Aug 21 2008, 04:21 PM
The Kern County Disc Golf course is is pleased to announce that a 36 hole DGC has started constructon and 18 Mach 3 baskets with 30 pin locations have already been installed.Our 18 hole hillside course has elevation very similar to Ventura's couse with two Top of the World shots. The grass side 18 hole course willl have a variety of shots from 250'-550'
We still are in the process of raising funds for the completion of this course. $300 shared $600 full sponsor
Sponsors will remain on tee signs for ever
The KCDGC is having a FUNdraiser tourney on Sept. 13th
Start: 9:30am 2 rounds of 18 / 1 hillside,1 grassside
$20 entry with $10 goin to payouts
Mulligan-Raffle/ 8$ BBQ/ 1keg Free beer, after that BYOB
Contact Rocky 661 303.1353 for more info
Sep 02 2008, 03:28 PM
Hey Socal! This course is crazy sick! The mountain course is where we got alot of the inspiration for Coyote Point. I LOVE THAT COURSE! If you like that Ventura style of just brutal disc golf then you will love Hart park. The latest, and I believe final, version of the course had two "top of the world" holes! I personally have been trying to spread the word on this course for years! Rocky, call me regarding some sponsorship.
Sep 03 2008, 10:27 AM
is this the park east of downtown with the Kern river going through it? with lots of mature trees and mowed grass? if it is, then congratulations!! that is an awesome park. any course maps available? i would like to compare it to your temporary layout you had 7/8 years ago.
Sep 03 2008, 02:21 PM
Yes, Hart Park is NE. of town on Alfred Harrel Hwy. The Kern River Runs through the park ,and 3 holes on the grass will run along side of the river; lots of beautiful trees and yes the park maintains the grass very well. The mountain side (installed) has wonderful views of the Kern River and overlooks the park from the 2 "Top of the World" shots. TOTW east side is approx 650' with 120' ft of elevation change. TOTW west side is approx 550' with 100' of elevation change. The new layouts blow away anything done 7-8 yrs ago. Justin G. and I have played every other temp setup @ Hart Park and we were able to combine the best holes from previous TD's setups into two seperate 18 hole courses. (grass side 18 pending more $$$) We have played the hillside course for many years during the Central Valley Series and last year we had 105 players
(1 day) on the mountain course and finished by 6:00pm
I believe the grass side course will compliment the hillside unbelievably. I just posted a course map on on the Hart Park is a Go thread
Sep 03 2008, 03:12 PM
cant access the map. dont want to register to see it. any other way? can you email it to me? martinb12838 at msn dot com .....
Sep 03 2008, 03:23 PM
Any plans for a sanctioned event in the future? Might be a good way to raise money...
Sep 15 2008, 01:24 PM
I would like to thank everybody who came to the FUNdraiser at Hart Park on Sat. Players from Bakersfield,Visalia,Ventura and Santa Barbara came for a day filled with friends,beer, food,and oh yeah some disc golf! Big shot out to Mau in Ventura for donating our practice basket.Thanks to all our friends for helping raise enough $$$ for approx 3 more Mach 3 baskets. The KCDGC would definately like to host a PDGA event in the near future.
Nov 15 2008, 02:22 PM
Went played DeLa, and then stopped at DGA warehouse yesterday and picked up KCDGC's next set of Mach 3 baskets for our 2nd 18 hole course at Hart Park. Still lookin for hole sponsors. We will install very soon. Come on up to Bako and try out the courses.
Dec 15 2008, 01:56 PM
Installed Fly 18 pads on the Hillside of HP Sat. Worked out pretty well. Holes on the hillside are clearly marked. 18 more Mach 3 baskets will be installed on the grassside of HP Sat Dec 20th. Check em out on Feb 7th(Fundraiser/CVS warmup) or Feb 28th CVS one day tourney.
Dec 22 2008, 04:45 PM
Installed 40 pin locations @ HP's grassy side course
on Sat 20th. Installing baskets Fri. or For Sure Sat 27th @ 8am Come on out after 10am!