Jan 23 2009, 11:45 AM
Clubs of Texas!
It�s time again for the state to come together and present the Texas Women�s Championships. My staff and I want to challenge the clubs of Texas to out do each other in the girly station contest. We will recognizing the winning girly station at the awards and will provide the winning club with merchandise to better grow their area women�s group.
Many have participating in past years and can testify to the enjoyment of doing a station.
We also want the area clubs to begin fund raisers during your minis to add to the experience for the ladies. We suggest individuals to host CTPs during minis with the cash buy into the CTP, run a B.Q. lunch, or throw a fund raiser mini. Get creative help us to help the ladies
We will need to know your commitment to ensure a spot for your club.
So contact Ed Coffey or me

Jan 26 2009, 10:39 AM
custom stamped Rocs and Avairs will be the tournament disc. Hope to be seeing some of these awesome discs in about 4-5 weeks. (

Jan 26 2009, 11:16 AM
Cool design. What discs will you be getting?

Jan 26 2009, 11:44 AM
see above

Rocs and Avairs :o

Jan 27 2009, 01:17 PM
will these be for sale to non players also?

Jan 27 2009, 02:19 PM

Feb 03 2009, 11:32 AM
Start planning boyz, we'll need you in force! At least 18 escorts, a Double R ladies station each day, & maybe some good old fashion club cooking...

Feb 10 2009, 12:26 PM

Also, there is one small change to the format we added Red Horse course last year which I forgot about... So we will be adding it again this year so instead of 18 holes we are playing 23 holes!!! Hope that is ok with every one... Sorry about the late notice...

Thanks and hope to see everyone on Sunday!!!

Baby :cool:

Feb 13 2009, 03:41 PM
anyone going this wknd or everyone playin Rivery

Feb 13 2009, 03:49 PM
We're going, so i V & maybe Steve O. Rivery Ace is about $450, hate to have to miss it, but...

Apr 07 2009, 10:49 PM
This thing is going to BIG!

Apr 08 2009, 09:48 AM
Club members, we'll need your help friday April 17th - Sunday April 19th. this is what we hace so far & I bet this year we set a record & we do get Vinnie in a skirt - I know Goblin's alrady seen it, but the ladies are excited to see what all the hype is about. :)

Apr 13 2009, 08:22 AM
Let use this thread to annouce " Who wants to escort?"
I have a master post your commitment and I will add you on.

Apr 14 2009, 08:53 AM
This is our last meeting of TWC and encourage anyone wanting to help to attend or P.M. Ed or I to add your name to the list of help.
We could use some help
H.Q. set up Saturday & Sunday
Can't have too many escorts.

Apr 15 2009, 09:18 AM
Big thanx to everyone that made the meeting last night - great work! Looking forward to a huge event. Thanx to all of you that help make this happen. Sat @ Old Settlers & Pinnacle (Jr's.) & Wilco all day Sunday. We already have 63 registered players so far & hope for about 80 - ladies if you didn't guess from the tournament name. We need your help impressing these ladies - for real! They are coming from all over Texas, Washington, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahomo, Illinois, literally from all over the US. The Double R (that means you) has committed to cooking & serving lunch on Saturday to players & staff (about 100 people), & of course helping with set up & break down of head quarters & the course prep. We still need escorts for every card (21 Sat & 18 Sun), spotters both days & help with course work Thursday, Friday & over the weekend. If you are able to offer general tournament support on any of these days, please contact me or either TD via e mail . If you are able to help with the escort service - we provide an escort with every card to mark scores, & locate errant discs (really helps with speed of play for the am cards & is a ton of fun to hang with 4 ladies all day - ask anyone that has escorted in the past) contact Steve-O via e mail . Thanx for your support - for reals - it's kinda cool that the home to some of the hardest courses in Central Texas is home to the Texas Women's Championship - ROUND ROCK!!

Apr 15 2009, 11:14 AM
I couldn't of said it better. I appreciate all help very much.

Apr 21 2009, 10:30 AM
Wow - what a great time! Well run boyz! I do especially want to mention the members of the Double R Disc Golf Club - working so closely with the parks departments to have such challenging courses, in such great condition, with amazing spotters & disc retriever (thanx Waterboy) - I've heard rumor that by next year we may have a 36 hole complex ready for TWC (WOW & I do mean WOW). Not to mention the Double R cooking lunch for us in the park - great job guys. & I guess one more thing - next year, Vinnie will you get a little bit longer dress? The view for your staff from the back was FREAKIE.

Apr 21 2009, 10:39 AM
Not to mention the Double R cooking lunch for us in the park

no problem we were all glad to help. We just hope everyone enjoyed their lunch.

Apr 23 2009, 09:22 PM
Not to mention the Double R cooking lunch for us in the park

no problem we were all glad to help. We just hope everyone enjoyed their lunch.

I heard nothing but good things about the food. Well done, Double R.

Apr 23 2009, 11:29 PM
glad to help out and thank you lou as doing scores in no easy task.. by the way send me your program or do you want to score the FSO :D

Apr 24 2009, 10:04 AM
Funny guy!
I'd just as soon play FSO since it's not on Father's or Memorial Day this year. I'll send it to you.

Feb 23 2010, 11:39 AM
Twisted Flyer has teamed up with the tournament directors of the Texas Womens Championship Ed Coffey and Vinnie Miller to bring back the Birdies for Boobies fundraising campaign to raise money for both the 2010 TWC and the Susan G. Komen Foundation. At the 2009 TWC Twisted Flyer had started Birdies for Boobies and donated $1.00 for every birdie the ladies made during the tournament. The ladies raised $150.00 and Twisted Flyer dontated that to the Susan G. Komen Foundation on behalf of all the participants at the TWC. This year we can raise even more money for Susan G. Komen and the 2010 Texas Womens Championship by purchasing SWEEET Innova Inncolor TFR Star Roc's, Star Mako's, and Star Aviar's. All profit from these discs will go to the biggest womens tournament ever the, 2010 Texas Womens Championship and the Susan G Komen Foundation. Help support womens disc golf and finding a cure for breast cancer all in one disc!!! Disc will be available soon!!!

Feb 23 2010, 11:52 AM
Having issues with adding the picture here. :( Its on main TWC thread in Womens area.

Mar 10 2010, 02:14 PM
Twisted Flyer has teamed up with the tournament directors of the Texas Womens Championship Ed Coffey and Vinnie Miller to bring back the Birdies for Boobies fundraising campaign to raise money for both the 2010 TWC and the Susan G. Komen Foundation. At the 2009 TWC Twisted Flyer had started Birdies for Boobies and donated $1.00 for every birdie the ladies made during the tournament. The ladies raised $150.00 and Twisted Flyer dontated that to the Susan G. Komen Foundation on behalf of all the participants at the TWC. This year we can raise even more money for Susan G. Komen and the 2010 Texas Womens Championship by purchasing SWEEET Innova Inncolor TFR Star Roc's, Star Mako's, and Star Roc+. All profit from these discs will go to the biggest womens tournament ever the, 2010 Texas Womens Championship and the Susan G Komen Foundation. Help support womens disc golf and finding a cure for breast cancer all in one disc!!!

The discs are in and just put them in the Twisted Flyer Pro Shop. Makos, Ontarios and the New Star Roc+. Only a few, better get them now! Support the ladies!

Mar 18 2010, 05:30 PM
Will there be some record of who is an official Caddie? I remember last year, we didn't have enough. I want to give those Earlybirds ( who caddie free ace-pot entries for a month but I'm hoping I'll be able to find out who's who.


Mar 18 2010, 06:02 PM
yes you should be able to contact steve butler he is organizing the escort service.

Mar 18 2010, 06:15 PM
Good Deal. Escorts, that's the word I needed. Official Escorts, not official Caddies.


Mar 19 2010, 10:56 AM
Thanks John!! You can hit me at with any escort questions or contact info that you might have from those who want to committ

Mar 24 2010, 10:59 AM

Mar 25 2010, 01:11 PM
Which holes will the juniors be playing?

Mar 26 2010, 08:55 AM
Juniors will be playing a 9 hole loop 3 times. We'll be finalizing that layout this weekend. Most likely it will be a loop with shorter versions of holes of 8-13.

Apr 06 2010, 10:03 AM

Apr 06 2010, 10:32 PM
Mixed doubles Friday OSP South Course sign up 12-3 - last team at 3:00 to allow for clinc participation. Pro $25 a team purple tees not pro $15 a team pink tees. $5 from each team to TWC. Ams paid in merch pick your own payout Saturday @ lunch.

Will be setting the baskets about 9:00 get with Edman & Vinnie if you can help with course set up on Friday.

Apr 12 2010, 04:17 PM
Congrats Vincent & Ed-Man. From what I have heard, you set a world record for numbers of ladies, and ran a great event (as allways) for the ladies this weekend. Wished I could have been there, but way to much work still to do on house before putting it on the market......again, great job guys......How did Russell Rig's port-o-let work out at wilco?? Hopefully someone got a shot of Rusty during & after building this thing???