Feb 18 2009, 03:32 PM
I am looking for some of the locals that play on the course and participate in the minis and course up keep. I have talked to the city and they want to meet to discuss course upgrades (tee boxes, mulch, sinage, etc) and I would like a few of you more familar with the course to be involved.

This all was started by a simple email inquiring about concrete tee pads, and now they want to meet. This could be a great opportunity for the course adn Plano. If you have any input or interest in helping please contact me ASAP.

Toby Whisenhunt
PDGA #38176
dj_toby_one at yahoo dot com

Feb 18 2009, 08:15 PM
Get with Giles and Haleigh,they live in Plano