May 11 2009, 02:25 PM
The West Texas Disc Twisters was formed in the early 90's to promote disc golf in Abilene Tx. They formed as an official 501c3 non profit and gained tax exempt status as well. They sold discs, had regular meetings, raised money to buy baskets, ran tournaments, etc. Sometime after 2002 many involved in the club stopped coming, moved away, etc...and the club basically dissolved.

Participation and interest have risen in the last few years and the general consencus is to get the club back. There is soooo much information online that I dont even know where to begin. Any help would be appriciated.

May 12 2009, 03:04 PM
Glad to hear you guys are going to try and get the club back going up there in Abilene Jerry.

Really though like you said interest can come and go. So why not test the waters to start with. Start by asking for volunteers for board member positions(ours is a president, vp, sec., treas., course maintenance, membership director/info guy.). If you have multiple people wanting to run for one office, hold an election at a mini or some other gathering. Once they are set then you(they) can set up 2 party signature bank accounts, so the money coming in is accounted for. Our is with the treasurer and the president. After the first year if people are still heavily involved do the paper work for tax exemption and all that then. No point in doing a whole lot of stuff if it's not going to stick....just my .02. Which ever way you go...good luck with it!!!

May 12 2009, 04:30 PM
Thats probably not a bad idea. Start simple and see just how committed peeps are. Once we get past the Wild Hair, were going to get this thing rolling.

Dec 17 2009, 12:40 PM
Hi! I'd also like to create a disc golf club for the Dallas/Ft. Worth area to promote this great sport! We've gotten a lot of new courses around here in the past couple of years so it's really growing and I could use any help I can get on getting a club started!


Dec 23 2009, 12:28 AM
Hey Kevin,

What part of town are you in? What course are you considering for a home course? I would consider joining if it is close enough for me.

Dec 23 2009, 05:30 PM
Hey Kevin,

As you can probably tell by my avitar, we got our club going. We took warlocks00 advice and assessed the interest in a club by gathering nominations for "would-be" board members (like he said...no use in forming a club if you cant get enough people willing to run it). A few spots were even contested (which was a bit surprising...but also a good thing), but in the end we got our 5 board members. We gave out nomination forms at the minis for 6 weeks (July/August) and held elections before the last mini of the month in August (with plenty of advertising so no one could say they didnt know about it).

Its a little bit of a backwards way to form a club (5 board members representing 0 club members), but we CLEARLY made it known that these "board members" would be responsible for forming the club (mission statements, by-laws, short and long term goals) throughout the rest of 2009, then hold an official kickoff event (membership drive) at the beginning of 2010. The board would then serve the membership for 2010 with elections for 2011 Board spots sometime at the end of the year. So really, they elected a "club formation committee" that would morph into the Board of Directors once they had members to represent.

This method of forming a club would not work everywhere, but it worked for us. I think the important things to keep in mind are 1) to make your club something that everyone wants to be apart of, 2) take it seriously, and you will be taken seriously, 3) communicate, communicate, communicate. Heres some of the things we did to accomplish those goals...

1) We had the benefit of funds from an old club that dissolved several years ago, so we used that money (plus money from recent disc sales) to put together a solid membership package that members will get when signing up (high-quality aluminum bag tag, custom stamped mini, sticker with club logo and member #, among other things..). Also, after we got our structure set (mission statment, by-laws) we submitted requests for club logos and had the "would be membership" vote on them so they already felt apart of deciding the future of the club. We also came up with ideas for fund raising (1 day event formats, chaninging existing formats, asking for ther opinions and ideas, etc.) and put them together in the form of a questionaire to see what "would be members" thought (making them more likely to want to be apart of what was coming).

2) If you are assinged a task at meetings, follow through with the task...and report back what you found out at the next meeting. We all have lives outside of disc golf, but taking the time to follow through on responsibilities will go a long way in showing that your serious about what your doing. This shouldnt really be an issue, but its something worth conveying to everyone nonetheless.

3) Probably the most important. We announced things that were happening with the club formation at every mini, began work on a new and imporved website, we posted approved minutes out at the course, we advertised the membership drive, benefits of being a members, etc. NONE STOP for the last month, and we encouraged any and everyone to ask questions....TALK to us! Even with all that over communication, there were still some issues we had to get strait with people (mostly because this person did not ask ANY questions and relyed on assumptions) but we got it worked out. There could have been more skeptisism and issues arise if we hadnt tried to over communicate, but I think we avoided alot by trying to be as open and transparent as possible from the start. Will that avoid problems and disgruntled members? Nope, but its much better than under communicating...or not communicating.

Hope some of this helps. If you have any other questions, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]

Jan 04 2010, 12:28 PM
Hey Kevin,

What part of town are you in? What course are you considering for a home course? I would consider joining if it is close enough for me.

I live in Garland, but we play all over. Home course be either Paschall Park in Mesquite or BB Owen in Dallas. Feel free to go to DiscGolfDallas.com and sign up to be a member of the site for free. Will start planning our official club soon.

Thanks for all of the advice Jerry, this will really help. I have just launched DiscGolfDallas.com over the weekend and will start focusing on a club as well as events and tournaments in the future.

Jan 04 2010, 01:50 PM
I live in Garland, but we play all over. Home course be either Paschall Park in Mesquite or BB Owen in Dallas. Feel free to go to DiscGolfDallas.com and sign up to be a member of the site for free. Will start planning our official club soon.

Thanks for all of the advice Jerry, this will really help. I have just launched DiscGolfDallas.com over the weekend and will start focusing on a club as well as events and tournaments in the future.

Hey Kejami,

Before you go too far, go to a mini at BB Owen on Saturday or Sunday 2PM. It is run by Dallas Disc Golf, which has been around for about 15 years. There has also been a non-profit org formed to collect money to use to plant more courses.

Also, go to LSDGA.com and leave Gary Duke a message about your plans, and he can discuss.

Jan 04 2010, 04:51 PM
Hey Kejami,

Before you go too far, go to a mini at BB Owen on Saturday or Sunday 2PM. It is run by Dallas Disc Golf, which has been around for about 15 years. There has also been a non-profit org formed to collect money to use to plant more courses.

Also, go to LSDGA.com and leave Gary Duke a message about your plans, and he can discuss.

Sounds good, I had planned on emailing Gary tonight as a matter of fact. If you guys have a mini every Saturday and Sunday I'd be happy to list it on the event calendar permanently to help boost participation.