Jan 02 2009, 01:07 PM
The Pittsburgh Ice Bowl is back for 2009
Here are the essentials, more details will follow.
Date: Saturday, February 14
Time: 10am
Place: Schenley Park
Entry Fee: $20 or less (discounts per non-perishable food donations, details to follow)
All proceeds will be donated to the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank
All participants will receive an official Ice Bowl 2009 mini
Recreational divisions will be included!
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help out, please contact Dave Kuhrt at:
[email protected]
Thanks for your help in making this years Pittsburgh Ice Bowl a success.
Dave Kuhrt
Pittsburgh Ice Bowl 2009 TD
Jan 02 2009, 01:52 PM
Essentials...Where is it going to take place? Knob?, Schenley?, or Monroeville?
Jan 02 2009, 02:05 PM
The original post has been edited. Thanks for picking up my omission KP.
Jan 03 2009, 11:07 PM
Dave..sounds like it will be fun. What is the format of the tournament? I can help out if need be.
Jan 04 2009, 04:16 PM
The tournament will be a single round, all groups throwing from the white tees.
Jan 11 2009, 10:32 AM
With the economy in its current state, the 2009 Pittsburgh Ice Bowl to benefit the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank is taking on more importance than in years past. We, as the discgolfing community of Pittsburgh and beyond can really make a difference if we work together. In order to make this year's Ice Bowl as big of a success as possible, I will need help getting the word out to as many people as possible. Ice Bowl fliers should be posted at all local courses by now (if you play a course and don't see a posted flier, please let me know and I will make sure one gets out there). Tell your friends and family about the event, it is a great way to get others involved in the sport. I will have loaner discs available and there will be a recreational division. Please email me if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Dave Kuhrt
Feb 06 2009, 11:10 AM
In case you were looking for an excuse to get to the Pittsburgh Ice Bowl, you now have one. Thanks to a great sponsorship package from Discgolf U, we will be giving away an Innova Traveler portable basket
A big thanks goes out to Discgolf U!
I am looking forward to an awesome Ice Bowl
Feb 09 2009, 10:36 AM
I hope everyone is ready for the Ice Bowl next Saturday!
Thanks to Sid, we have soup lined up to be ready following the round, and it looks like Veture Outdoors has stepped up to provide hot beverages before the round.
Feb 14 2009, 04:35 PM
Wicked awesome fun time. Great soup. Thanks.
Feb 14 2009, 05:39 PM
Here are the preliminary results:
Temp: high 20's
Just a light breeze and no snow
We raised $1265 and collected 259 food items!
1. Dave Kuhrt 46
2. Matt Miao 48
2. Jerry Gotcher 48
4. Sean R. Malone 49
5. Mike Speaker 50
5. Mark Prestopnik 50
7. Kurt Poole 51
7. Larry Gioia 51
9. KB Clark 52
9. Scott Heintzleman 52
9. J. Gary Dropcho 52
12. Sid Olcott 53
13. Leo Liller 54
13. Brian Grace 54
15. Scott McIntyre 55
16. Rex Trimm 56
Open Women:
1. Alanna Poole 52
1. Bill Rohrey 52
2. Voakmar Kuntz 53
3. Tim Stouden 60
Intermediate Women:
1. Theresa Steigerwalt 57
2. Kristen Scopaz 58
3. Jonda Lauri 61
1. Jon Ebel 55
2. Mike Davidson 59
3. Jeff Stanek 60
3. Pete Dawida 60
5. Cory Webber 63
6. Mike Hezel 67
1. Craig McCloud 51
2. Ron Hosek 56
3. Pete Contouris 59
3. Cris Lore 59
5. Jim DellaPenna 63
6. John Rayl 64
7. Matt Tesen 68
8. Joey Debartolomeo 75
Our top money raisers were J. Gary Dropcho and Mark Prestopnik.
Jeff Stanek and Larry Gioia donated the most food.
Scott Heintzleman won the Innova Traveler basket.
I would like to thank Venture Outdoors for donating the muffins and hot drinks, as well as Discgolf U for helping out with the basket.
Additionally, I would like to thank Mark Prestopnik, Sid Olcott (awesome soup!), Brian Grace, Scott Heintzleman, Jeff Stanek, Kristen Scopaz and everyone else who had a hand in helping me run this years Ice Bowl.
Thanks to everyone who participated.
Dave Kuhrt
Feb 14 2009, 07:21 PM
Great job running the tournament. I thought everything went great today.
With Schenley in such great shape these days, I think we should have a tournament there some time. Maybe a tournament with a unique format? Would anyone be interested in such a thing?
With Schenley in such great shape these days, I think we should have a tournament there some time. Maybe a tournament with a unique format? Would anyone be interested in such a thing?
Sure, how about a Super Class or Vintage Class Tournament, or maybe a One Disc Tournament?
Feb 15 2009, 02:40 PM
With Schenley in such great shape these days, I think we should have a tournament there some time. Maybe a tournament with a unique format? Would anyone be interested in such a thing?
Sure, how about a Super Class or Vintage Class Tournament, or maybe a One Disc Tournament?
As PDGA State Coordinator, I'd be tickled pink if you'd pilot the new Super Class ( format with a tournament at Schenley. :cool:
I thank you for your confidence, but I don't know if I can do it. However if there is enough positive interest, I will consider doing it.
Feb 15 2009, 10:04 PM
I'd be up for running a tournament...I believe that Brian Grace and I would like to do some more things for Schenley in our potential role as "course promoters".
Feb 16 2009, 05:30 PM
I think it would be fun to do a doubles tournament with randomly paired teams (randomly paired from a "strong partner/weaker partner" division of entrants... if that makes sense). So some of the results would be dictated by luck of the draw, but it would still be a fun event.
Feb 17 2009, 12:10 AM
I wanted to thank Dave, again, for running the Ice Bowl! Lots of fun, and great turnout! I was bummed that I had to leave before the soup was served!!
For the record, this was my personal best round ever at Schenley, and certainly not what I expected after only playing a handful of rounds in the past 4 months! After seeing the results, I was a bit embarrassed by my choice of division! My player rating is Rec, honest!! :-)