Jun 18 2008, 04:53 PM
Someone lifted the PFDS banner and a few others at a recent event. The plan is to replace the club banner. Here is where you come in. We are going to take this opportunity to review the club logo and to review submissions for a new one. If you have an idea for a club logo, draw it up and email it to me and I�ll post it to the website. It will be placed alongside other candidates, and the club at large will be asked to vote. Because the new banner will be displayed during the SBCPFDO, we need to establish a deadline of no later than June 11th. On the 12th, I�ll send out an email asking for people to vote. I will tally all the votes submitted before Sunday, June 15th 11:59pm. The winner will be displayed at the tournament.

any info on this?

Jun 19 2008, 08:48 AM
It should stay the same. Nothing is wrong with the old one.

Jun 20 2008, 08:22 AM
thats what I thought as well Kurt.

I was just curious if anyone did make a new logo, if there ever was a vote on it, and if the banners were actually going to be printed before the PFDO.

Jun 26 2008, 11:07 AM
I think the old logo should be used. The one with the swirly disc. I saw a new banner proposal last night, and it is ok, but I think with all of the colors and images it takes away from what it is.