Mar 02 2009, 11:02 AM
March Madness
Columbus Point Series #1

A PDGA B-Tier Event
March. 28th

Hoover Reservoir- Columbus, Oh.

This tournament is a preview for the 2009 BHMO. All pins will be in 2009 BHMO positions(unless weather doesn't permit), as well as ob rope will be set up on holes F thru H.

Format: 2 rounds of 27 holes

Entry Fees/Format:

Pro-$73*(1 short/1 Long)

Masters-$58* (1 short/1 long)

Advanced-$48* (1 short/1 long)

Intermediate-$38* (2 short)

Rec./Novice/Jr.-$33* (2 short)

* All CFDGC members rec. a $5 discount
Entry fees include a $10 PDGA member discount.

You must be a current PDGA member or pay a $10 temp. fee
(Excluding Juniors)

Registration: Pay by Paypal at

or mail check
Made out to CFDGC, to:
Paul Jay T.D.
2045 Tupsfield Rd.
Col., Oh. 43229

Sat. Registration - until full (128) or 9:00 a.m.

Sign in/up: 8:00-9:00

Players Meeting: 9:15

Tee-Off: 9:30

*** $500 added to Pro divisions (highest % to open divisions)

*** Min. $10 players packs for ams.( players will be able to choose from a nice selection of MM hotstamp discs, more info on disc to follow).

***CTP's and added merchandise for all Amateur divisions

*** CTP contest for a portable basket- proceeds to benefit the 2009 BHMO, and The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

T.D.-Paul Jay (614.203.0995) - [email protected]

Tournament website- www.columbusdiscgolf.com (http://www.columbusdiscgolf.com)
Tournament discussion- http://columbusdiscgolf.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=37

Presented by the Columbus Flyers DGC, in concert with Hoover Watershed Management, and the Columbus Parks and Recreation