Lyle O Ross
May 20 2009, 04:25 PM
There is a new application for the iphone called... imakepar, that allows you to map your favorite bolf course. Of course, there is no evil that can't be turned to good, and as long as you can find your tee, and your basket, you can map your course on this handy tool. You have to register at and create your map, using google maps, and then you can use your iphone as a range finder while playing. Illegal in tournament play, but lots of fun.

May 20 2009, 04:41 PM
So does that make you subject to a two throw penalty for carrying an iPhone? 802.04.B

Lyle O Ross
May 20 2009, 07:02 PM
Interesting question. I would think intent and common sense would matter here, i.e. does the spasmo with the iphone use it to determine distance. However, when has common sense ever mattered, a strict interpretation of the rule, as I read it, seems to say carrying an iphone is a two stroke penalty...

May 21 2009, 01:38 PM
The rule (802.04) states that "The use of devices which assist in determining distances over 10 meters, such as range finders and GPS devices are prohibited."

And part B leaves the final call up to the TD.

My interpretation is that it is not a rule violation to carry a device that could be used as a range finder, but if you do use said device for another function, let the rest of the group know what function you are using, i.e., not the range finder/GPS fuction.

May 26 2009, 03:15 PM
802.04.A prohibits use. 802.04.B gives the mandatory penalty, but adds the carrying clause. The only discretion by the TD is whether or not the device is a range finder or GPS unit.

There are two rules issues here. a) 802.04.A and 802.04.B should be consistent with regards to use/carry. b) The prohibition against GPS and range finders probably should be clarified (or obsolete) with the rise of many multi-function electronic devices.

btw The app sounds pretty cool. That would definitely be fun to play with.