to donate 40%-50% of the take to the course fund.
The parks board already wants this but everything we can do to help speed it along will help.

Long flights and short putts to you all.

Apr 13 2008, 12:55 PM
I made a website and will be going out today to take pictures and marker paint the tee's and baskets.
They will be available for view later today.

Apr 13 2008, 09:36 PM
It would also go a long way toward pointing out any safety issues you might have missed, and give you some ideas about which holes might be playing in ways you did not expect when you laid them out. On the holes I have done, it is always interesting to see the hole through the eyes of the players, they usually see things that I never thought of when I laid out the hole.

Apr 13 2008, 10:03 PM
Your so right Gary, I badly want to get some other players down here to give me their opinions and suggestions. I just came in from taking measurements and pictures. They will be up on the course website in just a little while.

Apr 14 2008, 12:56 AM
is this the course that Tom has been talking about for awhile

Apr 14 2008, 03:05 AM
No, Tom was trying to get one in Glen Rose. A couple others have tried here but none have been successful until now.

Pictures of the course are up with descriptions and distances

Apr 14 2008, 10:47 AM
Nice pics Matt. Given the lengths of 95% of the holes, you are probably going to want to play wrong side of the creek/sidewalk = OB.

Big E
Apr 14 2008, 12:38 PM
Not that I am a pro or anything but have dabbled in course design and working with the parks department before and I see a ton of safety issues with the sidewalk coming into play on a lot of holes :confused: Just a heads up that can be a course puller in a heart beat if someone gets hurt by a miss thrown disc! Is there anyway to avoid the sidewalk more?

Apr 14 2008, 04:18 PM
I thought sidewalks were there for us to get better skipshots off of. :D

Apr 14 2008, 05:27 PM
A couple of those look like they bring the sidewalk and baseball fields into play.

Remember that there will generally be a lot casual players with little regard for etiquette or the future of disc golf (or even this course) playing across those sidewalks.

Even if they wait for traffic to clear, they will often say things to people on the sidewalks that are less than polite when they do not get out of the way quick enough.

Better to avoid any interaction with sidewalks whenever possible. When it's not possible, having the sidewalk cross closer to the tee than the basket is better than having it at about 300'.

Apr 14 2008, 05:27 PM

Apr 14 2008, 06:08 PM
great photos Matt, kudos to you sir, looks like a really nice piece of land to work with. I hope to be out there soon. good luck

Apr 14 2008, 08:58 PM
Unfortunately the sidewalks are pretty much unavoidable. I did try to put the pin locations clear of them for the most part, however they could be moved some. I think on most of the holes the sidewalk is more an OB line than something that would really come into play.
That is the reason I would like to get some other golfers down here for some other opinions. As far as the baseball fields the only one that comes into play is on hole 2.
That hike/bike trail is an integral part of the course and I have to work around it best I can. I have tried to keep casuals in mind during the design process.
Not unlike many courses we have to share (pout).
Thanks for all the support I have been getting from everyone and I am glad you all like the pics.
Another piece of good new is that the is a plan in the works to obtain 30+ acres adjacent to the front nine that would be primarily used for disc golf.

Apr 14 2008, 10:49 PM
Another piece of good new is that the is a plan in the works to obtain 30+ acres adjacent to the front nine that would be primarily used for disc golf.

SWEET!!! When are you thinking of having other golfers take a look? I might be interested. Keep up the good work!

Apr 15 2008, 01:00 AM
Anytime Miles, that goes for anyone that wants to come take a look. Just give me a shout. Like I said I would like to have a little "target golf" tourney. $5-10 entry cash payout (figured that would bring some bodies). Dustin was talking about giving each player a small notebook to note any suggestions and discuss them after. A weekend or a Thurs. eve. would be best for just getting together to check it out. I umpire softball Mon, and Wed and play on Tuesday's

Apr 15 2008, 01:43 AM
how far is the course off of I-35?

Apr 15 2008, 01:58 AM
You would be better off driving to Z boaz then taking 377 south to Granbury. Its about 40 min from the mighty Z. I like the idea of a little mini. I am sure we can find enough baskets to bring. This saturday would be best for me. Anybody else?

Apr 15 2008, 09:18 AM
I think a group of us from Crowley is going up there on Sunday.

Apr 15 2008, 09:28 AM
I think a group of us from Crowley is going up there on Sunday.

Road trip sunday could work, I could definately make it out
for that . Also have a skill shot I could bring .

Lemme know

Big E
Apr 15 2008, 09:40 AM
I have a DGA Mach Lite baskets! Saturday works better for me but Sunday I might be able to swing :D

Apr 15 2008, 10:05 AM
i would like to see Matt umpire, that would be great! :p

Apr 15 2008, 11:15 AM
I have 3 baskets, 2 discatchers and a skill shot.....and no time to use them. :confused: :D

Big E
Apr 15 2008, 11:29 AM
I have 3 baskets, 2 discatchers and a skill shot.....and no time to use them. :confused: :D

That is all I have time to do..... putt in the back yard :DI can put your unused baskets to good use :D
By the way on a serious not I am looking for a Discatcher or DGA basket if anyone has one they would part with :D

Apr 16 2008, 07:16 PM
Saturday is not good I have to go to Goldthwaite, However sunday will work, if we can come to an agreement on time and how many baskets we can get that would be great!! Even if we can only get 9 we can do 9 then move em to the other side. If we can do this for sure I'm sure I can arrange to have the gates open so we can drive to the back 9 locations.
Actually I hate to cut into the Z-Boaz mini but around 3 on sun would be ideal.
I have a chainstar myself

Apr 16 2008, 07:25 PM
David, as far as seeing me umpire, any Mon., or Wed. night. Then I play on Tues, unfortunately I spend more time on the softball fields nowdays than the disc golf course.
I'm excited to get some of you down here to check out what I have going on.

Apr 16 2008, 07:26 PM
Who can make it with baskets that day?

Apr 17 2008, 09:20 AM
Saturday is not good I have to go to Goldthwaite, However sunday will work, if we can come to an agreement on time and how many baskets we can get that would be great!! Even if we can only get 9 we can do 9 then move em to the other side. If we can do this for sure I'm sure I can arrange to have the gates open so we can drive to the back 9 locations.
Actually I hate to cut into the Z-Boaz mini but around 3 on sun would be ideal.
I have a chainstar myself

Can 6pm work ? I have to work, but I can be there by 6pm. And I have a skillshot basket I can bring. Also, if you make it at 6, then I bet most who play zboaz on Sun. whould shoot out there afterwards. Is there directions posted somewhere ?

Big E
Apr 17 2008, 10:16 AM
I think up thread there was :D

Apr 17 2008, 10:42 AM
Matt, lemme know if you want some better free hosting for your site. Also, I can loan you my basket for an event but I won't be able to get out there and play this weekend :(

Apr 17 2008, 12:15 PM
6:00 is too late Darren. I think 3:00 would work great. I will spread the word to the Crowley locals that are planning on going.

Apr 17 2008, 04:22 PM
Man, you guys are awsome, thanks for all the support I'm getting.
Directions are on the website I made here it is again
Those directions use Z-Boaz as a starting point.
As far as the guy who asked how far it is from 35, if your coming up from the south (Austin, Waco etc.) take state 67 in Alvarado through Cleburne to Glen Rose then come north on 144 to Granbury all the way till 144 t's into 377 bus. then turn left. Park St. will be about 3/4 mi. on right. Follow directions from website from there.

Apr 17 2008, 04:24 PM
Dustin and myself will be at the Z-Boaz mini tonight for anyone that is coming and has questions.

Apr 20 2008, 12:32 PM
Looks like the Crowley locals are leaving at 1:00 today to make out first trip to Granbury. Tee time 2:00

Apr 20 2008, 02:14 PM
Sounds good, Dustin and I will be there at around 1:30. I'm bringing my basket and he made 3 temp baskets this morn, not sure what they look like though

Apr 20 2008, 10:52 PM
Thanks to all who came out to play and check out the course today, so glad you liked it. We will take another look at 14 and 15 and see if there is a way to improve the flow. No promises as we don't have alot of space to work with in that area because of the picnic tables

May 28 2008, 12:51 PM
whats the dealio here, are the baskets in yet?

Aug 09 2008, 12:22 PM
Well guys and gals. My dream of getting a course here in Granbury is on indefinite hold. The city in it's ultimate wisdom decided that spending somewhere around $5000 for a family friendly Disc Golf course with little to no enviromental impact was not a good idea. Instead they are going to spend $50,000 to pour a few thousand sq. yards of concrete and make a skate park.
Yea for Granbury. NOT!!!!

Aug 09 2008, 12:27 PM
On the bright side however, there is a plan in the works to aquire 30 acres adjacent to the front nine that I designed (the back is where the skate park is going). The talk is again about dedicating a large chunk of this to complete what was already designed. We will actually have more room and can put in some real boomers on that piece of land.
More info for you as soon as I have it.