May 24 2008, 12:05 PM
When: Monday May 26
Tee Time: 3:00 p.m. sharp
Location: Blackhawk
Cost: $20.00 or $40.00

May 24 2008, 12:07 PM

<font color="red"> </font>
Purpose: To have a good time and celebrate the work done by the Tulsa volunteers on the Black.

May 24 2008, 12:08 PM
TD's Dave Wise and Kyle Wilkes

Purpose: To have a good time and win some $$$$$$$$$$

May 26 2008, 11:12 AM
Or new purpose, considering last nights rain, to clean your discs!

May 26 2008, 02:38 PM
i was wondering if anything was going on today
i may see you there

May 26 2008, 11:21 PM
Any results out there?? I heard Justin won a bunch!!!

May 27 2008, 08:57 AM
$20 Skins

Bill Pennington 13 $33
Dave Pennekamp 7 $21
Jay Slack 2 $6

$40 Skins

Justin Bougher 13 $286 (birdie hole 13)
Kyle Wilkes 6 $132 (3 won on playoff hole 2 birdie)
Devan Ownes 1 $22

May 27 2008, 09:12 AM
Looks like you got smoked. :o

May 27 2008, 09:22 AM
The righties gave it to him on hole 13.

You had 4-6 big righties that all missed that hole. Justin made a great 40 foot putt but no one else was even close. But he earned the right by not giving them to Devon on hole 12. Justin was WAY out right in the woods and I mean WAY out, he throws a thumber up and over to place it within about 4ft to cap Devaon's 3 on that hole. HUGE! :D

You can say I got smoked, beat, whipped, pummeled, slammed what ever you want. The diffference is I wasn't at home sitting on my fat butt playing some stupid video game, petting my cat. :o I'm sure you told the cat you're the greatest GTA player ever though. :o

May 27 2008, 09:30 AM
Well I already finished GTA4 and I was actually working at the house because I don't have a maid to come in and do it for me. :(

If you keep gambling away Drew's college fund though then you're right, that soccer scholorship better come though because I don't think they offer DG scholorships yet. :confused:

May 27 2008, 10:04 AM
Well I already finished GTA4 and I was actually working at the house because I don't have a maid to come in and do it for me. :(

If you keep gambling away Drew's college fund though then you're right, that soccer scholorship better come though because I don't think they offer DG scholorships yet. :confused:

Did you and yours have a litter, or were you snipped before you escaped the dawg pound :confused: if you have pups, you arent proud of them...

May 27 2008, 10:13 AM
If I had puppies I would have eaten them by now.

Don't worry though. If anything happens to you I'll be glad to step in and raise them. Do they speak Spanish?

Bring them to Chandler on Thursday and I'll teach them the true facts of life that you as a parent may not be ready to tell them. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

May 27 2008, 10:19 AM
my son is smarter at 10 then you are at ???? how old? in dog years.. I would go but we are scouting a team to play... .

May 27 2008, 10:22 AM
336 in dog years. :o:o:o:o

May 27 2008, 10:30 AM
my son is smarter at 10 then you are at ???? how old? in dog years.. I would go but we are scouting a team to play... .

Sounds like another parent trying to avoid paying college tuition by hoping his kid will get a sports scholarship somewhere. ....I hear the OSU cheer leading squad is looking for some young recruits now that Opie left. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

How can you tell that is what he wants to do at ten when he hasn't even lived through the drug and alcohol experimentation years? :confused:

And if he's so smart, why are you not looking for him to get in on an academic scholarship or, since you're so good at it, a private business scholarship? :)

May 27 2008, 11:16 AM
my son is smarter at 10 then you are at ???? how old? in dog years.. I would go but we are scouting a team to play... .

Sounds like another parent trying to avoid paying college tuition by hoping his kid will get a sports scholarship somewhere. ....I hear the OSU cheer leading squad is looking for some young recruits now that Opie left. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

How can you tell that is what he wants to do at ten when he hasn't even lived through the drug and alcohol experimentation years? :confused:

And if he's so smart, why are you not looking for him to get in on an academic scholarship or, since you're so good at it, a private business scholarship? :)

Actually, dumbazzzz, we are talking about an academic scholarship,,,,, to... highschool, remember yours.. I doubt it :oand it is at Cascia Hall or Bishop Kelley.. the sports thing will come from which high school he decides to go to :) and I hope osu would be last choice, OU might be a seconfd or third, depends on how bad they want him...and thats if he doesnt want any military action... which you should have done :mad:dam dogers.. :D

May 27 2008, 11:40 AM
Let�s see. Cascia Hall is uniforms and a good place to get bamboo for bongs.

Bishop Kelly, �..Uniforms and mandatory drug testing.

Good idea bro�..If that kid won't conform then those schools will set him straight. :)

Speaking of which.

I heard there is a big patch of hooch growing out at Mohawk off one of the holes. Word is someone is paying casual DG�ers to go in there, harvest it and bring it out in DG bags. Because of that I heard that the parks department, working with the police department, has set up hidden camera�s in the bush to document and help convict the perpetrators. Have you heard anything about the parks department being involved? I know they have hidden cameras at McClure.

May 27 2008, 11:47 AM
...and thats if he doesn't want any military action... which you should have done :mad:dam dogers...:D

LMAO!!! :D

May 27 2008, 11:51 AM
:cool:,, now go to my other posts ... that is if they havent kicked me off by then. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

May 27 2008, 11:55 AM
Somebody help me out here...I was expecting the "skins" thread and I keep getting the furdog thread...

I guess I need to reboot my computer, as I think something is wrong with it. hmmmm /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

May 27 2008, 11:58 AM
...and thats if he doesn't want any military action... which you should have done :mad:dam dogers...:D

LMAO!!! :D

What are you laughing about?....I didn't see you go that way now that the bullets are flying. :confused:

May 27 2008, 11:58 AM
I told him to go to other posts, I also told hijm to trim his toenails, they scratch the floor, but he wont listen... /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

May 27 2008, 12:00 PM
Somebody help me out here...I was expecting the "skins" thread and I keep getting the furdog thread...

I guess I need to reboot my computer, as I think something is wrong with it. hmmmm /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Ok, everybody post your responses on my mountain thread so Penny won't have to call the "Geek Squad" to fix his computer.

May 27 2008, 12:02 PM
...and thats if he doesn't want any military action... which you should have done :mad:dam dogers...:D

LMAO!!! :D

What are you laughing about?....I didn't see you go that way now that the bullets are flying. :confused:

Asthma dude. It is my burden.

May 27 2008, 12:05 PM
Somebody help me out here...I was expecting the "skins" thread and I keep getting the furdog thread...

I guess I need to reboot my computer, as I think something is wrong with it. hmmmm /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Ok, everybody post your responses on my mountain thread so Penny won't have to call the "Geek Squad" to fix his computer.

Technically since the results have been posted, this thread is going to be dead until someone finds it next year, or, more likely, creates a new one.

So we are really doing the thread itself a favor by extending its life...

May 27 2008, 01:22 PM