Aug 22 2008, 12:36 PM
Waterloo Disc Golf Club is pleased to announce the next big phase of Disc Nation�s sponsorship of the club. You can now join the club, or renew your membership, at Disc Nation. You can visit the store in person at 1218 Slaughter Lane in Austin or go online to their website, www.discnation.com. (http://www.discnation.com.) The Waterloo membership page can be found by clicking on this link: http://www.discnation.com/Waterloo-Disc-Golf-Club-Membership-p-15890.html.

In addition to receiving the regular Waterloo Club stuff for joining or renewing, you�ll also get a $10 Disc Nation gift certificate in appreciation of your support for the club.

PLUS� Disc Nation is now carrying Waterloo Club stamped discs. Buying these discs helps support the club and our fundraising efforts. They currently have Star Destroyers, Star Xcalibers, Star TeeRexes, DX Rocs, and DX Aviars, plus a few miscellaneous Discraft and Millennium discs with assorted tournament stamps from the last couple of years.

Also, just in are some awesome Fundraiser Discs from Millennium: Q-LS featuring a special stamp designed by Zach Mallard (maybe called a Q-Waterlaris LS? :D ).

To get to the Disc Nation website, go to www.discnation.com (http://www.discnation.com) or just click on the link on the Waterloo Club website www.austindiscgolf.org. (http://www.austindiscgolf.org.) To see all of our club discs for sale through Disc Nation, please click here. If you are already on their site, you can find them in the Collectible Discs section of the Golf Discs area (once there you can even enter the keyword �Waterloo� in the filter to bring them all up at once). The Q-LS may not be up yet, but should be soon.

Disc Nation is a huge supporter of Waterloo Disc Golf Club and the entire Central Texas disc golf scene! Please show your appreciation and support them too.

Basic Information to Join the Club:


You�ll receive: a special blue t-shirt with club logo (not sold to public)
special "member" disc w/ your member # on it
quarterly newsletter
$15 annual renewal due each January 1st


You�ll receive: a special "member" disc w/ your member # on it
quarterly newsletter
$15 annual renewal due each January 1st

Basic Information to Renew Your Membership:

Annual renewals are $15 per person, regardless of your level of membership. However, you can also renew for multiple years, at a discounted rate, making it easier to keep your membership current longer. Just think, no more having to hassle with remembering to renew each January. If you aren�t sure of your membership status, go to www.austindiscgolf.org (http://www.austindiscgolf.org), choose �Membership� and go to the bottom of the page to find the file with the full member list.

1 Year Renewal $15
3 Year Renewal $40
5 Year Renewal $65
10 Year Renewal $125
Lifetime Renewal $300

Waterloo Disc Golf Club was created to promote the sport of disc golf to the general public through organization and education, and to give disc golfers a voice in general community issues which impact the sport. The club is also dedicated to the giving back to the community through charitable contributions of our members� time, talents, and treasures.

Some of the items your dues will go towards are: course improvements, basic supplies and equipment for the club, the quarterly newsletter, sponsorship of tournaments, and charitable events. In the last three years, Waterloo Disc Golf Club has spent close to $15,000 on course improvements here in Austin, and has given nearly $3,000 worth of sponsorship to various Central Texas tournaments. We have also raised over $52,000 for the Ronald McDonald House, $1,500 for Austin Parks Foundation, $3,000 for EDGE (Educational Disc Golf Experience), $400 for Lance Armstrong Foundation, $1,400 for Down�s Syndrome Association of Central Texas, and $3,900 for Capital Area Food Bank during the last eight years. We plan on continuing to support these kinds of things.

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

Aug 22 2008, 12:50 PM
The club currently has 285 members. We started out with:

44 Founding Members.

Since then, we have added:

108 Supporting Members
133 Player Members

Please join now and support disc golf in Austin and Central Texas.

If you are already a member, thanks! And please keep your membership current. Those renewal dues go a long way towards helping us achieve our goals.

Dec 17 2008, 05:45 PM
Dear Waterloo Disc Golf Club Member,

We are coming to the end of another great disc golf year in Central Texas. The Waterloo Club enjoyed a tremendous 2008 thanks to the support of disc golfers in the Austin area and throughout all of Texas. The club donated nearly $3,800 to various events, including many here in Central Texas. WDGC ran its eighth Ice Bowl in January at Zilker Park. There were 136 players and the club raised $500 and 215 pounds of food for the Capital Area Food Bank. The club re-started the traditional Saturday morning mini at Pease and ran it almost all year. Starting this month, we switch to a monthly mini on the first Saturday of each month, at a different course each month. The club also ran a weekly mini at Bartholomew while there was light in the evenings, and we continued the Spring & Summer Waterleagues at Zilker. The 31st Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic was a great success, raising $7,500 during the event. $6,250 was donated to the Austin Ronald McDonald House and $1,250 will be used on disc golf projects in Austin. The club also helped the Double R Disc Golf Club in Round Rock install cement tee boxes at the Wilco course, and we contributed some funds to the Temple Disc Golf Association for new baskets for their Lions Park course expansion.

Our big course improvement project coming up will be at Circle C. The course has just been pulled out and will be put back hopefully in just a few months, once the city and the club have gone in and done concrete tee pads, tee signs, benches, trash receptacles, clearing, mulching, and erosion control. It should be an awesome course when we get it put back in. How long it is out depends on how fast the club gets our portion of the work done, so keep an eye out for workdays and volunteer opportunities at Circle C, most likely starting in January 2009!

The club gained 40 new members this year for a total of 296 members at the end 2008. This was a great year for club membership, especially with the introduction of signups and renewals through Disc Nation (www.discnation.com). Disc Nation is a huge sponsor of the club and every new member and every renewing member gets a $10 Disc Nation gift certificate in addition to all the club membership stuff. The club�s goal for 2009 is to have over 350 members by the end of the year and to have even more of its older members renew their memberships. If your member number is between 1 and 285, then you may be due for renewal. Just open the Member List file on the Membership Page of the website (or just click here: http://www.austindiscgolf.org/docs/member_list_for_website_12-08.htm) and find your name/number. Next to your name will be �Current Through December 20xx� or a blank space. If the space is blank or if the �current through� year is 2008, then it is time for you to renew. The list is first in Member Number order; below that it is re-arranged into Member Name order (listed by last name). So if you aren�t sure of your member number, you can easily find your name in the second list.

Annual renewals are $15 per person, regardless of your level of membership. However, you can also renew for multiple years, at a discounted rate, making it easier to keep your membership current longer. You can mail in a check for your renewal, or you can go to the Disc Nation website, www.discnation.com (http://www.discnation.com), and renew online with a credit card (or do it the next time you are shopping at the Disc Nation store on Slaughter Lane).

1 Year Renewal $15
3 Year Renewal $40
5 Year Renewal $65
10 Year Renewal $125
Lifetime Renewal $300

In 2009, Waterloo Disc Golf Club will continue to meet with city and county representatives about developing more courses in Austin and Travis County and making improvements to the existing courses. Regular course maintenance will be a priority in addition to running the Ice Bowl, 32nd Waterloo Disc Golf Classic, minis, a Waterloo league or two and much, much more. All these things take a lot of work, so we really need your support: your time, your energy, and your renewal fees that allow Waterloo to fund its projects.

Waterloo Disc Golf Club will continue as a PDGA Affiliate Club in 2009. Any current club member that wishes to join the PDGA or renew their PDGA membership through the club will receive a $5 discount on those membership fees. It will also allow current club members to take the PDGA officials test at no cost and receive a 10% discount at Discovering The World, an online disc golf vendor (www.dtworld.com). Waterloo DGC has its own forum on the PDGA DISCussion board. It is located at the bottom of the main page but will be easy to find since it is almost the last of the alphabetically listed PDGA affiliate clubs.

The PDGA membership forms must be submitted in bulk. If you are interested in renewing your PDGA membership through Waterloo, complete the attached PDGA membership form or go to the club�s website (www.austindiscgolf.org) and you can find the form on the Membership Page. Just download the form, fill it out, and mail it in with your Waterloo membership renewal.

The first batch of renewals will be sent to the PDGA the first week of January. The PDGA membership forms can be submitted at the Ice Bowl at Zilker Park on January 31st or mailed to the club�s PO Box. There will be a couple of more chances to renew your PDGA membership in person through the club in January and February at the Monthly Minis.

Checks or money orders for PDGA membership will need to be made payable to Waterloo Disc Golf Club and can be combined with your payment for Waterloo renewal fees. Please contact Laura Hovey, by email at [email protected], or by phone at (512) 323-2823 for more information on renewing PDGA membership through the Waterloo Club. DO NOT SEND CHECKS PAYABLE TO PDGA.

For your club renewal, please make check or money order payable to Waterloo Disc Golf Club, and mail to:
PO Box 33531
Austin, TX, 78764

For more information about renewing your club membership, you can call or email Laura Hovey (her info is above), Gordon Maxim-Kelley at (512) 858-0119, or Lou Moreno at 389-1853. You can also email the club at [email protected] or check out our website: http://www.austindiscgolf.org.

If your address or phone number has changed recently, please include it with your payment.

Thank you for your support of Waterloo Disc Golf Club!

Dec 16 2009, 05:00 PM
Dear Waterloo Club Member,

By now you have probably received this information in the mail. If not, it may mean that we no longer have your current mailing address (or maybe the post office returned something to us that it should not have). If you don�t get the letter in the mail by the end of this week, please email us your address - or send it in with your renewal.

Thanks, and Happy Holidays!

Waterloo Disc Golf Club
PO Box 33531
Austin, TX 78764

December 16, 2009

Dear Waterloo Disc Golf Club Member,

We are coming to the end of another great disc golf year in Central Texas. The Waterloo Club (WDGC) enjoyed a tremendous 2009 thanks to the support of disc golfers in the Austin area and throughout all of Texas. We donated nearly $3,200 in sponsorship to various tournaments, including many here in Central Texas. We ran our tenth Ice Bowl in February at Zilker Park; there were 185 players and the club raised $750 and 359 pounds of food for the Capital Area Food Bank. WDGC ran a monthly mini at a different course each month. We also ran a weekly mini at Bartholomew for much of the year while there was light in the evenings, and we continued the Spring & Summer Waterleagues at Zilker. The 32nd Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic was a great success, raising $8,100 during the event. $6,525 was donated to the Austin Ronald McDonald House and $1,525 will be used on disc golf projects in Austin. The course improvements at Circle C were completed during the Spring and were a huge success. Thanks to everyone who donated their time and manual labor to the effort. It is now one of the premier courses in the area. Immediately after the course was re-opened the club held the first PDGA sanctioned tournament at Circle C in many, many years: The Battle of Slaughter Creek. Look for this to become an annual tradition. The new course at Manor also came online in 2009, This was a welcome addition for those players looking for a longer, more challenging course. Another new course, The Met Center opened late in the year. This great new course was designed by Waterloo Board Member Mike Olse and it is on private land out near Hwy 183 & Burleson.

Our big course improvement project coming up will be at Mary Moore Searight. The renovation is in partnership with South Austin Disc Association, Austin Parks Foundation, and the City of Austin Parks & Recreation Dept. We are going to give Searight the �Circle C� treatment. The course has just been pulled out and will be only nine holes while the other half of the course is reworked. Then the new nine will be opened and the second half will be completed. Sadly, we have played SeaWrong for the last time, as the concrete tee boxes and other improvements will no longer allow the flexibility to set up the course backwards. However, it should be an awesome course when we get it put back in. How long it is out depends on how fast the disc golf community gets our portion of the work done, so keep an eye out for workdays and volunteer opportunities at Searight, most likely starting in January 2010! Also, our goal following Searight is to immediately start work on Bartholomew. We anticipate that 2010 will be another great year for the improvement of our local courses.

The club gained 47 new members this year for a total of 343 members at the end 2009. This was a great year for club membership, especially with the continuation of signups and renewals through Disc Nation (www.discnation.com). Disc Nation is a huge sponsor of the club and every new member and every renewing member gets a $10 Disc Nation gift certificate in addition to the club membership stuff. The club�s goal for 2010 is to have over 400 members by the end of the year. If your member number is between 1 and 331, then you may be due for renewal. To check on your status just click here to go to the Member List file on the Membership Page of the website http://www.austindiscgolf.org/index.php?name=Content&pid=2. Next to your name will be �Current Through December 20xx� or a blank space. If the space is blank or if the �current through� year is 2009, then it is time for you to renew.

Annual renewals are $15 per person, regardless of your level of membership. However, you can also renew for multiple years, at a discounted rate, making it easier to keep your membership current longer. You can mail in a check for your renewal, or you can go to the Disc Nation website, http://www.discnation.com/product.php?productid=15890, and renew online with a credit card (or do it the next time you are shopping at the Disc Nation store on Slaughter Lane).

1 Year Renewal $15
3 Year Renewal $40
5 Year Renewal $65
10 Year Renewal $125
Lifetime Renewal $300

In 2010, Waterloo Disc Golf Club will continue to meet with city and county representatives about developing more courses in Austin and Travis County and making improvements to the existing courses. Regular course maintenance will be a priority in addition to running the Ice Bowl, 33rd Waterloo Disc Golf Classic, minis, a Waterloo league or two and much, much more. All these things take a lot of work, so we really need your support: your time, your energy, and your renewal fees that allow Waterloo to fund its projects.

Waterloo Disc Golf Club will continue as a PDGA Affiliate Club in 2010. Any current club member that wishes to join the PDGA or renew their PDGA membership through the club will receive a $5 discount on those membership fees. It will also allow current club members to take the PDGA officials test at no cost and receive a 10% discount at Discovering The World, an online disc golf vendor (www.dtworld.com). Waterloo DGC has its own forum on the PDGA DISCussion board. It is located at the bottom of the main page but will be easy to find since it is almost the last of the alphabetically listed PDGA affiliate clubs.

The PDGA membership forms no longer have to be submitted in bulk, but it sure helps us out to submit them in batches. If you are interested in renewing your PDGA membership through Waterloo, complete the attached PDGA membership form or go to the club�s website (www.austindiscgolf.org) and you can find the form on the Membership Page. Just download the form, fill it out, and mail it in with your Waterloo membership renewal.

The first batch of renewals will be sent to the PDGA the first week of January. The PDGA membership form also can be submitted at the Ice Bowl at Zilker Park on February 6th or at any of our other events in January and February. Checks or money orders for PDGA membership MUST be made payable to Waterloo Disc Golf Club and can be combined with your payment for Waterloo renewal fees. Please contact Joe Torrence, by email at [email protected], or by phone at (512) 382-7566 for more information on renewing PDGA membership through the Waterloo Club. PLEASE DO NOT SEND US CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE PDGA.

For your club renewal, please make check or money order payable to Waterloo Disc Golf Club, and mail, along with this form, to:
PO Box 33531
Austin, TX, 78764

For more information about renewing your club membership, you can call Joe Torrence at 382-7566,
Gordon Maxim-Kelley at (512) 858-1615, or Lou Moreno at 389-1853. You can also email the club at [email protected] or check out our website: http://www.austindiscgolf.org.

If your address or phone number has changed recently, please include it with your payment.

Thank you for your support of Waterloo Disc Golf Club!

And �Thank You� to Disc Nation for their year-round sponsorship of the club and their support for all we do!

Jun 06 2012, 06:45 PM
Ok, we know it is early June (instead of early January), but we are finally getting our 2012 Member Renewal Letter out! Better late than never? Anyway, we hope you can renew your membership and we�ll try to do a much better job of getting this out on time in 2013. You can renew in person this Saturday, June 9th, at the Roy G. Guerrero Grand Opening or this Sunday the 10th at the first mini at Roy G. (more details on the mini will be sent out soon, or check the club�s facebook or web page).

Everyone who renews for 2012 will receive a $10 Gift Certificate from Disc Nation!

June 6, 2012

Dear Waterloo Disc Golf Club Member,

We are well into a new year for disc golf in Central Texas, the spring weather was beautiful and we are headed into the long, hot summer. We are very late in getting our renewal information out, but here it is. If you aren�t yet current on your 2012 club membership, now is the time to do it. WDGC enjoyed some great successes this past year, but the biggest is just now coming to fruition: the Grand Opening of the new disc golf course at Roy G. Guerrero Colorado River Park on June 9, 2012. It took a lot of hard work and lobbying to get the course approved, and then even more work getting it ready for play. This will be a premier course that we can all be proud of!

Other successes in 2011 included:
� Ice Bowl at Zilker Park (our 11th); 133 players; $750 raised for Capital Area Food Bank
� Battle of Slaughter Creek Tournament at Austin Ridge Bible Church
� Took over the long-running TX State Amateur Doubles Championships at the Snow Farm in Round Top, TX
� 34th Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic, the final year at Waterloo Park for at least 3 or 4 years; raised $6,600: $5,800 donated to the Austin Ronald McDonald House and $800 for use on disc golf projects in Austin
� Donated over $3,300 in sponsorship to various tournaments
� continued our weekly Bartholomew mini and our WaterLeagues at Zilker

The club gained 10 new members this year for a total of 368 members at the end 2011. Disc Nation is a huge sponsor of the club and every renewing member gets a $10 Disc Nation gift certificate. The club�s goal for 2011 is to have over 400 members by the end of the year. If your member number is between 1 and 368, then you may be due for renewal. To check on your status just go to www.austindiscgolf.org, choose the Membership section, and click on the Current Members List file (next to Uncle Sam). Next to your name will be �Current Through December 20xx� or a blank space. If the space is blank or if the �current through� year is 2011, then it is time for you to renew.

Annual renewals are $15 per person, regardless of your level of membership. However, you can also renew for multiple years, at a discounted rate, making it easier to keep your membership current longer. You can mail in a check for your renewal or you take care of it in person at one of our events.

1 Year Renewal $15
3 Year Renewal $40
5 Year Renewal $65
10 Year Renewal $125
Lifetime Renewal $300

In 2012, Waterloo Disc Golf Club will continue to meet with city and county representatives about developing more courses in Austin and Travis County and keeping and improving the existing courses. Regular course maintenance will be a priority in addition to running the Ice Bowl, 35th Waterloo Disc Golf Classic, other big tournaments, minis, a WaterLeague or three, and much, much more. All these things take a lot of work, so we really need your support: your time, your energy, and your renewal fees that allow Waterloo to fund its projects.

Waterloo Disc Golf Club is continuing as a PDGA Affiliate Club in 2012. Any current club member that wishes to join the PDGA or renew their PDGA membership through the club will receive a $5 discount on those membership fees. Waterloo DGC has its own forum on the PDGA DISCussion board. It is located at the bottom of the main page but will be easy to find since it is almost the last of the alphabetically listed PDGA affiliate clubs. If you are interested in renewing your PDGA membership through Waterloo:

� Please go to this URL to start: http://www.pdgastore.com/Qstore/Qstore.cgi?CMD=011&PROD=1228369190
o you can also navigate to the affiliated club site via the PDGA site under the Membership menu / then join � renew
� Select New or Renew based off your status
� Select �12 Waterloo Disc Golf Club� under the Affiliated Club section

For your club renewal, please make check or money order payable to Waterloo Disc Golf Club (or WDGC), and mail to:
PO Box 33531
Austin, TX, 78764

For more information about renewing your club membership, you can call Kristina Gold at (512) 574-2875 or the club cell phone at (512) 994-9508. You can also email [email protected] or [email protected], or look on our Facebook page or website: http://www.austindiscgolf.org.

If your address or phone number has changed recently, please include it with your payment.

Thank you for your support of Waterloo Disc Golf Club!

Check us out on Facebook and Twitter

And �Thank You� to Disc Nation for their year-round sponsorship of the club
and their support for all we do!


Jun 08 2012, 07:58 PM
The Waterloo Club is having a big membership drive this weekend at Guerrero. If you are not yet a member we hope you will join; if you are a member we hope you will renew your membership.

For new members we have discounted the sign-up amounts, plus we will have all the membership merchandise with us so you can get your disc and your $10 Disc Nation certificate right there on the spot (and your special member shirt if joining at the �Supporting� level).

For renewing members, we will have your $10 Disc Nation certificate to give you. If you are already current for 2012 (maybe you renewed earlier this year, or took advantage of the multi-year discount a few years ago, or maybe you are one of our Lifetime Members?) don�t forget to come by the Waterloo booth and pick up your $10 Disc Nation certificate.

If you can�t make it down on Saturday, we will have the same deal available on Sunday at the mini.



Player Member TODAY $10 (Normally $20)

Supporting Member TODAY $25 (Normally $40)

All new members get a member disc - with their number on it - plus
a $10 Disc Nation gift certificate. Supporting Members also get a special club t-shirt.


1 Year Renewal $15
3 Year Renewal $40 (save $5)
5 Year Renewal $65 (save $10)
10 Year Renewal $125 (save $25)
Lifetime Renewal $300 (save a lot!)

All members current in 2012 receive $10 Gift Certificate from Disc Nation.

Aug 23 2012, 06:20 PM
A much-belated WELCOME to all the people who joined Waterloo Disc Golf Club at the Roy G. Guerrero Grand Opening, and to those existing club members who renewed their membership! We really appreciate the support, and we couldn�t do all the work we do without it.

The new club member discs have arrived and I just passed them on to Kristi Gold yesterday. She now has all the member discs, Disc Nation bucks, and Supporting Member shirts, so if you didn�t get all your stuff at the time you joined/renewed, it should be coming soon.

Also if your membership was already current in 2012 and you haven�t yet received your $10 Disc Nation buck, then she should be getting that to you soon too. (this would be because you either renewed earlier in the year or did one of our multi-year renewals in 2011 or earlier)

If you don�t receive your items in a little while, or if you ever have any questions about your membership, feel free to contact Kristi or John Gold directly (Kristi Gold @ (512) 994-9508, [email protected]). Or you can send the club an email or note through our Facebook page or website and we�ll get it to them.

Special thanks to Damon & Stacey Neth, not only for Disc Nation�s non-stop incredible support for Waterloo, but also for becoming our two newest Lifetime Members!

And thanks again to ALL of you!
Waterloo Disc Golf Club

p.s. We are getting very close to member #400, who will it be? :)


374 Jimmy Fred Starr, Jr. Supporting
375 Troy Lewis Supporting
376 Oscar Valenzuela Player
377 Chris Young Supporting
378 David Hill Supporting
379 J. Steve McAdams Supporting
380 Ryan Bahr Player
381 David Euganks Player
382 Ryan Ball Player
383 Gary Holliday Supporting
384 Ivan Itchkawich Player
385 William Grundy Player
386 Eric Rogers Supporting
387 Tim Porch Player
388 Chris Herbert Player
389 Mike Shay Supporting
390 Trae Valdez Player
391 Seth Crisswell Player
392 Jose Martinez, III Player
393 BDR ?? Supporting
394 Michael Matsuda Supporting
395 Michael Czysz Supporting
396 David Spears Supporting
397 Kanaan Lear Player


237 Mike Burton 1 yr thru Dec '12
118 Shannon Fosdick 1 yr thru Dec '12
50 Joel Kelly 1 yr thru Dec '12
217 Bert Lirette 1 yr thru Dec '12
74 Michele Owens 1 yr thru Dec '12
313 Brian Litke 10 years thru Dec '21
231 Damon Neth Lifetime
230 Stacey Neth Lifetime

Feb 28 2013, 05:59 PM
Our disc golf family has lost a member. David Anderson, Waterloo member #83, passed away on Monday February 25, 2013 at the way-too-young age of 57. David was a great guy: friendly, thoughtful, funny, and soft spoken. He played disc golf for many years and went to a number of the Waterloo Club�s events and workdays. Here is a link to his obituary.


In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the Zilker Park fund at the Austin Parks Foundation. Zilker was a park, and a disc golf course, that David really enjoyed so the club will be making a contribution to that fund.

Our sincere condolences go out to David�s family and friends!

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

Feb 03 2014, 11:37 PM
This post is actually from last week, just before our Ice Bowl on Saturday, February 1, 2014:

FINALLY: the big 420 Auction

Member #420 is almost upon us; who wants this awesome number? We are having a fundraising auction to help us with the big Zilker renovation project that is just starting.

The bidding to be 420 will begin in person at the Ice Bowl this Saturday, and then will continue online until the end of Monday, February 10th.

You must either be a club member already, or be willing to join the club to have a chance to be #420. If an existing club member wins the auction, he or she will still retain their original number, but will forever now be known as 420  All of the non-members who bid must still join the club at the end of the auction, even if they didn�t win. We will extend the Ice Bowl membership drive discounts to everyone who bids, so if you don�t win you still join as the reduced rate of $10 (essentially free after you get your $10 Disc Nation certificate) or $25.

It�s 420 in Austin, how cool is that!

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

Feb 03 2014, 11:42 PM
The auction for who will get to be Waterloo Club Member #420 is off and running! We started it at Ice Bowl and the bidding is now up to $125 (by Fishead Tim). Bidding will continue online until 10 pm Central Time, Monday, February 10th.

You can bid by posting here, messaging the club through Facebook, posting on the club's facebook page or the Fellow Disc Golfer's facebook page, emailing the club at [email protected], emailing Gordon at [email protected], posting on the club's message board on our website (www.austindiscgolf.org look for the thread in Community Forums / Current Events) or calling the club cell phone at 512-994-9508 (leave a message if I don't answer). We'll try to keep the current high bid updated in all places at least once or twice per day.

We will be using the funds to help us with the big Zilker renovation project that is just starting.

As a reminder: You must either be a club member already, or be willing to join the club to have a chance to be #420. If an existing club member wins the auction, he or she will still retain their original number, but will forever now be known as 420.

All of the non-members who bid must still join the club at the end of the auction, even if they didn�t win. We will extend the Ice Bowl membership drive discounts to everyone who bids, so if you don�t win you still join as the reduced rate of $10 for a Player Membership (essentially free after you get your $10 Disc Nation certificate) or $25 for a Supporting Membership.

Feb 04 2014, 01:32 PM
Mike Schulgen has upped the bid to $150!

Feb 04 2014, 03:34 PM
Top bid is now $225 by Mike Schulgen...

Feb 05 2014, 12:32 AM
Top bid is now $325 by Jeremiah Duke.

Feb 07 2014, 12:55 AM
Randon Dillingham has upped the 420 bid to $350...

Feb 09 2014, 12:28 AM
Fishead Tim takes the bidding for club member #420 up to $420 :D

Two more days left in the bidding...

Feb 10 2014, 02:04 PM
We are down to the final 10 hours of bidding for Waterloo Club Member #420. Fishead Tim currently has the high bid of $420. A great amount, but hey� so is $500 

The auction ends at 10 pm this evening (Central Time, Mon. Feb. 10th)

Remember, all bidding this final day needs to be emailed to the club at [email protected] We will monitor this closely throughout the day, and especially this evening and will post updates on Facebook, the club website, and the PDGA Discussion Board.

An additional reminder: You must either be a club member already, or be willing to join the club to have a chance to be #420. If an existing club member wins the auction, he or she will still retain their original number, but will forever now be known as 420. All of the non-members who bid must still join the club at the end of the auction, even if they didn�t win. We will extend the Ice Bowl membership drive discounts to everyone who bids, so if you don�t win you still join as the reduced rate of $10 for a Player Membership (essentially free after you get your $10 Disc Nation certificate) or $25 for a Supporting Membership.

Here are links to the Facebook Pages and Websites we�ll be using to post bids today:


We will be using the funds to help us with the big Zilker renovation project that is just starting.

Waterloo Disc Golf Club

Feb 10 2014, 02:46 PM
Meteor Mike Schulgen just took the bid to $450!

Feb 10 2014, 07:05 PM
Jeremiah Duke takes the #420 bidding to $500!

Feb 10 2014, 11:48 PM
Jeremiah, Meteor Mike, Randon, and Fish have all been bid big numbers. Jeremiah still has it at $500 right now, but both he and Mike have indicated they are waiting for that last-minute action. Could it be that Fish, Randon, or even someone else is doing the same? It could all come down to who makes the highest last minute bid. Email bids to [email protected]; 10 pm (just about 30 minutes from now) is the cutoff.

Don't forget on the #420 bidding that it has to be emailed in to [email protected] You can't just post it on here or one of the other pages.

Feb 10 2014, 11:49 PM
oops, cut and pasted something a bit old. Just 10 minutes left...

Feb 10 2014, 11:50 PM
And Meteor Mike jumps it to $550.

Feb 11 2014, 12:08 AM
two bids for $600 both at 9:59, Jeremiah Duke & Michael Schulgen. You each get one more bid. whoever is higher gets it!

Feb 11 2014, 12:23 AM
And both bumped it up respectably!!! Meteor Mike tops out at $700; and Jeremiah Duke takes it with $725!!! Welcome to the club Mr. 420 Duke!

Feb 11 2014, 07:10 PM
So you posted a thread about YOUR local club that perpetuates the myth (or not a myth, I guess) that disc golfers are pot-head stoners, and further strengthened that myth because someone actually spent $725 of real cash on a number… again, for your local club. The fact that nobody else posted in this entire thread indicates, to me at least, the lack of national interest in this, I imagine…

So I have just one question: Why?

Dec 29 2014, 02:24 PM
Waterloo Disc Golf Club
PO Box 33531 ~ Austin, TX 78764
December 2014

Dear Waterloo Disc Golf Club Member,

2015 is almost here and Waterloo Disc Golf Club (WDGC) is ready for another fun-filled 365 days in our beautiful City of Austin! Now is your chance to renew your annual club membership to help support our ongoing efforts to improve disc golf in the City. If you aren�t yet current on your 2015 club membership, now is the time.

So� what has WGDC done for you lately? Well, let�s see how 2014 rounded out:

� 14th Ice Bowl: 132 people took part, and we raised $1,375 plus 431 pounds of food for the Capital Area Food Bank (record amounts of both money and food)!
� 37th Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic tournament: took place for the 2nd time at the historic Hancock Golf Course; Austin�s oldest disc golf event held at Austin�s oldest ball golf course. Over the tourney weekend, we raised $9,000 plus 23 gallons of can tabs for the Austin Ronald McDonald House; and we also raised $3,925 for improvements to Austin-area courses.
� 2nd Annual Young at Heart Parent/Child Doubles: 38 teams, we raised $325 for EDGE.
� Donated a portable basket, a permanent basket (installed in their courtyard/play area), and 50 putters to the Austin Children�s Shelter.
� Workdays at Roy G, Cactus Patch, Zilker, and Austin Ridge Bible Church; including the purchase and installation of 9 new baskets and new tee signs at Zilker. Beginning of the Manor Beautification Project.
� Took on the big fight to get disc golf added to the Pease Park Master Plan. Unfortunately, we lost the struggle and disc golf won�t be returning to the park, but it wasn�t for lack of trying. We fought hard and we will continue to fight for what disc golfers want and need in Austin.
� Ran other events over the course of the year: World�s Biggest DG Weekend, Bart Minis every Saturday, and Summer League and minis at Zilker.
� Sponsored 32 tournaments and events with over $4,000 in cash, merchandise, and support.
� 52 new club members, bringing our total membership to 465 members.

In 2015 we�ll continue with the renovation of the Zilker disc golf course in partnership with Austin Parks & Rec. Department and Austin Watershed Protection Department. We will ramp up the Manor Beautification Project in partnership with Travis County Parks. Dept. We will be having a huge celebration at the 38th Waterloo Disc Golf Classic in October to commemorate crossing the $100,000 mark of money raised for the Austin Ronald McDonald House. We will also be working towards more course maintenance of all our courses in addition to running the 15th Ice Bowl, 3rd Young at Heart Doubles, minis, a WaterLeague or two, and much, much more. All these things take a lot of work, so we really need your support: your time, your energy, and your renewal fees that allow Waterloo to fund its projects.

Club Membership Renewal Prices: Get a $10 Disc Nation certificate with your membership renewal � that means one year really only costs you $5 bucks!

1 Year: $15
3 Years: $40 ($5 discount)
5 Years: $65 ($10 discount)
10 Years: $125 ($25 discount)
Lifetime Renewal: $300 (your own new BFF! Waterlooooo!)

To renew, please mail in a check for your renewal (mail to the address in the letterhead), or you can pay in-person at a Waterloo event. If your address, phone number, or email has changed recently, please note the change with your payment.

The club�s 2015 goal is to reach over 500 members by year�s end. We need you to keep your membership current AND get your friends to join the club. You may be due for renewal. If you are receiving this letter by email, the member list is attached. If not, to check your status, go to www.austindiscgolf.org, there is a link to the member list right there on the home page; (unfortunately we are having some issues getting the �membership page� of the site updated so please disregard that for now). Click on the link and find your name; the list is in two sections: 1st is by member number, 2nd is by last name. If the right column next to your name is blank, or says �Current Through 2014�, then it�s time to renew!! You can also find the list on our Facebook page or send us an email to ask.

Waterloo Disc Golf Club is continuing as a PDGA Affiliate Club in 2015. Any current club member that wishes to join the PDGA or renew their PDGA membership through the club will receive a $5 discount on those membership fees. If you are interested in handling your PDGA membership through Waterloo, click on the following link: http://www.pdga.com/membership

� Choose �Join Now� or �Renew Now� and enter your information

� When you get to the payment screen, enter the following code in the �Coupon� field to get your $5 discount: AFFWATERLOO14 (note: the PDGA said that this password may change when 2015 arrives; if so we�ll send you out the new password; or just try AFFWATERLOO15)

For more information about club membership renewals, or the club in general, you can call the WDGC cell phone at (512) 994-9508, email us at [email protected], check out our Facebook page, or visit our website http://www.austindiscgolf.org.

Thank you for your support of Waterloo Disc Golf Club.

Check us out on Facebook and Twitter.

And �Thank You� to Disc Nation for their year-round sponsorship of the club and their support for all we do!