May 29 2008, 07:28 PM
Just a reminder that the Fox Valley Open is only a few days away. Make sure and get registered before Friday 6/6 so you do not have to pay the $10 hassle fee. For those that came to play Winnebago County Park last year for the FVO, remember that this course plays tough with many over the water shots. This year promises to be even better with more out of bounds and tough shots. We have a group that will take lunch orders before the first round and will deliver them to you at lunch. This is the 4th stop on the tour this year. You can register online at or send it via snail mail to me. Just make sure I get it no later than next Thursday 6/5. Thanks.

May 29 2008, 11:34 PM

I am bummed I cannot attend. The wife has me driving her to STL to see Dave Matthews. Hope you have a great event!
