Dec 03 2008, 04:36 PM
Along with Winter, big Rhett will be back on (discussion)board. Hopefully he'll choose his words a little more carefully this time around! :o:D
It's all Rhettoric anyway! :p
Dec 03 2008, 04:51 PM
I don't know if he is too pumped to come back! Then again there have been some Mod changes since them and they are no longer clueless.
Dec 04 2008, 02:40 PM
Dec 04 2008, 02:57 PM
Dec 04 2008, 05:04 PM
As long as the donkees lose, we're ALL happy! :D
Dec 04 2008, 05:36 PM
I'll agree to that, except they(the donks) need to put up some points, especially from my fantasy players I have from that team.
Dec 27 2008, 01:05 PM
Self-deleted before LaGrassa gets to it.
Dec 27 2008, 02:19 PM
Hey Rhett! :cool:
Good to see you back here and I hope things are going well for you in Southern California these days. I was actually thinking of you a few months when ago when I was out in Los Angeles for a brief business trip and I was able to sneak in a quick round at La Mirada. It made me think of the very enjoyable round you and I shot there in October of 2006. :cool:
Looks like you also have not changed your mind about the PDGA DISCussion board. :( For the record, I don't believe I've ever said that the moderation system couldn't possibly be subjective. But I do maintain that a system where posts are reported by message board users, ruled upon by a moderator whose decision is also viewed by a team of other moderators, and then appeals heard by an external Communications Director or Executive Director, is far less subjective than a system where one person is jury, judge, and executioner. Our current system involves at least four different individuals who must agree that standards have been broken. With such oversight, I think the system is wisely constructed to prevent most subjectivity in the process.
With regards to "encouraging" attacks against the PDGA, maybe it's just me, but unless I see a thread created which is entitled "Let's attack the PDGA" or basically is dedicated to such a cause, then I fail to see where PDGA members are "encouraging" attacks. The "Boycott the PDGA" thread from a few years ago is about the only such thread in that regard that I can think of. And as you may remember, even that thread was allowed to stand. While I tire of the constant whining about petty gripes on an almost daily basis from the same small group of individuals, the moderation staff and the Executive Director believe that topics and posts that are well-constructed, respectful, and are legitimate constructive criticism will serve to encourage positive discussion, ways to improve the PDGA, and help to make us a better organization. I don't think anyone in our organization would ever want to see a system in place where any PDGA member who writes something even remotely critical and negative of the PDGA on the DISCussion Board is banned. If that is what you are after, I would not hold your breath on such a system coming to fruition.
Dec 27 2008, 02:29 PM
<font color="blue"> [Per the Executive Director, personal attack removed] </font>
Dec 27 2008, 07:59 PM
Jeff, why did you post in this thread? Why don't you go back to providing mis-information to whoever it is that hears appeals now, so that your willy-nilly-illy handed out suspensions can stand. It would be terrible for the appeal-hearer to have accurate info when ruling on an appeal, right? :p
I mean, modifying the red text that said "deleted by moderator" to instead say <font color="blue"> [Per the Executive Director, personal attack removed] </font> is still absoulutely worthy of a 1 year ban, isn't it? I wouldn't want the facts to allow an appeal to overturn such a just decision.
Dec 27 2008, 08:31 PM
I thought the definition of a personal attack was an attack on a person but I guess that is subjective too.
Who exactly was Rhett attacking?
Dec 29 2008, 12:14 AM
Well, at least the "ams should play pro and gimme me their money" arguments have moved on to the more appropriate "masters should play open and gimme their money", so I guess that's progress right there.
Its clearly a new generation of posters :D lol
Dec 29 2008, 03:28 PM
Hey Rhett! :cool:
Good to see you back here and I hope things are going well for you in Southern California these days. I was actually thinking of you a few months when ago when I was out in Los Angeles for a brief business trip and I was able to sneak in a quick round at La Mirada. It made me think of the very enjoyable round you and I shot there in October of 2006. :cool:
Looks like you also have not changed your mind about the PDGA DISCussion board. :( For the record, I don't believe I've ever said that the moderation system couldn't possibly be subjective. But I do maintain that a system where posts are reported by message board users, ruled upon by a moderator whose decision is also viewed by a team of other moderators, and then appeals heard by an external Communications Director or Executive Director, is far less subjective than a system where one person is jury, judge, and executioner. Our current system involves at least four different individuals who must agree that standards have been broken. With such oversight, I think the system is wisely constructed to prevent most subjectivity in the process.
With regards to "encouraging" attacks against the PDGA, maybe it's just me, but unless I see a thread created which is entitled "Let's attack the PDGA" or basically is dedicated to such a cause, then I fail to see where PDGA members are "encouraging" attacks. The "Boycott the PDGA" thread from a few years ago is about the only such thread in that regard that I can think of. And as you may remember, even that thread was allowed to stand. While I tire of the constant whining about petty gripes on an almost daily basis from the same small group of individuals, the moderation staff and the Executive Director believe that topics and posts that are well-constructed, respectful, and are legitimate constructive criticism will serve to encourage positive discussion, ways to improve the PDGA, and help to make us a better organization. I don't think anyone in our organization would ever want to see a system in place where any PDGA member who writes something even remotely critical and negative of the PDGA on the DISCussion Board is banned. If that is what you are after, I would not hold your breath on such a system coming to fruition.
Seems like BG was the Judge, Jury, and executioner this time!
<font color="blue"> [Deleted due to uncontrolled anger after stupid e-mail} </font>
Dec 29 2008, 03:32 PM
Matt, its not worth the headache , I'll send you the $12.67 if you want to go pick one up at Wally World. :D
Dec 29 2008, 03:53 PM
Matt, its not worth the headache , I'll send you the $12.67 if you want to go pick one up at Wally World. :D
Stamp it with the 08' worlds logo and it's a deal! I just wish I had more of a keepsake from worlds instead of only the $30 I made.
Dec 29 2008, 03:57 PM
Get me a pic of the logo, I'll have it sharpied on there for ya. Hell, I'll even sign it for you. :D
Dec 29 2008, 04:00 PM
Get me a pic of the logo, I'll have it sharpied on there for ya. Hell, I'll even sign it for you. :D
BONUS!!!!!! :D
I'll pick it up when i head to the NT at the Lodge which you guys will blow out of the water as usual. :p
Dec 29 2008, 04:37 PM
I'll have it ready for you. :D
Dec 29 2008, 05:32 PM
Seems like BG was the Judge, Jury, and executioner this time!
If I could only tell him face to face how great a job he is doing in moving the PDGA forward.
I know at worlds this year he made 100 people wait around for 30 minutes for the 6PM check-in because they weren't ready yet but then 30 minutes later after standing around behind the desk they stated letting us check-in to get our lackluster players pack with discs we won't throw and not even an umbrella which we may have actually used.
So I really think he did a great job helping get everyone out in a timely manner...........NOT
Check in at the Worlds started on time at the exact time each day that was posted on the schedule. The PDGA staff were set up and ready well in advance of that time and could have easily began check in early but the Worlds host team was still unloading the players packages and setting up their tables. The staff even stayed late each night to accomodate those who arrived after check-in had ended. When did being punctual and starting on time become a bad thing?
FYI: The contents of the players packages are determined by the event hosts and not the PDGA. I am sorry that you feel that the free stuff that the fine folks in Kalamazoo gave you as a gift did not meet your standards. You would think that an experienced professional would bring an umbrella to a week long event or plan on purchasing one when he got there. If he were really on top of things he might even plan in advance how he was going to get from his hotel to the courses each day. ;)
Dec 29 2008, 08:31 PM
Seems like BG was the Judge, Jury, and executioner this time!
If I could only tell him face to face how great a job he is doing in moving the PDGA forward.
I know at worlds this year he made 100 people wait around for 30 minutes for the 6PM check-in because they weren't ready yet but then 30 minutes later after standing around behind the desk they stated letting us check-in to get our lackluster players pack with discs we won't throw and not even an umbrella which we may have actually used.
So I really think he did a great job helping get everyone out in a timely manner...........NOT
Since you are going to be 20 next year and it seems you have just about everything figured out, why not run for BG's position and help us all out? My god man...go out and play golf and quit nitpicking every last little thing. :confused:
Dec 29 2008, 08:48 PM
Seems like BG was the Judge, Jury, and executioner this time!
If I could only tell him face to face how great a job he is doing in moving the PDGA forward.
I know at worlds this year he made 100 people wait around for 30 minutes for the 6PM check-in because they weren't ready yet but then 30 minutes later after standing around behind the desk they stated letting us check-in to get our lackluster players pack with discs we won't throw and not even an umbrella which we may have actually used.
So I really think he did a great job helping get everyone out in a timely manner...........NOT
Check in at the Worlds started on time at the exact time each day that was posted on the schedule. The PDGA staff were set up and ready well in advance of that time and could have easily began check in early but the Worlds host team was still unloading the players packages and setting up their tables. The staff even stayed late each night to accomodate those who arrived after check-in had ended. When did being punctual and starting on time become a bad thing?
FYI: The contents of the players packages are determined by the event hosts and not the PDGA. I am sorry that you feel that the free stuff that the fine folks in Kalamazoo gave you as a gift did not meet your standards. You would think that an experienced professional would bring an umbrella to a week long event or plan on purchasing one when he got there. If he were really on top of things he might even plan in advance how he was going to get from his hotel to the courses each day. ;)
You mean the "Host hotel" that didn't even have anything posted until late Tuesday? The same host hotel that was 45min in the traffic away from the "REAL" hotel?
After taking the drive to the "Mandatory Players meeting" which actually was more of an hour long listen to our sponsors and watch these three guys putt expo the people I went with weren't too excited. I mean I don;'t think there was anything read about rules or activities.
Good thing there was free beer right?
Couldn't even get a keg or rootbeer or anything? I mean it seems like every year the parties are 21 and up which really makes it fun for the youth of the sport.
Also didn't think it would be worth it to carry an umbrella on the plane and didn't want to spend $20 of the $30 profit from the event on one either. Now if the payout would have rocked it wouldn't be an issue at all but it just happened to hit a nerve.
Dec 29 2008, 09:47 PM
who writes something even remotely critical and negative of the PDGA on the DISCussion Board is banned.
if this becomes the case we will have NO members
Dec 30 2008, 10:22 AM
Well said Brad.
Matt, I hope you have a mentor in your life that will help you move in a positive direction. It seems that you are exceptionally bitter and critical. Criticism can be a great thing when it is delivered with a respectful tone. Criticism in the form that you have spewed toward Brian will not help change anything except peoples opinon of your character.
Brian, thanks for all the hard work that you do and the same to Larry Labond and the K'Zoo and G Rapids guys for a fun worlds.
Rhett, how bout that picture on the other Rhett site! You are so photogenic! p.m. me with your email and I will send you a good one of you and your better half.
Dec 30 2008, 04:06 PM
LaGrassa - "Leaving unsatisfied customers from coast to coast"
and here I thought it was only a Northeast thing.... :confused: :eek:
Pizza God
Dec 30 2008, 10:15 PM
who writes something even remotely critical and negative of the PDGA on the DISCussion Board is banned.
if this becomes the case we will have NO members
I fear the new Discussion Board rules may leave us all to being banned.
while calling someone an idiot (even when he is being one) is not the way to win an argument and really should NOT be posted, It is always going to happen.
I totally understand probation's, shoot, I have been put on Probation at least 3 times and had many warnings when I posted items I didn't notice (hence, why I am on probation now, I just wanted to post a piece on Frank Lutz, what better than to post the BS show talking about him.)
Chris Hysell
Dec 31 2008, 03:21 PM
While i'm packing my M&P40 playing disc golf in the hood tomorrow Rhett will be at the Rosebowl courtesy of EA sports. He said "what chance did the MB have w/o either of us". He'll be just fine.
Pizza God
Dec 31 2008, 05:17 PM
who writes something even remotely critical and negative of the PDGA on the DISCussion Board is banned.
if this becomes the case we will have NO members
4 posters put on probation and one suspended already today!!!!!!!!
Jan 01 2009, 01:54 PM
Happy New Year Rhett!!
It's Jan 1, which means I am heading to Morley with my 165g World Class Scott Zimmerman, Teresa Gaman signature for some OLD SCHOOL!! Many thanks to Craiger Gangloff for trading, this is the model I started playing DG with back in 1978 on made up courses in Atlanta, GA (18 holes, Par 72, two stroke penalty for hitting cars, flower gardens with evidence of defoliation, or people; high score on each hole carries the cooler). No more coolers, no more "high scores", just me and a frisbee and many fond memories of the foggy past.
Best Wishes to all from Sunny San Diego!
Jan 01 2009, 02:17 PM
Post your Super Class score with that disc and see who can top it. However, with so many configs at Morley, how do you track records?
Jan 01 2009, 03:49 PM
Howdy Chucker
Almost impossible to track records at Morley since it has 19 holes and 3-5 pins per hole. Today I shot +5 in 30 minutes in a relatively mixed layout with three 3-putts. I could not reach any of the baskets from the tee and only had one realistic shot at a deuce (a 40 footer that glided 15 feet past for one of my three putts). I did not make a putt outside of 20 feet. I think I could shoot even (par 3) with practice, but it would totally screw up my regular stroke. It took about 4 holes to find the hyzer angle on the drives, and my normal putting style (flat release with slight wrist roll) resulted in a wanker that would keep turning and gliding past the chains.
The nice thing about playing with a lid is you can drive when the group in front of you is putting since there is little chance of reaching the green from the tee pad (I was probably maxing out at around 250 feet). This was a great help at Morley since the groups would let me play through (as always, the course was packed). Putting is very difficult since the disc barely fits inside the basket. In fact it felt more like "ball golf", which is not too surprising since the target/disc ratio is about the same. Forcing everyone to putt with a lid inside of 10 meters would get rid of some of the "deuce or die" mentality, but who wants to putt with a lid?
Those 15 pounds I put on during the Holidays announced their presence with authority! Happy Holidays, DD
Jan 02 2009, 04:30 PM
Just a slight addition to the already present thread drift...
Comparing the disc to basket diameter ratio to the golf ball to the golf hole ratio is a little off, since most of the time when you putt in ball golf there isn't a pole in the middle of the hole. Add the pole and you need to re-calc the ratios.
Please resume the previous "non-Rhett Stroh" thread drift...
Jan 02 2009, 07:31 PM
Hey there double D. Long time since we crossed paths. Behave out there. I too am battling with those pounds. Time is not a very good friend as it gets tougher each day. Hope to see you sometime again, Stan.
Apr 03 2009, 12:57 PM
You are not accepting PMs and I thought you may find this entertaining.
A recent post of yours was reported by a message board user for offensive content and has since been edited. While not an egregious offense worthy of probation, we are offering the courtesy of a warning that a next offense may result in probation of your account. If you would like to appeal this decision, please contact Brian Graham, the PDGA Executive Director. He can be reached at:
PDGA DISCussion Board Moderating Team
Subject: Re: 20th Annual No foolin
Date: Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 9:09 AM
has notified you of a post you should look at entitled: 'Re: 20th Annual No foolin'
<font color="blue"> [borderline offensive material removed] </font>
This post can be viewed here:
Apr 03 2009, 05:52 PM
"10 or 20 IQ points?" got me probation!
Apr 04 2009, 01:00 AM
I was on probation earlier this year for calling myself a name. :) :)