Jul 25 2008, 01:49 PM
This years IKA Summer Camp Clinic is coming up on Sunday Aug. 3rd. For those that weren't around last summer, four of us held a disc golf clinic for 16 boys and girls visiting from Germany. They are children of employees of my parent company. We had a great time and I would love to see more of us support this year in addition to Deacon, Wave and Fig who helped last year. We'll start around 10am and I'd like to get some pics this year and mention it on our website.
I'll post more details during the week, so just let me know if you want to attend or help out.
Jul 28 2008, 01:18 AM
I'd be willing to share some of my seemingly miniscule knowledge of the sport with some Germans fo sho, just as long as it counts towards my community service hours the judge gave me...ha ha just kidding :)
Jul 28 2008, 10:11 AM
Sheffy will be in town and has offered his assistance.
CuTT may be in town also. Let him know if you need anything.
Jul 28 2008, 03:29 PM
Hey if Cutt is coming let him know that i have his champ Rhyno that i know he needs. holla Big Fred.
Jul 30 2008, 03:23 PM
What time are we starting MonTTel?
Jul 30 2008, 03:46 PM
10am is what I told Sandy(our secretary), I hope to see her later this week to confirm but that is when I'll expect them.
Aug 01 2008, 12:07 PM
Hey all...just a reminder on the clinic sunday morn...still 10am unless I post different or call. Big Wave had to drop out due to another obligation so looks like me, Fig, Deacon and hopefully Clay and Fred Ingram. D-Tuck please come too to give us some youth, it'll be fun.
Aug 04 2008, 08:46 AM
Actung!....the summer camp demo was wundebar. Lots of support from the NHDGC and beyond. Big thanks to Deacon, DP, Clay, Scuba & brothers Tuck. Sheffy & CuTT both traveled a couple hours Sun morn to help out and I know will be a very memorable part of the kids experience.
I'll see the group again on Thurs and can pass on any messages from anybody....gut job.
Aug 04 2008, 11:38 AM
Great Job organizing this monty!! way to go.
Aug 04 2008, 12:20 PM
Great Job organizing this monty!! way to go.
Aug 04 2008, 01:16 PM
Scott...I've appreciated your ideas both years for this clinic, you have a knack for keeping things flowing. The twosomes with each of us worked out great and made for more one on one interaction.
Aug 04 2008, 02:19 PM
Thanks Monny.
Aug 04 2008, 05:43 PM
That was definetly fun Moncropolis.I'm glad I stuck around and helped.You can pencil me in for next year.Special props again to Cutt and Sheffy for making the trek down from the northern territories.
Aug 04 2008, 07:26 PM
very cool Monty!!
Aug 06 2008, 02:35 PM
The IKA kids will be here at the company Thursday and WECT channel 6 is supposed to do a story. I'll let everyone know if it happens and when to watch.
Aug 07 2008, 08:30 AM
here's something from Friday at the farm.
Aug 07 2008, 01:11 PM
here's something from Friday at the farm.
WECT ch 6 was here this morning so check out the news tonight and see where I work.
Aug 13 2008, 12:52 AM
I had a great time with my two German kids at the clinic, some of those Germanians had some natural talent for the sidearm! Memories of this experience will last a life-time! Cool! After the vans were packed and the kids were gone, a tag-match was played with a few people who stuck around, and even though I shot horrible, I still had a great time!
Aug 11 2011, 11:10 AM
For those that don't know, the NHDGC is hosting another disc golf clinic for approx 16 kids visiting from Germany this Sunday morning (8/14) at @10am. We always have a good time, and the more of us that can help the better. I'll be at the monthly Sat to give more details.
Aug 12 2011, 10:56 AM
For those that don't know, the NHDGC is hosting another disc golf clinic for approx 16 kids visiting from Germany this Sunday morning (8/14) at @10am. We always have a good time, and the more of us that can help the better. I'll be at the monthly Sat to give more details.
Look forward to it monty!
Aug 15 2011, 11:21 AM
Much thanks to the club members that participated in the IKA clinic. Big Wave, D'Cun, Chi, Clay Bomb, Fig, Josh & Kara. Everyone seemed to have a good time and the club will benefit nicely. I'll try to get some more t-shirts for those that didn't get one.
Aug 15 2011, 06:02 PM
I'll take a large blue :)
Just kidding. It was a good time. Thanks for doing this. Most of the kids had a blast, including the one writing this.
Aug 24 2011, 06:08 PM
photo of the summer camp kids to come soon
Jul 28 2012, 03:47 PM
For the fourth year, the NHDGC is hosting another disc golf clinic for approx 16 kids visiting from Germany next Sunday morning (Aug 5th) at @10am. We always have a good time, and the more of us that can help the better it runs. I'll be at the Ace Race Saturday to give more details. The club makes a nice profit for this clinic and usually lasts about 3 hours.