Apr 29 2009, 10:38 AM
I spoke with Spiderman yesterday and he gave me some unreal news.
There is a Town Meeting Tuesday May 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the town hall in Kure Beach to discuss among other things the installation of a disc golf course in Kure Beach park. I would love a huge turnout from Club Members for this meeting. we will be discussing it at next weeks meeting for sure. if anyone needs information let me know. i will post Directions to the town hall for everyone by this weekend.
Apr 29 2009, 09:49 PM
man them robots know everything
: ) :
May 11 2009, 01:06 AM
I got an email from some guys that came to Lumberton to play. They said that they were a local club at Oak Island that had recently put a course in the ground. I think that the park was Bill Smith park or something like that. Anyone know anything about this? What is the course like?
May 11 2009, 11:03 AM
it is a little nine holer down there. i have not been down there yet but i have heard it is short and a little too tight. there is word though that the parkls and rec. might be open to expanding it to 18 and maybe putting some work in to make it a decent course.
May 11 2009, 01:08 PM
The Town of Kure Beach is having a Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting open to the public this Tuesday May 12th at 6:30 p.m. it is rumored that the possibility of a new Disc Golf Course will be discussed at this meeting. the Town Hall is located at
117 Settlers Ln.
Kure Beach, N.C. 28449
Here is a link to directions.
People showing up to this meeting to support the possibility of a new Disc Golf Course could go a long way. so free up some time and come on down
May 11 2009, 07:08 PM
The Town of Kure Beach is having a Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting open to the public this Tuesday May 12th at 6:30 p.m. it is rumored that the possibility of a new Disc Golf Course will be discussed at this meeting. the Town Hall is located at
117 Settlers Ln.
Kure Beach, N.C. 28449
Here is a link to directions.
People showing up to this meeting to support the possibility of a new Disc Golf Course could go a long way. so free up some time and come on down
Cornelius Bumpas
May 12 2009, 12:05 PM
I am hoping more people are coming to this meeting than are posting on this thread!!! a new course would be great for this county.
I will post tomorrow to let everyone who can not make it know what went down.
May 12 2009, 05:51 PM
I'm all over it. See you at 6:30. It's a BYOB town hall meeting, right? :p
May 13 2009, 09:54 AM
Huge thanks goes out to Monty, Chi, Clay, Chad Parker, Stew and Stew's work buddy for showing up and supporting Disc Golf In New Hanover County. And huge pat on the back to Chris (a.k.a. Fish) for getting the Town of Kure Beach so excited about getting a disc golf course installed in Kure Beach town park and Mike Spiderman Jones for giving me the heads up. This is not a maybe it is a GO! More info. to come.
May 13 2009, 10:47 AM
NIce! Moe, the Kids and I spent Mothers day in Kure Beach! What a beutiful place. A Disc Golf Course there is gonna be sick.
On a side note. I am no longer working at the Michaelangelo's Pizza in Wilmington. We are building a pizza shop in Emerald Isle called Lazzara's Pizza and Subs. I am going to manage that store. Please continue to make Michaelangelo's your choice for pizza. I will see to it that the Manager that replaced me will continue to sponsor the Azalea Tournament each and every year.
May 13 2009, 04:01 PM
Sorry to see ya go Scott but i know you will be much happier with a shorter commute!! And Thanks for the hook up with the new manager i will make sure we frequent the shop jsut to get to know him.
Jul 14 2009, 12:31 PM
Just some recent news on IG. Remember, the collars are still in the ground.
Jul 29 2009, 03:21 PM
found this on Kinston's site.
Aug 12 2009, 01:19 PM
Looks like Kure Beach is a go. The city council has recieved a letter back from the Admiral at Sunny Point approving the construction of the disc golf course. Bob Fitzsimons of the Kure Beach Parks Department has already contacted Russell Schwarz of Innova to set a date to start design of the course. The next step will be for Mr. Fitzsimons to Draft a purchase order for Baskets and Collars and then the fun stuff will begin. looks like we could be playing disc golf at the beach by late fall early winter.
Aug 13 2009, 11:16 PM
I'm so looking forward to that day!
Aug 14 2009, 10:36 AM
I talked to Russell Schwarz yesterday and it looks like his schedule is a little hectic right now. He said he would not be able to make it down until September. the great thing is the motivation of the Kure Beach Gov't. of wanting to get this done. so it is my feeling that once the design layout is finalized it will get installed with the quickness.
Aug 19 2009, 09:28 AM
starnews article on Kure Beach, interesting how they described our club
Aug 26 2009, 11:25 PM
any publicity is good publicity
Aug 29 2009, 12:25 AM
I have convinced Parks and Rec to allow us to put in a shorter beginner friendly course in Lumberton. The new park will not have any water on it and should have lots of potential for growing the sport here. I am not sure about our time frame, since the park is still in development and the course would have to be built around some future structures.
I will keep you informed as the project progresses.
Sep 18 2009, 10:50 AM
Russel Schwarz will be down Next wednesday 9-23 to start work on Kure Beach Disc Golf Course.
Sep 18 2009, 11:57 AM
Great things are happening all over. I talked to the kid Miles from Goldsboro last weekend and he said they were a couple of weeks from having 18 baskets at Stoney Creek.
I stumbled onto an article about Ocean Isle too that is at least promising. No date though, maybe we could contact Brunswick Parks & Rec and touch base. Third paragraph mentions disc golf.
Sep 23 2009, 02:15 PM
Kure beach has begun design. Russell arrived at 11:00 a.m. this morning and is already knee deep in it. he will be here all of today and all of tomorrow before he has to go back friday and get back to work on the U.S. Championships. he will then be back for a day or two somewhere around the 13th thru the 17th or so to finalize the design.
Sep 24 2009, 09:38 AM
found this on Kinston's site.
Goldsboro now has 18 baskets in place so I thought I would bump this link along and maybe we could get up there sometime soon.
Sep 26 2009, 10:21 AM
let me know when you go, Id like to see it too
Nov 24 2009, 01:36 PM
a little something about Kure Beach
May 30 2010, 11:13 PM
something from the Star News: Smith Creek Park
Construction at the park should begin late this summer.
�We are in the process of securing our final permits,� said Tara Duckworth , New Hanover County Parks Manager.
Once those are complete, the project will go out for bids and construction should begin in late summer 2010, with the park likely to open in the spring of 2011.
The park will offer residents access to a lake for fishing and boating, a walking trail and picnic area.
It is is located off of Gordon Road near Interstate 40. The 93-acre tract was used by the state Department of Transportation to mine sand that was used in the construction of Interstate 40. The county later acquired the property and continued to sell sand mined from the site, putting the money aside to help pay for developing the park.
The county received a $500,000 grant from the N.C. Parks and Recreation Trust Fund in 2009 to help pay for the park. That will be matched with local money that was made from selling sand.
The sand mining created a basin that filled with water from a spring, forming a lake that covers about 47 acres. Water in the basin was acidic and required applications of lime to make the pH level suitable for fish.
In 2008, local Boy Scouts bundled old Christmas trees that were sunk into the lake to provide habitats for fish. In October 2009, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission stocked fish in the lake, the first in a multi-stage project that should provide fish big enough to catch in about two years.
Plans call for a picnic shelter, playground, restrooms and a 10-foot-wide paved walking trail around the lake, a distance of about one and quarter miles.
A boat launch area is in the plans. No boats with internal combustion engines will be permitted, but park visitors will be able to use boats powered by electric motors, sails, oars or paddles.
Swimming will not be allowed in the lake.
One section of the western edge of the park, near Interstate 40, will remain undeveloped for now, but could provide space for additional walking trails in the future.
Date posted: May 21, 2010
May 31 2010, 01:22 PM
are they putting in a course or is there talk of it?
May 31 2010, 11:41 PM
are they putting in a course or is there talk of it?
Your statement is the first talk of it. I'm just excited there is plans for a new park in new hanover county. The rest is up to us.
Jun 01 2010, 03:13 AM
well it sounds like a great layout for a new course thats close and will help out for PDGA events! we need to really work on this i think! park would have great potiental for a huge course, like 72 par.
Jun 01 2010, 08:16 AM
Not really, if you read close about half the park is gonna be a lake. We'd be lucky to get enough for 9 holes if any. We should watch the progress of it and see what happens.
Jun 01 2010, 01:32 PM
we need to really work on this i think! .
who is this "We" you speak of?
thanks for posting Monty. this is good information and you are always on it. I apprecite that!!
Jun 01 2010, 10:46 PM
Nice find Monny! My question about the projected Smith Creek Park is whatever happened with the Arrowhead Park money? From what I understand, that was a New Hanover County funded park project that included funds for a professionally-designed 18 hole disc golf course.
I guess I don't understand how these county park grants work. I did some googlebot searches and didn't really find much to answer my questions, but I did find a new park project that's going up in Brunswick County. It's supposedly around 150 acres.
Here's a link with parks department contact info on that one.
Jun 02 2010, 10:24 AM
That's a good question Chad and don't be afraid to call or e-mail the new Parks staff and ask or show interest. They need to see how anxious we are for new courses and tactfully asking questions is a good way to do it.
Jun 02 2010, 10:39 AM
Chad you bring up some good points and while i am far from an expert i can at least share what i know with everyone jsut to get the information out there.
You are correct that the Arrowhead Park project as well as the new Smith Creek Park construction are part of the Park Bond New Hanover County was awarded in 2006. However with the awesome Economic down turn the world has expereinced for the last 2 and a half years the funds were frozen to help the county stay a float. Apprently the county is opperating on a 14 million dollar a year deficit in 2009 and 2010. this is why sales tax was jsut raised from 7.75% to 8% as well as your property taxes getting hiked for 2011. This was actually voted on and approved by the New Hanover county population?????
Now why smith creek park is under construction and arrowhead has been dead in the water since 2006 i can't explain. i am guessing that the park bond project must have at some point been prioritized (one project at a time kind of thing) and i guess who ever allocates that money deemed smith creek park more important than arrowhead. This is jsut my guess and i have no facts to back this up.
I did however find out that county parks are not mandated...meaning they are not a necessity. things like fire departments police etc are mandated to be paid for by the county. parks are an added benifit. non mandated services are the first thing to lose funding for when the money gets tight and that is where we are. New Hanover County govt. is hemeriging money and there is not enough to go around so for now peace out arrowhead. this stinks on our part but all we can do is work with the county in the long run to eventually get the thing going again.
On an unrelated note we should have 9 holes of disc golf in Kure beach within the next 2 to 3 weeks. the course shoud be installed with baskets and the fairways cutt very soon. the tee pads will probably take a little longer to get in but the course will be playable hopefully sometime in June. Of course i will keep everyone informed as i get info.
thanks everyone for the interest this is the best discussion on this forum in a while....i like it!!
wow this was a long post
Joey D
Jun 02 2010, 03:09 PM
That's great info about KB.
Build it and they will come...and maybe donate a tee-pad or two.
Jun 02 2010, 03:17 PM
thats right joey. the great thing is Kure Beach has the money to build a great need to donate the teepads. the reason i said the tee pads will take a little longer is that when installing a new course designers tend to want to play it a little before you actually pour the pads. that way you get a feel for the hole and can determine exactly where the best spot is for the tee pad. Once that bad boy is poured it's there for good:-)
Jun 21 2010, 09:26 AM
There's an article about parks progress is in today's paper. Arrowhead is mentioned at the end so maybe we'll see some progress by the fall.
"In the summer and fall, New Hanover County will start on several new projects that will be funded by the parks bond, Duckworth said.
Those include renovations of parks at Parkwood off Gordon Road, and Monterey Heights near Ashley High School, as well as Arrowhead behind Mary C. Williams Elementary".
Full article:
Jun 24 2010, 03:31 PM
So i spoke with Parks and rec. and have recieved some GREAT news. according to my contact the Arrowhead park redesign is back on. there will be a public meeting concerning the arrowhead park project soon and i will post here to get the information out there. The arrowhead Park redeisgn should ressume very soon and the funding is in place. the Bonds where sold last week and the disc golf course is still part of the plan. so keep your fingers crossed
Kure Beach is still unfortunatley at a stand still. there is a nine hole course planned as of now but still no word on when construction will start.
Jul 29 2010, 01:55 PM
i had a great talk with Mad Mike P. today and he has been in contact with Kure Beach about the disc golf course. According to Bob Fitzsimons they plan on playing disc golf there in September. Lets all keep our fingers crossed this schedule happens.
Jul 30 2010, 02:32 PM
Another great article about disc golf. The Star New Loves us
Great work Spiderman. keep it up!!!!
Jul 31 2010, 10:04 AM
Pretty work Spiderman!
Aug 16 2010, 12:13 PM
There is a Public Meeting Tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. at Mary C. Williams Elementary school that will be discussing the Arrowhead Park Disc Golf Course Project. If anyone can make it we would love to have a nice turn out. A map to the school is provided below. of course post here or send me an e-mail or phone call with any questions.
Sep 20 2010, 10:31 AM
There's an article in the Neighbors section today about the Middle School course. The Star-News loves disc golf.
Oct 14 2011, 03:31 PM
Just to get everybody's hopes up. Article from Sept.30th.
NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC (WECT) - Arrowhead Park will be closed for renovations starting Monday.
The park is in the Arrowhead subdivision off Silver Lake Road in New Hanover county.
The plan is to add a new picnic shelter, restrooms, a multi-purpose field, basketball court, two tennis courts and an 18-hole disc golf course to the park. There are also fixes for the parking lot, sidewalks and water service in store.
Bradley-Barnes was the winning bid for the contract. The plan is to complete these renovations by April next year.
The money comes from the 2006 Parks and Greenspace Bond Referendum.
Feb 10 2012, 07:09 PM
I've been trying to keep up with the renovation of Inland Greens & hopefully re-establishing the disc golf course we had there in 2005-06. I missed the public meeting but I found an article that might help our chances.
There is a link to a public input form in the article that we can fill out and send in. One of the amenities to choose is "frisbee golf", so lets take advantage of their acknowledgement of the sport and show our support in force. They don't begin improvements until this spring so there is still time to get our input across.
I will bring plenty of forms to the monthly tomorrow. I had trouble with the email link but the address and a fax number are on the form as well, lets move on this.
For those unfamiliar, we have 18 collars still in the ground (hopefully) at IG and it's a great open layout. All we need is baskets (and permission) & we have ourselves a course. Here is the article:
Here is the input form:
Feb 15 2012, 10:50 AM
I've been trying to keep up with the renovation of Inland Greens & hopefully re-establishing the disc golf course we had there in 2005-06. I missed the public meeting but I found an article that might help our chances.
There is a link to a public input form in the article that we can fill out and send in. One of the amenities to choose is "frisbee golf", so lets take advantage of their acknowledgement of the sport and show our support in force. They don't begin improvements until this spring so there is still time to get our input across.
I will bring plenty of forms to the monthly tomorrow. I had trouble with the email link but the address and a fax number are on the form as well, lets move on this.
For those unfamiliar, we have 18 collars still in the ground (hopefully) at IG and it's a great open layout. All we need is baskets (and permission) & we have ourselves a course. Here is the article:
Here is the input form:
Bumping up!