May 01 2008, 12:12 AM
This Saturday, May 3rd, will be our first work day for installing the new baskets at Schenley Park. We will be replacing the anchors that have been damaged on holes 12 and 17 (hole 5�s was replaced after the league round tonight thanks to J. Gary, Brian, Mark, Nino, Terry and others) and we will begin installing anchors for new basket locations for each hole. Please come out and lend a hand. We�ll meet near hole 12�s basket at 10:00.

A proposed new pin location is marked with an orange flag or orange paint on the ground for each hole. Please voice your approval or suggestions for improvement to the layout now before its too late. We can save any controversial positions until the end.

If anyone has a truck that can help me pick up sakrete at Lowes or Home Depot or has a wheelbarrow please let me know. We currently have one wheelbarrow on site. Bring gloves if you have them and any tools that you think may help. Thanks, [email protected]

May 01 2008, 08:29 AM
Scott, first of all this is great news just as it was when you gave our group the low down at Knob a while back.

As I'm sure you are aware a lot of members will be playing the PASDGC this weekend. Do you have any other work days laid out as of yet or are you just going with the flow for now?... I ask because I'd love to come out and lend a hand.

May 01 2008, 03:43 PM
I know that many people will be in Indiana but I would still like to get a start on the work this weekend. The park has removed the damaged pins so there are already holes in the ground for their replacements. I don't know how long it's going to take to get all of the new pin locations in place but I'm hoping that we can get a start on them this weekend and finish them all by next weekend.

We can then focus on building the new baskets and selling the old ones. I think there will be plenty of opportunities to lend a hand.

I mocked up a website last night that will show pictures of the old baskets and allow people to write comments or commit to buying them. I just need to take a picture of each of them, hopefully this weekend.


May 01 2008, 09:41 PM
On the topic of the original Schenley baskets, I believe the current sentiment is to sell them, at a lesser price to PFDS members, to raise money for Moraine's tee pads. I would like to propose that any money raised go first to a new course sign at Moraine. There are hundreds of cars going through that parking lot on any given summer day and I can think of no better advertising for the sport than a sign near the first tee that can be seen by all of them.

May 02 2008, 08:21 AM
I would like to propose that any money raised go first to a new course sign at Moraine. There are hundreds of cars going through that parking lot on any given summer day and I can think of no better advertising for the sport than a sign near the first tee that can be seen by all of them.

I concur. A sign/bulletin board is more important than tee pads at Moraine (imo). We already have the course fund money on hand to purchase a sign/board so I will contact park management regarding the issue.

May 03 2008, 07:53 AM
Let's postpone the work today due to the imminent rain. If it looks better tomorrow we can try to get the replacement anchors in. If not we can try again next weekend.


May 04 2008, 02:06 PM
Any chance the PFDS is interested in selling 9 baskets to your new neighbors from the south (www.WCDGA.org)? We are trying to get our first course off the ground and a cost savings in baskets would go a long way.

May 05 2008, 09:43 AM
^^^ contact J Gary. He is trying to sell them all off and is making it a first come first serve basis with the money being paid up front to hold your basket. Some are already claimed and paid for and I know ALOT of heads were interested yesterday at PASDGC's when announced by J Gar....

another thing... you need to be present the day the new baskets are placed as there is nowhere to store the oldies but goodies once removed from their poleholes.

if you need his contact info let me know via pm. He may want to work something out with you if you could get a 9-er course in quickly, but thats something you'd have to run by him.