Oct 30 2008, 06:25 AM
Hi Stuart,
With the site only half working I was wondering where you where at in regards to points.
You are listed at 3415 and I believe you have another 72 from the Elk Creek Classic. That would put you at 3487. What other events have you played? Division? and finish?

Officially I am at 3653, unofficially through the weekend of October 25/26 I am at 4464. That is my unofficial point total through 39 events.

Thanks. And good luck.

Nov 02 2008, 03:41 PM
39 events? With breaking your collarbone the day before worlds? Iron Man McManimal!

Nov 03 2008, 05:28 PM
Hi Tom,
I have had little time to play so it seems you have all my tournaments. I did play at the Newport News Fall Colors this past weekend. I can't remember how many points I got I came in tied for seventh. I think there were 34 players. Not sure though, some sort of controversy with players over 935 ratings trying to play Intermediate.