Jan 14 2009, 10:55 AM
SADC Club Memeber and all around good guy Lisle Updike sent me the following:
I volunteer as an Assistant District Commissioner with the Alamo Area Council for the Boy Scouts of America, and last week, at a council meeting, a Scout Leader brought in 2 DG baskets and said the council had purchased nine of these thingies, and that he would set them up at the scout freeze-o-ree next month and conduct a small tournament. I had to do double-take as I couldn't believe what I just heard. Long story short, I connected Jay and Des Reading with the Scout Commissioner, and they will be utilizing the EDGE program to teach 500+ scouts and 100+ of their
leaders how to play disc golf! This will be a huge win for all involved and the disc golf community, as scouters are linked in to the school system, business and even the parks dept. This has been a long time coming.
Des and Jay plan to facilitate a 2 hour clinic and rotate hundreds of
scouters in groups of 5 through a massive tournament. The details are
still being worked out, but this will all take place on Saturday, Feb
7th at Bear Creek Scout Camp, in Hunt, TX. The camp lies on 1000
acres, and Jay will have a field day setting up 9 awesome holes. on
this land (there are 150 foot cliffs, a wide creek, hills, trees,
fields, etc.)
Anyhow, that said, we are hoping to round up 50-100 old, used, beater
discs to donate to the Boy Scouts for this event. I have a dozen
myself that I'm more than happy to part with forever, and was
wondering if y'all would be able to help me come up with a plan to see
if any other disc golfers want to donate or LEND discs to the cause.
I think lending discs would be a nightmare to keep track of, but I'd
be willing to figure out how to do it if necessary.
Let me know. . .
Lisle Updike
I've decided to start a SADC Box-O-Discs that we can use for these types of events. We'll loan them out to kids for the event. If they come back ... great. If some get lost .... oh well. I know on April 17th SADC will also be doing "Science Day" at Long's Creek Elementary so we'll need discs for that too. Soooooo, if you have any old beat up discs that you would like to donate just bring them out to a mini and give them to the TD. They'll collect them and we'll use them as a loaner set for these types of events. If some of the discs don't come back, no big deal but at least we'll have a supply of used discs to teach the game with!!!!!
I volunteer as an Assistant District Commissioner with the Alamo Area Council for the Boy Scouts of America, and last week, at a council meeting, a Scout Leader brought in 2 DG baskets and said the council had purchased nine of these thingies, and that he would set them up at the scout freeze-o-ree next month and conduct a small tournament. I had to do double-take as I couldn't believe what I just heard. Long story short, I connected Jay and Des Reading with the Scout Commissioner, and they will be utilizing the EDGE program to teach 500+ scouts and 100+ of their
leaders how to play disc golf! This will be a huge win for all involved and the disc golf community, as scouters are linked in to the school system, business and even the parks dept. This has been a long time coming.
Des and Jay plan to facilitate a 2 hour clinic and rotate hundreds of
scouters in groups of 5 through a massive tournament. The details are
still being worked out, but this will all take place on Saturday, Feb
7th at Bear Creek Scout Camp, in Hunt, TX. The camp lies on 1000
acres, and Jay will have a field day setting up 9 awesome holes. on
this land (there are 150 foot cliffs, a wide creek, hills, trees,
fields, etc.)
Anyhow, that said, we are hoping to round up 50-100 old, used, beater
discs to donate to the Boy Scouts for this event. I have a dozen
myself that I'm more than happy to part with forever, and was
wondering if y'all would be able to help me come up with a plan to see
if any other disc golfers want to donate or LEND discs to the cause.
I think lending discs would be a nightmare to keep track of, but I'd
be willing to figure out how to do it if necessary.
Let me know. . .
Lisle Updike
I've decided to start a SADC Box-O-Discs that we can use for these types of events. We'll loan them out to kids for the event. If they come back ... great. If some get lost .... oh well. I know on April 17th SADC will also be doing "Science Day" at Long's Creek Elementary so we'll need discs for that too. Soooooo, if you have any old beat up discs that you would like to donate just bring them out to a mini and give them to the TD. They'll collect them and we'll use them as a loaner set for these types of events. If some of the discs don't come back, no big deal but at least we'll have a supply of used discs to teach the game with!!!!!