May 09 2008, 12:53 PM
Just played this new course yesterday...all baskets are in the ground and both sets of nice size concrete tees are in the ground.
There were already lots of people there playing. There are small ditches and larger creeks running throughout, but in most cases discs are easily retrieved.
We played the longs...the course is pretty diverse...about half of the holes were really good and then the other half were annoying for various reasons. The tee signs are wrong on some of the holes. Hole 18 said it was a par 4 495ft or so hole, but it was maybe 275 and wide open.
I didnt like the first two holes being really challenging and tight and then the last two holes being wide open and boring...it seems like you should have it reversed and have your finishing holes be dramatic, not just filled in space at the end.
Some of the holes are tight and if you're playing from the longs you have the big bright yellow tee sign of the short right in your way...that was weird.
Overall the course seemed like a cross between audobon and maybe crowley.
There was one really weird hole from the longs where the long tee is sideways through the woods pointing about 30 ft to the short teebox, then the hole is a completely different direction after that.
There are some really great holes though...some are reminiscent of cedar hill or rockwall.
i'll have to reserve judgment until i've played the shorts and then the longs a couple more times. there are places that would be very dangerous in a tournament (basket right next to the next teebox, etc)
it's on the pdga directory...i'm surprised i havent seen any talk about it.
May 09 2008, 12:59 PM
Don't know anything about it myself other than here is the Course Map (http://www.lsdga.com/images/Paschall/Paschall.html)
Big E
May 09 2008, 01:07 PM
They had a thread on the OMBvsYGB thread :D
May 09 2008, 01:26 PM
i dont have enough time to read every thread on here, sorry
Big E
May 09 2008, 01:54 PM
i dont have enough time to read every thread on here, sorry
I would like to thank my Job for the time to read them ALL :D
May 09 2008, 01:57 PM
you suck. i dont even have time to sit down during work, usually...
May 09 2008, 01:57 PM
but i'll be thinking about you while i'm off for 10 weeks here in a little bit. :)
Big E
May 09 2008, 01:58 PM
you suck. i dont even have time to sit down during work, usually...
Says the guy that is about to get three months off.oh and gets off every day around 3 :p
Big E
May 09 2008, 02:07 PM
but i'll be thinking about you while i'm off for 10 weeks here in a little bit. :)
You also type faster than me :D
May 09 2008, 11:40 PM
I was waiting to the city to formally declare the course open. They didn't like me talking about it before it was trimmed and cleaned properly.
As you can tell from the course map posted above, they didn't necessarily put all of the tees and baskets exactly where they were intended.
I will be working to clean up the most glaring pin placement errors, but I am afraid that the tee pads are not going to be moved.
May 11 2008, 08:15 PM
Played Mesquite today. Pretty park, great trees, some water, plenty of parking, even a pavilion. Seems several of the tee boxes are 30-50 feet from the baskets though, so it will be tough running a tourney there (INCOMING!) But a great casual course nonetheless.
May 12 2008, 10:58 AM
I was waiting to the city to formally declare the course open. They didn't like me talking about it before it was trimmed and cleaned properly.
As you can tell from the course map posted above, they didn't necessarily put all of the tees and baskets exactly where they were intended.
I will be working to clean up the most glaring pin placement errors, but I am afraid that the tee pads are not going to be moved.
Man look at the distances Gary had planned for hole 10-15, man those got turned into putter driving holes by the city/contractor...
May 12 2008, 03:05 PM
Both holes 5 and 6 were longer.
All of the lengths in the woods were approximate because you could not see down the lines in there when the map was made.
12 and 13 were planned to have about 18' wide fairways with thick shule on both sides.
14 was to be half the width it is now and 15 was to play near 16's current long tee. The planned 16 tee was across the pavement because I didn't think they would let us throw across the pavement in that area.
so 11 was longer, 12 was shorter, 13 was the same, 14 was slightly longer, 15 was much longer, but 16 was much shorter.
May 24 2008, 08:00 PM
I played the course today. I thought it was awesome!!!
Jul 10 2008, 01:45 PM
The ribbon cutting ceremony will be July 18th at 9:00 AM. It would be nice to have as many players as possible out on the course while the city officials and assorted dignitaries are there to bless the cities decision to give us the land and pay for putting the courses in the ground.
The better impression we make on them now, the sooner we can convince them to expand into other parks.
They are talking about adding disc golf to the curriculum of the entire school district, so all the support we can give them now should pay big dividends in the future.
Jul 10 2008, 03:30 PM
Thats a Friday right?
Jul 10 2008, 04:56 PM
Yes. It's a city function, the Mayor will be there...
They are doing it on city time. Makes it kind of tough to get golfers out to show them that the course is being played.
Jul 18 2008, 05:33 PM
A couple of film crews were at the park. Channel five said that there should be something on the news tonight, but didn't know exactly when.
Pizza God
Jul 19 2008, 06:40 PM
will my Dr. Pepper delivery guy noticed my golf discs in the front of my store and told me he just started playing. It seem they just put in a course by his house in Mesquite.
Good Job Gary
Jul 19 2008, 11:50 PM
Thanks, Can you help me get two more in Wylie.
One of the parks board members is in favor of the courses, but the rest want to find out how much demand there is before they go forward.
Wylie thread (http://www.pdga.com/msgboard/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=852300&an=0&page=0#Post8 52300)
Pass the word to anyone in DFW that would be likely to travel to Wylie to play two Houck courses.